Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1907, p. 6

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Tic Liverpool London Kobe j INSURANCE COMPANY BUncetf Subscribed Ciplttl flBAD iMONTBBAt HOARD in Samuel Esq ittfcU PA MANAGER I STORE We carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES Amoic them COSGROVES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE THE MARKET There was good sleighing and an extra large crowd at the 1 market Tuesday Butter to eggs chickens to fowl to to geese j keys to SALE REGISTER j Mrs Elliott will hold an extensive Auction Sale of horses cattle pigs poultry implements etc also four acres of land at lot con East on Friday Dec at one oclock Ten months credit on sums over Smith BALDWIN BREEZES i A days threshing at Cam erons a character study Stevensons separator en gineer and the greac and only Ly man feeder Ail hands passed sensible way would be to grab the first- you could lay your paws on and deem oneself an 2Xtraordinary lucky coon to secure such- a precious little wife- There seems to be many candidates desirous of contributing to Suttons muster roll at am all fund Several were pulled Prescriptions and family Reeeipti personal attention day or nlfcut T LLOYD PREPARATORY SERVICE Rev Mr Kerr of Toronto conduc ted preparatory service in the Presby terian church on Friday evening when several new members were added the membership roll of the church j Sacramental service conducted by the pastor Rev D Cameron was on Sunday their post of duty the whistle blew the signal and off she went The morning being cold and the mow men feeling quite they at once rushing business bundling down sheaves in shapes and unlimited numbers from the top of a very high mow landed on the Feed table in a confused mass the bandcutter unable to do much but smile a sickly smile This is awfully annoying to feeder even though he were a Boys before tie J P lately One was charged the serious offence of selling giving firewater to an In dian- A tew seemed to labor the thai Geo had committed an aggravated assault upon him and accordingly had him before the Beak It Was plainly evident Worships that the ground had flew up and salt and buttered him thereby causing the and bumps and thumps that A The Reliable Store KESWICK We are still alive and doing business on the same principle Good Goods at REASO NABLE PRICES Miss Hill is again in charge of the Millinery and will hold the opening on Monday and Tues day Sept 30th and Opt 1st A FILTHY PRACTICE Complaints have reached us about some of the boys smrrting tobacco juice on plate glass windows of places a severe example will be made of any who arc detected in act or proven guilty If these boys gentleman Says he Ive got my Lyman up but he disfigured bis smiling physiognomy bis pent up- fury till after neighbor Slelvtn Then feeling somewhat refresh- Thompson has a flock poultry In said Now come on delight and The fresher was raging andjp marauder snorting tliamping race He nodded to the engineer like unto a trained racer pou and when morn- the bit eager for Cockdopdle I found he was minus three of his wives WEST FRANKLIN Mr has an attack of pleurisy Local- sportsmen were out hunting on Saturday and secured a rab bits James Davis one of Alberts bachelors was in jour Town this week Mr and Mrs Woodruff celebra ted their thirtyfifth wedding anniver sary last Friday Only immediate relatives were present We tender our best wishes to the worthy couple Mrs Sheffield is visiting friends at Vivian this week Mr arid Mrs Fairies spent Monday in Toronto The Misses of are spending a few weeks under the par ental roof Mr Everett Barnes has returned from visiting his father lor a few weeks Fred lock of London was a A large stoek y SILVERWARE GLASSWARE PARLOR AND HANGING LAMP3 ETC SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS M SUMMERFELDTS MOUNT ALBERT GET THE HABIT PHONE give her Waxes and the work waged jrne is at Mr for a fast and furious The mow men the getting warmer and off their jackets Put breast leg as many wives Revenge filled and himself with a up boys growled Lyman all sia out on the trail Hon in his now J led direct to the Owls The- temperature continued rfow fieW s their citadel awl set to work to urtdcrmine ENTERTAINMENT must chew tobacco there is surely risirg ami more garments were plenty of room to expectorate Finally about p m the boys wiitr lout defiling store windows They cried v had enough And Lyman had had a great- and glorious revenge The outcome of the above a re cord days threshing You will have observed from The Methodist Sunday School will give a very pleasing entertainment in the church on Christmas night Thcj that all differences between have been out on the road is being carefully prepared by the teachers and pupils of the Sunday principal feature will be a Cantata and Lyman The of which j healed and they are as the boss threshing outfit in North impudent and none They fear as boldfed pig Last week they School There will also be an at tractive program of and Drills There will no doubt be a large attendance See bills for particulars the inner fortress which he stormed a stubborn resistance the gar rison capitulated and were marched out us prisoners of war and after court martial were put to an death- The atmosphere for some days was heavily laden with a very pungent odor Their fur known as Alaska Sable is very valuable Foxes are exceedingly abundant few days- Dont forget the Christmas Tree and Entertainment which is to be held in the Christian church on Friday even ing Dec Mr and Mrs Burnett of Mark- ham have purchased the farm Mr Burnett them into our midst Mr Rupert Pollard of Albert is visiting Mr Ward Some of our citizens attended the open meeting of the Ladies Aid So ciety which was held at Lemon ilia on Wednesday evening- foe Im sure I know not where or how but there must have been a PK- visited Tom Drapers barnyard dur ing the night and frightened his geese Dominion Parliament READ CAREFULLY We notice that nearly all the m The Dominion Parliament tumble from the lofty pinnacle so they flew to Owltowh Geese arc yesterday for the Christmas dignity by someone keen and very watchful at days to reassemble on the of The Holiday Season is at hand You should see vhat we have before going elsewhere We only and St Lawrence Sugars Finest Select Valencia Raisins 3 lbs for Finest Cleaned Currants lbs for 25c Seeded Raisins lbs for Fine Golden Dates pack ages for Cooking Figs per lb Royal Mixed Candy per lb lbs for 25c Messina Oranges 25c per dozen Fresh Victor Rolled Oats lbs for Maple Syrup per tin We have also in stock Walnuts Almonds Filberts Peanuts Brown Mixed Candy and plenty goods from which to choose your Presents Having bought the stock of M F NOTTINGHAM Harness- Maker Containing Harness Whips Blankets Sweat Pads Halters Bells Trunks Valises c I am offering the entire stock at from to per bent Discount on Every Article v Get your supply while they Inst See our Boots Shoes Rubbers Overcoats Overalls Oilcloth Lino leums c Barrel and Bag Salt always on hand CASH OR TRADE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS EVERY DAY IS MARKET DAY i E SMITH The Leading Merchant qu en s vi l e SUCCESSOR TO WIGHT SON A I has made elaborate and handsome decorations for the He has a supply genuine French kisses in stock to in IhikinUy advertise hut of Holt dots not expect to have time for the next thirty days beginning Dec as he will be busy tieing up select raisins at individually Boys your chance Some Mays ago Morton Jerusalem had the lbs or or S BROWNHILL Cheap Cash Store 25c all at per In Comfort Soap bars for Sugar lbs for bright yellow lbs for plugs McDonald 25c and other things pit I portion Please call and see our line of glassware and- goods Holt some pair of Their pelts dro worth somewhere dollars apiece whilst a wildcats fur is valu ed at a or so There are more skulking about Wildcat Corners pro- night nothing escapes their observa tion Breezy bits of from Madame bill It seems that Morton hud a dilatory tenant to whom he vain for a settlement I pay the You eh Aw well see about that whereupon he when Hon Mr Fielding Minister of Finance will make his budget speech Mr Liberal M P for Two Mountains has introduced a bill in amenidment of Railway Act to shorten the interminable delays in the expropriation of lands- for railway took thv law into his own hands and purposes and the reduction of the ex penses involved the execution the law in such cases seized a- cow The dame claimed the cow was her individual property therefore was in for a serious charge She claims that the terror There ten divorce applications of the law made him settle by Toronto to he with Parliament at the present session For Sale their annual Tree On Thursday evening of this week to put in a House and Barn on lot con stock of logs on his other farm East the village J winter and a saw mill West Franklin For full Business is rushing here apply Mr and Miss were in town last week West Stray Lamb BRIEFLETS Two of our popular young ladies have been collecting for the ioz Mens Suits for and met with excellent success dozen Mens Suite regular 1 Mr still continues on the sick list and we regret to report no improvement in his condition Mr Joseph Evans of Indian Head for Black Worsted Suits for dozen Boys Suits regular for has returned home for the Mr Henry of Richmond Hill was dozen Overcoats all sizes regular a visitor at home of Mr Jot for 525 French Mens Pea Jackets 4 Mrs Eiigenc for Mends in Toronto is visiting dozen Mens Cloth Pants regular Mrs David and daughter of for cents Toronto are visiting friends in town doz Boys Overcoats regular Mr Stanley Oldham of Wexford was for visiting at the home of his parents dozen Mens Sweaters regular Mr Herbert Harrison attended the for cents midwinter fair at recently dozen regular and for lbs No I for 25c lbs dates lor lbs No Currants for 25c J Da is addressed the and Orange Peel per lb rg worth on Monday evening on Canada the Young Mans were along a bush road Hearing yelp of a dog they jauscl a moment to see the raw- bit It made their bristles a lynx dashed across the path closely pursued by a yaller That dog was Minting trouble aid would most assuredly it an1 plenty of it if he overhaul for they put up a game fight which but one dog in a thousand can caper with am assured- by two doting mam mas of North that their darling daughters will presently ride the matrimonial goav in other worsts theyll be initiated into the mysteries of connubial bliss From long ac quaintance I can recommend these lassies as No hard Manitoba in flour language Uptop good girls- for Mixed for Oranges Sweet No regular for Soap bars for Washing Soda lbs for Bargains in Good assortment of Childrens Toys for Christmas A SAMUEL Cash or trade for copper furs hides and rubbers not present Ho For Brownhill FOR YOUR- Christmas Presents wish to announce to the public opened pieces and for also a large assortment of GOODS Comprising Work Boxes Manicure other seta and an vari ety TOYS DOLLS FANCY Remember that we will have BAND CHRISTMAS EVE An Paul will be a of clerks to look after your Mod Those who were a rare treat Owing to Mr Partridges illness Rev rovermg of Victoria flegO occupied the Methodist pulpit very acceptably Sunday morning Mr J and family moved into their new residence adjoining Mrs is making ex tensive repairs to the house Mr ha vacated and in tends moving in shortly Mr Elmer Smith has purchased the house and lot owned by the late Held Lewis being occupied at present by Mr Henry Mrs J If Wight and Mr Ernest Wight pent week with relatives In Milton While there they took In the Winter Fair at Mr and Mrs Shepherd ar rived from Winnipeg on Friday to spend the Christmas vacation at Mr Shepherds old home Miss Patty weekend Toronto Dr Pearson and Mr A were in town Tuesday evening attending lodge has charge of the rink again and is working hard to have good ice for Saturday night The school scholars are prac tising for their annual Concert Will be In Presbyterian Hall Monday Dec I Silver a christian gen- last I of a most benevolent heart anil Providence his blessed him a more than ordlu- bountiful crop of fruit and to show his gratitude and to exemplify that it is more to give than receive he quietly handed Solomon a nice new crisp William to assist in life Mr does not puffing and blow- over his charitable deeds hut heard of so many this last was too good to keep The book ot Holy I Writ says lie who to the poor lends to the Lord ive Providence always gives a very high rate of interest sometfmo a thousand fold A shooting match is dicing arranged here for New Years Day Several champion ride experts from Toronto have their intention to the crowd at the corner tithits of the fracas The of December Well surely long remember- The storm surpass ed anything weve had so early in the season since the Dec nine years ago It completely knocked out a shooting match set lor that date here Mr Walter Thompson Holt has purchased his fathers Thomp son former home In Gum Swamp from his son Harry Thompson and lie intends moving soon J understand He has done much improvement lie has also purchased the farm of Geo Wash nearby The entire parcels contain about one hundred and sixty acres We are pleased to welcome them nil back to llalilwir Much of this news was prepared for Mr Hugh Guthrie P for Cert- j Wellington has been chosen chair man of the Railway Committee to re place Hon Arch Campbell transfer red to the Senate How are you going to spend New Years night That is the question Ladles Aid of Sutton Methodist Church is trying to make easy for you to answer by giving a good Hot Fowl Supper and Concert In the Town Hall on night of the New Year Let them see you are interested In their good work by your apent the presence at their supper and concert did not succeed in I Make the the New Year a merry one and hear how the Dec 17 While driving tracks Thomas farmer was struck a train The horse was the wrecked and Jones badly shaken up vnning that medal at tl- recent match at Glen drove- He hadnt any very high hopes of so doing as he uses only an ordinary porting rifle whereas the majority use target weapons a most decided a vantage The winners of the last two matches Mr with points made a truly wonderful score Mrs P Sinclair is expecting her son and daughter Charlie and Maggie home from NorthWest for There is a very large foregathering of old time nbout the old homes at A quartette of amazingly attract ive young women that almost anybody would like They are Myrtle Prosier Dell Hamilton Ida and about on an equal ity of merit to smartness sweet ness and beauty Little wonder then that some chaps puzzle their brains trying to solve which Is In belle A A bill introduced by Mr Lancaster passed the Commons last week which provides that no train shall pass over any highway crossing at rail level in any thickly peopled portion of any city town or village at a greater speed than ten miles an hour crossing is properly protected or constructed under the direct ions of Railway Commission In the Coiiiiuons last week Mr Claude for one of the Toronto districts wanted to know if the Government would con tinue previous policy of disallow ance in the event the Legislature of British Columbia reenacting Natal Act To this Sir Wilfrid re plied that question will he con sidered when It arises Mr- looked like thirty cents when he got his answer In reply to Mr McCarthy of Cal gary Hon Frank Oliver slated that a bill was in course of preparation to set apart Dominion lauds for resi dents of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta who took part in the South African war of Barker found beau A public meeting in the of Local Option will he held in the Town Hall Sutton on Friday Dec 20- Mr clerk of the lown of Toronto Junction will be here lb you how it has been a benefit to To ronto Junction aiw Rev Presbyterian Minister of will be here to give his reasons why Local Option has an advantage to and why every Munici pality should have Local Option Special music Opposition in vited PINE The lecture by on Tuesday evening at Friends Church well attended His subject was Sleep and the audience enjoyed it Ho dealt with the various phases of suspended animation including trance hypnotism etc Mr Claude Macdonel P To ronto has introduced a bill to amend tho Dominion Election Act It pro vides for compulsory voting for set ting apart ejection days as public holidays and to repeal the clause the present election law which to- quires a deposit of two hundred dol lars from candidates for election to the House of Commons The address in reply to the Speech from Throne passed the on a vote of MS After the vote had been taken In reply to Hon Mr Foster the Hon Minister of Finance stated that owing to the protracted character of the debate on address the budget debate would not come on until after Christmas Mrs P baa gone to Sut ton West where is doing a store business Mrs Bowling has returned home from hie visit In that ft Is very dull Mr was in town last week The from Udora got in a car load rozcb wheat from the NorthWest and la busy hauling it away The Ridge intend holding For Sale Into the premises toundtriu lot tfEasi A number of first class Jersey about Oct 1st a Ram Lamb tie For particulars apply to can have same by paying STOKES JOHN Mount Albert Mount Albert Joint Deposit counts arc a Special con arranged for customers of THE METROPOLITAN BANK Money can be or with drawn by husband or wife Particularly valuable for farmers and town r esidents m and drafts sold lowest rues Sale Notes collected and advances nude icreon SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 100 or more opens an Account Inter allowed from deposit and compounded FOUR limes You may deposit or money by The Metropolitan Bank CtpWI Up Reserve nd Undivided Profit SUTTON WEST BRANCH H A Manager JOHNSTONS Choice Mixed Nuts all Fresh 15c lb Choice Table Dates lb Finest Sweet Oranges 10 15 and 60c Fancy Navel Oranges 30 and dozen Finest Fresh Lemons very large 20c Fancy Candy in mixed Creams Chocolates c at all prices Dessert Table I A Fancy lb Wishing you All the Very Merriest of Yuletlde Greet ings 4 Johnstons Cash Store Sutton

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