Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1907, p. 3

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Weeks Of ABOUT WW J Photographer Mr young gentleman woo bought out Mr Hendersons producing some very fine work Examine the specimens In show case adjoining the Public Library and then preserve shadow while attending tie Big Newmarket Fair Brief lets Browning lost a horse last week It got its foot in baiter in the stable and was dead when found in tbe morning Mr flower is credit to Town and the ad miration of all passersby crowd down town last Satur- night Styles orchestra the music at Ewers restaurant Farmers Sun and the New- Era far the balance of the year for thirty Cents GREAT Dont Forget Our Tinsmithing and Plumbing De partment is in charge of Mr A Any work entrusted to his care we guarantee will be done to your entire satisfaction O A limns Fall Fairs Oct and September September Bradford October Oct and 2 ColUegwood Sept 25 Emvale October Gueiph September 18 IS October 2 Newmarket Sept 18 Queensville Oct and Sutton September Oct and Scott at Zephyr Oct Watch For It There is in prospect an engagement the celebrated Schubert Symphony Club and Lady Quartette Company Chicago and it is expected they will be secured to give one of their delightful entertainment- in Newmarket about Oct This Company gives a programme of the greatest variety consisting Lady Quartettes Mandolin and Guitar Club String Violin and Vocal Solos and Amusing Id The will get a musical that is enjoyable from first to last not a long dull affair but a bright interesting gram of musics choicest Police Court Oil Tuesday Police Ma gistrate heard tie evidence in a couple of cases from the Land- log which arose out of neighbors children quarrelling Mr laid a complaint against Mr Hodge lift assault and charged Mr Lepard with using profane lan guage Judgment was The same day an intricate case was beard from an adjoining township Joel was charged stopping a horse being driven by Olive and forcing tympany The evidence went to that Jos and Joel traded horses let him lave the back again Then he ehatged his mind after the fcwie he met Miss He said the horse was his he wanted if at once He to unhitch but decided he would drive- ite girl back fidme She re- with him acting in this the legal action was fined W and costs a- in all to Picture Post Cards Post Fair at Humes Rockwells Sunny South Co our citizens who and who to see a ftrstrclass Coon to hear that tbe A well world famous Company appear the last two bights 4 Fair Wednesday lhufday evenings and 19 much to fcay this compfcavethat of twentyfive colored Wh do every funny that tar do well and the in a constant and from start to fln- fafp The company is carefully selec ted from tbe best of colored talent is new modern high- Class and to the minute nothing to the most lady in the land No in years has attaint such Immense popularity ft is one of the few really comedy to receive the unanimous critical of the and public The plantation vel by the famous Blossom is a feature In itself The highclass silver cornet Hand which the company will head the Town parade at noon Keats are now on sale it Store and Everything to the best County Fair ever held in on Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day of next week The and revision the Prize List with substantial pre miums is calling forth renewed in terest and the Secretary with his office staff Is experiencing a heavy rush this week There are more en tries made than ever hefore in the week preceding the Fair and a splen did exhibit is already assured The first day is Preparation Day but a Committee will also be on the grounds on Monday looking after the arrangement of tables and Hatting space to exhibitors Those who are on the grounds first get the first choice It is hard to say whether Wed nesday or Thursday will be the big gest day both will be Big Days On Wednesday- afternoon the School Childrens parade will leave the north end at proceed to the grounds by way of Slain St headed by the Band and the Band bringing up the rear The Society is offering for the largest loads of scholars and for the school coming the longest distance On arriving at the grounds the Club Swinging Dumbbell Exercises Marching Military Drills Tugowar and Foot Races for the children will proceed at once At 2 oclock on Wednesday the Monster Athletic Meet will take place Ton Longboat the- Champion long distance Runner of the World will run a five mile race against four professional men each of the latter running a mile and l a quarter There also a five mile open race in which Tom the Champion Runner of England and United States will compete Some of our local sports intend to run in this race Then there is the mile race lor Newmarket boys under years of age and the J mile race for all com petitors residing within miles of Newmarket In addition to the Tim the Champion Weightthrow er of- Canada and all the best mem bers Of famous IrishCanadian Athletic team will take part in the following events yards open yards open open Mile Miles Tos sing Caber Standing High Jump Running High Jump lb weight lb Hammer Besides all the above attractions Cox Amusement Company of New York wililve a Program In from of Grand Stand from to oclock In evening the Sunny South Co win make you laugh for two hours in the Town Hall If you dont want to stand all the evening secure your seat at Drug Store Plan of hall opens at tonight THE LAST DAY Thursday is last day of the Fair Ail Live Stock will be on exhibition The Band will parade between and- oclock Speeding will commence at one o- Four trotting races will take place during the afternoon which will be a great attraction A entry is made already The Harold Amusement Coy will again perform in front of the Grand Stand from to oclock It is expected that a Merry-Oo- will on the grounds both days to please the The Sunny South Co will give an entire change of programme in the Town Hall commencing at York Radial will run Special Oars each way from New market at clock on the second and third nights of the Fair which will enable the visitors to remain for the concerts both nights and atill retorn home should forget to entries on or before Mon day extra charge alter date meeting of the post poned till next Saturday afternoon at oclock at the home Mrs p Hughes fiats i Hats for Fair Days at Hughes Improvements Messrs and Pearson built a neat new office at the corner of their extensive lumber yard on Street Mrs Scott is another new home erected on Elm Street This makes the 30th new house to be erected in Town this summer Mr house looks fine with the new Mr Gilford Manns new house is bricked up and looks like an up-to- date home Walter new house is now bricked and plastered and will soon be ready for occupancy The painters are busy with the in terior of Mr Geo new house also Percy Watsons new house These houses will soon be completed and will add greatly to the appear ance of that part of the town Public School There are children attending the public schools this term some of the being overcrowded are enrolled as follows Miss III Miss Ross Miss Ellison Cody Div VI Miss Ironside Miss Besides the above Mr Cmminson the Principal has a fine class of TeachersinTraining of ladies and six gentlemen composed of the fol lowing Ladies Donnell Mary Sutton West Harrison Nellie Blount Albert Johnston Gertrude Pine Margaret Madden Lillian Aurora Marsh Katharine Holland Landing 54 May Milne Jennie Janet Oldham Ida Quants Myrtle Newmarket Queensville Sutton West Sutton West Aurora Mt Albert Ncwmarjcet LINES CARRIED BY US Pearl Work in Gold Solid Gold Solid Gold Guards Solid Gold Cuff Links Diamond Rings Pearl Rings Chains Bracelets Pins and Brooches Lockets and Fobs Guards and Necklet Society Pins Silverware CO and Scott Bella Linton Winch Adelia Richmond Hill Bessie Sutton West Gentlemen Cody Roy Newmarket Glover Everett Holland Landing McDonald Lome Temperanccvllie Harrison Aurora Smith Ernest Newmarket Walker Stanley Newmarket Obituary There died at his home here Thursday Sept Mr Writ Us Allan one of Newmarkets best known and must highly respect ed citizens Mr Allan was born In the parish of Scotland yours ago and while yet a young man came to Westerly Rhode Island where with many of his country men he worked as a granite cutter which trade he had learned in Aberdeen Scotland After four years reslduice there he came to Canada he married Mary Helen rfaifghtcr of the Jate Richard of Scott Township who with their four chil dren survive him Mr and Mrs Allan returned to Westerly It I where they made their home for ten years- and where their two eldest daughters Jennie arid Margaret were born Returning to Canada they made their home in Newmarket For ten years Mr Al lan conducted business here for him self and afterwards formed a part nership with Mr in the marble butJEness Here lie made his home until his death and here al so two children Leslie and Gladys were born Mr Allan is survived by one bro ther who lives In Westerly I and two sisters one resident Ab erdeen Scotland and the other in New Jersey Mr Allah was a good citizen an exemplary husband and father and a consistent member of the Presbyter ian Church whose interests- he serv ed for a number of years as a mem- of the Managing- Quiet and of upright character and of sym pathetic nature Mr Allan made many friends not only in the town but also In the surrounding country was evidenced by the large num bers who came to pay their last sad respects to bis memory These many friends extend to Mrs Allan and son and daughters and to Miss Al lan their sincere sympathy in their great loss The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and conducted by A Campbell Among the relatives present from a distance were Miss Allan of Mrs Kd and Mrs Jos Dunn of Toronto Mrs fleld of Br Forest wife and daughter of Mt Albert Mr and Mrs Robert Rose of The pallbearers were Messrs J as A Silas A Forest and Donald Morrison The remains were laid to rest In Newmarket cemetery Tuesday Ernest ers been the past summer in the Absence of the are farm ing In left to taking thermrvcst opt there of been cailipg on old friends here the past ten days Mr and Mrs James Seymour of Buffalo are visiting at the parental here They are also accom panied by Miss Taylor Toronto Mr Browning of ac companied by Mr Robinson Mrs Kerr and Mrs guests at Mr Hugheys on Sunday Curling who was united in the holy bonds of wedlock on Thurs day evening last has our best wish es for future happiness Mr Skinner of was cal ling old friends here on last The of Temperance Annual RallyNight takes place on the of September when all the members within reach of the orderarc expec ted to be present Special entertain ment followed by light refreshments special Song Service was high ly appreciated and they didnt Elder for keeping them a lit tle late on Sunday last KESWICK Among those who took in the To ronto Exhibition last week were Mr Mr Carman Mr and Mrs Ira Morton Mr and Mr Ed Rose Mr Isaac Prosser Mr Harvey and Misses Myr tle Lloyd Bessie Terry Helen riner and Dora The Metro politan gave excellent service the Exhibition Mr and Mrs Ernest Morton went to on Saturday to attend the funeral of her brotherinlaw Mr- who was killed by lighfning on Thursday Miss Gertie Love of Toronto is spending a week with Miss Rotne Mc- Miss Mabel Skinner of Toronto was the guest of Mr Ernest Morton for a few days last week During the absence of the regular organist Miss Terry who is spending a month with friends in Tct- ronto Miss Williams kindly presided at the organ in the Method ist church both morning and evening on Sunday Mr Jenkins of Belle ville took the Topic at night Mrs John King and Mr Gladstone Marritt have the topic for next Sun day night Mr of Sutton secured a position in the Power House Miss of Newmarket has been visiting her sister Mrs Isaac Mr and Mrs Jenkins of Belleville were also guests at this home Miss Porter of Toronto is visit ing friends fit this locality Miss McCaffrey of Belleville visited at the home of Mr Morton Mr Will Pollock of New Ontario is visiting friends Miss Hill will relum this week to Keswick and will preparations for tho Millinery Opening Mrs Wm Marrlt and daughter have returned after visiting her Michigan Mr Gladstone Marritt is attending Newmarket High School Mr Roy Morton spent oyer Sunday with his parents Mr Jenkins of Belleville preached in Church Sunday morning Mr Wilson of Orchard Beach and Mr Watt Hurst are going to this week Mr is visiting his ranch at Uniou holding Harvest Homo in the Sunday School Hall on Sunday evening and an Entertainment on tiro of the Watch for further next week 7t- San Francisco Sept The House San Franciscos first at traction for tourists was burned to the ground yesterday It was a wooden structure that over hung the Pacific ocean just outside the ttoiden Gate yards Fancy Wrapperettes at 3c yd- White Embroidered Blouses for 1 for for 35c Union Carpet yard wide 36c for 25o 72iri Whits Sheeting yard Cotton Cashmere all colors I2c yard Table Linen 60 Inches wide 22c yard Rice Cakes Coffee Cakes Jelly tarts 9 Jam Jams New Raisins ft Kippered tin Sardines tin Liquid tin i Cooked Meats of all kinds Sliced to Suit You Boots Shoes Every pair of Boots you buy from us are the best that can be procured for the money Every teed No wonder WE are doing tha- J Boot and Shoe trade W A BRUNTOM A I THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Edl a Kingston boy was attacked by a bulldog while bathing and nearly killed Sept Fred shot and killed his threeyearold boy last night Th child was asleep in the grain and both Bodnar and the girl mistook him for a wild cat Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week were Choice exporters to me dium to bulls to cows to Butchers Cattle choice are to medium to com mon to bulls to Choice to com 225 to 50 heavy feeders to Choice milch cows to common 25 to springers to Export Ewes 45 to bucks to lambs to Veal calves to per Hogs from 650 to 665 oH cars at Toronto quoted at country points I Newmarket Market s Sept 12 Whlt per hush Red Wheat per bush J 0 Spring Wheat per bus Goose Wheat Rye per Barley per bush Peas per bush per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton 24 Hay per ton PoUtoes per dox 0 Butter roll per ft 20 Chickens per ft THE BEST LUNCH AT THE A I Toronto Markets Sept White Wheat per bush 0 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bus 0 0 loom Wheat 84 Rye per bush- Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton 00 Potatoes per ha S2 SS Butter per ft Eggs per doz Hogs per Chickens per ft 1 Turkeys o TRY SIMPSONS NO The Reliable Store KESWICK PNew Prints English Canadian Ths newest patterns and the beat shade hta arrived P New Papers then be fore latest designs la Beat Wall Papers New Paints- The Batman Williams butter than aver MISS HILL is prepared fill all orders for In OPENING AND SATURDAY APRIL W COLE LUNDYS Newmarkets Leading Dry Goods Tailoring for Dress We have thin We have this Fall the equal of our raer displays so far as regular Values ess and have an Qualities and even greater variety Silks and Braids to Match All Shades When you are here for the Fair call and sec for yourselves the advantage of dealing AT THIS BUSt STORE Our Fall Stock of Suitings and Overcoatings are ready for your inspection LUNDY The Leading Tailor Shop LADIES SILK GLOVES IN ALL SHADES I MONTREAL CAPITAL ALL PAID UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS fiit W Branches at all important centres in Canada andln London En New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland t Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former of the Ontario Bank Branch will be as heretofore Branches at Newmarket and 0 1 Do You Carry Life Insurance For the Benefit of Your Wlfo and Children The A O W the Strongest Fraternal Society in Canada You can a Policy tor or 2000 with or with- Sick a RateCard from any member You cannot afford to go Without Insurance HUGHES J A ALLAN Financier JACKSON Treasurer FARMERS The Threshing Season is at hand- You need the Beat Coal Red Jacket Once used We bare It a EVES North End Flour and Feed Store J I pole Pittsburg Sept One woman was killed and tour other persons seriously Injured In Allegheny early today when a large automobile skid ded along a street In making a turn striking the curb stone throw against a telegraph pole Quaker people have this year built a large factory at in the Niagara district tor pose of packing fruits The new airship designed for British army navigated against wind blowing fifteen an hour at on Tuesday

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