THE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 1908 London INSURANCE COMPANY Assets Albert Branch ALUMINUM GOODS TINSDALE MANAGER ENTERTAINMENT The anniversary tea and entertain ment in co with the Presby terian church Zephyr will he held on Monday Feb 17th Tea will be served from to after which an interesting prog by Rev entitled People we have to meet furnish music tor particulars of Sony met ani do See hill on BALDWIN BREEZES Everybody was overjoyed when the Blockade was raised and Hie train her regular trips on Monday night after six days imprisonment J rely has remaining very feeble has a good hardy English con- tines Day so wo anticipate cloudless to back him in his struggle sties and breeds and as a life natural result crowds at our Diphtheria continues its ravages Valentine Box Social on the night of i IU has broken out in a very severe Feb I lib will begin in Win Chittendens family hurdles were very slimly Sunday morning owing to of the roads THE GUILD Tin the weather will be in a remorseful mood by We carry full Hi PATENT Am one them REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE and family Receipts receive personal day or 1 Brown Mare rising years oil 1 Chestnut Mare rising pacer Sets of Rubber Mounted Harness set nearly new McLaughlin Buggy steel 1 McLaughlin Cutter new 1 Bike Buggy nearly Dew i pair Horse Blankets Heavy Trucks set of Sleighs and double trees 1 set of Brass Mounted Harness all complete It belt Robes 1 p Whips engine first class shape sets of heavy hal ters and bits Apply on lot fourth of Whitchurch or to A Evans while and Scot The wind which prevailed at the time down a tree a short disunite whet- Mr Oldhim was standing all of his where he fell bally bruised TELEPHONR MEETING The annual meeting of the Mount Telephone Limned was held in the Town Hall on Friday when a large the shareholders were present cry satisfactory annual statement of the Companys affairs was for considers on and unanimously doptcd The Directors for the year ere elected and they at Directors elected the following officers Vice Pres John Seeremi Davidson iw t it ir fifty guests enjoyable and guessing contests- latter several prizes were aw after which refreshments red After luncheon excellent was rendered by the Baker quartette Graham quartette and The guests departed The Methodist Sunday School and tea which were to been held last Sunday and Monday have postponed to condition the roads The Ladies Aid will be held afternoon at the horheoi Mrs John Wright Mr Wright lias kindly offered to bring a sleigh to the for those who wish to go ily persons who attempted attend The Board of Health had the school books disinfebooks in Egypt school not cremated last week Davy those are newsy titbits Egypt possessed you to with Qui the Owl not find out the phone newsman Appearances are deceiving Mis The Owl it sharper he looks youthful schoolboy taken which last Friday i Mackenzie and friends from Oakville They re Newmarket by T to find that the only be had the battle a few hard knock werent called a coward used to be a standing rule i the code of scioolboy honor that Two Mary Ferguson of Toronto is visiting at the Manse- Mr 1 J Terry spent Sunday in honor and Toronto didnt Miss in the on Monday attending the Mendelssohn It Choi Use it and have Scorched or Burnt Food COMPLETE MOUNT ALBERT HE DOMINION SANK CAPITAL RESERVE TOTAL 4800000000 ASSETS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Branches and agencies throughout Canada and the United States SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Current rates interest allowed and paid four times a year MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH H HALE Acting Manager Treasurer p Directors J A Thomas Graham W T Lloyd Auditors and Stokes J Inn I PERSONALS The funeral of little Carman W had to be postponed from Sunday til Tuesday afternoon the storm sponsible lor ihe delay Tie market PERSONAL Mr Bank here was ston bridge from Tuesday ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors hereby given pursuant statute provided in that behalf all persons having claims against il Estate of JOHN late the township East in the County York Gentleman de ceased who died on of Sep tember A D are hereby noti fied to leave with or send mail postpaid to the undersigned solid tor for William adminis trator of the Estate the said deceased full particulars of claims verified by affidavit and a statement of securities if any held by them on such claims on or before the First day of March A Immediately that date the Estate will he distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which notice have then been given to the ad ministrator Solicitor for William Administrator of said Estate eel on Tuesday and hd condition of the tfie Don The thermometer registered de cayed in I b zero or Tuesday morning which about beats the record in this I the Monday following Sirs attended the Joseph has purchased funeral of her grandmother in Matthew Porters property and proposes to engage in the tailoring Forrest left for her business Tuesday after The annual meeting of the Mount ith friends Albert v as postponed until next Monday night two visits owing l blockade but hopes to he here orbed up a good STAYED snow blockade they on Friday Mention should be mad of the pi Over a hundred porkers were killed i I man who carried the a day and a half A certain chap is spuming the winter lie- months as the guest the Provincial I authorities During his enforced ery attend- a number of hearted gentlemen are very solicitous ling the welfare his GET THE HABIT Several of the High School children were stormstayed in Newmarket from Wednesday morning till Saturday few days Ive had a when most of them found chances rough fight with Jack Frost and the home Storm Iitog I held the fort and am Although the cars have bet still on deck tired and happy only since the 1st of June Owing to the prevent- what a i ing the traffic on the T It there owing to great slaughter of pork at tied up for from supply of Rubbers Had he not we might still he waiting for our mail j l south Miss Look tu0 at Newmarket on evening representing a Mexic wid w SMITH oiiering for sale at a great Reduction the balance of Lined Shoes Blankets Underwear ete the card in olum was the gut The passengers hound tin of the Canadian Northern had a most unpleasant ex- nee during the recent- storm train reached Mount Albert or rday escorted by the snow handsome deeds oh This weather rough If rumor he true she cannot of being lonely But these gentry do not wish the broad light of and young gouts who are Hut the lads are equal to emergency even if they dont get to bed till broad day light The big twin must have a charmer indeed He strikes home at am Hugh stock log portable mill to cut Hes fig on making money out of the Counting his chickens before theyre hatched so to speak Nows the time the impovident careless woodman laboriously his- way to tae bush where em is so deep as to bother a team ply sleigh saying 1 also badly blocked it impassable for sever P Steeper made his trip on from Newmarket failed last week did not reach diar- Fortunately there was l attached and the pa Take I made as comfortable a the load The officials the Canada Noiih time or May fa all it They cleared their line prompt I mother with dead for lack of wed do the or drink Enough for the presc LEMON VILLE to We actually had on Saturday afternoon many days of wondering when have it Business was standstill No Sunday service school for three days even tin blacksmith and other business were resiing but things are ally We regret to chronicle the fact that some our peoiJe are under the weather Mr and Mrs Jonathan Baker have both been laid up with the Grippe hut are somewhat better Mr George Icnion is at present un der the care We hope to hear of his being better soon Miss Eva has for a two months holiday Here is a partial list Felt Shoes Pebble Fox Leather sol er Regular reduced to All Felt Shoes sizes Mers Low Lace all Felt Sox Mens Fine Felt Lace Shoe pr Mens Felt Slippers educed to reduced to reduced to pr Mens Felt Lined Shoes reduced to 160 Mens Arctic Overshoes reduced to 130 Mens Fine Overshoes reg reduced to 2 Boys Arctic Overshoes pr Mens Low Overshoes r pr Mens 2 Buckle Rubbers pr Boys 1 Buckle Rubbers reduced SI reduced to reduced to v 125 reduced to pr Mens Lace Leather Top Rubbers S3 reduced to pr High Lace Leather Top reduced to pr eyelet Mens Rubbers reg reduced to Boys Light Rubhers reduced from t Womens Light Rubbers reduced from to Childrens Light Rubbers reduced from to doz pieces Lnderwi it reduced from to Horse Blankets reduced per cent CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF E SMITH The Leading Merchant SUCCESSOR TO WIGHT SON ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors Pursuant to Sec Chap notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of ISAAC late of the Township of East farmer deceased who died on the day of March are required to file with the undersigned solicitor for the administratrix o estate or the 1st of Im their christian names and addresses with full particulars of claims in writing verified by declaration as Immediately alter said date the cced to distribute- the assets of estate amongst those entitled regard only to those claims of which she then have notice A WILLIAMS for 5th Feb for lis Millie eldest Mr town line near Albert on Friday after an illness ol a week a victim of that pneumoiia Little ight i In he a little boy i winning disposJion lade him a general favorite knew him Much for the giefstrlcken par- sad bereavement the i ihe Ontario Change of Time Dec 9 1907 GOING NORTH Toronto Union 1102 ley Vahdorl Pine Orchard Albert GOING SOUTH 1253 Zephyr Albert Pine Orchard 128 Vandorf Union live In Oriel Vera Hogg entertained a her of her friends at on lay of last Mr Marr with I A Jefgh took In the hockey match on night Mr Douglas shields Albert team as sisted recelvtd gash over the eye that required stitch Shields of Toronto at the home her brother dr Shields Mi Walton Is Wilting friend has been noticed Interest In furniture and other house hold necessities and several smile knowingly in institute will be I eld the iking advantage of I On Wednesday the at Jim- of Mr and Mrs Marshal I was the scene of one of those vents when their iaughti was united In the holy bonds of lalrimony to Mr Wilfred Silversides I Wpolsey The and costly in which the happy held in the community lain here for a lew weeks before starting for their new home in West of Mr and Mrs Alex on Wednesday 12th Inst was solemnize I the marriage their daughter Nell to Mr Rout Bell of Both are highly respected shown by the presents which Sill Miss Ida Baker Hamilton Brook ho is indisposed gone to Toronto irk with the the ICpworti League Socle i he thought he had unity at large wish them long life id the Misses Miss A Hag- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dp Smith DENTIST Came upon lot In the of East about middle of December last a young Boar Pig requested to prove perperty Both ivering fron Diphtheria loul from look Concert last week report a good program train and passengers were dt our station from Saturday till Monday evening retty cold weather these mornings Jerry Brooks got- his nose froen Monday hear and intend leaving to attend mess College in Toronto very for a time Mr and Mrs J Brook father at or week lie is suffering from congestion the do not hear much talk about tin part only that a young home Mrs P has from an attack of the Grippe Samuel McCleniiy home a few weeks work at Aurora Mr P Jaynes has been helping J and M at Witton for Miss Miss L Read Wonder If Jai stayed last wee Ottawa will tax the civil servants this year which make a difference of in Joseph Lebmann of frozen to death while walking from to visit his wife a- distant nine mi way thousand Our village- is once more gutting down to business since the blockade last week Mr Jesse Cook is pushing In the logs Our hockey team Monday and did them finish Although put good our boys were too lor them On Sunday Mr Held who to the last year Id i the taken to St Catharines on Wednesday for terment Much sympathy for the bereaved hour of sad in Hate Is unconscious Kincardine Feb fierce storm of Sunday night the house of Wallace Kincardine caught Ore and Mr and Mrs had to walk through the deep by their night clothes carrying with them their old daughter wrapped in a blanket They sought in a neighbors house The burned house and contents Insured for SI alls I as CD fekss i s-