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Newmarket Era, 7 Feb 1908, p. 7

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WSnMPti THE NBWMAPKEJT FEBRUARY 1908 CHINA Wine running their papers Thursday of last week tie ExpressHerald printing press Brleflets down The Era press was pleased to TO the edition for them in their account father We do not envy the balmy climes where summer zephyrs blow We old winter times said Our Lady of tbe Snows Iin to IF to yew HALL Stock Reducing Sale -FOR- For China FREE A ten piece Toilet Set worth one oar ninetyeight piece Dinner Sets tor Special Prices on All Dinner Sets Grocery Department The Snowshoers With the mercury anywhere between fifieen twenty below zero on bright for 1 Tuesday night- a dozen trampers we couple of hours on their shoes Darkey ing the farm lands to the East house no of Town and afterwards were cordi- Tuesday entertained at tbe home of Mrs send to Toronto for repairs The Band has engaged Mr a J Robertson Mi J was shipped to Toronto He got into bad repute little girlso it is Forecasts We opened the February number of Word and Works edited by- Rev Hicks to see the kind of Weather he forecasted for this month He commences on this wise regular storm period having its centre on Jan will reach its culmination during the first days February Our readers will remember the storm commencing on the closing hours of Friday and piling up more snow it stopped storming this part of the country has re ived all winter Continuing Word and Works says he storm conditions will intensity i the 1st and 2nd Southern parts ay reasonably ex- the Do Hens Pay Carnival W J Patterson has twentysix Thoroughbred White Wyandotte Pull- 1 els of which is quite proud They were hatched in May started to lay r last of November and during Decem ber he got eggs from them while for the month of January they sup plied him with Total for these two winter morths Who car heat this He sold them all for Carnival of Rink Is to Wednesday of next wcefc and the management are a list of cash prizes that should ensure a great success both from the spec tators point of view and also those who go to the trouble andexpenseof at and Liters Special Christian Church Isfion Good Mr Ernest and Mr Herb ert Hairier students of lni- Toronto who are preparing Women s institute for the ministry of the Christian regular monthly meeting of the nomination were guests Mr North York Womens Institute and Mrs Gilford Mann over Sunday the home of Mr occupied the No quality fciitel only ten cente quart Eclipse Soap Extra Choice Table Rati for Christmas was while they las istian Church on Sunday morning and Mr in the even ing Both sermons were very much enjoyed by all present We bespeak for them a large sphere of usefulness in the gospel ministry Sleighride Party The Christian Sunday School ar rived for their annual On afternoon last but the storm arly put them out business A imber of rigs promised by farmers to put in an so sev eral livery igs were secured and then 1 the scholars could not be accom odated The roads were blocked so had that only a drive around town could he taker- A start was made for Aurora hut they had to turn back chair on street The children great- Mr J joyed the abundance snow Chairman for Pork Beans The quality is firstclass A SMITH The Loading Reliable Grocer Lew last Saturday I the disagreeable weather a interesting gathering assembled paper was read on The cost of and the waste through irjudicioi buying The expected debate Is it better to be a good housekeeper and irritable or a poor housekeeper and sweettempered was postponed un til the next meeting March owing to the- negative side being snowed in All ladies are cordially to general and destructive leet followed by snow and stormy boreal gales from the northwest Then we are to have a reactionary period from the to the 7tb cold up to the Another regular itoim period is central on the covering the to the loth to be followed by a reactionary storm period from the to the Look for the next storm per iod on the continuing to tbe 26th and a reactionary period on the 1st and 2nd of next month Mr Hicks concludes If the rule govern ing the Mars periods holds good the weather- will he cold and precai far into May Sale Register the con of imbuxy i acre and acre Sale at oclock See bills WEDNESDAY Feb 19 Mr will have an extensive sale of stork implements etc on 17 con Whitchurch month credit except for grain or HE SEES NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans ANOTHER MILE POST PASSED Od 1st entered into a New Era of business to attend the March meeting at tilt- home of Mrs Dawson street High School Board Robertson in the was elected The ion For 8ale and Five Lots on St Eight- rooms with good stone cellar Hard and salt water good barn with stable hen boose and lots A bargain Apply to House and Acres OF LAND FOR SALE On Queen St East being part lot con 1 of township Good frame house and thereon alio good it- Situate miles from For apply to on the premises or to Solicitor Newmarket Farm To Rent con of North Lake Shore road good clay I Valentine Social The Ladies Aid of the Christian Church purpose holding a Valentine ial in tie basement of the bur Wednesday evening Feb 12th and tables will he suitably decorated for the occasion Refreshments including cold ham bread and butter cakes etc will be served from on The tea will be followed by a short but musical and literary program After this interesting and amusing for young and old will be ir evidence The 15c admission includes supper program and a share in games Tie public are cordially invited An Awful Storm was ushered in by the worst blizzard we have experienced for years The storm commenced on Fri day afternoon and the trolley had considerable difficulty to keep the cars moving About a foot of snow fell during the night and on Saturday morning everything was blocked up- Grand Trunk Metropolitan and all the roads leading Into Town People to get to market ftflk- of prices for their pro as 30c for butter and merchants declare that Saturday was the worst business day experienced by them It was noon before either train or trolley reached Newmarket There was no need to consult the thermometer to find out if the tem perature was cold the frost fairly nipped every exposed part and on Tuesday morning below was regis tered though some people in Town it was below on their On Wednesday afternoon be with unabated force very road that had been as filled up again- Moat of the roads are full of All the Committees were reelected except that Mr Proctor takes tin place of Dr Wesley the retiring Chairman on the Management The question of reviving the Cadet Corps and having regular drill undei Major Allan was talked in the hands of Mr A Mr Coombs to see what be made Board adjourned and left and THURSDAY Feb Mr Sut ton will have a big sale of stock implements furniture etc on real of lot in 1st con of East Gwil- West of mile North of Town Line The usual terms Sale at one The death took place on Saturday- last John Watson at his residence in King township Deceased who was years of age had lived all his life on the farm on which he died and was well known and highly esteemed He is survived by three children Lost Island OUR THIRD YEAR The past years business has been most gratifying a year of exception al progress much larger than the previous year In fact we are in a po sition to and you will be pleased to learn that this store last year did the LARGEST BUSINESS EVER DONE In North York We do not tell you this to brag we simply tell you facts with the to you that there must be reasons Why this Store has flourished as it has Here are some of the Reasons we attribute our Success to By having the Goods you want at Time you want them at Prices unbeatable anywhere By selling each seasons goods wit and leftovers the end of each season a New Season with Bright New Goods is to tins present year we are aiming at giving you Bigger Values than ever Were aiming at Bigger Business far Greater Success in every way Were aiming to better to make This Store your Shopping Blace G06HEN0UR MARTIN COMPANY There is an old legend in the West 1 Indies which has been landed down Methodist Church from the time of Columbus the stormy weather the feet that somewhere among attendaiee last day of the there ingly large Nearly partook of exists an island Inhabited only by wo communion The duet by Mr BrodiC and Miss Stephens was very appro- 1 The a priate and well rendered Good solos found it were also given by Mr Barker Mr Stephens reception of new members postponed until next Sunday as unable to be present on of the stormy weather Under the strong tide of which has so impressively de- rated its power in tbe Southern j Cook Wanted Apply at the Eagle Hotel the dry area in America market has been doubled in the last twelve months Eighty cities in seventeen States are now enforcing prohibition Minister to matrimonial laws on their 2200000 inhabitant hope a good man land of these eighty Applicant reassuring Im good thirtythree went dry in 1907 Your fcpprobaUon Although be has Nature of Gets She lant this flat Just too anything it Is a trait Boarders Wanted At the Cedars Mrs Scott Prop brick bank barn two good to MARY SUTTOM WEST ONT on the prtmlwa Point Like been and the adjoin 1 when the of the tri at the Sunday also remarkable There young men in the Berean the record shows a total of in the entire school The Womans Missionary ill hold their regular monthly meet- and Quarterly Tea next at the home of Geo Main St commencing at Death of Mr Manners We clip the following Message printed County Kansas P Manners died last Saturday of Parker and thus has another Linn County pioneer passed away Grandpa Manners s he was more known had been in very however by the prompt action the chiefs who ordered all of the re ining female element to this uu- islard in the Caribbean Ac cording to tbe legend the place is piously watered by Ideal streams by bread fruit plantain and all the necessaries to life and poetry The husbands and vera were allowed to visit the paradise not more than twice a In times of peace But it Is further handed down that all the men of the tribe throughout the Deceased was born in London Can ada Jan being thcrefon years and i old at time of his death He was married toj left Newmarket on A Oilman in In Genes Thursday for Sharon County New York In id intermediate point to But moved to County Canada Oxford Liberals nominated the mail carrier expects to where they lived until when they Mr L Wilson for the Legls- tenlay Mr to Linn County Kansas- Here lature fn place of Dr Angus McKay fairest maidens fi So goes tie story lie post out In that all trace of the Isle women was lost According to Washington Irving even Columbia made vain ef forts to find it- wants townohips Russia it is believed is about to make a military against Turkey Robert the son of Geo Orillla had his leg brok en while a few days ago Half of the of the Canada Tin Plate Sheet steel Companys at ton but tli get says the road mitral write vA that blocked the had lived since has ever known the spring of 1363 he gave the ground were no train through on the rd time and helped financially In T from noon till erection of a church on his farm oclock on Thursday morning when which in named the Franklin Christian a passenger went drawn by Church He and his wife were among he first to identify themselves with The cars here on trolley the church After coming to Kansas between oclock Wednesday morn- they transferred their to and oclock yesterday afternoon the Methodist In of the tlockale our a faithful usual batch of has not HU wife and six children preceded arrived In time for thla ltj in death- Two and The Council aomo of daughter survive A Manners of the removed Main and Mrs Laura J as poesiblo and avert any Mo Manners of cause for damage by a Spring thaw Webb of Parker witti whom the lived for rnany years and To act from principle Is to tenderly cared for her cumulate power id his declining days Diluted a procession or etching on steel take a piece of blue vitriol the size a walnut one tablespoonful common salt mix In ounces of rain water Let the solution stand for eight ten hours and it Is ready for use Cover the part the tool to marked with paraffin or rtoap and scratch the name with a steel pen Put on a few drops of the solution and let it remain for one minute and then rub the solution and paraffin The following from an exchange should act parents to thinking Twenty years hence tbe boys to day will be men They will be tors printers drunkards lawyers and he Mr David Milne for the Legislature democrats and but he will require a to on down the line It Is impossible to consider his acceptance toll In Just what When a drops In town he but it is rot Impossible lor your Jolly him Tell Mm this is a great boy little townawl It Is Dont dls- wiU him by speaking ill your i Lead him to be put Into such influences tecr him in the right the boys for twelve years o them will bo In Jail What tr All Kinds of Fresh Meats I ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors Pursuant to Sec of Chap 124 O 1007 notice is hereby given all persons having claims against the estate of ISAAC late of the Township of East farmer deceased who died on the day of March 1306 are- required to file with the undersigned solicitor for the administratrix of said on or before the 1st day of March their christian names and addresses with full particulars ot their claims in writing verified by declaration as immediately after said date the administratrix will pro ceed to distribute the assets said estate amongst those entitled having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have notice A WILLIAMS Solicitor for Administrator Dated 5th Feb North End Grocery TEAS AND COFFEES Our Tea sales in two months just doubted this tact savors ot satis faction We are making supremo efforts to give to our many patrons beat Tea values procurable to build up lor this store a reputation for Tea SUPERIORITY We you to investigate this matter and we can our contention that get better Tea at less coat than you can get from tea peddlars Full Flavored English Breakfast Rich Ceylon Black or Mixed Extra Value In Japan A Wonderful Tea Black or Mixed Use our special blend ground fresh they will interest you you appreciate a rich bracing breakfast Coffee 25 and lb Choice Table Figs 10c lb Tins of Corn for 3 Tins Peas tor Drown Windsor Soap per cake English per bottle lbs Fancy Mixed Biscuits lb Special300 brings to mind that is My Boy Tonight had better look him up ITCH Mango Prairie Scratches know He may be on Bathers Itch and every farm will go astray or animals years You of the few twenty human or animals years may serve a sentence red In minutes by Wotorda in the penitentiary Where was Sanitary Lotion It falls hoy last night when you Sold by J COOKED MEAT DEPT Ham Corned Beef Jellied Hocks we slice carefully Smoked Hal Rolls Breakfast Bacon CROCKERY Seta this week at special See our variety PHONE I W HOWARD of uwOi

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