get WANTED Large heated room centrally lo cated Apply at this office- Frame Barn Christmas j Another fear fallowed memories its happy surroundings painful be- 1 After a short illness of fctne a Hon- Israel- passed away on and has j Wednesday last For three toys almost run its course and Christ- j previous to was season A J OIL at our threshold It For Apply fciam season is at our yv hvu w Pair condition is the season friendly ties and associations- Ifttf a ji iLi Mrs James was calling Deceased friends in Town in New York idw a journalist he mas out- Zj lor deeds of occasions spoken and fearless gave a five I 1 oclock tea on Monday afternoon Tim has application Miss- Edith is the Railway Commission for a a couple weeks with in the or the order requiring the Com- city when the Saviour was horn the to bring into effect the Mrs Dr of ButtaSo from fire last week kindly from associations alone com- j Ion in the Railways chatty of y was visiting- at Major Allans last perty from fire last week ao between Aiont- will to men T plication Is to he a chants toy the on today It is thought the e stay Card of Thanks Will the neighbors and friends who nobly assisted saving hospitality- and hearty Whatever may be the disputations respecting the exact time of the year my sincere J E SALTER Card of Thanks On of mysetl and family I desire to the and for their assistance and to the of my be loved wife MEADS House and Lot For sale in ihe Village of Sharon Frame house and stable also an acre of land For further particulars ap ply to FRED A WAN Sharon Stray Heifer Came upon the premises of the 30 in the Con of some time during the kit- 1 ter part of the past summer a Heifer Color Owner is to pay charges and take the animal plain nineteen centuries ago present is to secure a stay or We may likewise that if all the Commissions Order to the Christendom should celebrate the Its- 1 Railway Co to carry the question to with a full appreciation of all the in England Johnson the lessons of love and charity which it teaches this old world of ours During the past three weeks Ottawa would be more peaceful and happy correspondents to Conservative CHARLES STARR Astray Strayed from lot in the con of Whitchurch about the part of October a dark red steer with a few white spots on its and a white spot in forehead Infor mation leading to recovery will be rewarded FRANK 3w48 j TORONTO YORK RADIAL RY Metropolitan Division Special Service December to Inclusive December and January 1st In to the Regular Service Cars will leave North Toronto and Newmarket at and p LATE CAR leaver North Toronto lot Newmarket and intermediate point at p LATE CAR leaves Newmarket for North Toronto and Intermediate at p is a time when our hearts should expand when all that is generous and lovable in our tore should com to the surface- when bid grudges and enmities should he thereby promoting the de sired domination of universal brother hood Itll an occasion above all others when we should strive to he instrumental in contributing happiness of these around us in the varied relations of life we may sus tain As a wellknown author to a periodical aptly stated thirty years ago the fire burns clearly on our hearth when our is loaded with the good things of this we can say with hearts full of gratitude to God that mercy has followed us all our rive when our friends round with countenances and the board rinses hilarity and joy- when gifts of are exchanged we to remember the poor and needy and help the sorrowing chil dren of distress Let us remeroner that though all is happy and warm within the wind is and lUUig without and there- are those who have no festal wreaths nor Christmas trees nor warm happy homes hut who are pinched with hunger and cold We should therefore let this joyous season of year witness us bring ing the elements of happiness to their stricken hearts In conclusion we have only to ex press the hope that the friendly asso ciations which now signalize tbo pie- sent Christmas may widen and broaden and be as lasting as the foundations of our faith and to ex tend our heartfelt wish thai all our readers may In the truest sense A MERRY papers in Ontario cities sent out re peated rumors to the that Hon A Ayiesworth Minister Of Just ice would shortly retire from the Cabinet and that Sir Unlock to fill his place in the Ministry Tuesday last Sir William gave the report an unqualified denial Let us hope the Ottawa rumormongers will row dis continue their fate prophecies along this line Mr Geo Fowler P is again in the limelight The Globe says The British Columbia timber awl mills deal wlfcfc figured so prom- before the Royal Commission on Insurance is about to come into the courts again In the inquiry before the Commission it was stated that Peter Ryan sold to Mr Fowler P for the timber and other property included in the tran saction When the transfer of the properly was being arranged for it was said that Mr Fowler asked that the amount be made 225000 as the bona paid for the pro perty which was secured for the Un ion Trust Co or more than the- actual cost The Trust Co is now about instituting action- so it appears from their press reports to recover this graft from Mr Fowler Wonder if Mail has seen the paragraph in its street contemporary m i FOR THE BEST BREAD f go to SIMPSONS Try Our OYSTERS PHONE NO grand Christmas Between all stations In Detroit Huron Mloh Black Rock Niagara Fall and Suspension Bridge AT Good going 24th returning ntU Dec Also going Dm and Jan returainc Jin 2nd AT PARE AND ONETHIRD Good going tec to Dec ietttrning Jar 3rd Dec Jan until Jan 3rd tickets and full on Depot or if J P Union fiUWon Toronto Elections It is about that candidates for Municipal Councils were making them selves known though so far we have heard very rumors in town or country Following is all that is going just now Mr Deacon will retire and Mr is in the field councillor WHITCHURCH Warden has recovered health and run again for Report says the present Council will be elected by acclamation EAST Mr Joint Moore the present Reeve is likely to be opposed by Mr Smith exReeve whom he defeated last year by a small majority NORTH More attention appears to he given to the Option question Ulan municipal though it looks like a general fight for the Council also The present Mr Hart- will not seek reelection and two of the present Councillors Moore and Ego will he candidates for the the two Messrs and will seek reelection The following are also mentioned us likely to be candidates U EG Corner Duncan Newton phrey- Philip Shier NEWMARKET Everything is very qpiet Ah there will be a poll open anyway to take a vote on the question of appointing to run the Waterworks and Electric there will probably be a- general election all around when the time comes Mayor Smith declines to run again RatcllHe Co is a likely candidate to oppose A Coulso tor the A very interesting gathering was held on Monday evening at the of Mr Starr The clear night and the attractions- of sleighing encouraged a large attendance Mr was elected Chair man and the following appointments were made in connection with Sunday School Mr Starr Mr David Curry Secretary Mr Milton Asst Gordon Treas Mr Joseph Auditor Mr Albert Hawtln OrganistMiss Esther Starr Class Leaders Bible Albert Starr Assistant Mr Elmer Starr Young Mens Class Mrs A Starr Assistant Mrs Armstrong Young Ladles ClassMr Joseph Assistant Miss Lily Toole Inter Class Mr Albert Assistant Miss McMillan Jr Boys Mr Arthur Assistant Miss Emily Starr Girls Clam Miss Toole Assistant Miss Esther Starr At the conclusion of the business a pleasing incident took place On he- half of the teachers and scholars Mr David Curry in an appropriate speech pre Mr Starr with a handsome piece fitted with baro meter and thermometer as an appre ciation of tiie services rendered to the school an Superintendent Mr Starr suitably reponded The company then partook of supper aftr which musical selections were rendered Those contributing included Mrs Pow ell Miss Williamson and Mr Williams Mr A gave a bright talk on Ideal and Mr A Starr spoke In refer ence to the work of trie Sunday Softool The gathering was turned to benevolent by the contribu tion on the part of each visitor of a pound of iomethlng acceptable tor distribution as a Christmas offering to the poor of Toronto Jackson of the Toronto Observatory is home for the Christmas holidays Mrs Jane Taylor who has been siqk the past three weeks Is getting around again nicely Mr J Moore of spent over Sunday with his sisterinlaw Miss Veda Campbell Mr J Davby entertained his class of young ladjes at his residence on Monday evening Miss Cocherour and her sister Mrs Smith entertained some young people one evening week Mr Hill- of spent Tuesday night witfi his brother-in- law Mr Frank Belfry Niagara t Mrs Millard who confined to her bed the past month through Slinks is slowly recovering We are glad to report that Mr Ell is to rally after two weeks wrestle with bron chitis Mr father of Mrs Cane who has been confined to his bed for two weeks was a little better yesterday v Miss Eva McKenxie of Severn Bridge is her uncle and Mr and Mrs Albert Thompson al so Mr Dr Mrs and Miss Clark a large number of guests at the Sovereign Bank Building last Mr- who had both bands lacerated with saw In the United factories a few days ago Is able to be back to work again this week Little Alice Coombs daughter of Principal Coombs of the High School who has bcn suffering from paralysis about three years Was troubled week with bronchial ejection sonic better yesterday Mr of was in Town last Saturday and he l BEFORE XMAS Santa Clans arrived possession of our ftforw until After careful search and preparation we huve together DAY display of GOODS to briny happiness good cheer to many folk suggestions for Xmas will be found all oyer remembrances great and small for big folks and articles useful and ornamental with prices to suit the fullness of purse TAKE OUR ADVICE AND SHOP EARLY yoirr For Father Handkerchiefs Umbrellas- Gloves Slippers For Grandfather Umbrellas Handkerchief Kelt Hoots eye Handkerchief loves and Leather ltn Opera Down Comforters Silk For For Young Men Gloves and Maffiers Half Collaw For Mother Neckwear and Fancy Combs Grandmother Wool SlmwU 1nncy Hosiery Box of tilling Length For Young Ladies and Belts Handkerchiefs fancy and Hosiery and Iteauty Pins Opera Beaded lings Leather lhigsand Cushion Top and IariiAoU For Brother Handkerchiefs v Hockey- For Handkerchiefs Toque Hosiery Hockey For Sister and Belts Handkerchiefs Hosiery Fancy Combs Fancy Bays Shopping Bays 4 Pariey Work For Girls I lncy Cloves and Hosiery Toques and Clouds Beads Necklet Belts and Neckwear For the Pink Toe Brigade Booties and Mitt Stockings Bearskin and Babies Sets and Bib informed the editor that he would be ROLLING At on Deo a candidate for the Council in King at the next election owing to the retirement of Mr Deacon- This is the first time Mr has offered his services for a public posi tion and we wish him success as he has a good level head for Thibet is waking up the hiving sanctioned construction of telegraph line into the sacred city of Money order from the Urfted states to Europe this exceed those of year by over and the of York argues that It foreigners in so be even more so- The Oceanic of tbe White Cine the steamer to leave York Christmas mall Lord Kelvin one of greatest and orders representing age dW In Glasgow cash value of the largest at the age of J mall ever carried from that port An Open Letter To of North Imbury lames McDonald hereby inform the ratepayers of the ol North that certain par- tie in the Interests of Option question have reported that my pro perty In Keswick Is owned by a company and not by myself herein state distinctly and positively- and I am prepared to make oath that such statement Is utterly false and de af got to injure me In the eyes of the public am not only the owner of Kes wick Hotel but have had It built in the interests of the travelling public whose servant I am In the best inter ests of law order and Yours sincerely jambs Mcdonald Keswick Deo Sixty nien were killed In- an ex plosion in a coal mine at Ala THE CRADLE At on Dec It to Mr and Mrs a daughter to Mr and Mrs Wesley a son Aurora on Inst the wife of Mr of a daughter Dec 1007 at Toronto by George Mildred to Cochrane both of Sutton West Dec In Newmarket by at his residence Pear son Mr Percy Pollock to Miss Ida May both of K Gwillimbury THE TOMB Dec at Un ion St Lillian daughter of aged months Newmarket on Deo Eleanor Meads wife- of Meads in her year THE Furniture can buy your Cheap For Gash to at John Millard and the Infant of Mr and Mrs William Roiling aged days On Wednesday evening Dec the Ladies Aid gave a tea and tit in the Methodist inlaw Bread- St on Tuesday Dec Robert Marsh of Roachs Point Ontario formerly and and of was of special mention also Miss of sola of Moate Co Ireland and of the same Funeral on Tuesday at a duet which was well Mount Pleasant Cemetery rendered Master George Mrs Graves ONKILIn Newmarket on Dec W choice recitations Miss Mary Felix years gave a reading Every Saturday morning at nine son expressed themselves as well oclock from the residence Pros- J pleased witi the evenings Ave In Newmarket Dec 1007 Moses in his year private Saturday at from the residence Mrs Kves Hots- ford Street IN In loving- memory of who died at aged yr days A ye lay the little hat put away hi toys And school your hearts to bear the loss The Saviour claims your boy His little form must now be clad In robes of hue A golden harp shall nil the place Of toys he left Tears unbidden oft shall stray Where smiles were wont to play Rut look behind the clouds a voice Says Come I am the way Then heed that voice dear and turn Your thoughts to Joys on high A spirit thou dost Is ever hovering high An earnest prayer to heaven shall rifle That you and yours shall meet And little Harold will tune his harp His parents souls to greet Written by Mrs Perking Lake Soak a A J aUIK ST AH Orders Rev Large makes an excel lent During the season ol navigation on the great lakes thirtyeight ves sels were lost The aggregate loss was the Era to absent The Quebec Central Railway de falcation amounts to about and been going on for eight years Treasurer Anderson was tenced to five years in penitentiary Dr Dean Specialist PRIVATE DISEASES of Men and Women Carlton Toronto MARKET GROCERY WE WISH OUR MANY AN CUSTOMERS MERRY CHRISTMAS This year we come to the first milestone in our business career and wish to thank all those that bay helped make It a success Quality always counts and that has been our aim since opening Prices alM for this week we are offering fruits at low prices Just fancy good Juicy Oranges at dox and the beat that ally sell a for New Mixed Nuts at lb Mixed Candy at and lb Table Figs Table Dates lb Raisins lb Malaga lb Raisins Cooking Currants lb Cranberries at and you your order for your or turkey and we will supply It tor fa Come and ileal with your neighbor at the Market Grocery