Glasses Aid but the appearance Different faces require different frames different eyes require The EBA gives mora news every week than any twbther papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to the Paper mm INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give the to argue freely to conscience above all other liberty No paper gent outside of North York unless in advance to United States Wedding Ring We have just finished- a New Supply Out Own make All shapes to your order at iMBMi Store Newmarket Friday Feb If WILL PAY YOU To look over the list even you do not need them until season There is a saving of from to on each Empire Queen Ranges No 9 Reg now Dbl Heater 18in oak with feeder 1500 1 18in Hot Blast Coal Oxford Oak 600 1650 1300 3000 onto mm Upright Coal Art Garland with oven 1 Empire Garland with oven Modern Jewel with oven Art laurel square Steel Range No 9 Above Stoves are all New and fully guaranteed Not wishing to carry them over is the reason of such sweeping HARDWARE STOVES FURNACES PAINTS OILS AND AND The Value of a Savings Account la THE BANK OF TORONTI NEVER DEPRECIATES Tta Balance your deposits and the interest paid on these is kept in absolute safety until required Income the deposits in received quarterly fay you this Bank pays interest on all Savings Balances four times a year Investments advertised in these days result in lost to Investor but every Dollar the many millions entrusted to the care of this Bank during the past half century has been ac counted for when demanded CAPITAL RESERVE ASSETS NEWMARKET BRANCH Cold and Stormy February UP WITH NO COAL ON THE ITS EQUAL All Kinds of Wood on Hand for You I PEARSON Corner Church and Older by Phone or from Carters JOS VESLEY or J NELSON A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL for the next days we will have to reduce our stock of Fancy Suitings bo wilt make big re- in price CALL IN AND SEE THEM F WILL SEEDS FREE if to write for our 1908 la ope of tile most complete To each Enquirer we will free a package of of new totnsf Pride or If prtfyritA a package of our wonderful Canadian Gem Turnip or Santa Hunter Seed Co Ltd London the Toronto parks estimated that it cost the clti from HO to a ton for the at Island Park building permit was issued by th Toronto city architect for the a three story fireproof observaton cost On Friday the shareholders ie Crown Bank of Canada voted ratify the agreement for union wilt Bank of Canada Northern Banfc shareholders will hoi 11th The a ted institutions will bo ti Northern Crown Bank of Can- with head office at Winnipeg and street office for a time they got thawed get rather lively Tviey wed away in an icebox again They ere garter snakes Lasl week on his way to the Lcgis- it took for North Ontario just thirtysix and from Canning- of and cabinet of table silverware was presented to Mr Kent retiring an of the Hoard of Education as a ark of esteem tortus services during o he practically certain Whitesides tax running TERMSSUSperfuiH 0B If paid JUBILEE YEAR Lloyd Ed Wheeler John Richardson David Chas John Aaron Tool Arch J Asa Phillips Leppard Geo Fry John Boyd Draper Hiram Moore Joseph Chancer Trent The first meeting of the new Board after the organization one at the close of the annual meeting was held at the Royal Hotel An account was pres ented from Alfred solicitor of tor preparing special deed of grounds for expenses In con nection therewith making necessary etc This was ordered to and the Secretary instructed request Newmarket Corporation to pay its share of these costs as per previous The annual report Board conjointly ation of had purchased piece of land for Exhibition purposes and had the same enclosed with a suit able board fence During the early part of the summer of this year the Directors projected and successfully carried out the first excursion held under the auspices of the Society Arrangements were made old Ontario aid It- for from Kingo Belle thence via Steamer Emily May to an return It was indeed a jolly party and so well patronized that Asso ciation made a net profit of aa the past It seems that Mr tor tor Ward mate with Hon 1 generally proved A Spring Show of Horses was again held this year and larger competition than usual the plowing match was of suitable field election for the Ontario a Aid Foster will at Hit last week that the Lieut the petition to the rumcrit to the City Council the question of her of licenses in Toronto to a of the people The cut an aggregate a thoi and hungry tea and bread the noon hour a huge near by and apparent The Fall Exhibition considerably ex- the anticipations the Hoard The entries numbered 1221 over more than in There were 111 entries in horses in cattle 122 in sheep pigs and poultry IK- 1 this respect poult rv compares favorably with exhibitions later years About fifty judges the prizes in The the various classes hi One expert judge to each class Toes the more alas tto notice from the annual report bis year that the Department of Ag riculture had small samples of gram for fariars this District to with Mr Ironsides re ported that he had tried two samples wheal of Niagara Op included stations to Richmond Hill and was quite a suc cess but not altogether its pro moters desired The Board however made money although not quite as much as they anticipated seeing they were ask patronage to assist in the cost of levelling the Ag grounds and such like improvements The fall show was regarded as a decided success Nearly MOO entries were made and very great t on was expressed thai the Directors iad erected a commodious building i which to display exhibits Th an nual report or that year states that the Hall erected was feet of substantial character the con tract price of which was To meet this outlay the Board borrowed at per cent on the Societys note Messrs Join Randall John Rogers and Jackson being endors ers guaranteeing repayment In ad dition to the cost of building the Hoard also expended about between and MOO in making about sixty levelling grounds building pens etc They also project- years for this ripe lor I It r I It be- their bowl of soup bread or cup of Little Kate Riley aged ycal left alone v ijlt her parents went shopping fell against red hot overly burned at In street A man who upstairs heard her cream ling to her relief threw I Wiling along at t time called doctor burns extend from the arm to the face In places was burned off A protest against the recent taken against certain city Chief License inspector Johns a young ma about 2j years of age who is wanted for securing by eleven stolon Dominion Ex- money orders the pro- Mr Kn got ium Owing at the theft was not several days alter Mart of the detect Daniel Murray who was arrested fraudulent use of the malts offering for sale on an instalment plan jewellery he- did pos sess was Kent to for month by Magistrate When returned from down town to her home in Berkeley street on Friday last found- her brother dead in an armchair a by his side and a bullet round In his bead It to his sister Frank had been lor some time The fair ftx seldom do wrong well ever but when they do at tempt it they can play a pretty dar ing part A looking woman below average height and fairly well dressed has been playing the mission roll by way of helping her limited account has been represents collector for the Fred Viotor but lias no Ity and Is salting down the It able her victims to own purposes City papers have warned of the of Oats hut weather had been it he I had been above tin and llmug he grown The year will In hands of the Treasurer The of erecting a suitabl for exhibition purposes en ided by Mr A iambic the was dopttvl and the proceeded to the election of Ulcers for the incoming year as follows Ironsides 1st Vice John Rogers 2nd Vice John Randall Sec Jackson Directors Hands Smith Morrison L Scott and Angus Ego Trent and Auditors Gamble All hut the treasurer of these well- known agriculturists who done noble work in their day or the Association It will also ho observed that up till an1 for all After the newlyelected had taken the chair Prof of the Provincial Board of Agriculture gave an admirable on the Dignity the Farmers Occupation also with regard to destroying tho weevil and like pests Mr P Irwin seconded by Mr John Eves a vote to tho lectur er which was heartily given and pleasantly responded to Prizes were again offered this year for sale memberu tickets and In addition to the Board the to era Webb born John M Patterson I He Will- of in Improving the grounds do- ditching working for fte and prosperity of the this year the Society met loss thrncigh the the Hank Upper Canada vlnelal grant being i that suspended This loss Kit in any alt be turns fo had been proper ly made ami acknowledged This loss the Board tin Government prom to make up the and thus the work continued to Completion thus briefly outlined the in- of success attending the early ion of the Society gi of aged its affairs down to the tie grounds aid the of the Hall thereon It took to wipe out the Societys in debted ess hut the work was finally This Jubilee year It the courage to purchase the grounds and erect lious a Hall thereon to the fact a tablet and hung up in the Art Gallery of the building as a memorial of their forethought and enterprise Hut as we stated above we have traced the labors the men directing the affairs of the Society to the erection of the Hal on the Associa tions grounds It would he only a pleasure to follow on down to the of the old Hall to its present I site the stables I grand stand etc and additional lands on the south side tin plot but things arc now within the those vho later years inducting Societys el as the general pujllc lake up the thread ard jor never read his early probably he couldnt there w little perusal Aunt Cinthy quoted atd crisp frequent- J the were play whether in excess of frivolity none r Miss May she jerked wished youd write me a vi Why Aunt this for this smoke bams to six i em declared cite orn Aunt what with valentines asked her with some impatience looking the exercise French that correcting for in her chin tunes Mrs had added many efiorts for support of hi daugaters and faithful old class French Im ter have one dont keer ter buy one declared A obstinately had already buried I set istrc and light Aunt pursuant her for him had persuaded her mist to let him an old cabin farther lot for which he was supposed to pay rental in wood chopping The first ol February Aunt began to make diligent preparation tor receiving a valentine which had determined willy to She made Major whitewash her house in the upper lot with I snowy coats inside and She him decorate all the inner walls cedar boughs made very white flour to the great Mrs barrel Whether the that he was preparing for his entice three I with her half century year her that had done with determined that j should be lacking for fust weddin as styled de a great snowy the ironing room with other d dainties Hanking it This was a wis j behind provision as the sequel proved The of February was the day for young folks ined Mrs Tied Ma- hat boy cant be twenty exclaimed the lady t laughed and me us Dat been Hit be stop hi foolish I gwii and buried des begin Way He say I make richest crack linbread in nine jinin States hlvti of of days yet time and space it pleasure to have other sketch many little Incidents but the main will nice in recall the early Aid Jamts has been unseated on the grounds that ho has a contract with the city You tell me that you love me so Dc bare tree am too Hit say I maybe nuvight love you wings will fly- Around tree nigh And young fool niggers will I see be foolish bout folks like me So nigger you aint got senso stay on side de fence But keep up yo fuss round my hatter take you let my beau sugar in gourd when you string hit fine Dars sugar in dc vine Bars sugar In yo heart me And yovalumtlne Ill be The valentine was duly though January still the fields and hyacinth had scarcely he- gun to peep above the borders of the flower beds Aunt sent Major four times one day to the post office to inquire for the valentine Ho could not pre vail- on the irascible postmaster to look tor anything for Mr Major Jenkins Moreover the postmaster said repeatedly and very reasonably that there could not be a valentine for Valentines Day was more than a month off Ho was bothered enough when that day came and he would not be bothered before at last Aunt urgency and Majors perslstercy prevajled drop letters were looked over and Major received his missive Most probably set for the wedding Uncle Bens came up from the River Place once belonged to his former the Carcws Inall the changes of rent mortgage and sale Benson still remained head man River Place He declared he had been hot while his head Was Aunt was enveloped upon yards of white tarlatm veil She looked like in ginnin time Uncle Benson slid The preacher was there with slet black face and leek black coat keen appetite for the coming least licenses wisely bought Or by Cinthy the table sat in tic chair of state rocking l lamenting loudly Cncle gave forth reminiscences concerning those other three that went off all- beautiful beautiful I beautiful He vowed that but leal his old woman or the river keptr from coming forward to oiler for rather than Sis and alt these fine folks of i lllully when rescue bfddttf bridegroom begin a chain about three funeral an in a New jM Concluded on Page Simple Home Receipt MIX RECIPE AT HOME Get from any prescription the following Fluid Extract Dandelion one ince Compound Kargon one Compound Syrup three Shake well in a bottle and take teaspoonful dose after each meal at bedtime The above is considered by at authority who writes York dally paper ever written to Backache Kidney Trouble Weak Bladder and all forms difficulties mixture acts ellmlnative tleoues of t Kidneys enabling them to 1 strain the uric acid and other Q tter from the blood which causey Rheumatism Some persons who sutler with 1 may not feel IncSnei Hi laco much confidence in this 4mp3g yet those who have say the results are he relief without the lightest injury to the stomach other organs some and give it a trial It certainly comes highiv recommended It is the prescription of an authority whose entire Id was established by it druggist here at home 1 asked stated that he could Iter ply the Ingredients or mix the ion for our readers also commends it as of TORONTO