Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1907, p. 4

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ST Do you know that you A- can roafce a delicious dps- two minutes watt i i iniai mm rf I London papers give currency to a rumor that the Prince Prin cess of Wales are soon to visit Can ada Should it prove true toe glad band will be extended form the At lantic By the Canadian people in tniCi iinit and wine flavors Get a package from your grocer and try it Price Hon exMayorvof Boston at the luncheon of the Toronto Exhibition last I week said that both political part ies in the- United States realized that the tariff between the United States and Canada must soon be lowered ROBERT CO LIMITED Toronto I a very good salary for a young person under to re ceive Several Shorthand graduates list year ire now enjoying this salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out this card sign it and send to W Shaw Central Busi ness College Toronto Name RAZOR The unexpected sometimes occurs hut present indications are that Mr j A McKay P be chosen as successor to Hon Geo P Graham to lead the Liberal Opposi tion in the Legislature next session a meeting of the Liberal Committee of Ontario held in Toronto last week Mr Graham urged that a caucus of members Legislature he summoned to name a leader lor the vacancy The new Meat Inspection Act came into force this A press de spatch from Ottawa states that meatpacking establishments in Can ada are placed under inspection and henceforth there will be a general supervision over them For this pur pose inspectors all qualified vet erinary surgeons have been assigned to the enforcement of the- Act Offi cers have been detailed for Toronto Calgary Winnipeg and Montreal They will each receive an annual sal ary of No More Troubles Possible THE RAZOR OF reRFECTWKI A Stone from your dealer on days trial HO ATOM TO j A Agent Newmarket Local Salesman WANTED For Newmarket and adjoining country to represent Cuilis Greatest nurseries A permanent situation for the right man for whom the terri tory will be reserved Pay Weekly Free Equipment Write for particulars STONE WELLINGTON Nurseries over ftOO acres TORONTO ONTARIO Klriihurstthe fine residence of Mr at was destroy ed by fire Ray torry aed sixteen shot at War ton while drawing his gun towards him muzzle first i Modelled upoa a of curvet of elegance comprised ta ev try pair of A You can buy a intermediate do to I I AIL GOOD THINGS must vin upon their merits The International dictionary has won a greater distinction upon merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language nil a work itit of a dictionary in it cot oaly we iiV in a vtat of A lo new it up I with a of of laUr fcttti put PRIZE fcrfVM to lo- at WorM ftt 6i tftrUioiz AiM OauMa Mr Geo Ross Chief Superintend ent of the postoffice department who was present at the banquet of the Postmasters Association in To ronto rather astonished some of the talkative postmasters who because the mini mum salary to a postmaster had not been fixed at instead of He out that there were revenue under per year and collecting from to and yet in the face of these facts a demand was being made for a minimum salary of 50 This would mean closing up to the inconvenience of people now served A section of the Railway Act enacts that a railway shall according to its powers furnish at alt stopping places established for such purposes adequate arid suitable accommodation for the receiving all traffic offered for carriage upon the railway and shall without delay carry and de er all such traffic In view of the large concessions made to Railway corporations this provision seems reasonable and just The same kind of provision should obtain governing Railways at distributing points along their lines We call the attention of the Ontario Hallway and Municipal Commission to necessity and importance of such pro vision It is a fact not generally known that wool which never saw the back of a sheep is being largely used on the continent for making mens suite hooks describe cloth of gold hut cloth of iron is a real product of the mills We are told that iron cloth is used largely by tailors for making the collars of coats set fash ionably ft is manufacture from steel woo by a new process and has the appearance of having been woven from horsehair An old country pa per states that cloth made from this wool is dyed and finally made lengths of cloth A pair of trous ers or a tout made from this cannot be or damaged by grease and is as flexible as cloth made from sheeps wool In the manufacture of iron wool limestone mixed with a certain chemical is thrown into the furnace and after passing under a furious blast of air is tossed out as fluffy white the Use Dr Pink Pills A great young men- and wo- men are suddenly seized with weak ness Their appetite fails them they tire on least exertion and be come pale and thin They do not feel any specific pain just weakness But that weakness dangerous It- is a sign that tbe blood is thin and watery that it needs building up Dr Williams Pink Pills will restore lost strength because they actually make new rich blood will help Concerning Mr j Lepage of St Jerome Que says For several years I have- been em- a grocery and up- to the oj seventeen I had always en joyed toe best of health But denly my strength began to leave me grew pale thin and extremely weak Our family doctor ordered a com plete rest and advised roe to remain out of doors as much as possible so I went to spend several weeks with an uncle who lived in Lauren- tides I was in the hopes that the bracing mountain air would help me butit didnt and I returned home in a deplorable state- was subject to dizziness indigestion and general weakness One day I read of a case similar to own cured through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and I decided tq give them a trial After taking four box es of tire pills I felt greatly Improv ed so continued their use for some time longer and they fully cured me I am now able to go about my work as well as ever I did and have noth ing but the greatest praise for Dr Williams Pink Pills The blood blood is the se cret of health If the blood is not pure the body becomes diseased or the nerves shattered Keep the blood pure and disease cannot exist Dr Williams Pink Pills make rich red blood that is why they cure rheumatism indigestion head ache backache kidney trouble and the secret ailments of womanhood Sold at cents a box or six boxes for by all medi cine dealers ox by mail from Williams Medicine Co The Net Profit The story is told a prosperous Connecticut man painfully exact in money matters who married a wid ow of Greenwich possessing in her own right the sum of Shortly alter the wedding a friend met the fanner to whom he offered congratulations at the time observing Its a good thing for you a marriage that means 10n00 to you Not quite that Hill said the fanner not quite that Why exclaimed the friend understood there was every cent of 10000 in it for you I had to pay for a marriage license said Malacbi with a sigh Get at with your old fraud Rheumatism Ibtt year head him if tight now to take DANGEROUS Plant JAip Mft that the most vicious It heals and strengthens Kidneys that they will be proof against attacks when sudden changes of weather KTTOSOIL Explosion Follows Mothers Spanking Mich Sept Mrs Fred Williams living at Fear Point on Crooked Lake near this city was severely injured and her son was probably hurt when a dynamite cap in boys pock et exploded while the mother was spanking him The little boy had been out the field where his father was using dyn amite to blow up stumps and bad slipped one of the percussion caps in to his pocket When he returned to the house bis mother called him in to be punished for some childish misde meanor Mrs Williams used a shingle as the instrument of punishment The first blow exploded the cap The plosion tore a- large hole in his hip from which he is believed to be dic ing The mother lost two fingers and received severai minor cuts about her face and body The shingle has not been found of the creation Is the peccary or wild hog Mexico animal seems utterly devoid of and displays an intelligence In fighting man strangely variance with its complete lack of menial at- tributes Their ability to scent man is particu larly marked- The only to do when they get after you is to run away from them as fast as a can carry you and then there hi no thatthey wont cftbeUVjD They are as swift as a horse and their Is as great as of mine a drove of them in a wild part of a few years ago and escape almost miraculous He Very shot and wounded a homber of ttem Then he took refuge in a tree The peccaries kept him in th all that day and through the night They circled round the tree grunting and squealing their delight at the prospect a feast He soon exhausted his and brought down a peccary at each bat tola had do terrors for the beasts Toward morning they began to eat those he had killed after which they formed in line and trotted off If they had not had some of their own to devour they would have guarded that tree until my friend through sheet exhaustion dropped from his perch and allowed them to make a meal of him The wildcats and that Infest the Mexican wilds flee from the pec caries with Instinctive fear and even rattlesnakes keep out of their path WW if one of be kicked cut a knee atrain a go the at hand to the Kendalls Spivin Cure I i iffl ought to be in every stable and It prevent troubles from becoming take away ell of you for accidents that maj any time uot Xhet5cdKtndaIlSpTlaCoTtwltliftcat occa many bra Barb Wire Cut- and Ha Sore Thin WILSONS FLY PADS fcllUd of til v us 104 or We One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo O We the hate known J Cheney for the last years and him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price cents Per bottle Hold by all Drug- Take Halls Family for atlpatlon When we set up a purpose beyond our own happiness and follow It happiness will follow us in its turn Wilbur i A bylaw to grant a free site a fixed etc to the i Buchanan concern of to establish a door factory in Alii A ton was defeated The Herald attri butes the to large amount of land required and the failure of the concern to give any definite guar- an tee of the number of bands to be employed The says The result of the vote on the bylaw last Saturday by the ratepayers of the township of Strong to loan A to establish a ve neer factory resulted In votes be ing nolle for the bylaw against the bylaw a majority of for the bylaw hut as the necessary two- thirds of the votes on the list did not poll their votes for the bylaw It was defeated 9 ITCH- Mange Prairie Scratches Barbers Itch and every farm con tagious Itch on human or- animals cured in minutes by WoHords Sanitary It never fails Sold by 1 it Fruit taken In morning before the fast of the night has been broken is very refreshing and serves as a stimulus to the digestive organs A ripe apple or an orange may be taken at this time with good elect It only fruit Of some sort formed an Important item In breakfast women generally would feel better and have better Fresh fruit are beat but stewed prunes figs etc are not to be ignored Those pimples can removed the use of Millexa Compound Iron Sold by The Norma Rogers Co Miraculous Recovery of a Lost Woman Geneva Sept ft The Swiss wo man who was lost in the Alps near for days is Mm She recovered her senses yesterday and was able to tell the doctor a story of the terrible ordeal thru which she passed Her doctor believes that it will take a long time for her mind to recover if it ever does completely there is every likelihood of her physical re covery Her survival the doctor describes as the greatest miracie he ever saw or heard of To the doctor she told how on the morning of August she walked along the bank of the River intending to return to her ho tel for luncheon Fascinated by the scenery she penetrated farther up the gorge and lost her way She added While retracing my steps I dont know how many feet I went into a cave I was horrified to find that ow ing to the steep and slippery stone sides I was unable to climb out I shouted all that day and night for help until my voice was so hoarse that I was unable to shout I ate my last two pieces of chocolate arid continually drank water which trick led through the rocks Another day came and went and yet another I forgot how many because I must have been delirious The village church the top of the steeple of which I could sec from my living tomb seemed my only hope I pray ed daily to the steeples cross for deliverance On Sundays especially I suffered terrible mental torture when I heard the bells pealing and the choir singing I cannot describe my hunger Slowly my strength ailed me un til I was unable to stand alone Then Cod sent darkness and I no more Meanwhile her husbands friends and guides searched in for her for days Later a peasant passing heard groaning and climbed down and rescued her lie carried her in sensible to a hospital She recover ed her senses thirty hours later She was once plump but is now without an ounce of Iter hair Is entirely grey What makes her survival and recovery all the more wonderful is the fact that for years she has been in very good health Mob Rule at Vancouver Vancouver Sept Intense excitement continues throughout Itritish Columbia as a result the riots of yesterday the trial twoscore of rioters and the complications of a serious character which are by even the most va ve ell I A riot lasting rive hours In which Chinatown and Japanese stores were attacked ami yellow residents assault ed or brown into the harbor occur red at Vancouver on Saturday TIa damage to property is estimated at from to number of persons were injured and a score of arrests made The Japan ese fought the crowd and in one cast- put it to flight but the Chinese were terrorstricken The disorders were but the culmination the Increas ingly bitter feeling against the influx of Orientals Happiness Is the shadow and rests or moves forever with original Scientists claim that potato bugs are very fond music and will re main in a trance while a musical in strument Is being played Farmers can easily take advantage of this weakness by Installing phonographs in their potato fields be day a bottle at Oar Treatise On Bone you ought to and to cure t write for free Db red aioaoao raits ft or far Jt House for Sale LOVES TEST Where Her Great Help Was Neaded Her HaartWas Willing Professor- said the fair after a pause let me If yon use the phrase different than Never exclaimed young pro fessor of rhetoric and English litera ture exasperates me Miss whenever see It in print I am glad we have something in common She rejoined less Professor de be your wife Mr Koopong asked the young wo man with downcast eyes that happen to of It do you ever use the phrase different tbanr certainly do not said the enam ored capitalist It Is not only Incor rect but utterly absurd I am glad to bear you say so Mr It la useless to urge me I never can be anything more to you than a friend Let me ask you one question r said Do you ever use the phruse different Why I presume I have used It carelessly sometimes Miss stammered the embarrassed youth But now that you have called my teatkm to It I shall be to nay from hereafter Claude aba exclaimed clasping her hands ecstatically and gazing at him with soulful eyes my answer Is yes yes You poor dear boy you heed a helpmate and Ill be the Clerk with a Conscience Wanted Apply at the Eagle Hotel New It was in one of Bostons largest till drygoods stores the other day In my hand was a sample of a certain Of black dress goods J wished to procure The friend who was with me also wished to purchase Or to Let Apply at the Cedars black dress goods so we decided to Victoria and Park Ave look for first since I always knew what I wanted After trying in vain to receive courteous attention two differ ent clerks one of whom was with a box of samples and the other with Invisible specks on bis coat we turned to a third clerk rather tim idly for we were not sure of the re ception we should receive He was making out a sale- slip but he turned at once Certainly I have just what you want I will wait on you in a moment His tone was so different what we had come to expect that we would willingly have waited halt an hour for him to finish what he was doing In a lew seconds however be was at leisure and piece after is hereby that ail dlBDlayed persons having claims against for our Inspection My friend made her selection and the said Thomas Lloyd then I showed him my sample At j insolvent and who have not he glanced at the slits cut in ficd 1 tbe tiny piece goods signed solicitor for H Cane signee of the said Estate or or ba the clerk ore the first day of October Sand and Gravel m For Cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to Cement Blocks for pur pose for sale Coma and Medicine A somewhat eccentric who recently died would order patients to take walks say daily on the left side of the street returning by- other aide another be would order to arise each morning at a certain hour and eat cheese ginger beer another to precisely at midnight and eat only apples or be would Instruct the patient pet Just ao many grains of salt on the egg ho to cat and part hah In a different way each day object to the mind of patient On something else than and tbla worked welt in many cases especially when the patient suffering from melan cholia of a taken and worn next to the chest win cure any of asthma in the world said a man I had uncto who suffered a thousand deatlm with and tried everything that could be bought la the war of medicine Final ly one day an old time friend told him of the and he tried It In two be war a well bad ever been how the skin about a cure la mystery but It will no It The and who were both thin as laths were a lual friend met our friend tola morning Ho boa so And he was so atout Yes It is dreadful He thinner than both of us together now Picture ef to were yon at the salon Artist No rejected my Friend Why know oil was bad perhaps Amusement Old kind of a did you have at funeral Old IS enjoyed rnyaerX more others till A A Mora IK THE MATTER of Thomas Lloyd of the Town Newmar ket in the County York Insolvent That isnt he remarked one of ray I will ask who mailed thia sample to wait on you- I dont want any other clerk to wait on me I responded hastily fearing that my sample might have come originally from one of the dis courteous clerks whom we first I want you to have this sale If you had asked for goods of that quality width and price with out showing me tbe sample I could have found it for you at once he- replied with a smile but now tbls- belongs to the clerk who sent I out the sample I wont give you this sample to hunt it up by wishing to see whether I could carry my point No one knows except my friend that you have seen It and I proceeded to tuck it away in my purse But I know that I seen it and my conscience knows it and he laughingly laid hand on heart as he turned to look for the other clerk In a moment he returned The other clerk was at lunch What sigh of relief we I will make out the sale and turn It over to him when he cornea in our salesman displaying the shining black of the goods I de sired As he made out sale slip cred iting the goods to tbe office in stead of to his own number I could not but admire the fine quality of that mans honesty In a matter where no one would been the was true to himself He did aa he would have been done by And in making future purchases in that deportment I shall always look for my clerk with a conscience Ellen Maynard In Christian En deavor World their names and addresses with lull particulars their claims ul nature the security if any by them duly verified as tely after said date the assignee will proceed to distribute thc assets the said estate amongst entitled theretohaving regard only to claims of which he then shall Lave notice Sol lor Western FairLondon I SPECIAL LOW RATES From Newmarket Good Going Sept 13 Teething Babi re Mrtd suffering and rest when one use Nurses Quickly relieve regulates the prevents years Absolutely aafe tUUouftl Co Limited Bote Montreal 315 Good Going Sept and All tickets valid returning from London on or before Monday Sept the 16th TO MUSKOKA This is the Pioneer Line and therefore the best way to Lakes See that your ticket reads via Grand Trunk and the comfort your trip is assured For tickets and full information call on DUNN Depot Agent New market or write McDonald l A Union Station Toronto It you dont scale mountain the plain Conversation Is an art worth learning Its keynote is unselfish ness To speak without trumpeting opinions and to listen without interrupting are accomplishments which a selfish finds difficult which must be learned before the charm of conversation commences DRESSMAKING BY MAIL to your time at homo r Take a Personal Course a School To enable all we teach on cash or plan leach a personal claw at school once a month Class commencing last Tuesday of each month These Lessons teaches how to cut fit and put together any garment from the waist to the most elabor ate drew The whole family can from one coyrse Wo have taught over seven thousand and guarantee give five hundred dollar to any one that cannot learn between the ago of and You cannot learn as thorough as this course teache if you work In shop for year Beware of imita tion wo employ no one school This the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada excelled by none in any other country Write at on for particulars as we have cut our rate third for a short time Address York Radial Railway MBTltOFOLlTAN DIVISION A car leaves North Toronto lor Newmarket every hour am to pm and the same service Newmarket to Toronto Also a late car leaves North Toronto lor Newmarket on Wednesday and Sat nights at and a late cat loaves Newmarket for Toronto the same nights at 1045 oclock LAKE EXTENSION NORTH and am and pm and am and pm Keswick and am and pm Orchard and am 115 and Jacksons Point and and pm GOING SOUTH Jacksons Point and am and pm Orchard and 1020 a in and pm Keswicko25 and am 535 and pm and a 340 and pm Newmarket and am and 8 pm A special through car leaves North Toronto on Saturday at pm call ing at at Return It leaves Jacksons Point at pm for Toronto Connects with

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