1 a J tJ I i J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY 1907 RESCUED Slavery the traffic In human on Only a short time ago ot Chinese were arrested not fad- sou toe a number I as they Danger in Farming PRESENTS OF PAPER T lr a Few AURORA A quiet Wedding took place at the tempted to smuggle young girls Canada Into the United In Eastern countries the slave trader piles bis vocation So the market place fc a of the bride on Saturday escape Ottawa is all agog when Mr Mary Evans was the wonderful escape of one of united in marriage to Mr from that Jasper Rev a pastor of UTery Rheumatism Mr the Baptist Church performed the small says I a constant ceremony front rheumatism for over A very sad event occurred here On year I used treatments Wednesday morning of last week doctorstrfe hot baths- j which Mrs Mark lost her almost every known mineral Deceased subject to severe bat nothing did me any real attacks of headache and was the The pains were In my joints habit of taking powders for relieving back and had frequent head- jit On Wednesday she had bad indigestion About a attack and took what was year I supposed to he a headache powder saw Used and decided to try them After I had taken two boxes I wa much tetter Altogether took have had no for over six month now and feel that I am cured hare gained over tan pounds In wefght cure because the fruit and the kidneys regulate the bowels and Invigorate the skin This Mans pure blood free of uric add Care yourself Take mow be free of Rheumatism at winter fiOc a box for At or from Ottawa Oat but which was in reality a powder containing strychnine Medical aid was summoned as soon as the error was discovered and everything was done to relieve her hut without effect She lingered until noon on Thursday when she passed She leaves a husband one daughter and three sons May Made at Horn j Hours Dollar Wheat is fine for ft la not too late to make attractive era but they take long chances Christmas presents at home even If with their health the the selection has been delayed until wheat Bad fa can and Kidney Trouble There gift out of cardboard and a farmer out way bright colored paper and by choosing was so busy making money that he did not realize he was making illhealth at the same time He bad headaches often bis hurt so badly be could hardly stand often the urine was highly colored and scalding But thought he was only working too hard One day he cangbt cold The next day he bad Rheu matism Tins farmer suffered yearswith Rheumatism chance brought a friend who told lum about in They relieved the excruciating pain and cured him in tiiree months Oft thso suffered almost continually for Kidney walk and to attend to my farm afUr taking few I felt much lietedaBdaftertatiCltifabos was to do a foil day work know one box of cd me bill and they are finen Pill James For Sale Brick House and lot also frame Large and lota of fruit trees table cor Lome Avenues Choice location Enquire of A WILLIAMS 36 During the past month there has been considerable trouble throughout this section from chicken thieves A number of farmers have lost their best We will refund your money should these birds the thieves carefully selecting Gentle fail a large and removing the choicest of the J box At all or sent on receipt flocks So common has this become that tbe farmer who hopes to enjoy his own poultry has to he on- the alert Thus it was that one night last week Mr William Murphy near thought he observed a light in his hennery where at that time of price The Chtmlcat Mi The 20th Century Sabbath We are told that the complicated Newmarket no ought to ho Proceeding civilization the twentieth investigate he found some one requires that Sabbath HOUSe atld Lot for Sale been there whom his approach bad lance and Sabbath laws should and who had made in the Nay this- is a darkness He saw however fat j new reason why they should wallet on the hennery floor evidently maintained and strengthened At dropped by the intruder which was Sinai where the law was to contain some and which proclaimed did those Hebrew Mr is very anxious i return on at three miles ail hour to its owner identilicalkm An need a law to protect them against an IN That house and lot situated West of the Manning house on Huron St Newmarket being lat number 1 plan 2 The house is new For particu lars apply to Newmarket To Let Desirable house on Prospect Ave one door South of Mr Bert in repair Possession tit of December Apply to 195 Manager Belleville For Sale a The following valuable farms and woodland in the Township of East the property of the late Rodney The last quarters Of lots and in the third concession con taining acres of improved farm with buildings The northeast quarter of lot It In the concession containing BO acres also improved build ings The halt of lot the filth concession containing acres timber and about acres cleared with dwelling for the whole or any part by the undersigned up t Nov 1907 Ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid on acceptance of tender nod balance In days No tender accepted Address Euclid Avenue Toronto Canada amusing of the affair that some days later a foreign looking gent called at the Murphy home to buy poultry Mr Murphy had none to sell Mr buyer was insistent how ever on visiting the hennery Talk ing blithely about the poultry he was observed to he closely scanning the roost and occasionally kicking about the straw apparently in much agita tion Nothing was said and the fat wallet with its is still await- a claimant Express Mortgage dale Of Hotel Property in Sharon Under Power of Sale In a certain Mortgage which will be at the time of sale there will be ottered for sale by Public Auction at the Royal Hotel In the Town of Newmarket on SATURDAY NOVEMBER at the hour of eleven oclock in the Wat freehold property known the House the Village of Sharon and being compos ed all parts of lot number ten the third of the East as fully and out by meets and bounds in the fcatd mortgage On the premises Is hotel known as the House with twojtood and a good hall for public purposes Alio a good stable all being fair condition and conditions of apply to Hugh Evans Esq or VIDDIHELD Vendor Sol Newmarket Mr If arris is having a well bored at the front portion of the St hotel properly Mr one of our enter prising merchants has had several in the store interior ef fected during ilie past week A large number from this place were in attendance at the box social given in the Orange bat line King on Friday evening last under the auspice of the Church of The was- a most pro success The drop in the prices being paid for grain lias bad the effect of decreas ing the amount ileiiveed the local buyers this not been wy brisk during the past week Mr of College Toronto took charge the Anglican services In on Sunday last The rector Rev J Gibson look the service at awl Mr James who been working the past for Mr fdmAmey left on Monday night for Toronto be will spend fl few days prior to starting for Glas gow Scotland Mr Ernest Peason of the fttU line Is of suteesijful hunters of thin district at louring the highlands of Ontario in of game week Mr and consequently greatly elated on succehH this being his first shooting trip to The very dark night last week forc ibly the need of home kind of a street lighting system for It vas much difficulty that made their way along walks after dark we hear cases where walked the to grope their way home Anniversary service were held in the Cbircn Sunday and were largely attended Three were held during the day at each of which Rev Wr Kler- University Toron to occupied the pulpit and delivered an Interesting instructive dis course Mr Stewart of Toronto as sisted the choir sweet and appropriate music overstrain more than the engineers of toilay who drive tjieir iron dragons a mile a minute with hand on the throttle eye on the track every power alert Bid those dozen farm ers from whose was called to be a prophet I have seen in that region a modern of eighteen did those farm ers- together as they kept stop their slow oxen need a Sabbath law more than the men in the Northwestern sawmills who saw each a hundred thousand feet lumber per day and must watch lite moving circular saw lest it mistake one of tlieru lor a log Did the employees of Boa where capital said labor The Lord he with you and labor answered The Lord bless thee rerpiire a Sabbath law for protection of servants more than it is required by the millions of em ployees today whose master is neither man or woman neither brute or human but the ghoul without a soul we call a Bid Boreas sitting the sunlight beside her cottage distaff in hand leisurely spinning and weaving the coats and garments for the orphans that played at her feet did she require the protection of a Sabbath law more than the young girl of fourteen in modern mill working a dozen hours day in the close air and clanging noise- under a hard master Was there less excuse for our fathers to is sue Sunday papers when news cross ed the Atlantic in two months than there is for us when the news rope reaches us by telegraph the before it happens Crafts ffl Three newspaper publishers and three business men of Sidney Ohio were recently fined awl coat court tor causing an advertisement of a lottery to be mtis Que Nov 14 The agency of the St Jean burglarized during the night Three masked men and one unmasked held up Mr the Manager at the point of a revolver and striking him butt demanded him to open the safe Upon bis refusal they noon It with and contents in bills and Inld This is Big can of stove polish that is delighting so many keepers cooks and maids It shines quick as a wink And the shine stays bright and black burn off no matter how hot the fire gets It is always for Just as good for Grates Stovcvpipes and Iron- work as it is for Stoves Not only the best stove polish but the most of it tor the money Insist on having r I a black your Drink Does A not long out from Ireland named T J Moore buried bis wife last January went on a spree at Newcastle the other day Whtie under the influence of liquor he broke Into the home of Mrs Dea con an old lady years of and brutally assaulted her He is now arrest In tbe meantime the bar rooms are busy debauching de grading other men to commit crimes Beer and Murder r A whiskey drinker will commit mur der under the direct excitement drinker is capable of doing it in cold blood Long Ob has assured us that a large proportion murders deliberately planned and executed without or malice ho other than acquisition of property or money often of trifling value arc per petrated by beer drinkers We believe further that the here ditary evils of beer drinking exceed those proceeding from ardent spirits first because Use habit is constant and without paroxysmal interruption which admit of some recuperation secondly because beer drinking- is practiced by both sexes more general ly than spirit drinking and thirdly because the animalizing tendency is more generally transmitted Pacific Journal practical and artistic models can turn out just as acceptable articles as those made by experts making paper gifts the amateur must remember that- though tbe actual work Is easy consisting only cut ting nod pasting this roust be care fully done or materials will be spoiled and the labor wasted For this reason simplest kind of models should be decided upon as to be made In a hurry for the easier they fashion the less task will be If envelope bolder should be chosen as a gift the work on it would require but a short space of and really no skill for It can be made of three four pieces of cardboard cut square round or with upper edge scallops One of tbese pieces tbe j one that la to form tbe back should be at least onethird wider than the wire all over me ex- other two while the second place need rcsponsc to some not be more than two inches deeper than the last or third one The width of all three moat of course be the same When cut to please fancy paste on decorative crape paper In a light shade of tan bine or pink on which there are bright colored flowers such Alcohol and the Nerves or tape to finish telegraph wires in the top should be added sides these John shuts s eves aim I touch fob red rosea and yellow mums tied prettily with long ribbon When the paste Is thoroughly dry an edging of the pieces at At the bottom or an Inch from tbe edge of each wo holes should be made one on either side for through these openings ribbons that tic tbe pieces together arc run The ribbons arc made Into pretty knots and help decorate the holder Through two holes the ton of the piece of cardboard a ribbon is fastened with bo that the holder may he attached to the wall or a desk wher ever It will hang conveniently Quite as serviceable as the holder and equally appropriate for man and woman Is a blotter for a desk It In made of a square piece of cardboard over which a light blue or delicate pink blotting pad la placed Is held down by four decorative corners made of cardboard covered with crape paper In pretty floral designs These corners are made like right angled tri angles to fit the square edges of the bottom and are attached to the latter by fine wires thing it A Indeed hadnt you better wait awhile before you say that Shut your eyes Now how did you shut dont know do you Let me tell you When I spoke the air was set in motion and began to make waves one striking against another as the waves of the sea do These waves en ter your ear where a little tiny drum is stretched to receive thorn and this drum was made to vibrate The waves from drum are in turn taken through a perfect maze of tele graph wires into brain and the brain being head telegraph office at once knows my wish which is Shut Johns eyes The clerk in the office ben sends a mess age to both of your eyelids saying Go down I and in an instant they obey Hut let me see if there are any in our body Knitting Case A suitable present for a lover of knitting Is a case the dif ferent sizes of needles may be kept arid preserved from rust when not In The outer cover composed any material may be as elaborately worked as you like It must be cot a longer- than the length of longest needle It Is to bold and about three times as as It is long In making the case you be guided by own or the reclpknf a usual aolrecaenta the of knitting nee dles as one or two sixes may be t erred to entire set The lining should be wash leather a piece with a not too aggres sive yellow tint and thin In places Cut It to the size of case aod allow half Inch over to be pinked out show over edges fixing In place a moderately wide piece of leather down the center piece and make as man runnings Its will correspond with the number knitting needles case fa destined to hold If desired the leather lining need only meet edges of case which may be bound with ribbon The esse can be rolled op when not with a ribbon from the These cases can be adapted foe various uses by regulating the of tfa center Into which can bo Hipped embroidery silks as as knitting needles such a ease lined stlk would make as ad mirable brush holder for a water color pain Beard A gut that may be for a fries who going away tax home to a azaeil board of a sotted to a toy area a piece of asbestos the required make a linen cow for It with a tad buttonhole at fend This is oat cellars and eyes first his nose then bis little finger then his leu ami- finally his hair and each lime he says he can feel ley touches Of course can feel them for all over your body these little telegraph wires are to bo found and they send up in a flash the messgae to the head office the brain saying Some thing has touched me on the nose fin ger leg and hair These simple experiments fully con vince John that he is filled wijlu tele graph wires and William arc also deeply interested and watch the proceedings as close as wish to ask yon a question Supposed were to go out cut a telegraph wire in two could a message then go through it She hesitates far a moment before she replies- Perhaps it would Well it might go through but most probably Now did you ever- see a man couldnt use or leg and yet to at It there would be nothing at all to be seen that would Indicate disease Yes know a mam Mr whose left arm Is so that he can scarcely use it all Paralyzed exclaimed What does that mean Why replies thoughtful William paralysis Is simply the stopping of those telegraph wires are sneak ing of Youre Will Hut what is the name we give to these wires Nerves he quietly explains while John and Edith look In wonderment at my allowlnghlm such a things Hut so it Is- Now when a wan sutlers from paralysis we say that he is with a most painful disease and yet there arc men who wilfully paralyze themselves mm who do It purpose ly- Dear erics how Ish they must be think so to But let me hasten and explain how they doit You re member my telling you about that peculiar waterlooking alcohol Well that alcohol Ix mixed with water sugar and a few other things In drinks that arc called bier wine or spirits Now when- men take lhco dairies Into stomach that- is In them paralyzes the nerves in the same manner as man was paralyzed to whom Just how referred have only to see a man who has taken quantity of such liquor to be convinced of what I have said to If bo can walk straight and then to test him draw a straight chalk mark twenty yards long and ask him to i rivet must pas in the factory its manufacture of the stamp fl A chain is no stronger its link Upon the care ol the artisan depends the safety of the traveller on the modern highway inspection flCaVenil inspection every stage of makes the placing a pair of SLATER SHOES important as the Bank Presidents signature to a hill If the Slater Shoe is not worth it is not stamped fc WRIGHT Agent Newmarket MADE IN CANADA CANADIAN COMPANY BY A BE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER EAS to LEARN Fewer Working than any other Class Machine ALWAYS FOR THK NAME THE MANUFACTURING orricca P LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA 8T JOHN WANTED it He may try hat he will assuredly fail Now place silver dollars at every ten paces and tell him he may have them it he will walk upon the mark and even then al though he Is anxious to walk straight he will stagger and leave the line Mow what is the reason this There is but one answer and thai is given by the leading scientists the world Alcohol has bis nerves Try again and see it any wilier arc attacked besides those the legs Ask to write his and even then though be can write iikcaScrlbner a his writing will now loo as dipped a fly in the ink and sent It walking across the paper Ills In the lingers and arm ire by the alcohol Try once more Ask him to say This is a truly rural retreat and in nine eases out ten he tvill bring out This is a toorai coral treat The nerves the tongue are par alyzed And so might I give you many other similar illustrations of the way in which alcohol paralyze the tele graph wires or nerves the body I trust not one of my ever wishes to thus Injure his body My advice therefore is Dont liquid that contains alcohol CASTOR I A Infants and Children His Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the fllgnatuxoof Harney President of Knickerbocker Trust until a day or two before it closed down committ ed suicide at New York THROUGH THE HEART WHEN THE NERVES BECOME A WRECK AND VITALITY L6W BECAUSE THE HEART FAILS TO DO ITS THE SELFSAME HEART IT CURE COMES MUST COMB Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart Cures the nerves through the heart Experience of highest medical authorities as coQclustvely proven that the Quickest way to care the nerves to the heart with food that is natural to it ahd that tori blood and it roved also beyond the shadow of a by lbi same high medical thai Cure for the Heart is potent nerve that has been gathered in Irons lap to eta and heal the heartsick and when yon know that with the heart mala Wheel life order the fotare looks noUilag and why the remedy WW delay that will lift you back to Dr Core for Heart will relieve any every form of heart disease in minutes Maifaret Smith of Brussels Ontario says Many a was so that I would have hailed death with a welcome hot four bottle Agaaws Case for the heart wrought a wonderful core la AMD dr a kit Constlatkta4ryaATrtrlft40f6MBC DR la KM BY a