Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1907, p. 8

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v 1 o i- A a I A a FRIDAY DECEMBER 1 I die around the Hat i tHe kitchen economist I aiSHWBHXStlKD Ed and Roy Hopkins and Isaac Woods of were I before Clay of K Toronto on the charge of stealing a hound from Dan Baldwin of and all pleaded guilty The Magistrate fined each and costs which amounts to apiece The Sovereign Bank of Canada A- HEAD Up Capital A- r The New Vicar The was in It- was not often he lost heart In hie work on this particular occasion he did a s way at the close of his afternoons visiting with Much of ihe leftover food you now throw out can be turned into deli cious dishes by the addition of a little It gives warmedover meats the juiciness of original cooking It body and strength to soups and gravies It give a delicious piquant flavor to cold meals and hashes Every day will find a help arid an economy in your kitchen contains the flavor and nutrient substance of the wry It gives strength and nourishment to invalid and help fulness and economy to the cook All food grocers sell ALL GOOD THINGS must win upon their merits The Internationa Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language A or Oxford but rtnUy a marvelous work It difficult a Hi it not oly what we ulflit to few of incitement to tie edition dale have through be a iukltmttxt at It and amount of put Into it THE GRAND PRIZE he was given to Ibe In- it he Fair EE A Teat In In- d for whole family Also latiophlei Springfield Mass AURORA Mr Lome McDonald has been eiv- gaged as in School Section So King lor next year and will commence bis duties on January The annual collection was taken up in the Public School here for the Sick Childrens Hospital last week and amounted to handsome sum of Miss daughter of Public School Inspector Mr MJlloy has been engaged as teacher in tie Public School at for the coming year Miss 2nd assistant teacher in the High School here has tendered her resignation- to take effect at the end of the year and the Board with much regret has accepted her reslg- Miss who has taught in the school tor several years has done excellent work and always given the best of satisfac tion ZEPHYR Ltan Shane with a very on Tuesday night after the regular forth the she had rendered the- League for the past number of years Mies Shane is in the esteem and old wholi if any but the kindest fel- best wishes for her future Mr P had lively to but to a in fro at Mr Willi Very he liuiv3 a great clip of and on gave bitn a wide for a time Lottie got home after her visit Pott Perry and other We ate glaJto Lottie tMmit aiaiKrin our again AacH Ki A Kft MP ALEI Esq P GrmeiafMuHuger Savings Bulk Department but rait quarterly P A Lister Man Pennington QjWnsvilte A M Lister system of carrying matches loose in the having nothing but the heel of a shoe or seat of the to strike Ihem on The refrigerator has don- more to preserve milk and meat than ail the springs in the country Carpet stretchers and carpet cleaners are Setter by far than old hickory witches Lawn mowers make front lawn appear smoother than the sickle and arc a superior agency to the old time fashion if pulling grass by hand Sticky holds the flies that comes it and arc far more convenient than the way poisoning the pests tin having them fall in the pan or the gravy howl Fountain pens have simplified more than one business transaction by furnishing a ready means of affixing signature And now the nonIeakable pen of the same type is preventing black spots on more than one white shirt front The safety razor more one barber of coveted shaver All sorts of manicuring devices have been In troduced to replace the pocketknife a very dejected face Just as he thriv ed the corner of Heath Road ho ran up against Miss Ivy one his lady district visitors and it was not long before be himself pour- In out his trouhbs to her There was some excuse for this for the I Arthur was a bachelor and there was really no one at the big hare vicarage into whose ears he pour out his trouble with any satisfaction Of course there was Snap his Scotch terrier and a very intelligent dog he was His master declared oriel every thing he said to him if it chanced to he a hit of Greek or Latin verse liut alas Snap could not reply Then again there was good old Mrs Tans- ley Vicars housekeeper and ser vant in one True she had got the gift of speech there was no doubt- about that but was denied the gift of hearing and so with her too conversation was and unsatisfactory Who then could blame the young Vicar for enjoying chat with Miss Ivy who could both speak anil hear And if the truth muse- lie told there was no one in he would have preferred to mcfttratber than Miss Somers But this was a fact the Vicar had ladder away in the Inner most recesses of his manly heart and so perhaps I had no right to drag it but into daylight and set it down in cold hare print But it was really most opportune the Vicar and Miss did chance to meet on that particular occasion for another and a practical reason The cause of the Vicars dejection that afternoon was one Bill name a or of former days Clothes bricklayer who lived in Miss hangers hare come to preserve district He had just returned from shape of the coat and trousers and visiting the man ana to speak the gas and gasoline heated iron to her about him This was vim pressing the easier among tars first living he was only thirty those who feel cort rained to wear years of age aha he had brought to trousers J St Pauls parish in the town of Cushioned chairs and church a heart full of youthful make silting more comfortable while energy and devotion fo Goers work hair and springs case He was essentially a man for the sleeper in his rest The J and was fast making his way among sport convenient more en- his parishioners l to use a reel fishing a casting rod for deep wafer service class of boys in a west Phila delphia school has been studying phy siology with remarkable results The illustrates her on the subject with a skeleton and the inter ested youngsters are seen every day at feeling one anothers ribs and pointing out the bones the Urns came for a to be written subject vas The Spine Many interesting papers were turned in on the subject out there was one that was x W hoy wrote The spine is a bunch that runs up- and down the back and holds the ribs The skull on one end and I sit on the otter WARMTHFIT COMFORT WEAR The four essentials you demand in YOUR under wear And these are the features of Slanfields Unshrinkable Underwear rfutt will appeal to you unshrinkable Every garmenrguaranteeL weigh I St Many Little Conveniences r LIFE MADE MORE w All conveniences have multiplied the past years The of electricity ttie practical abdication of gas to lighting and cooking and adopting of petro leum to be as fuel in all sorts of devices have wonders In mak ing the life of the average man far more comfortable candle was widely uwen twentyfive years ago Then ft was replaced by the lamp and later and lights The porch light in a convenience that never will be dispensed with he man who falls Into the habit of In- late and missing the key hole And on the interior the home there Ik greater safety when by Ihe pressing of a single button a whole house may be lighted Tot nk how people to grope about lght a match and then shield It and the lighted so as not to be in denser rang a and oil stoves have sim plified the fuel problem and the com fort of living in the summer time tbat cat hard coal for the at light their warm a tank of have made far more agreeatde the morning and evening ware is cheap anfi many a chafing dish for use over an lamp It docs not rust and por celain ware have also combined to re place iron and wares that are Icas or namental if more durable and hard er to keep In a polished condition little articles not new In the fast twchtyflve have been made conveMences cheapening Potato were once of wood cut to a certain shape they ar metallic and the work re quires leas time lor better result and list are lemon Instead of cutting a lemon In slices and mashing it to extract the Juice tin fruit Is cut ft half arid the juice squeezed out with slight pres sure The meat grinder Is a valuable convenience to the restaurant and the boarding house was when all hash had to be made by chopping Wrtfa a convex knife Now meat scrap are dumped into grind er and a few more Ingredients the choicest variety of a mix And then of all torts and varieties have replaced old wallet or money bag convenient to have when well filled but a leather pocket book Is better than a wallet Match boxen bottom or rough for are and away above the old a repeater shotgun and numerous other things to make sure his game Counting machines arc conveniences that could not be well dispensed in large stores and places of busi ness and the typewriter service to the business a WHAT THE CLERGYMAN SAID a Hanover No class of men have ihe to do much good and be such helpful In fluences as the clergy Not only In their sermons in their dally Ufa they can tench the belter way of living The example of the Mr of Hanover Is one to be fol lowed In every home In Canada Hut he failed he told liimsclf with Hill The curse of drink lay on St Pauls parish as alas it docs on many a parish in these fair British Isles Publichouses were crowded publicans grew richer ami homes grew poorer and worst of all human be ings wrecked by intemperance were to be seeii every day going further and further into sin Bill was a workman a decent sort of fellow kept away from the drink hut this was not often Over and over again he lost his work of his in temperate- Habits Even When he was in work the greater part of his wages way into- the publicans till bis wife and family were left to Miss- Homers course knew the family well ami the mans conduct was a great grief to her girl- to be fed besides her husband arid self but tie unhappy woman learned by time to be thankful for small- As bill lay awake in bed this Sunday morning he heard by chance bis eldest boy Tom aged 10 a neighbors small boy talk ing in the garden They had seated themselves directly under Bills open window and little or they thought it every coijveraatfon reached the ears of the father In feed upstairs I I wish exclaimed Torn j passionately that was no Saturday and no Sunday replied Jimmy Manners his little companion I think are the very nicest days in the week see he went On Saturday Is a half holiday and father neatly ait- ways takes mother and us some out ing sorts Sometimes we goes for J a long walk and takes our tea in a big basket and sometimes we goes by tram miles out And Sunday asked Torn short ly Oh Sunday is a day cried Jimmy enthusiastically We all goes to church together and we has he pink teaset out on Sundays and And after tea father play the monium and we- sing hymns till church Its prime I thats stunning said Tom Why know its all a cause of father Oh I wish we could change fathers I do No thanks exclaimed Jimmy en ergetically I dont want fa ttier No I dont suppose you do re plied Tom in a very mournful little voice Oh why cant choose our fathers and Id choose yours Id J like a scursion on Saturdays and Sunday singing and teaset ami and all I hat our doctor and she knew Baby well I dont re- IF flour doesnt act right whom do you Ho tra- blame The grocer didnt make itv The veiling told him it was good and somebody else told the salesman When you buy l Flour y6ur protection comesfrom us We make it know its goodness and guarantee it to both the grocer It is always sold under our name and trademark so you cannot go wrong Ask your grocer for Royal Household Flour Its the key to better living Flonr Co lid Ml M0VTREAL father says yesterday hed welt baby Just think a like that I he was drunk said Jimmy Incdirsc was replied Tom but why does hogget drunk of and Sunday I her pretty childish face do hale Saturday ami Sunday I do all aglow One couldnt but sec and Tom broke down and sobbed- that she meant it but the words remember right how it hut we got talking something and Miss Ivy she dropped this remark Oh its a thing to belong to Christ She said It quite na- only the instruments it is who does the work You are right replied the Vicar Then lie took her for they reached their destination VUA said in a voice which was full of lore God has made you a blessing a others wont you share my life i he a blessing to me darling jj And he would not free her hand once never my life Baa Breath From indigestion Be Overcome With Perfumes able to get through them two days was silent for a course he ought to broke In slowly Weil Im Tom impatiently I will when Im a better for little man J bet home it I could say the same Then you must never touch it would responded now said Jirnrnv shaking his heads Better you book at dad never for them Suppose on me w look at my dan after and ft lgk our own but tti with Miss Ivy Somers She can e of this bad breath com us suffer from bad 16 the arduous dude IncMrntly heart been delighted to to hit pariah the reverend gentleman hat Hie new Vicar was deeply suffered severely liver In work and accompanied with constipation and soon Il6f III arrival in the But he quickly found re- she and in a letter tells how I jWiifcfirirf The Vicar readily agreed can any I like vry do best but up the present muchaa I am troubled with Liver Ml efforts had failed ahaii to have been trying for two months to gist an lnilueree vir Krultatlves are made of fruit man said he to Miss and valuable and form Somers sadly toil have not sueeeosl- the Ideal combination for the treat- one Iota lAndtliert he went on of Jo tell lur how he had week Headache and all Stomach Bowel Induced to the pledge Kidney and Trouble a box rigged him respectable clothes land got him work hut he had just thai Hill had broken Ills Mans great In this is to know for the sakeof living nof is to done with him everything declare seed him boozed queried Tom things a bit clearer than I can Bill consented He would not go to Never once replied Jimmy church with mate as Sun pi proudly not the tiniest wasnt tidy enough he How could he when he never ut meet Sam outside I ouches one drop Never puts his would follow Miss fool inside a pub home Tom made no reply there was no- was that hit Sunday to make He Was sick at heart evening found Miss Man- poor child Jims father was so seatcl togtli- his father and they couldnt Vomers own littlo smg- over that was the trying Bill told Miss conversation under his and physic hut aremedy that strength Bill wingfield bed a long confessed lie wanted to be such a I muscles of stomach and lime that Sunday mm lug fact faUicr that his children would have a he slaved so long thai the public- cause to be ashamed of him houses had opened and closed before Miss Bill cried I am Kick of Kill came downstairs This was Ive lived I dont ee Wiat his wife was quite J to different I tell you a story she has seen asked its about Professor Drum- that grand servant Kjou Christ who did few years ago easy and ran upstairs more than once to sec what was wrong husband appeared to lie sleeping so he did not speak him hut Hill was not asleep was thinking w was that her coachman who gave to got up and went anil called on went out gel Sam Manners The talking to him had gone to his heart Bill up his thai lie at from some stomach trouble and be overcome by breath or any other palliative measures If you occasionally have a bid breath if there is heartburn flata and acid of food if the stomach burns or smarbig if there is ox any other of the symptoms of indigestion use stomach tablets and get well Is not a mere digestive wi els so tbat the of gastric Is and food is naturally and does not stay In tti stomach to ferment awl poison loi many made by tablets that he gives a with every box that the me He was asked by a to to I if Dont laugh too soon Footpads f all hope I held up a reporter In St Louis and I got only a dime He laughed at their replied as the dlsappoiutment and in laughing tears filled her soft grey earnest eye Is going to that man I You know we arc praying for him so the answer must come If You are right responded the Vicar 1 am ashamed of myself always do me opened his mouth and showed a feold tooth Thy saw it grabbed for We mouth and pried the gold tooth out Dont get the Idea that you are always in a you arc a I hustler said a well known captain of Industry the other day The j hurrying man gets on my And then a sudden awkwardness He things up and slams them overtook him and ho bad her a has- down and makes a great show of do- goodbye and hurried home with reeijje about Jiow lo make afternoons and Sunday after- the very nicest day week Sam and Ids family were fust going sit down to tea when arrived Sore there was the pink leafiei right and cake Sam Insisted on Bill sitting down with them and as soon tea was over he got Bill to go with him into the garden and have a smoke for be saw he had 10 to him There and Bjjl told Sam the- whole story and how God had used the to him to his senses end to show him what a lie was to himself and family Now mate he and bis voice was broken suppressed toll me what to do Is hope forme Or Is It too late for a chap like me to change Willi you do said if you were on our lioises ran away downhill con trol do replied Hie I could man me Well replied Sam slowly things For that matter the ear a in his heart I thoughtfully although I never wan nest Wrrying man docs do things j Ivy Vomers was right always drink was no does at the cost of an unnecessary expenditure of nervous force on his own part which wears on the nerves of his fellow workers nor Miss was to be the I answers prayer though not always in to me yet I was living a the way we expect Bill until used Miss Ivy would lu saved but rxltlir the hough she was real hustler first lays out the work to do In his own mind and then with no false moves he does it without the turmoil ot harry and rush m for the to cold qukKcr San aoy money back of commend ShUobi Cura QUICKLY a child That la fibioVa Cur Sold under a guarantee to cure and cough j aoy other Instrument 1 It was a Sunday morning and Bill was lying in bod- waiting until the publichouses would open What was the of getting up be fore he argued with himself His wife was down In the kitchen trying to make a dinner of the small of food she had at her disposal BUI had come home as usual on Saturday night and while she was helping him to get to bed a shilling fell from his pocket and roll ed to She hastily appro priated it and as soon as her hus band safety asleep she ran out arid bought something for the Sun- da dinner It was not much to sure where there were three children temptation godless life is we call though she was only a a girl then about to open eyes She met me one day coming home from work and stopped to talk Her You be to WJERP But But Ileum there were someone sitting behind you trrojijr than you who could control Hum whai would do Oh said would hand the rein sr Ah said life has run away with you Your appe tites and passions downhill But them ore at your side tar stronger on v offers to control aid make it as what will you o wn replied the coachman he did There was a pause when speaking She and were praying silently and earnestly for poor Bill and the Spirit Cod was striving In Bills heart calm measured tones BUI said Miss I will give him the reinV the three then knelt In prayer In the handed over the of his J lie to Jews Christ I ea Miss this is glorious news Is it not said the Vicar as he walked home with girl at the of the Wednesday evening service l she replied with- a happy l fct child shall lead them God has answered prayer though the answer came In a way we did not expect Praise God it has come I True he replied himself to tell me about It and he seems a completely changed man God is good By the hear you were one to lead ifra in to the light he tells me Bam Manners owes his conversion to to give satisfaction He bikes whole risk and a box of Miona will not cost ydu a cent unless it a For Sale t roomed house and large lot good stable fruit trees good well cutter childs folding cot I baby carriage Enquire at I am your andean uy there eon pared It Kendalls Spavin Cure Cure Spavins Thoroughpro Ctirb Splint Ringbone Sores Swellings Sprains Bruises aadell Lameness It a Our greet TrettllK on the free et fc I g faA I More IRtuor Troubles Possible THE A PLEASURE Does bet replied Ivy simply That was years ago After we Sham Every Year ft Gel from your dealer on SO at trial liO TO WBCHJwS Itanuilnk

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