V 7 The ERA give more TIE PINS One of- the nicest things to choose is a TIE PIN Urge variety at WATSONS Jewelry Store Solid Gold SI to iifewsvevit iwB0h than any acknowledged to be A Have a look at Gold are dainty and be please her Vi NOBTH YORK INTELLIGENCEK AND Give the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance to United States Watchmaker Graduate Opt Id si w No Single Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday Dec 20 per annum it paid in advance A YEARROUND NECESSITY WONT CHOP WOOD But win convert all kinds Vegetables Meat Fish etc into Aprtetiring at the rate of from one to three lis per minute It has Steel Cutters sharp as it is the only machine made in practically TWD PARTS thus making it very easy to clean Operate Free Trial Given HARDWARE STOVES FURNACES PAINTS OILS AND PLUMBING AND TINSttI THING G A BINNS PHONE NEWMARKET ONT The Value of a Savings Account in THE BANK OF TORONTO NEVER DEPRECIATES- The Balance which grows your deposits and the Interest paid on these is kept absolute safety until required The Income from the deposits Is received- quarterly by you as this Bank pays Interest on all Savings Balances four times year Investments advertised in these days result in loss to the Investor but every Dollar of the many millions entrusted to the care of this Bank during the past half century has been safely ac counted for when demanded CAPITAL RESERVE 44500000 ASSETS 138000000 On the grounds of our ability to servo we solicit your NEWMARKET BRANCH A CRAWFORD Manager WAN ED 500 CORDS OF WOOD ft Hemlock and Pine Lumber tome do REMEMBER THE POOR you- want to give a reasonable Present Send serving man or woman a J ton Coal Corner Church and Sis Order by Phone or from Carters JOS WESLEY or J NELSON A FANCY VEST IS A NECESSARY ARTICLE OF WEAR THIS SEASON For a Gentleman Who is Well Dressed SEE OUR PATTERNS FALL SUITINGS at REDUCED PRICES WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET a Oar Toronto fetter i For the Era Chris thins Day It now looks as if Aid Geary would take the starch alt out of Beat tic scarcely think it near bitt in coming Mayoralty race s Chasing each through ail the year Onward speeding The Conservative Club Smoker gave Geary a tremendous reception while Dr got hoots yells and hisses Rev Dr W Griffin and the part ner of his life Mrs Griffin celebrat ed their g6ldcn wedding on the was convicted Court last week of robbing Robert Martin After looking up the record of the prisoner he was sentenced to the Central for months A lot of masterbakers were fined in the Police during the past week for making lightweight bread The City Engineer estimates that underground railways in Toronto would cost a mile Work on over three of sewers is to be commenced at once to relieve lhe labor situation in Toronto Six new professors were appointed to the University of Toronto last week on Thursday of last week fire broke out in the premises of A K Jeffries Co fur manufactur ers who occupy second and third storeys above the store of and Kent ill The total damage was with A K as heaviest losers Triplets at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelson street were the cause of friends expending con gratulations last week all three girls Street Railway Co duck to the City for- the share of the receipts for November amounted to Wonder how much th- County from the Metropoli tan At a meeting of shareholders of the Hank a statement Quite unheeding Duties that each day appear another milestone reaching Where one may take thought and rest As a finger post- directing Points the way the safest best Those confiding Safely Toilie goal of weary quest Day of days commemorating Greatest of each event Angel voices The Incarnate Ones advent 9raphs singing Music ringing Glory bright from heaven lent in a lowly manger Cattle standing all around Sleeps a babe to earth a stranger Infant Saviour of mankind Earth Creator Took mans nature Left His glory behind Though our Ives are brief ami fleet- may every Christmas spend With our loved ones gladly meeting Love to everybody send Sisters brothers Fathers mothers Every one your efforts lend Wandering homeward turn ing At this seasons day feovciires on their altars burning Glow afresh the Bringing gladness Driving sadness From the homesteads where they stay Substance of a Lecture giver- at the Friends Church Newmarket by Mr CI in connection with the Friends Society The major portion of the Worlds population always ban been Is and probably always will be women therefore claim some consider The history of Woman is the history of humanity Woman has been the theme of poets the ideal of the inspiration of artists and the soul of musicians She Is the great enigma Man has exhausted himself upon Woman AH his best utterances nave been in her favor all his hardest have been in her defame Man lias never ceased to throw at her were unwanted cared for unloved The greatest step of social was taken when some Woman felt the divine impulse for the outcast and in her then rough untutored v ay ministered to afflicted A true and virtuous Woman the highest expression of the Divine char acter of love and tenderness to be re alized in the universe All the great victories have not been won by of war Woman with her spiritual weapons has gain ed her conquests These are nob unslgrificaht though they get not Xi ri Without a moments hesitation tfrS replied Monotony i- the mans trouble their due of poetic acclaim He still says Woman was the cause The Woman who wishes she were a of sin But is it really true If man has not realized true place Adam had been tempted io take Nature and her glorious province apple would he not- have eaten the in Society It is no disgrace or whole himself Eve was at least I shame or weakness to he a It needed all the wiles of No true man regards Woman inferior the One himself to Wo- to himself man but mere man fell an vicj is just beginning to possess to a humble womans lure A j her longdelayotl irJieritano and right general knows that if he can capture of education and social liberty For the strongholds of his enemy centuries she was despised neglected Parents anxlouily awaiting made the net loss of the defunct expectant heartfelt joy totalled rtiitierpating Arthur Jackson who was Canadian to seven- years at Woodstock on a robbery charge told Magazine that would have something to say the whole com- ExquUltlvely printed on flne coated when he came out Pictuiee of wellknown fce called back an ad- events of things ditiof1 two years curious About one thou- square inches of pictures In CASTOR I A InianU Bought id Issue Appeals to Canadians the great illustrated papers of London ap peal bo the English people Absolutely no aw to grind Its aim solely to to In form Must seen to be apprecia ted Ten cent ft cow dollar a yes The Pictorial Hi Peter Hit Montreal I Deducting from this the capital of which is entirely wiped out the loss still remaining to be made up is From this showing the shareholders will he call ed for a fraction over per cent of their clock At the next Session of the Ontario House it is stated that a hill will he introduced giving the Ontario Rail way and Municipal Hoard the power to order electric railway companies to equip their cars such fenders a6 the Hoard may approve of the present An the Hoard has no power to issue an order to adopt It is merely the authority to approve recommend As Miss A Taylor St was leaving her house few nights ago a man passed her lie and her hat over her eyes her containing In the struggle which the han dle of the bag was broken and her assailant made off with the property No clue to the highwayman Frank Hasten who was arrested one day last week is wanted for em- and forgery in lie is a German about and has been missing since lat Inly from Bast Chicago wljerv he was acting as agent for the Senilis brewing Co when- he jumped his bail Tie grand Jury Indicted him for of and forgery Nearly the prisoners in city are foreigners One hundred and fifty Im migrants returned to the old country from on Friday last The majority of these men in May expecting to make all jdnds of money and many of them re turning with scarcely enough money In their pockets to purchase A fire broke out on Saturday morn ing when a gale blowing in the premises of Mill ing Co corner of rxe and It extin guished did damage The hay destroyed was Valued at Geo Millard alias was fined 5 and costs before Magis trate Kills for shooting insectivor ous Last Friday evening 250 superin tendents and leaders fit city Sun day Schools entertained at luncheon given by las Moore in the Metropolitan Church order to meet hear Messrs J Campbell White and Fletcher of New York Almost all the win men and the room crowded i To behold again Years Mince having t Home bereaving Hearts now hrillwith no alloy Hew in fancy swift feet coming the gravel path before AiiOhefliothcr feels like running To embrace him at the door life had sent them To expect Him Kne the Cliristma was oer Day of all the yean inspiring Kindest thought lone to eheer Sell forgot for others caring would otherwise he drear dividing Wants providing Per the needy living near Showiiig thus that lhey striving To he like the Master was Doing good for- living Dying tor them on the cross Still pervading works aiding Helping those sutler loss MRS P Dee Richmond places need no conquest- There fore Woman was the scat of attack Not so very long Woman was claiming to he the equal of man Man now claims that he is the equal of Woman and therefore divine There is real poetic truth in that beautiful allegory of Genesis the- cre ation of Woman from Adams rib She was not taken from his head be lord- nor from his loot to his slave hut from his side to he his equal from under his arm to he protected by him from near Ids heart to he loved by him If Woman was the curse of Man Shu was only tolerated as a necessary animal We little realize Wight upon lives of girls and women in India Syria Turkey and China today In Bible times a Palestinian Jew grave of God if a daughter was There born to He would say been born He would not deny that a birth had taken place in his home hut would say that But was he altogether wrong Thousands housewives would ably say their existence Was one dull gray sordid monotony with never a touch of beauty or sound of Fretful babies tug at their shirts all day and Henry lohn when he comes home is tired disagreeable dirty it not angry or indeed y When we see a young couple arm-in- l7 arm Conclude it is a slgu ot When we observe the lady- a yard behind her lord it is a proof of J How soon the novelty of matriv seems to wear off It one almost afraid to venture from the ape of Good Hope to the United States So- many voyagers get wrecked on Disappointment Ridge in Matrimonial Harbor In how many homes does matrimony seem to be but a matter of and an affair of housekeeping The- bed of- roses becomes a bed thorns Woman pines and dies for want those little attentions and personal kindnesses which are the very- charm of courtship and which she fondly imagines will he characteristic of wedded The fate of the wife of Thomas was not unique It is far better to pin flowers on a womans gown than plant on which been horn was nothing in the time of George Fox in it was seriously quest lone whether Women possessed souls It said that some American is also his greatest blessing j men purpose revising the Bible and she brought sin into the world she amending every passage they consider alto brought the Saviour insulting io the Foolish Woman she notserse enough to see that every right and privilege goes round we shall have to accept and she now enjoys is due to all find fault with Woman yet that so long as the world Merry Christmas We hall with the happy morn For Santa has been here He stuffed our stockings with his And Oiled our heart with cheer And everything is bright today Theres laughter In the air Ha in the merry Christmas time We wish yop nil to share Merry Christmas merry Christmas Unto one and all Merry Christmas merry Christmas to you fall Merry Christ mas merry Christmas Join our merry song Merry merry Christmas Happiness prolong The is tooting loud Now sounds the noisy drum And tliruout the land Is heard the merry hum So beat the drum and toot the horn Arid sing and shout and And let there be to all goo I cheer For this in Christmas day our pockets bulge with sweets And many toys have we Old Santa brought us many gifts And decked the Christmas tree So raise the song for Santa And give a lusty cheer And may he ver grow too old To us every year Women as our mothers our slaters our sweethearts our wives and bur daughters Of course Women do betray but he secrets Women betray are the secrets men have betrayed unto Wo men A lady lecturer npeaklng on Wo mens Rights rising to the highest plane of oratory enquired would man have been today had it not been for Woman A naughty In the back row truthfully re- In Paradise Vet- man woulil rather be forever a fugitive on face of earth with Woman than live In Paradise alone Woman deserves that man has said about her good bad ami Indifferent Why Because there are good bad ami Indifferent Women This again is because there are good bail and indifferent men Man received his desert when he re ceived Woman The only ban who understand a Woman is the man wlio has sense enough to understand that he has not to understand He realizes be never understand her therefore he always attempts lo explain her Woman is mans inspiration and his exasperation For her he will dare anything and because her ho daro hot do any thing Shi brings his best anil reveals his worst She Is his slave and Ms ruler All life long man is dependent upon Woman She brings him into the world she hustles him out There never lived a man who did not owe hundred times to a woinain She over wr cradles us when we are Ignorant us In times sickness An times despair holds hands and kisses us farewell we the Borderland heroism and de votion has seldom adequately appreciate by mar She the patience of a saint the votlon of an angel The wuteh- nights of nursing produce qualities of endurance and tenderness that are the most precious heritage of Time was whew sick influence the Bible and Christianity The Bible is Womans ire some cock birds the Nightingale to wit who only sing during nesting season Perhaps male imagines sh has such a jewel of a fellow who will sing to her all her days But it is only a trick courtship The leathered rascal ceo his music when family cares gin There arc tailored rascals who do Hie same Few men adequately appreciate the inonotphy a Womans domestic life He may realize some day he has had an at his table unawares There is one Canadian word I posi tively hate It is the word Woman Yet I am not a Woman hater I shall never call my Canadian girl my Charter of Independence Woman to- Woman This is not a vow of day is mans oy in nonChristian I celibacy It would break the lands- The sanctity if family life l heart of an wife to hear her the of the Gospel Only a Woman all know the Some use it derogatorily if she did not count for much Some women use it apologetically as an excuse for not carrying their share of responsibility That woman is a shirker it Is used Ironically by a woman smarting under a sense It is used abjectly by the In selfrespect and by the man full of con ceit It is used sarcastically and in playful humor Let it he no longer yet Is glad she isnt She and husband speak of her as his Woman This word hurts me every time I hear it Are there not prettier words in the dictionary Have some men never beard the wife sweetheart betterhall Hug Love is inventive Find word than Woman Bachelors discuss be cause married men dare not came alter man she hag been alter him ever since She wishes she were a man and used as a of Inferiority Among the causes of Englands po verty is the vexed question of female labor Thousands girls are degraded by factory lite The manu- of bullets guns bievcles tools machines is brutalizing Modem Woman is not securing any permanent gain by noisily and competing with man In every commercial undertaking Woman can best rule and the universe be ing Queen of Home rocks the cradle the Hundreds of factory and store girls have no notion of cooking dressmak ing or nursing It Is poor tfon to Jonathan Newly wed when alter chewing manfully at his brides India rubber pastry to be relieved bis appetite by an invitation to Come Into the parlor dear and let me give vou tune on the piano Man be a mere wanderer On the face of the earth not Woman She is mans anchor hold ing him tight to home and family Womart needs man to her forward and make her venture some Were it not for man must women would live and die in the hou In which they were born lnfeellng man can fling a few things Into a grip and go to the uttermost part the earth with never x homesickness Woman and breaks her heart at the of some bricabrac It is a bit the home and it hurts her to part It A school boy was put the is polygamy he replied Haying a attracts man yet would be haughtily indignant he said he undcrstoorl the situation For Woman man would travel thou- sands of miles because her has to stay at home She flatters him and pokes fun at him She worships htm as a giant and twists Wm round her little finger She adores him and treats him with disdain Man can only rule woman by letting her hake own way She Is the cause all his joy- and the origin all bis misery The way to a mans heart Is ids stomach The way to a lady heart is through a gentlemans pock- Woman brings man to his senses and drives him crazy- It has often been remarked that It horses realized their power they would be by man the samp observation Is equally applicable to women Concluded on Page ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all bard soft calloused lumps and from blood spavin curbs splints ring- bone stifles sore and swollen throa coughs Save by use one bottle ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by J buildings on King Vi94H mee- were burned During the the aged and the dying What is It an explosion took place and to- perish They seas but one lbV asked the sons were burned