Wrir THE Weeks Local WHAT OH DC Christian Church Christinas sermons and special Christmas music in the Christian church next Sunday The Rink The Skating Rink will open this evening Band in attendance During the season the Band will be Id attendance each Friday and day evenin ffois Morocco at B rough- tons Drug Store Up to Date Bank of Montreal fs to install V number Kelsey Warm Air GenTiloc to heat their offices and the lodge rooms above- Gents Dressing Cases to at Watsons Bazaar The Endeavor Society the Chris- tian Church held a successful Hand kerchief Bazaar in the School Room on Wednesday evening Nearly Toronto Letter Another case I smallpox has handkerchiefs were A veloped in Major Streets young girl phone concert was given and refresh ft is of mild type and the patient merit served as an extra Proceeds has sent to the Swiss Cottage about for mission Town Curlers All curlers wishing their names the draw for the and Da- tested the fire to join the other seven inmates there j p A subcontractor in the Citys H11Y10 rice has had a charge of laid IHfljS It is said the contra The Curling Rink opened on each Italian laborer employ- mains In Stoles Muffs Caps GLOVES day The Scenic A new manager taken of The Scenic and lie ifcirt show of Moving wul lustra ted Songs every A Double Program will he given on Sat urday evening when the price of ad mission will be 10c All Again The smallpox scare over no new cases having developed The Hospital has been vacate and Dr- the medical attendant has discharged by order of the Board of Health he having reported there is nothing further to do The outbreak though in a very light form has cost this municipality Winter The snow storm on Saturday pro duced about foot of snow on the level on Sunday morning Lots driving on Sunday afternoon th had a merry tingle and livery horse in Town was out It looks like the beginning of an old- fashioned Canadian winter The trol ley men were out shovelling snow all morning to keep the track clear Travelling Companion Leather at SI to at Drug Store vis competition must pay their fees to the Secretary before the 1st of Janua Presbyterian Church Christmas services will be held next Lords Day The congregation will he pleased to learn that Rev Fee who has so acceptably filled the pulpit the last few Sabbaths will be the pastor Special music is being prepared by the choir for- the service and following is the programme lor the evening Opening voluntary a In Hallelujah Chorus Han del Tenor Solos Comfort ye my Peo ple and- Every Shall Be Exalted Chorus- And the Glory id the Lord from Hanois oratorio Messiah Organ Offertory- Melody in Baritone Solo Christmas by Lord Thy Glory Fills the Heaven by Concluding Voluntary The are Telling from Haydcns Creation alarm ttie other day and found every thing in good working order There should be enough to go Town this year Eves is now supplying civ cus tomers The pupils ol the Model School are preparing a program tor this after noon Stationery A pretty box filled with highclass note paper at Broughtons or 50c 111 I St Pauls Church Wednesday next being Christmas Day toe Holy Communion will be celebrated at and a m and communicants in this parish are most earnestly invited to receive the Holy Sacrament at one of these ser vices At the oclock service there will he- special Christmas music everybody will be welcome The church will he appropriately decorated evergreens etc The pupils St Pauls are practising for their Christmas Military Brushes With leather case to at Drug Store Surprise and Presentation Big Reduction On all coal and wood heaters until cleared out Hardware Centennial Anniversary On of next June it Will be St on the high pressure mains anteup Si a month The- reason why Eng lishmen had been refused work was thus explained A rumor obtains that will he a candidate at the approach municipal elections for the office of Controller Also ihat Mr J will run for l Mayoralty Little Julia Shaw aged years after only fifteen minutes illness in her mothers arms on Sunday morning from convulsions A Ontario lib eral leader got a most enthusiastic reception by the West Toronto Lib eral AssociatloL Monday everting last An address was presented to him It need not be matter for surprise if top electors turn In the 31ay chair Wh in the air give strong indications that the Dr has been counting without his host and a many Conservatives say he has lost prestige since stepping out of the registry office Two hundred members of the Me tropolitan Church Alexander Choir on Saturday evening presented Dr Palmer their leader with a handsome gold watch and an address There are about practising barristers and solicitors in Ontario Thais why lawyers want to run for office They must got something to Mitts and Coats Nothing better for a Christmas Gilt and the price is per cent less than you ever LARGE IMPORTATION OF saw Mens Mocha Gloves lined SI Mens Lined Kid SI Mens Dogskin Gloves Slipper Soles and Childrens Wear M A S Time Is flying- buy now We sell the famous Maple Leaf Rubbers and guarantee every pair V handkerchiefs Groceries Fancy Handkerchiefs from to Large Liner- Table Cloth and one Embroidered from to ok Napkins to match Handkfs endless rt variety Silk Hndfcfs Cloths Sideboard Covers to Pure Linen Initial Handworked at wry How prices Best Lemon Peel lb Best Orange Peel lb Clean Currants lb Selected Raisins lb Best New Dates lb Candies and Nuts at prices WA BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS BAKING POWDER ment in order to supply pure drink ing water for Toronto and will hold public meetings in of its campaign years old Helen Strode who was so badly turned at Maple a cou ple of weeks ago died at the hospital On Monday evening the Ladies Aid years since the settled on Methodist church wrought a sueet It is tlie intention complete surprise upon the President One of the members arranged in the afternoon to call with her on Mrs their descendants to celebrate the oc casion by a monster and in order that may be as complete Christmas Cantata The Christmas Cantata it the Town Hall this Friday promises to be the most delightful fea ture this festal t season The Can tata is brimful charming music mirth and mystical mixture The Dollle Girl The Sailor Boys The Buccaneers the Fairy Girls awl the Icicle Boys all help to surprise Santa and provide an evening of great delight for the children Programme commences at sharp No reserve seats Go early and get your choice Dr Scott in the evening and few and fitting as the occasion warrants minutes after her arrival a meeting will be held on Saturday ladies came trooping in the house all afternoon Dec at 230 oclock together She arose to leave but in the Council Chambers Newmarket was earnestly assured that her pre- j to appoint Committees for the sence was required especially when pose of making all the arrangements the Secretary Mrs Ed Richardson I necessary All defendants of the came forward and the following Doanes male or female are invited complimentary address to attend Dear Vs Jackson Your fellow workers the Ladies Chocolates Something delicious Webbs tell you how thoroughly they rtrouKhton vor enthusiasm rtn Besides they always de- here last Friday night Last storm was fearful synagogues whether they have the and the lake was lashed into fury- waves sweeping the wharves It is estimate that are invested in automobiles in this city I Friday morning Clem- press on J n taken suddenly President of the Globe Prying fit J right or otherwise and prompts the doctors to pull them In a letter which appeared in the W D A CORSETS Standard Patterns J I a old Signet Rings on top to at Watsons Probated John farmer King township died and unmarried His estate of cash will divided among his father mother three sisters and one brother The late Mrs Margaret o widow left an estate totalling By to will it of in bequests to nephews and by a gift of to the Canada Congregational Missionary Society- labors and leader- ship Your reedy initiative wise taught Again f plans and untiring energy have made The tramp known as Ken Plat who possible and brought to completion was sent to jail for days last the many undertakings of our Society month on a charge of vagrancy fell Throughout these years of our the hands of Constable Duncan in this work we have been on Wednesday morning ly impressed with your generous On Tuesday he called a house in it and high ideals christian East north of Holland vice Landing and nobody king home but We pray that you may long he a little girl he proceeded to the cellar spared to he our lender in this work and helped himself to anything he of the Kingdom and assure you of Could find to- eat He then left the our confidence cooperation place and followed the I rack to the shall ever deem it our greatest -privil- marsh where men were hauling out eke to be associated with one who marsh hay Here I broke into a docs good for goods sake who seeks shanty belonging Air Foster praise nor reward but sure who found him still there when going oi both at last morning He The kindly plana devised for others to Newmarket Police Magistrate Woodcock had So seldom so little under- In the city that ng dilutable him down oh the same car and he was sentenced Your Turkey Will taste per better if roasted In one of our double Savory Pans in or All hardware These are not lost M by Mr to live ui months in fail Crown Attorney During the reading of being present the Treasurer Mrs Geo on behalf or the ladies her I with two of cut The Gilt Problem i Solved I Carpet surprise was so complete tbbt Sweeper Its a constant reminder Mrs Jackson was yearly- overcome for years Large from with emotion however she made a to at appropriate reply thanking the t ladies not only for the lovely gilts but for their and esteem Death of Airs Meads Mrs Jackson has been President of Afw a short Illness of hut heath of Mr On Monday afternoon the of McMullen of were by train for Interment in Newmarket tern the Ladles Aid continuously for the Mr Robert Meads past ten years besides several terms to heart disease on Monday morning previously The evening was spent playing was an- active old lady games and social intercourse and ting in her year possessed of accompanied by his daughter and her husband Mr rd Mrs Jackson of Deceased was the son t the late of who a there before Con federation He came to Newmarket to assist the Era Staff during a rush of work and remained for some months was while connected with this office deceased first became acquainted with Meet daughter of the late J whom he Mr built and oc cupied until hit death the residence owned by exMayor Robertson Mr was a good business man and of genial disposition On leaving Newmarket he alo he and in a lew years was pro- noted to the position of Manager and remained in ever since Mi leaves a widow one son and two daughters to mourn Jos He was taken HI about four weeks ago suffered no particular pain On Thursday of last week just alter tak ing a bath he was seized with- being served the company many charming and one of shortly midnight the best neighbors She will bo had a most delightful evening by the family and SyOOESTIONS FOR f and never recovered expiring on Dec at of The relatives of have the sympathy of many warm friends In Newmarket in pain ful bereavement Manicure Sets Genuine Ebony from Drug Store Pearl Brooches Pendants Pearl Rings At special prices GOLD SPECTACLES MOTHER A WATCH lor the BOYS a very fine Hue of Sil verware AH good at Special Christmas Prices Come and look through Jeweler and neighbors hit most of all iy her husband with whom she shared joys and sorrows of years next October being the golden j of their wedding They were I married in liuekinghamshlre and emigrated to Canada In -lo- eating in Newmarket where- with the exception of a few months they have continuously redded having the spect and goodwill of everybody I Slits leaves an affectionate two sons and three daughtvrs Fred of Ohio Joseph land Mrs Hunter of Toronto- Mrs Workman of Buffalo and Mrs of Newmarket Two grand daughters were also hero for the funeral Mrs Arthur Henley and Miss Eleanor Hunter of Toronto The funeral obsequies took place on Wednesday afternoon and attended Rev con ducting the service In addition to all the members of the family Aim Jos Meads and Allan were here from I Toronto also Mr Hunter of Joron- and Miss Pearl Meads piece from Holt besides several lends I from vicinity of Albert A beautiful wreath decked I a tribute of sympathy from tie I low employees of Office I Co The remains were Interred at Newmarket Cemetery took all the sensation out article the World on Saturday electee rings and concessions Niagara Falls Park Commission The Senator stated that he had dollar of interest in the Electric De velopment Co or any having relations with the Park Commission In the arrest the two of York St Leon and William the detectives think they have landed two experts connected with recent bank sneak thefts They come up for exam today The Centennial was cclc- Sunday by the Friends Assoc iation at the Forum Building where a large number of admirers gathered to honor the memory the great Quaker poet of the last century Joseph manager of Agrws Street branch of the Crown Bank who was for sentence until Saturday by Winchester on the appropriating the fundi of the bank the sum of belonging to Morris Goldstein was further remanded until the March ses sion Bail was renewed The pupils of the Annette school who acquitted themselves so credit ably at the two given re cently are to repeat their performance at Dec 1st On Sunday- last this city had four fires which caused a total loss of The Manufacturing Co Richmond St and three dwell ing houses Williamsons planing mill Woodbine St Andrews Institute corner of Kelson and John streets Gents furnishing store of Kcyater St Standard Oil Co Queen West lire In Richmond street was the most serious Special services wore held In the Street Methodist on to pay off the debt on church The Trustees lor and the congregations- In cash anil one years subscription raised During the- storm on Saturday and Sunday nine inches of snow fell in this city Alter successfully treating his fath er Mr battel a retired farmer of who was ill with typhoid- Dr M J Mattel one of Torontos the disease and died on Friday A raid was made on a Queen rfircet poolroom early on Sunday morning and nine men arrested on a charge of gambling Six of the number were foreigners A young Scotchman named William Shearer was arrested on Saturday night charged with shoplifting A satchel taken from a St and a fancy vest hat and a number of purses were found in posBceafon Harry Ellis an Englishman ycara of age is at St Midfeets Hospital and may have to have his fttt amputated as a result having them frozen during a walk from North Bay to Toronto Council of the Academy of Med icine baa a resolution that a filtration plant bo pro cured the earliest possible raj stove which was being used to heat mortar He was pulled out uncon scious and his face and head were terribly burned At the hospital the doctors say that he will recover During the big fire on Sunday some menixjvaded the home of Miss Sarah John St ostensibly to apprise the inmates of the flames but when they were gone she discovered that her gold watch and a diamond ring were missing The Ministerial Association decided at Mondays meeting to preach a en Civic on the Sunday before the municipal elec tions A noted wag of this city says- there is nothing injurious about the oysters served Toronto restaurants save ihe price George Brown of 244 Queen street east one of the citys oldest hotel proprietors died Sunday at the age of years Deceased was a native of England and in Toronto for the past fifty years lie was pro prietor of the American Hotel yeans ago when it was considered of the lines in the city at that was on the site of- the pre sent Board of Trade Building The last boat expected to make the port of Toronto this season arrived here Sunday afternoon at oclock a trip of over miles She is the ironhulled cargo steamer Canadian and is now lying at the foot of reel She sailed from fort Arthur the Sunday The Leading Dry Goods and Tailoring House Neckwear for Christmas We are showing a number of late novelties in Ladies Neckwear that would make a very dainty Gift fas l HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS We have the best assortment of Handkerchiefs for mas giving that has ever been shown prices to as good as you want Fancy Lace Handkerchiefs Pure Irish Linen for J r Farcy and Lace for The Leading Tailor Shop I MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Detective went to Montreal on Tuesday night to bring hack Pat on a charge of wa Co They made- a pretence of from the Street Hallway Co while being accidentally hurt the acting as one of their conductors cars Guess he will spend his Christmas The National Club has removed in- with Chambers over the Don new quarters on Bay street Owing to the number Joseph Giles while returning homo other Infectious for on Tuesday dropped dead isolation the local Health Depart- the street Heart trouble merit of the City for will cost- Wp n It A Hell street was Register fined in the police court this for practising dentistry without THURSDAY Jar un- Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodate as heretofore Branches at Newmarket and CO ROSS tfanar rfj Toronto Markets Dec White Wheat per bush 0 OS- Bed Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Wheat fasiasu Co- eft- a A a license It Is understood that a dance will be given at Government House on night of Dec On Monday morning last Matthew Bailey for years at the Legislature fiway at the Government nvitnA tin win- sale of stock implements etc north of Sharon belonging to tho of the late Isaac Fair- bairn Sale at one oclock Usual terms H Barley per bush Oats per bush Hay per ton M Potatoes per bag JJ Butter per It IT Eggs fitt- par per per Newmarket Markets r Dec Wheat par bash- flu Red Wheat hush Spring Wheat per bash 0 Of Goose Wheat T OS Only one quality and that the beat at Pott Offlce Newmarket Live Stock Market till a lady came along when rushed towards her one carrying a loaded revolver and demanded her money The lady laughed and told the boys she slap their faces Then they flred the revolver am the Big market In Toronto this week lady A policeman was and everything sold Prices as on the and arrested the lows wouldbe brigands who are Good butchers cattle to now on remand awaiting trial common to cows to A memorial to the late Christopher 310 Robinson K has been placed in Ewes to 4 bucks 350 to 3 Hall land lambs 450 to Cecil Elliott and Norman and Slight advance In hogs this week were found guilty of to 565 An Toronto and conspiracy against the Toronto Roil- to 540 at country points a to- tot The polling next Monday will be a hustling timeDr P McLean Gl Powder or throwing them Liberal Torn Wallace overboard are the party nominees Thai Ottawa number of the contest will be close Liberal members of parliament from Two boys aged respectively and Ontario waited upon the minister of to emulate the per- marine and fisheri today and strong 9IU- formancc the wild west villains ly presented to Mr Barley they had seen in the Majestic Theatre which arise from the dual con- fcuJl fl Wearing masks and slouched hats of fishery matters by the federal lads lay In wait on Berkeley provincial in On- silortM par ton Bran per ton Hay per ton 01 Butter per per down 0 ii Butter per at M per quarter 00 ft 0 00- par tt per lb 0 Turkeys M Everything which gives i I without giving ua aver oust solves is destructive Bailey s4