THE ERA FRIDAY MAY 8 1908 If you think you need a tonic ask your doctor If you think you need something for your blood ask your doctor If you think you would like to try nonalcoholic Sarsapa- rilli ask your doctor Con sult him often Keep in close touch with him sickhe biliousness thin blood bid skin Then e him if he would recommend your suing Pills a very good salary lor a goring person under to re wire Several of Shorthand graduates year are now enjoying thij salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out this card sign It and send to Shaw Central neas College Toronto Senate Reform in the Ait The address of Hon Ross be fore the Canadian Club Toronto a short time ago on Senate Reform is being commented upon by the Lib eral press with a spirit- ot distinctly indicative of the fact that it will not down Moreover She spirit of the criticisms most em phatically show that recent sugges tions of reform other than making that body elective or abolition al together is anything but popular or in accord with public sentiment says the Mercury Mr Ross took up he role of public and especially Liberal opinion Charm he never so wisely Mr Roes cannot persuade the Liberals of Ontario that the Senate is in a condition now or that it is likely on the appointive plan ever to be any better to say So lone as our system of Govern- frankly partisan just so long will the Government of the day ap point to the Senate defeated parti sans rich contributors to and men who have for some reason more influence in politics than either their personal aptitudes or patriotic services would to suspect In theory the appointive system may be all right in it has never been else than all wrong The Mercury on the above quota tion voices very largely the view of Ontario Liberals generally and all suggestions such as that given by Senator Ross seems to strike the public ear as only weak attempt to galvanize an institution which forty years trial in Canada has failed to meet public expectation or be worth by our con- to make thai responsible to the electorate would meet popular expectation bqtter than- any halfway measure such as Senator Ross Indicated in his observation both in flic Senate Chamber and he- fore the Liberal at Toronto Were members to the Upper Chamber chosen by the electorate they would feel their responsibility to their coi- and be amendable to public constituted they are only under ob ligations of personal character to to take Job cutting lengths Good Umber Apply It WHITE Hickory Park Boarders Wanted Apply to Mrs cor- Court School I Have you ever bad a window be surprised how much fun you cap have with a window gar- If you have not the time place or Inclination for big one out of doors IWtat you are tired and blue and feel things have tort of gone against adthe old looks gloomy land a tew bloeeOma the window will help things ffidht Arthur ttL Ux ifr ieVfX I KAtit rfw brevet It tin The Financial Record The Conservative administration ts record of expenditure clearly den pursuing the policy members of Government nd especially Hie Provincial tcd in Opposition have not only maintained those taxes which they formerly condemned- hut have in creased instead of decreased the same their first year of power- the total expenditure was lst year it increased to Here the figures for the four years 6720173 like the above been matte udder Liberal rule bow the virtuous indignation or the present Provincial Treasurer would hi manifested itself in the Public Ac- of I oust During the and Hardy Admin Jut rations with an annual expenditure bout two million dollar- less hi used to prophecy that direct Provin cial taxation was almost In sight but in four short years under his manipulation and that his colleag ues the expenditure has grown one- third and now the erstwhile prophet portending distress as complacent as cooing doves The glamour office changed political situation by some magic power peats to have removed the portending lenity of direct taxation and transformed a two million increase a wise and judicious Vihat is more this unprecedented and as the Opposition contended unwar ranted Increase in the annual expendi ture of the Province was sanctioned by the representative of North York in the lace it he is now seek ing the suffrages Abe Hiding by asking the ejectors to again place him in a position to help the Govern ment to pursue a policy they against while in Opposition stand for it We ranch ft ago killing a large steer Winnipeg May 4 Across longest bridge on the IS being built The concrete work be completed In months bridge la It 1 Not long since Hon Mr Whitney as ready to take his political cue the Globe editorials Here is pointer from last Saturdays issue It is time for a Government to pass when it reaches the foot of the In the last awful week the bitney Government slid down the Hon Frank Cochrane denies the story from Cobalt made by Lawyer and says it is without foundation Futthermore he adds Unless the statements are re tracted the parties who made them be afforded an opportunity of be ing heard in the courts This looks a warm election when things nave grown hot enough to threaten prosecutions the first week of the campaign The inquiry into alleged ig in the Marine Department before Commissioner Saturday resulted in nothing Mr Fyshe and Mr who had reported want of conscience on the part of officials in the Department while they the Minister of Marine from blame would not tell who the guilty officials were and told the Commission to find out the guilty from evidence in the Department Covering the present Provincial election campaign The Globe daily may be had at the remarkably low rate of Everywhere The Globe cognised as Canadas National Globe is Newspaper Always clean and accurate The Globe is pre- ntly the paper for the home As vsgatherer and exponent of pub lic opinion The Globe stands unrival led The best interests of the peo ple has been its guide for sixtyfour Tills is an age of scientific discover and invention We see it stated the press that Mr Rudolph Hunter of Chicago engineer and ir will be manufacturing eighteen hence twentyfour carat gold at rate of annually Trans mutation of silver and baser metal into gold is his secret and he de clares he can produce the finer quality to defy the Oof Top onto Letter Dog poisoners are at work in the neighborhood of road During two days last week of fifty canines have died from noi- Grange a son of the late Sheriff Grange of is to be the new head of Veterinary College which is to be taken over this tali by the Ontario Government The Socialist Ernest who refused to move on instead preaching to a throng on a crowded street was before the police last week and lor his obstinacy was fined or days fenni a very unsympathetic disciple in Gel Denison James Wilson Torontos new Park Commissioner assumed office on the 1st of this month In my opinion you deliberately de- this woman You led her into all sorts of trouble You tried to get possession X thing had I consider you a to the com munity You will go to jail or thir ty- days So spoke Magistrate Den- ion to James Broom who is well- known in West Toronto The charge against him is one of obtaining a promissory note valued at from at the tie year round Op the 1st of May a curious point of law was raised before Mr Justice to quash a local option bylaw of township in Huron Coun- Not because the bytaw did not receive the requisite number votes but because the former clerk dieI and his widow continued the duties of the position She married again her sec ond husband doing the work and sign ing the documents It is claimed marriage again she had lost her personality and is no longer clerk The Liberal nominee for East York Mr Currie K in a recent speech assured his audience that when the ballots were counted on the next month it will be found that all three forks have been redeemed We do not know the trend of political feeling in KaBt West York from personal contact with the electorate reality From Helen report to the Provincial Secretary of On tario published by order of the Le gislature respecting the number ol institutions of the Province we find the total on the January last to be 1760 follows Women men boys No children in school this total given as residents of Toronto and York The relatively large number from this district however is counted for by Dr She state that this is partially on account of population and the inevitable tend- to drift to cities l bond Mr It R defended it Carney must be working for the late Dr Willoughbys job In this connection we may observe that a lew Conservative journals are asking why the Opposition leader did not discover his present objections to the Mann deal it was before tie Legislature The answer is easy and comprehen sive The announcement of the guar antee was only made the TOBW before prorogation and the so presented the question to lead the and even many own followers The lull the bill was not brought down till next day late Intelligently grasp the situation before the House adjounuil and prorogation the beginning the week Whitney and other members Ma denounce important propositions the dying hours a session fijt lh Cabinet when in always did not to do that which condemned in Liberals Cure Oil A ill A the worst cold Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY the ial expenditure since the Whitney have had public expenditure Conn l in pas sell enabling ti Mini ler irks to issue a the number re the Pr Playing at the the Pi treasury Tin hi the otks el let the hay hi jllllitri to lie bored 11 Ami M P came all the to this city to ism a along Feller Mr get will have to Ottav a An prophecies tin Hie Whitney will Peel North Huron South Essex East Hastings at the approaching elections Of course didnt Mr Whitney gerrymander those very Rid- ingiIor that purpose- Edgar Dunham aged twenty of Marquette Mich who recently secur ed employment as an errand boy at a week with wiich he helped -up- port his widowed mother and young er sister has been advised that lie and his sister Irene aged 17 arc heirs to the estate of by the terms of the will of their grandfather Edgar Dunham whose death at the age of eightynine occurred three weeks ago Another serious fire occurred in Adelaide St on Saturday morning a threestorey building occupied by- three manufacturing firms viz Jones Moore electrical apparatus mak ers 1 1 Co jewellers and the Canadian Silk Co flic total loss is estimated at Num ber of houses damaged besides the above building number of peo ple affected number persons thrown out work 100 The large factory building is a complete ruin At a meeting directors of the Florence Mining Co on Friday last In this city it was decided to carry- Hie Cobalt case to the Privy Council in England It is said the cost i the Province If the Company will be over The pay ment of the to the Hope Co Is part of this deal I looks serious for the Whitney Government from the Florence joint Another daring holdup has taken being Mr John ter frequent holdups are mak ing people feel unsafe to pass unpro tected places at night The ruffians got j loose change to about Mr A Duncan grocer at John and Adelaide Sts was attacked in his store last- Friday night but he beat off bis assailant and secured his re volver John Boynton a printer was found guilty of purloining a match sife worth He had bought one and while waiting for his parcel and change another safe he had his hand with his handkerchief he put in his pocket Boynton pleaded that he did it unconsciously and Judge let him off on suspended sentence John bad taken just a little too much of the ardent to know what he was doing as those who know him best believe him honest East York seems likely to go Lib eral this election Both parties are busy but Mr Curry draws better meetings than his opponent On Friday night an unknown man entered the confectionery store of Hit St and took a young lady who was serving custom er by lluoal strangled her int insensibility and left her unconscious on the floor Her right eye was blackened and throat severely bruised in struggle left and I of blood she was attacked Last Friday night Roy em ployed as an operator in Telegraph office came near losing his life from taking an overdose of laud anum to superinduce sleep Dr J Manager of Toronto Exhibition got back from Europe a lew days ago looking well He is very optimistic about exhibition pros pects and says the art collection will be the best yet Proceedings to unseat Mayor Oliver and a number of Aldermen have been withdrawn Frederick Coney Stevenson Brad ford has been an associate coroner for the County of The Daughters of the Empire will conduct a tearoom during the military tournament lo be held in the armories from the to the Kith of auto cars the other without lamps being lit had to pay 10 watched closely the police About tilelayers are out strike this week They wanted the bosses to sign contracts for the same wage as year this was refused A man named Alex Rose has been on suspicion of being the assailant of stort Ino persons out the man they thought was their A little fouryear old girl named Mildred Taylor was run down by a milk wagon on Monday One wheel passed over iier body and she was hurt internally The salary list of the Sovereign Hank head office has been cut from half a million a year to a year by the directors and the shareholders committee are a strenuous effort to make a still thcr cut of fifty per cent I The evangelistic campaign unite I taken by the Western Baptist Chun on avenue was fittingly Sunday by three those wellknown evangelists Bingham Brothers whom a fa A dealer will always desire to serve you by giving what for- Socialists ol the City have nomin ated eight candidates Tor the four A and It Seats They have also placed candidates in the field for East and West York It wdl generally conceded that the hi I taste of Mrs Hecks hat the florae Show was most crushing condemnation of the gaudy ring worn by many of Torontos upperten It was simply an exceedingly while lilac violet velvet bow the side and a foliage crown There was no another hat there in of millinery there was ho end Among the lour places to become dry by order of the license com missioners is restaurant who was given three months to sell off his wet goods Persons who sim ply keep bars have to get out business the saloon must go The fire last week which did so much damage to paintings at the Royal Academy Art Exhibition started In a pile rubbish A little horse sense would have saved thou sands of dollars East Toronto Liberals will hold nomination convention during It is intended to place candidates for both A ana gymnasium thoroughly equipped and with swimming tank and shower baths in a building cost- when furnished Is What the Young Womens Christian Guild hopes to be able to open or the use the young women of Toronto this all Seventyeight telegraph poles on the Canadian Pacific main line blown down last Friday morning between and function in tte gale wind and which ruck part of the country The stretch Ames P with the aid views of western land deals etc limited meet ing of Conservatives In the- Interest of Messrs Bristol and Claude Mac- are the best remedy tor a deranged stomach They are a safe and gentle laxative a reliable Cure for obstinate Constipation Bilious Attacks Headache and all disorders arising from a weak Di gestion sluggish Liver or clogged Bowels Pills tick and are a worldfamous medicine for the cure of e prevalent complaints Their cost is a trifle their Use a duty For your healths sake insist on Beechams Pills They do mo for your body than any other remedy Known and used by of thousands all over the globe Hemlock or Pine Lumber All Sjzes to Suit the Building Trade British Columbia or New Brunswick Shingles FLOORING AND DRESSED MATERIAL FRESH SEEDS Government Standard BED CLOVER CLOVER TURNIP MANGLE MILLET TIMOTHY SEED SUGAR BEET RAPE SEED These Seeds are fresh and pure I Prices Right H EVES Dominion members for this City It was not a brilliant success politically In am means Mr J S Robertson founder of the Canadian Temperance League and for thirteen years its President declined nomination for another year at the meeting held at the C day U Catarrh Now Curable But Never by Medicine Swallowed Snuffs Sprays or Douches any medicine taken in the stomach Catarrh is a germ trouble contract ed from the germladen air you breathe inward These germs fasten ply by millions coughing raising of mucous charge from the nose difficulty in breathing hoarseness dryness and stoppage of the nose tickling in the throat and other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air prin cipal of It medicates the air you breathe with the curative properties the Australian Eucalyptus Forests where catarrh is unknown The reason you get relief ii or two from is because it destroys every catarrhal germ in the air you breathe and its dry pen etrating aroma will reach the inner most recesses of the air passages killing millions germs a minute Their destruction means freedom for oppressed respiratory organs J It V sells under guarantee satisfaction or money back Price SI Good Bread WHY NOT USE SIMPSONS HomeMade mm Which is always light and moist Price forgotten when price la re- South End Bakery Persons wanting night soil removed can have their wants promptly at tended to by dropping a post card to Y May 1 Damage Thousand Island property by the resent high water in the St jnee river is estimated at to Two architects this city who have just returned from a trip of Investigation on board private yacht from Lake Ontario to the rapids below dis tance of sixtyfive miles report that hardly dock or cottage built close to the waters edge ca rped damage while many light We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known Cheney for the past years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi- to i by his firm KINNAN AMARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo falls- Catarrh Cure Is taken acting directly upon the blood fid mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials Befit free Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills or 11 pat ion A High Class Piano Price very low on time Apply to A Strayed rising years old Any person who hold same and notify me will ha suitably rewarded ISAAC Box Sutton West Acres Id Nursery Stock Agents v anted at once to sell Fall and Spring delivery whole or part time liberal terms outfit free W Bowman A Son Co Limited Ontario Picture books lor the benefit of travelers e kept In the Paris police stations It occurs that foreigners things which they are books contain representations various articles and the inquirer the leaves and point lb Kind You llavo Always Bought Boarders Wanted At Scott Prop ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO