ft r I r Idle the i It takes more than modern machinery to pro duce good flour Ft is care used in selecting wheat before it is ground and the searching tests of expert chemists afterwards that give Royal Household Flour its nutritious qualities its purity and its uniform good ness In its preparation no process tending to im prove its quality is omitted or slighted Tell your grocer that you want Royal Household because the makers guarantee it ftgilvle Mills Co One of the earn raisings of this took place at Bell Bros near on Saturday afternoon last- It was a sis bent barn It by ft The captains were George Sell of and Robert Haggar of Victoria Square In one hour and thirty minutes from the time the 1st lift was taken the barn was up and the men were tbe building Geo Bel was the winner four or five rafters ASK AY A grand concert will be held here under the auspices of the Union Brass Band on Christinas evening for which Ihc following firstclass talent has been engaged Mr Will J To ftless joy orpain A friend aside v Dec Hill mm 1 Her Friend- The Soyjerga Batik HEAD Capital v- Ww- of So of Arch Km A HOX K her with congratulation on rescued from what proraUed to b hopeless Mr had not been tor year treated her for corapIaJnts but none e them did any Savings Bank at Wl- I that quieicly So she la- P A Lister iir trying Vrult- Albert Pennington those wonderful P A Lister Tablets that are curing so many what pie Here la what For the Era I have much Of course you can get your size in Stanfields Underwear- Every garment is cut to measure is accurately tested on models and its size exactly found Stanfields Underwear comes in all sizes from 22 to inches Three weights too S Mrs and daughter Miss Gertrude are spending the with friends and relatives at ville of Jacksons Point is ly ing very ill at the home of Mr and Mrs Claris with Whom been visiting for past few weeks Christmas has come to home In castle or in cot J White concert comediah of Christ for all mankind has come who will present his j To cheer their earthly lot program comic song and Oh gladly give welcome room no less popular will assist Let Him not he forgot I such as Bell soprano and comic Toronto George trombone soloist Toronto Miss Lix- Jenkins Toronto Scotch acl Irish dan cer Toronto Music also he fur- by the band Concert will commence at S oclock This will be one of best concerts ever held in this place and should be well patron ized about for me t pleasure In that found Our Christ Earths King the best I used for and BU- I Buffered from of a cover Wnd for a long Though Its- only a hi good the day Of and care worn As pass lifes way It he you have spoken And the kind deed you have wrought Has helped and cheered And to him Gods It may the Will run through years Your words shall live on forever Brighten oft fillwt with tears Each word you have uttered of heart by kimlnesi Will bless you on earth and in Heaven You shall hear Gods sweet done Ruin arid Rescue He good will and peace to all Earth treasures not crave own the this ball But men He longs to save To rescue them from Adams fall rfis life a ransom gave- To Institute a living way sacrificial love foretold by prophets in their day Gods for man to prove That every one believing may Be fit to dwell above i He laid aside Mis royal Forsook His glory to this earthly globe For all men to atone A man of sorrows and of grief The winepress trod alone lie came in human form That lie might feel and know One Christmas broken-heart- woman on the top floor of a tenement house in York cried I hope moment- stretched as blindly groping- for The child saw the movement an up bare- feet to go the man but that he found what he for and clasped It to Ms heartthe bottle looking eyes that had long forsaken weeping as of no avail back shivering its wet straw pallet yet though you may believe not man was father to thecbld The squalid room the drunken the starving child and Triumphant over all the bottle picture fit tor tbepen An and awoke some semblance of animation in the man The child to get a sleep but at firse of the man awoke alert and ready Seeing the man was not yet awake but heavy in drunkenstu- the child rose stealthily withdrew the bottle from the arms that hugged it to Ms heart hid it underneath the straw of his pallet and Jay down upon it A few minutes and the man awoke This tirrie he looked around searching for his treasure then he lurched fog over Mm the from a eye upon bis face one He his murdered the with the bottle See where he hit him label is That was his weapon Come man up you get table the X from the bulls eye it seemed- show the dull of murder its eye of flight With a shuddering cry he bid face in bis hands and passed with captors out into night And bottle stood triumphant upon table Triumphant over honor duty life itself The uucrown monarchy was solute nay whose power when once its subjects bend i to its Revnnld Reynolds Newspaper Bear Silent Witness to the of Kidney Disease after taking I become entirely well I with every confidence recommend Fruit- to her husband attyea to from Con or Calomel oU and othr you make my toWyJ act simply on the An alarming fact but statistics show that in post mortem examine j to death from all casts let i none- t j cent of such taaS SSb devil tajX- U from child Frultatives and stimulant on a A rumor is in circulation to lhe effect that Mr Deacon will drop The frailties that bring to harm out of Municipal life this year and Poor mortals here below Mr William will be an That with His strong a aspirant for municipal honors Might lift them up from woe Messrs and the anniversary leameeting mJ at Kiel Hill on Monday of last week W their sight During the evening their horse became ih frightened and ran away The L eap with delist was badly crowds The bazaar held in hall He under the auspices of the Womens The dumb ones spake and praised His Auxiliary of Hi Mary Magdalene name church proved to be while men beheld aghat most successful affair The proceeds The lepers pure and clean became are a They act liver in flammation and Increasing the flow of fclle Besides Insuring com plete digestion bile makes the move That la why also made of fruit and tonics a boa At a on receipt of Limited Ottawa tonic I cursed her and rushed downstairs I Father Oh the mockery Ati and into the street wuji eminent medical men A warning to humanity that the percentage of not with kidney taint Is very South American Kidney Cure it In six natures The J the end her- that very night and youve had plenty permanently cures heals Dont drink more had it all The bottles empty it ere be yelled Youve 9 rushed to the window threw open the sash ami was about to her- if Sf I it but Ill you to steal There he some the tor tonic a her It roughly off st until the day or 1 M or her on clung to her fa thc resurfe of the Jib Look look I children ft tlt up- out in life as a failure he Woman Continued from that The frightened children and hi knKlt the despairing fijeed their eyes SmTSA cross of fire and eagerly Kai win iU upon that symbol of t moan it fell from a end as one unless he gets wakened up in some way boy and girt a fair chance and re- sonable encouragement and do not I Staf ftnd condemn as ffil to himself and of downright stupidity fc A teacher was Look at that what is the J of hearts She told the children of that wonderful sign in the JaMe took a long draught and re- umakull my needed pure hearts while hearts The neighbor replied On n I a loving hearts and large hearts and that is nothing hut the cross on the J when she mentioned sweethearts City Mission Church in t mischievous boy audibly said Amen Street they are celebrating J malignant and The faults of Women have been pro- mas have lifted triumphant gating upon the claimed from thc housetops We need woman replied Well it is thc voice to be reminded that if there were no and vision of to me was fallen mil- there would he no fallen about to do an awful thing and thatf de uu The next he said Women arid thenumbers are in cross stopped me man woke slowly Ned lad come evening she was at the mission Hope And devils out He cast amounted in all to over A very enjoyable dance was riven in Diseases fled at His Simpsons hall on Monday of last The deaf hear and are blessed week by young people of the vil lage The Church of at three and thirty years fie Among the lowly poor town is being with a new He might what poor ones furnace Underwear felt Who poverty endure For them His Under heart would And sought their fill to cure Among them went from day to day We understand the Council have suc ceeded hi securing a contract with the Grand Trunk Hallway the supply m and of water here at increase of 1 lay over the old contract which Hade them arise nor fear per The Council in faith obey no doubt proceed to put down a disappear Dec The day of Pair is usually considered big day and this city was yesterday with- the crowds from far and near who had to come to see the great fat stock exhibition well as to girt the benefit of the lectures and public meetings held in connection with the Fair The days programme was packed with a multi tude of events many of conflict sing A W dour and knocks ar W broken Awaits the wont from you JttMMW andltkitly until ills locks were also a number of meetings of breeders and poultry clubs The Bottle r A room in name only since every vestlgc of mans favor In the beginning man said Hi and faith came into her life She was me lie has been saying began to work and pray or It ever since and soon the whole- family cannot do Woman with the church he does not intend to Men and Women wont go tandem but make a splendid team Woman is surely the superior part ner She has entered upor- nearly every one of mans occupations anil realizes that he dare not upon glass had vanished it may have- been hers V Some talk about Womans sphere As though it had a limit Theres rot a place in earth or heaven Theres hot a to mankind given Theres not a blessing woe Theres not a whispered Yes or Theres not a life a death or birth That has a feathers of worth Without a Woman it School Reports j here No answer Ned lad here Again no answer my lad Surely those so gentle could never come from him Ami yet they they were as if he held a world of love for the lad that lay dead upon the floor and sunk debased and murderer though he was he bad his victim dear- Ned He must have out years ago is plaie he supplied by Then stoggeing up ho rags rattled their skeletons of frames in a stiff November gale A few crazy went to get some tew sticks to make a handful of Tire was that Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY tiles upon the roof kept up an inter mittent accompaniment while every now and again small mor- W to tlttt lay across a dark red stream still flowing freely from its Mayor Plenty on Friday Are dripping with dew afternoon charged with vagrancy grieved that should shut Him and disorderly conduct After hear- n out the evidence Thomas And all His love eschew Ambrose were commit- ill own Ay John Hod- The Housekeepers Friend makes work easy servants fttJce stoves ri look clean and polished makes polishing cost- lead too because Black Knight box at and boticd ted to rt days at arri Clark waalso known ST kingdom standing permanenC suspended fientehee to wto the tour of May gladness at this dene it was shown that two of Ufa every homestead reign party were only years old and invite the Saviour to abide were sold Intoxicating lienor con- con the Act which for bids giving liquor to minora A few more sentence Ilk the above will have tbe effect of pulling an end thc disgraceful rows which have tak en place here during the past summer and fall No for November Names in order of merit Class Martha Burrow III Class Annie Tunny Stanley Mortimer Howard George Flora KInnon Jr HI Class Kenneth Verna Walter Tunny Wellington H H Stewart Fred Swain- PI It ClassEdgar I Ada Andrews Laura Jr I Class Average attendance A Teacher rusty and grate With Ins head upon Ids arm lying oyer an old table was a man ap parently contented aye it may he said happy with his lot since the roar of the elements made no awoke no expression of annoy ance or disturbed his dreams for he slept soundly His face was not a good face to look upon sodden with pendulous trembling lower lip and twitching features that told only too plainly what scaffolding had reared II Vice passion and drink He- bold a slake morp bound than by fet ters of steel more powerless if held In granite walls more helpless than if guarded by an army the table behold his fetters his dun geon and his gaoler the bottle Upon the floor was child wide and holloweyed with hunger and vainly striving to get some warmth by huddling straw upon which it lay close loits shivering body Evidently It was no relation to My God he cried my God he is dead lie has been killed Sod have have killed him In a moment he was down upon his knees with the poor body pressed tightly to his breast rocking to and fro in anguish crying wildly Ned my Ned kissing with tear ful energy the dead lips of his son as though by very passion he could bring hack life io him Alas there was no answering kiss and the child hart hungered for a word only a few hours ago had now a thousand endearments showered its deaf dead ears Amt the man who spurned hm with a kfck was now a broken suppliant for one last kiss Gazing round his eyes fell upon bottle the dirty label smeared a dull crimson With a loud cry as recol lection forced itself him ho seized the accursed thing and flung it across the room to shatter it in thousand pieces but It struck ihc straw and with a sneering ring rolled undamaged to the floor And man with a piercing scream fell the shut try i an i of if than anything ever tried take nothing in it to bun a baby succets i lire Jl I Charles Campbell church pleaded guilty at Hamilton of em bezzling church funds Lawrence was hanged at Man for the murder of Mis Brown Haw of Marie Dec The trial of George until recently fire chief at Wind Itivergfoc incendiarism was last and a sentence of seven years to Kingston Penitentiary was imposed i man else surely upon such a night body son his breast for warmth and comfort m but ho took no notice though a hc to Just Because confine yourself indoors provide FOR YOUR BODILY COMFORT by wen ring WATERPROOF OftED CLOTHING EVfrv Guoranlccd Good con- I The Thompson liner Kridona ran on the rocks near Cape is in The crew GREATEST OF TONICS J Those who use it get well A certain cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases Highly recommended for Insomnia YEARS AGO Years ago almost a physical THE PROOF Tt rtlon1iiv Sm tit Calling women the weaker sex is certainly a misnomer woman wondering where the idea ever origi nated said the other day What man could ever entire the physical j hardships to which women cheerfully expose Last year we in curtailed slews but who heard a murmur from the I Several ago lands of women who could not Swin rfinnt igranny mufts If you had suggest Doe- any of ones that lit was ridiculous to- wear short sleeves In winter you only have been met a Wank start of pity and contempt And who ever heard of a j woman putting lining Into her transparent because afraid of pneumonia Pneumonia be better than some horrible thick substance beneath a lingerie slip I month io be unable to walk at which time a physician that neat thai would buy for bar be a She PSYCH and If reasonably For Coughs and Colds take For Throat and Lung trouble take For and Consumption tijke For aftereffects of La Grippe Pneumonia arid Pleurisy take trouble and neighbors thought would never get better began to despair myself Losing faith in my physician J procured who recommended the use of It surprising beyond description effect it bad I seemed to gain with ever dose Inside of two weeks I wast able to- attend to my housework again There art- no symptoms consumption about me no- MRS HENDERSON For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take For Chills or Fevers take For System take To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE An Unfailing Cure all Throaty Lung and Stomach A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet I MM tk Klnar Torortto A