I Maker Halters Bella Article Oilcloth t data CiV BANK IS ash lb ic lb 15 50 and tap te Creams all prices fable Figs THE EEA FRIDAY JANUARY 3 B i Secretarys office f Skating and curling we Presbyterian Church The Agricultural Good sermon last Sunday by Rev Secretarys of Dr Tailing and firstclass music The induction the new pastor i Rev Thomas took place yes terday afternoon Last Friday evening the pupils of the Sunday School treated to behalf of the school Stationery at Half Price Drug Store received shipment of paper and envelopes damaged boxes See them get them at less than halt the Savage Bite j On Monday Mr Fred Beer J ployed by Messrs Osborne Bro butchers was examining a mouth for black teeth when the LANDING animal hand and it so badly that work for a few day- Leading Grocery was fer prepared to do full many customers fully The Doan Centennial X of the decendants of the family who emigrated to this stock is large of would advise friends to buy their fruits from it and be sure of the best qual ity at VERY REASONABLE COST Selected Raisin lbs for Selected Seeded pound 13c i of the family being IB for NEW Vosttgya 15c SOMETHING Seedless Raisins pom Table Raisins and per It Malaga Grapes Cooking Figs extra quality Table Figs and Coffee is the finest and pleases everybody Oranges are getting sweeter day We will the lea both in quality and price China Larger Assortment Than Ever Better Selection Than Ever More varied and handsome Rich Cut Glass at popular prices lor the qual ity Handpainted Ha v if e than Look Out For Auction Kale of contents ol house belonging to Mr Meads on Saturday night January The Newmarket Team On Tuesday last the following play s were registered with the A i tbe Newmarket Intermediate team A Doyle Osborne Methcdist Church tlut the pastor is very th the history of Methodism morning service Mr Douglas Scott made his debut as a socialist The service in the evening There was a od attendance at the WatchNight service on Coombs presided in an efficient manner and addresses were John and J M Kennedy Otto I Doyle A J Ben J Hill Newmarket Hockey tea their first match of the and vac badly piuye A Disappointed Crowd for all amoun They ad you sen it If a fine selection cost of china As usual we will lay out for quick inspection Election tables at 15 and OLD GREEK WARE la a lice of High Class China ap preciated by those wishing something and artistic Dinner Sets at almost any price from but we certainly have a fcandsome line of pieces All China Seta worth more than we will you now until Christmas Remember are China evening All dinner seta we will selljHev very prices Our Library Since t Lamp or prisms is a beau- been Hall Lamps from up of censure hi a ten oclock waiting for it but there sign of appearance enquiry- made if the agent here when he the car had been cancelled The peo ple had to wait another ho course no had words were said Such methods will soon bring the road Christian Church A Drop in Stationery One hundred cons to Store result paper worth for twerty Reeve W D Thompson Councillors J as Jas Coop- r Foster A Lennox McDonald- W West For School Trustees Arthur Ough John J Toronto Sunday morning ians Missionary the home of 1 We have an almost endless variety tlemen English Freecb Austrian price i all the week and are fairly veil On Monday and Tuesday n the- pastor was assisted by Sargent Toronto Prof Dales and wife have obi Toronto and of These I excellent speaker The Leading Re- Uptodate Grocery an4 China Have a look at our North window tor Fancy China and our Booth window for Groceries A SMITH The well Mrs Dales has 11trained voice and sin he with II at both The services for week promise as Miss M Whitby a graduate of of Music and la of Cooks Presbyterian Toronto has been engaged Cook Wanted at Clothes Cleaned Pressed In aa uptodate over Public Library Newmarket H Proprietor tie meet in Phillips number of only in Canada but in and Stationery Skidoo One hundred boxes of Stationary for Drug Store were received in damaged condition last week and they are now offered at less ore ball prices Municipal Elections Phillips John A Albert WHITCHURCH For Seneca Baker Lemon Baker J Ifartman and P For Deputy Reeve- P and Clark For Councillors Thompson T J H Clark and O H Russell Lemon Baker Hartman and Foote resigned and Clark for leaving the old Council elect ed by EAST GWILLIMBURY For Jolm Moore John Smith and J A Cody The latter resigned Deputy Reeve NORTH re a big crowd the Anderson and Crowd through the city on hi be a suspicion that with the York Radial and this is having an influence his Mayoralty asp tin nobles of the Mystic gathered at the Temple Build- Thursday last week for the annual meeting the Tem- They came from all parts will not he of the condemned i he hanged in this city of January nother fatal accident at Tailor Garments NORTH YORKS GREATEST AGENTS- FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats JANUARY STOCKTAKING SALE Our year ends on day of January naturally we wish to have possible point to accomplish our purpose we are offering special inducements line of goods throughout the store got the car brakes and I not control the car as along and struck by freight The vestibule was hut no passengers hurt Two high night v Chambers They th Crocker col ored in holding a man or the Glen Road bridge Friday night Tiny had loaded revolvers when arrested Over birds were on exhibition at tlie fourteenth annual exhibition of the Toronto Poultry and Pet Stock Association at St Hall o Friday The lull was crowded an the in tbe different class The News says A now in Toronto has a that refuse to Work Unlike certain persons meet at this season of the year hi cannot tell a He The general pub lie likely regard the certain pel WOMENS FURS CLEARING- pieces Black and Black with White Points Hair Stoles purchas ed to sell at clear at S3 18 pieces Black Hair Stoles rcg WOMENS OVFRSHOES FOR Womens High Cut Jersey Butt MENS LEATHER TOP RUBBERS inch Leather Top heavy pieces Black Hair Stoics clearing at pieces Blue Hair Stoles regular Top clean pieces Blue Hair Stoles clearing at pieces Blue Hair Stole Grey Check Tweed Skirts nice splendid winter garments to clearing at Ladies Golf Vests or Cardigan Jackets Heavy Black Ribbed Wool no sleeves reg price clearing at CHILDRENS FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS 30 To from 0 to 12 years old Striped Flannerctte clearing at 39c MISSES FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS Pink or Cream Flannelette to fit girls from to lfi years regular price clearing at MISSES BOOTS 11 Misses Felt Lined Heavy School Skating Boots made of solid Pebble and Grey to fit price clearing MENS OVERSHOES FOR Mens Snow Excluder Overshoes regular price 1350 MENS OVERCOATS FOR 775 50 Mens Overcoats this Sea- on most stylish makes in Tweed Black Brown and Grey Mel ton well made and trimmed All sizes in the lot Regular prices up all at one price GIRLS COATS I WHITE BEANS LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST LB Only to sell this If you look up all at one price- Grey and OVERCOATS Overcoats in Black weed effects Regular l inn II 1 sale 8 Good Butter lb tins Pure Baking Powder Navel Oranges Navrjl Oranges Oysters GOGHENOUR MARTIN COMPANY that had it the Dr had enter- action for libel against the also has it Globe yes thiit this is will ever get The Dr the story reported and says the in is exaggerated Geo Chambers and Morgan the highway robbers arrested on Sal night have nearly a doze charge registered against th Mr John is visiting his I to ister Mrs Cattle Man Mr Mils is visiting friends Til this locality giver Mr Ralph Council of and Mr day Council and daughter Mark- The mil i Itn I of the nth Vinch of Tho iron of Mr and tending Christmas vacation t- fattier Mr John Mrs spent decided success being thoroughly cry superior tbe Methodist church church Purchase preached Death Mr death of last Co to fcy Millers Iron by was from tlwi and took to hie bf but a general system followed rand rapidity P was a great of his J his HI HI He rhcama- 1 tbre week of bh be sank with Deceased in the Ionic for last Friday night hearty appreciation A Bible r of th- lor dMA ii Ill rable latere the this township ant largt- number of the ratepayer ere out to the on Mon last Municipal matters i bonus to win ing grav ways plant- Here Is a question that was pro- he was on the Executive Board J JOuMtd by a dally of tbe Bible Society a by is worker which goes the board to give a willing band to good Van or the hole room for study argument Deceased born In please c were well rested Some of the acts of the retiring Council were criticized and pointers given for the Incoming one all of which goes show that although the Twnshlp of may not bo wealthy as some of the older on thereof can grasp and intelligently discuss n ready placed in Moore a ftyu and fell children Walter of 1W5 PHOTOS Only quality that ttw Opposite Office thlll David The funeral In the Mating House Tuesday The Hart and Johnston For It- Duncan John Hay dill Shier awl John mi- I a Grand Trunk fire- from Little York Was taken to Hospital from the Onion fell from his engine and lined a fractured jaw and a had new cases of Wert discovered in the city the beginning of this week new Board of Control is com as follows Messrs Harrison and Ward pretty Board Miss Martin headed the list of those to the Hoard as at brother have visit ng at his OH Norman Morton E d G Purchase at Mr Mor Ira Mr Tomlinson guest at Mr J Ontario a and Mrs Van at r visiting his parents MortorV Miss of Balance crowded out t I next week as large gain of from to 10000 The quality of milk supplied to the people of the city since July and August when 0 per cent was below 3 per cent butter fat The Medical Health Depart has obtained 111 samples this morith On evening in The Phillip J ACody Wilcox Chat Den- Interred L Lebn I Baldwin Reeve J John Bond Browning J Basett C Kennedy Injured during the con being extinguished did damage to extent of 125000 Three firemen Building on Front street and before The losses are thu ported Hew Hon J ic Clarke C Wrlnch McLaren Turner Hamilton 101000 Five engines were has Issued the women of sing the earnest hope the Rogers and school lection to show that heir is fully appreciated I Saturdays Globe an account a i Education North Toronto by 111 decided tu ontinui hold There a re last Friday in inter of Mr of Toronto spoke for teraperanct rid Mr lawyer for the way ihe subject li lulled wan certainly in the for the temperance cause every point that was put up in favor of liquor were utterly by Mr Hazard Also the statement made by our flatly denied by one of our vll lasers Wo also understand that other made by tho liquor party to mislead the voters foundation respecting by that Mr of a licensed hotel after the other burned out- We have seen the men that claimed gave them tho ad vice and they flatly deny any audi SELECT OYSTERS SEW CLOVER HONEY HOWARDS North End Grocery desire to thank our numerous friends customers tor their generous patronage and sincerely wish them a Happy and Prosper ous New Year Terry also her Mrs of Denver have returned here from Toronto Mr J Pollock have fllek but In improving HOWARD