THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE 1908 AHatf Dressing If you hair dressing we are sure Hale Vieor improved for mula will greatly please you It keeps the hair soft and smooth makes it look rich and luxuriant prevents splitting at the ends And It keeps the scalp free from dandruff A iters AjeVsH promoting of tire hair keeping he Mir in da a very good salary lor a person snder SO to re- of Shorthand graduates lilt ate so enjoying this salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogs explains Clip out this card sign it and tend to H Shaw Central College Toronto No Grinding I Get RAZOR TODAY on days trial from your dealer and learn all real shaving Si EVERY ONE OP ICT THEM S3 Unconditionally GUARANTEED A Agent of School Books the thirteenth letter of Hon A I in Mondays Globe have an to Me Lennoxs Town the school book tic that he who runs may read It delineates the absolute of the boasted addle respecting reduction The whole scheme was a party move thruout Speaking of a statement in the pamphlet Hon Mr says V s the following for the old Why Inconsistent The Era says the can didate is one of the people pre sumably a farmer aid as the j candidate is a lawyer thinks Mr Lennoxs majoritr reduced Is this honesty on the part of the Era If so why did it support and when he- contested the riding Arch who a farmer and one of the people This ought to show how absurd and inconsistent the Era is The foregoing paragraph appeared j ExpressHerald last weeks ExpressHerald Prison Labor Contract Newmarket 2nd To the Electors North York Gentlemen During the present campaign there has been a good deal of discussion on the question of the Labor Contract made by the Whitney Government with Ellen Char lotte Taylor of the City of Toronto under the firm name of j lor Scott Co respecting the at the Central first decided at duced the prices for the publishers forced to compete with one an other The lowest tender was deliherate falsehood repeated by Minis form that the Publishing Company had and then asks it it is honest lip a theory of his own and immediately proceeds to discredit it taking it for that his presumption Is a Talk about honesty does the editor consider this line of citric evidences or qualifications for which he professes Let the public the chief point sought to be made in the above extract is a ami a attempt to how that the Era is inconsistent then declared The Department that those readers be authorized after of one and onehalf years the Department advertised fur the publication of these dreaders hut made the -speeifi- that the large stock of the Canada Publishing Co had on hand were to be different received but the let on these specifics Publishing lar they got for be a sale They did a of all ilghteeers Ills According to Simeon Hospital Academy or ache Is one the modern of in the Li there Is reason to attribute It in part at least to strain on the raiw- that turn the- eyeballs upwards A lady who no inconvenience in visiting the theat the dress circle always from severe headache when she in tie orchestra she- had to look up The same effect in galleries especially in looking at pic- tares hung above the Hi who lean over the handle Ufa their up to look ahead have the same trouble bo d compositors and people many requiring fje elevator muscles The eye- side with Like to Try iff by par fie K6i ur child Oat Jul 16v7 ifioT ait did art old all of which had be ad loss had they not struck t a bajgain with the Deprtnu- by the Gove Broken Pledges The Government ordinary person Last year taxation produced half which was handed back to the dif ferent municipalities thereby help- true thai the nib In then but the Go of woodea Prison Toronto My name having been used by Mr j Lennox least two ot his I ings and also in the last Issue of the connection with this matter and statements having been made in connection therewith which were not correct I thought it- best to give the electors the facts of case A little over two years ago the manufacturers of this Province learned that the Whitney instead of a lawyer in the present while at- a former lection it a lawyer in the person of Hon A If preference to Mr a farmer In this contention ike issue and entirely from nsor The duties and services required from rctirestntalives in LfKai and Dominion Houses are not parallel The scope of the former is limited to issues only one remove above Councils matters more less of local the latter is d the larger and broader questions to these eon- supported a memtxT of the Fed- in which the people confidence and a whose early days the farm having all gricuiturist of natf port the had the had made a contract with the firm of Taylor Scott o Co re- the manufacture wooden- ware in the Central Prison A meet ing of the various woodenware manu facturers interested was held l shortly after and a few of the contract was procured there learned the nature of the agree ment This agreement gave t of Taylor Scott Co the lativ tent the linded prejudice as destroy mental vision but ry mortals take quite a different Herald tells fares on the electric road in ty York should be the sal other counties namely instead of We now have Lt The ExpressHerald next says Mr Lennox next promised that the speed of automobiles on the highways should he limited and other regulations pass ed for the safety of those driving hor ses when meeting or being passed by automobiles And it has been done What did Mr d towards this Not a peep Next the authority tells us Mr Lennox promised the liquor laws should be- more rigidly enforced Let the scenes near the de pot last Sunday answer how far this promise has been fulfilled and let the beersmokers the gentleman who promised furnish n augury of what may be anticipated in the this r Mr led the I there- belie they adoption That Ml method tax ation Ontario and would have given per tent of the to municipalities Instead of doing this thereby fulfilling the of the people in this the present Government has wn- taxation some whit than they more formerly received but the forgot to add that much of Is taken away from them by face JppfAltlOl fact that Mr opposed the ityfitem and he got Into art I has heralding for some time Mr Lennox promised to use his influence to reduce the price school books yes and what did Mr do to wards arranging for the bargain- counter sale of school books about to be discarded Not a tap he whole change f knocking out the old publishers- and giving the work to others to effect which a new set of readers Was determined upon by members of the Government before the question was mooted in the House Mr Lennox with others the House simply Yea And this I ail North Yorks- late member for thousands dollars indemnity Do You Eat Right in HOW eating regular mealu Is who suffer with stomach with ol stomach tab- digestion to a my no that they can what they want at any time without fear of or suffering After a few days of Ml stomach tablets the headache dlzy feeling drowsiness bad taste In the mouth coated tongue flatulence distress after eating- all symtorns of a weak stomach will disappear and perfect digestion and good health will he restored J It has ho much confidence in the power of to cure indigestion that he guarantee to pay to Prison or lay be designate dovetail made all wood six Double washboards rubbing surface on both sides des cents per dozen Step ladders at the rate of hi a cent per foot Broom handles lentil to SO inches at agreement having been en tered between The Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities and Ellen Charlotte Taylor of toe City of Toronto trading under the firm name of Taylor Scott Co respecting hie manufacture of woodenware at the Central Prison Toronto Tfae Return presented to the shows that this made on the and ratified by the on or about the day April 1906 We regret to say that knew nothing about the matter time- after the agreement had been so ratified by the were not looKing for such change of policy by the Legislature for they had reason to expect that the system of hiring out prison labor to manufaetureoj had been abandoned long ago In the Government of Sir Oli ver made a somewhat similar agreement with The Brandon Manu facturing Co of Toronto for the manufacture of a large quantity of wooden goods in the Central Prison but at a much higher price than that charged in the agreement complained of Piece work prices at that time were based on prison labor at per day and in addition the Bran don Manufacturing Company was to to the Government the sum of per year to cover the sal aries the Government employees engaged upon the industries We find in looking over this former contract that the piece work prices were in most cases about three times as much a the present agreement for but notwithstanding this fact when contract came before the Legis lature for ratification in March it was strongly opposed not only by the opposition hut also by the representatives and manufacturers as being unfair and unjust to both manu facturers and labor Owing the opposition offered Sir Oliver Mowat decidea to appoint a Commission to inquire into the whole system management of Prison Labor This Commission was and a later date since such different method has been yard Hemlock or Pine Lumber All to Suit the Building Trade or Brunswick Shingles FLOORING AMD MATERIAL FRESH Standard HED CLOVER CLOVEB TURNIP MILLET TIMOTHY SEED SUGAR BEET RAPE SEED These Seeds are fresh and pure Prices Right Floor and Feed Coal and Wood Phone H V AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO AN NUAL SAID AGREEMENT Flooring ft lumber measure Window scree cents per dozen Window screen cents per doen Window screens per dozen Butter molds 1 Clothes pins and onehalf cents dollar per per thousand pin best five cents per doen lit carriers twenty cents per doen carriers cents per 21 Brush blocks per thousand thirtyfive Brush block hand leu twenty per ttiousand Any goods not before In paid for by day labor at the The Contractor guarantees that the above prices will bring a revenue tu the Government OK THREE CENTS PER HOUR of each prisoner employ ed and In the work done the above scale prices produces a less amount the company Is to make up the amount to the said rate three cents per hour It Is agreed that should the work done at the above rates amount to more than four cents per hour the excess over the o five years from the 20th of July and to be renewed for a further period- of five yearn the consent of the Govern The decided to draft the Govern May 25th 1900 the presented to lowing petition Hon The Provincial Secretary Toronto 21lh May 1900 The Hon The Provincial Secretary Sir The manufacturers and re presentatives labor here today de sire to call your attention to the great done to them by after this long lapse of time although the cost of living has great ly increased and the wages all classes of mechanics have materially advanced in most cases from to per cent and the cost the manufacturer for paid lalwr has in consequence greatly increased yet prison labor is now hired out under the present agreement at a very much lower rate than it was fifteen years ago it now being on only cents per diy instead cents as formerly Surely prise is to I to bring the We are very strongly of that the present system of equipping the prison industries with the latent improved machinery and hiring out prison labor at such ridiculously low rates is wrong in principle and should he stopped It the object sought to he obtained by such a system is to give employment to prison labor then nachinery that would labor and thereby give more employment to the prison ers In way the prison could be used without coming Irto such strong competition with tree he present system of why not port for 1007 these facts yet the prison industrio with machinery and I is inconsistent with the policy of looking over the prices work on the various goods mi In the present agreement we labor and tiat the basis on which these piece work prices are made is prison labor at cents which is less than onefifth of the price at which unskilled labor can be had in tin market We also notice that the Central Prison prices include not only labor but all general expen ses and the only item entering into the cost of production which Taylor A Co have to supply is their raw materials All this gives them a great advantage In the sale of their goods lor they can place and are placing these goods on the market at a very- much lower price than any other manufacturer In addition the piece work prices arranged by present agreement Clause 3 therein gives firm Taylor Scott So Co the right to manufacture Other pro ducts in the manufacture which the use of machinery or tools of an hazardous character Is not re quired Under this clause the Com pany can manufacture almost any Hue of wooden goods anil In this way would compete with almost every tory manufacturing wooden goods- In the Province of Ontario The manufacturers represented here today who have a very large amount of capital Invested In machinery and plant mid a number of men em ployeI lor the manufacturing vari ous goods named in this agreement and goods may be manu factured by Taylor Scott Co thereunder find that they arc unable to meet such competition without serious loss WE THEREFORE MOST EMPHATICALLY PROTEST AGAINST THIS AGREEMENT AND WOULD MOST RESPECTFUL- ASK THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE AT THE EARLIEST th MOMENT SUCH STEPS Sold who volunteered the ollowetl many of tht To the deputation Mr Hanna no promises To carry out tt quest the deputation would cancel contract and pay to firm Taylor Co ever damages they could prove sustained and return to the system of manufacturing under eminent control which had been for the last fifteen years and which had worked very satisfactorily under the Liberals While the Government controlled the manufacture and of the goods no complaints wen made The goods manufactured wen sold to the trade at the same prices as other manufacturers sold si goods and the Government got- the profits which we find during the la 831270 081238 278883 In the first year the ney Government the made a change in the officials charge the Prison Industries the result was that instead ol ma a profit fticy made The to make a change at the present contract Scott Co We find from the eminent Report- for they recc from Tavlor Scott A Co Prison been unable to get the Notice to Poultry Raisers Empire Poultry Duster the great lice exterminator kills lice or anything Guaranteed to rid your flocks of lice or your money will be refunded No Trouble To Use Ask a dealer about it For sale In Newmarket by JRYBR0U6HT0N CENTS LARGE PACKAGE Manufactured by Empire Poul try Mfg Co St Catharines Canada into ith that while tin- prisoners Were i Government control the was made to pay well and a same time did not unduly interfere manufacturing under control What the did was to appoint commission through the United of It confirmed the statement by the deputation which waited the Government two years ago I herewith give you a part or their re port taken from Page It of the Com mission report showing the manner in which prices are cut by prison made goods in the United States A few items may here be given prices are those quoted by the manu facturers and prison institutions to the dealers Continued on Page tea CANADIAN PACIFIC NorthWest Excursions 18 Sept 1 15 Return 2nd Glass Tickets VERY LOW RATES Did Tor Atkinson Agent Newmarket Good Bread Friend WHY NOT USE SIMPSONS Which la always light and Price forgotten when price Is re tained South End Phone NOTICE Persons wanting night soil remote can hare their wants promptly at- tended to by dropping a post card to BOX PO Boarders Wanted At the Cedars Mrs Scott Prop oath the stomach tobtfiti Boarders Wanted Apply to Mrs J V DENNE CO