fc l J t r- tHENEARKEi ff LEGAL Notary ftc or Christmas Tree to on good Security- A frisky horse did notNake kindly to being hitched too close to a cut ter onMouoay morning so it broke loose anfl left the red box in front of St Parlor toiw in iron a fc- Stephens store while it scampered up v apparent at its freedom m dunag done Demean Street Newmarket I Tomorrow is the shortest day in the The storeclerks will ably find it the longest This is a good time to renew your subscription Cor next year Coasting on the- sidewalk is attend ed with so much danger that tin a Inspector should see that the practice stopped at once I can make no more acceptable Robertson COXJRT CLERK for the to an absent A relative or friend than semi them Insurance iFire Insurance a apecUIty Bolton w Decorator and s VOICE CULTURE of tf 2 Wilsons St and it this paper for a year Dr Clark ion tor Wilkinson Block Sekomberg Wefa 9 9 fag or it ito St Uuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Papers at private retrace If House Burned On Wednesday afternoon of last week the residence on Mis J Salters farm 2nd Con of occupied by Mr Colin Hop per was destroyed by fire Through heroic efforts and the assistance the the contents were all saved arid also shea adjoining Mr Salter could not replace the home for less than There was insurance on the building The fire must have started in some way from the diningroom stove in the upper part of the house Choice Chocolate and Bon Hon Boxes suitable for Xmas Gifts Come and see them at Simpsons Cutting at Both Ends We clip following from the tang Herald The pinch in the money market is to he felt in this dis trict Nearly all the lumber camps have found it necessary to cut down the scale of wages and the men have been plainly told that If they do not care to accept the reduced scale they at liberty to take their kit and tramp The factories have both cut down wages of their employes and at the same time shortened up the working hours The of Newmarket should be thankful that while the fac tories in other towns are reducing expense neither wages or- time have been cut down in this Town but on the contrary the Office Specialty com tinues Its overtime to meet the de mands of trade NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS IK Monuments and Head Stone Call JAMES CA88IDY Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of purl Be Farm Produce Following were the ruling prices flutter to lb to 37c Dressed chickens SO to pair Dressed to 10c lb Dressed Ducks to lie lb Dressed Geese to per ft Turkeys to per lb Beef to per pound Dressed Pork to per lb Lamb and Veal to per Pears to basket Apples 20c to 25c a basket Apples per Potatoes to Parsnips basket per head Cabbage to a head Onions basket Live Chickens 7 to lb Old hens to per lb Live Ducks to Be per lb Live to lb Live Turkeys to lb Pigeons to 20c pair Hides I to lb Calf Skins ft Lambskins to each Horsehides to I Boyds Livery Tie is now a Bus to all of prompt attention KABOYD Courses of in the Methodist Church At a special of Quar terly Official Board on Thursday evening of last week the recommenda tion of tile Stewards increase the of the pastor the of was adopted Tlr Board felt that the in the receipt of the was due to his ability and energy and that it should be recognized The are constantly growing- larger the attendance at the Sunday School ha reached over being young and and the church generally is in good flnan- condition over improve ments at the parsonage last paid of the re- any special effort- Our nearest store of size is some fifteen miles aid a crowd of little people in the house who are expecting to see a most wonderful tree Our gifts bad been bought during a visit to a Northern city and were laid aside awaiting the happy day We also bought a box of wax candles and some holders for then The prettiest are those with colored balls at the bottom hut in ease of emergency the candles can be wired to the twigs of the tree with very fine wire and will do nicely There were nearly on our before any of the presents went on They were nearly all home made and of the following- varieties First we cut out of rather stiff board some fivepointed stars little boots Maltese crosses butter flies shields arrows and horse shoes Several of each Kind were made a large bowl of boiled paste prepared and each was covered on both sides with colored paper most ly silver and gilt and some with blue The arrows shields and butterflies were voted the prettiest The latter were made flat one side covered with plain gilt paper the other with all kinds of brilliant col ors ami little round black spots pas ted on to look IPie nature the wings were then font up as if insects were flying fand with the prettiest sides out some were wired on to the branches others hung by threads of dark green which could not he scon and they looked as if poised in the air We next found a piece of broken lookingglass in the attic and had it cut up into many little pieces bound each one with lute siring ribbon pas- on and when dry each furnished with strings by which to hold them up They all the lights an made the effect very brilliant Cornucopias we were able to make very easily for we had a carpenter to prepare us a slender wooden core just the shape of one and it is very pleasant work to paste item toget her over this model a pretty embossed picture on each then slip off to dry The prettiest of all trinkets made as follows Taking a quantity of walnuts we split them one at a time Into halves filled one half with little caraway com- glued on other half first slipping into a lit tie loop of ribbon the top and laid each one aside till dry Then each was gilded with liquid gilding These little rattle- boxes arc lovely an1 everybody will want one A lot of tiny rosecheeked apples were polished up and furnished also some red balls from a plant called the Solanum which grows wild they look very much like small round tomatoes these festoons of strung cran berries look very pretty Owls were made out of peanuts by putting in two black pins for eyes the pins protecting below the- feet so they could be stuck the branches Perhaps you could succeed with pop corn balls better than I did ours would stick together and we were much disappointed We had some lit tle tiny Japanese parasols among our and some small pictures and there were also fastened on to this remarkable tree some little bits of flags you can get quite a roll of them fur ten cents and they were very showy But the of all were the crystallized ornament First I made some small baflkels of annealed wire and wound tbem very profusely with bright colored zephyr the rosc- and light green proved to the pretties I also one that I wound in shaded green with dots of red the light blue and lemon- colored were not to he Then procured pounds of alum and a large stone crock ar4 made a hot solution alum and put ft In the crock laid a stick across the top and suspended my one at a time In the hot alum water leaving them about twelve undftAurbcd Sometimes had better success than others hut generally they looked like the most French candy when taken out as the color of the showed through the frosting Then I hung the baskets up to dry reheated the solution sometimes making It stronger and again I also crystallized grasses and branches with effect some of which are- on our mantelpiece today made a fringe of bright zephyr and crystal lized that and in fact everything that bid fair US be pretty put Into the alum hath When- the candies were lighted how everything did sparkle And so we had our frost- Thro tell him about fell how It cured your hard couth Tell him why you always keep It la the house fell him to his doctor about It Doc tors use treat deal of it for throat and troubles 11 TwimSu PresentsMayor and Councillors awl Pearson Mr- Roche was heard if ore Council with reference to- j incurred on of lowering 1 the liide walk along his asking to be reimbursed a portion of the cost The following bills passed drawing gravel i mi Christmas Day with Good- Christmas the logs upon the hearth The table idled with and the room mirth With the crammed to bust- in an the medders piled snow A good oldfashioned Christmas like we so long ago Now thats the thing Id like to see afore I die Hut Christmas in the city here Its different oh my With the crowded hustlebustle of the slushy roisy street An the scowl upon the faces of the strangers that you meet Oh theres plenty of it of a lot gorgeous toys An i6 takes a mint money to please modern girls and boys Why mind the time a jackknife ah a taffylump for me Made my little heart an Jus glee An theres fcastin Think With the stuckup city folk Why he to speak in whispers an ye a joke remember how the tables looked all crowded with your When you couldnt whistle blow across the I 2300 77 73 do J Allan Co ace walk on Era Printing Office ace ExpressHerald Office- do Pay Sheet ft No J Tait re smallpox ae Dr do Pearson do Collins do Hill do A do jF Stewart do Bros do do lockup The application of Mrs J and Keith for electric cur rent were The matter Roche was refer red to the Road and Bridge and Pitt ance Cora The Finance Com reported the- Meter Debentures be cot now sold and what money Is required be drawn from the flank as overdraft Report adopted The Fire and Light re commended that the regular charge for water for the period of 11 years be collected from party using without knowledge of Council The application of Rose for use of certain juries was granted conditions of agreement duly signed application of Thos Davidson for increase of salary was laid over for the next Council to deal with That a in bypass be on the in main and a meter on the machine at Davis Tannery Report adopted Bylaw providing for Municipal elec tion was finally passed following officers were appointed St Georges Ward IK O and John Poll Clerk St Andre Ward John Cyrus Clerk St Patricks Ward Scott Henry Poll Clerk Council adjourned You dee Im so oldfashionedlike dont care much for style An to cat your banquets here I wouldnt go a mile Id rather have like a good set real old friends liian turtle soup with all the nobs youd get theres my door neighbor Icy fancy how bis brows lift If Id holler Merry Christmas Caught old fellow Christmas gift Id like to try it hed nearly have a fit Hang this city stiffness anyways I cant gel used to it Tircn you hear it kept till it nearly your side An by night your jaws were with your smile four inches wide An your enemy the one youd just grab his hand and say both of us was wrong John Come lets shake Its day I Mighty little spirit seems to dwell tween city waits Where each snowflake brings a soot- flake for a brother as it falls Mighty Utile spirit An Im pinin dont you know For a good oldfashioned Chrismas like we had so long ago Says It Is Fact a J Confirms Guar antee on Cure lor Catarrh OCT sUdard of TERM Wte for our large work and even though we live in a Southern climate Our way of mounting the tret- proved very substantial and strong Two pieces of feet At7angeraentsarebelng a RRJ5 arid wo inches by four were of special evangelistic meetings morticed and put together in the he first week of a cross At the where The Mens Meeting Sunday crossed the tree was fastened was a great success The by being hailed on with long was well by the Four braces were then added on Lessen from Jacob and making the whole very strong was The muilcfng stout brown paper we Midi Ptat also was a Thirty In the choir led the sing ing Master Harry Hunter Chord In a boy of his years the male quartette McKay Man ning and Coombs choice and our tree stood was delighted with ibeiertoall the eager and expectant throughout It was truly a beautiful sight the boards from sight quantities of grey moss and trailing vines and sprinkled all well with the as- a precaution fire should any ornament blaze up and fall When curtains were- pulled The Christmas Time We hail we hail the Christmas time The best all the year The days of laughter and of song The season of good cheer Old Santa comes from out Hie hills- Willi pack and deer and sleigh annual call brings joy to all On happy Christmas day Then hall all hail His time Then hail with sit vry chime Then ring ring a merry chime TIs happy Christinas time The happy lime has come to one and will make his an nual call Then tall all hall tis time Thin all hall Us time Wo hurl we hail the Christmas time King holds full sway he with gifts for one and all Makes glad lie Christmas day Then all halt to Santa The childrens merry friend He always brings them Jots of things shall none contend We hail we ball the Christmas time When Hounds the glad tone hell When girls and hoys with noty toys The merry chorus swell The children rise at early dawn And toot the Christmas born A merry Christmas unto all Swells happy morn ITIh those who climb that got toward the rftars All the New York hotels now pro hibit cigarette smoking by women in their parlors The having raised as to whether or not J rough- ton will refund the money if a mel outfit does not do all that is claimed far it in curing catarrh he Wants to state positively that this guarantee is an absolute fact A guarantee like this is the best proof be as to the curative powers in all catarrhal troubles You do not risk a cent in testing its virtues J Y taxes all the risk If you have catarrh try this won derful medicated air of It docs not drug or the stom ach but is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with- every outfit so that its medication reaches most remote air cells in the nose throat add where catarrh al germs In lurking- quickly destroys them and the Irritatwl mucous vital ises tin- tissues so that catarrh Is 110 longer possible You can by a trial nothing hut that is good riddance The price of the complete outfit is but I if it falls to cure Oct an mi Hit from J and Ijegln use at A large number of fishing craft were lost In the a hurricane that swept over western Thomas the larg est schooner alloat went down off the Islands with fifteen of her crew tot VUn Bottles Of Atactica Gave him bin liberty William I a sufferer lai8 At times lb been compfeteiy laid up with net put on my without Before I had completed the second bottle of South American Cure I a well man It thosTWo Wltle- had coat me I would have con sidered It cheap American Kidney re lieve In hoars Mold by J It liriiKt Ales Alkens township farmer drove over mountainside near Hamilton and was killed ITCH Mange Prairie Scratches Barters Itch and every farm Con tagious Itch on human or animals cured In minutes by Sanitary Lotion If fails Bold by J a yy i IN- r 1 J I AT THE- Leading Hardware Store THE LAST Scrub Brushes Regular 25c selling at 10 Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Whisks Regular goods selling at Brushes Regular goods selling at Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT YOU CAST- SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J A W ALLAN C 0 MPANY EWMARKEt A a vAi BOG SPAVIN HONE SPAVIN CUM PUNT POLL EVIL LAMCNESB AWCUINQS SOFT BUNCHES arc COKROfcavtae the a dolUr by SPAVIN CURE you tri how iniar TtUfUarifa SaW SPAVIN it a aai perfect baa Sept r w hw- with Pall I am Cure mad I fiod my loiprond I have but KendmUa Of AH CEO a forts Oar a hlut to how to keep tree from fateaiahea Write for free copy a B J KENDALL CO VCRMQNT USA a tm a -u- Dont Put It Off INSURE IN THE The A O U WHILE IN GOOD HEALTH Lowest Rates for Accident Benefits Get a RateCard from any member You cannot afford to go Without Lite Insurance HUGHES J A ALLAN Recorder Financier Treasurer a Phone 22 You are on the track good COAL Good quality lull measure tad prompt delivery when you order coaltcom tin Never were out Orders msnyy In as good a position at this to supply our trade as vre have Coal arriving almost dally We all kinds in stock Good Mixed deliteit at a cord We have some kindling left at a cord EVES