Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1907, p. 1

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YOU TAKE NO CHANCES when you buy a WATCH at ERA than any two other Jewelry Store Every one warranted and we are here to make good our Guar antee Reliable Watches from up Established Give the liberty to snow to utter No Single Copies each and to argue 1 all other Uberty No Mfcs w J No paper sent outside North York unless paid in advance to United States WE TEST YOUR BYES CAREFULLY IP GLASSES ARK NECESSARY WE FIT THE PRO- PER ONES WHAT IS HOWIE Without a Sept 13 Oar Toronto Letter It is understood a new Masonic Hall will shortly be erected on toe south side of College Street East that will accommodate J of it paid info MAN PROPOSES would be at this seeming devotion I You dont look remarked I cant I very cheerful I I We have just received direct from a manufacturer genuine Oil Tem pered Steel Handled HateheU designs with or without claw suitable for all practical purposes These goods cannot be equalled for quality style and finish were bought at per cent redaction and you will get the benefit Regular Price 90c while they last 46c each A few Good Coal Wood Heaters on hand at Bargain Prices OILS GLASS ROOFING PLUMBING AND say feci hilarious BY K1LBOURNE to Mi Kingsley and every Louise and are engaged When my little sister shyly told part of the city Sixty- feci of that 5 a old Heward property was purchased Mr laughed I several lodges in the northwestern PAINTS i A BIN IMS PHONE 28 OUR FALL STOCK Arriving Daily Call and See Toronto Jobbing House f ASSETS r Capital and Reserye Fund THE BANK OF TORONTO Extends to its Customers every facility consistent with sound conservative banking Interest Is paid four times a year at current on SAVINGS BALANCES Consider the advantage yourself of a Saving Account In which to keep your spare money from the standpoints of SAFETY CONVENIENCE PROFIT Every description of banking business conducted HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA the rounds of our ability to wo solicit your Business BRANCH A CRAWFORD Manager Doors and Sash vf Ash Flooring Lath and Shingles Phone Park Avenue Persons Wanting sheep belonging to Mr Will got on the L J WW track huddled together They A t were all killed by wayfreight CASTOR I A Eft M KM Y8 Km th purpose of hal7 St tfgS SS tf Well yes perhaps that is what I mean long is he going to stay I detest boys of that age Boy indeed Do you realize that he is a year older than I am By is he really Well girls usually seem older for their age than men I beg your pardon Anne I dont think you are old A as near as I am ought to consider anyone a baby who is yet in the twenties The fact is I am rattled I scarcely know what I am makes me wild to see that fellow hanging around she raves over his tennis Says he plays the finest game she eve saw and which will cost when com- wide in surprise pleted wish you every happiness dear A man named Peter who such Joke Lou is bald- beaded and walks on j Kate say was up the Beak the other am you like it I day for being drunk and disorderly well you know Anne every A constable said used filthy at first that George and language and spent his time in trying to trip up the ladies with his crutch- 1 George has done just He paid and costs for when I think of fun In cooseuences of recent instances of suffocation from gas jets in bed rooms license commissioners are urged to compel hotelkeepers to remove gas from bedrooms and substitute coal oil or electricity for lighting of the Banco was a fakir and evidently suicide rather than face his frauds i court Kg father is said a General in the Italian army The rented mens tio used did laugh loud joined me as and long we sat with our arms around each other in true schoolgirl ashion though I am and Louise is 20 herself will be a row Well will get yes at first your Of course Aunt Kate will be awfully provoked think of the gloves and gowns she I has showered on me all the sake Property Commissioner has and I believe she about is so modest it Thats a hit at me because in let me are to the Automobile and Sports- i you The idea of you he- Exhibition the northern sec- engaged to the soberminded of St Lawrence Market to be George before your first for an automobile exhibition when there is no tolling The from March to rental is Lieut- Gov Clark Lady Clark with attendants left last week for a trip over the and Nor thern Ontario Railway Exhibition on the cars has been greater this year than ever before The police authorities have decided to deport Abraham the young men who offered positions in Alexandra Egypt to young men who had money to pay him Joseph P Downey P was at the Parliament Buildings a few days ago completing arrangements for the work of the Prison Labor Committee of which he is chairman While dosing in a chair in front of the Queens Hotel George St Iojin of Burks Kails had his watch snatch by a man who immediately ran away The watch was afterwards and the man arrested Park Commissioner Chambers has completed the work of making no telling what have accomplished you beauty and youth am so sick of beauty and youth that I wish I might never hear words again Aunt Kate talks of nothing else to inc I believe the reason I first liked George was he- cause he talked and never once alluded to my appearance- You must admit at least a few you might with your I i the dear but you I foolishly showed my pleasure all right I beating you girls She wont let Mrs Kingsley that we are and I dont know what to do- Poor old George I felt sorry for him He looked so forlorn and help less We very gay in a way during Howards visit We rode played tennis and plepiced to our hearts content Aunt Kate was and hospitality personi fied favorite hammock swings In it with backs to us sat Howard and Louise His arm was undoubt edly around her waist and Aunt Kate was complacently embroidering in a near by I was I turned to George who was remark ably calm Anne called my aunt as she caught sight of us come Join us Yes do chimed in that graceless Louise want to tell you of my happiness Aunt has us of yours Louise I cried what do you mean That Howard and I are engaged she answered defiantly and the young man beside her kissed her in a shock ingly unabashed manner and I bath wish you every happiness and trust you will feel as kindly toward us said George and I looked at in amazement But George Louise what does I managed to ask Lou glared at me threateningly and mo- tioned wildly toward Aunt Kate Rex vs To the Editor of the Era Now that this matter has been lor while George took mo gently by the arm and whispered Dont mate a love after you let the She ordered new gowns for Lou and me and never once reproach ed either of us for my long young- ladyhood a sore subject her usually and for which we suffer I being held up as a fearful warn to my sister May I sit by you Anne There doesnt appear to be room for me scene dear It is you I all Cant you wont mistake pass I suppose it was not very selfre specting or highspirited of me to accede hut as I looked into Georges eyes I was forced to acknowledge to him what I had never admitted to myself that I loved him We arc going to he married imme diately When I complain that I never had any wooing George says that he really loved me all the time though he was attracted by Louises youth and beauty but it was really wit good sense and time at least disposed of jhaps I might venture to make a remarks Eh explanation of my Judicial proceedings in above charge well knowing the existing in the matter both ways and to use a phrase best adopted to explain my position I would be damned if J did and Id be damned if I did so I acted according to tie best dictates of conscience and not decrying public opinion because I am sufficiently democratic to believe that the sober well considered ver dict of the people is generally nearer the mark than judicial decisions of eminent jurists who are swayed only by the evidence before them and whose ears are of necessity closed to general public opinion During the interval from the time the prisoner pleaded guilty of the charges against him uhtil the time of sentence I was wavering some what in my mind what I ought to do and how the ends of justice would be best met and at the same time not overstep the limits of the law and not have id decision rover- upon appeal or by and being but an infant in Criminal pro- by way of Summary trials as a Magistrate I took occasion to interview Mis Honor Judge Morgan and consulted with the Acting A In order that your readers may readily understand the position permit me to quote the section of the Criminal Code under which the pro secutions were conducted viz Sec formerly Sec ie0ii i S answering The next morning George came over from the hotel to play tennis and we held a council on the shady side of the court George was anxious to tell Aunt Kate at once I advised I delay and that arrant coward Lou- actually suggested that I break the news You know Anne she will be fu rious dont want her to Insult George What about me I asked Oh you youre used to it re plied my sister coolly and the w athletic field opposite Island finally ended by consenting to ark work was done fay the when opportunity should present way for Georges I sand pump forty being re- The pump has remov ed to the vieiity of Wards Island where a number of lots will be filled In While working around the coal at the fool of West street last week Thomas Kills lost his balance while shunting a ear and fell twenty feet into a coal bin had several ribs broken by the fall Premier Whitney has returned from his trip to the Old Country The Regiment York Hangers will hold their annual rifle match at Long Branch September com- at p There are thirtyeight cases come before Judge Winchester In the court which opened on Tues day Hon started off Monday morning with the Prison La bor wWch will Journey to Detroit Cleveland Chicago and Milwaukee The committee is com posed of Joseph P Downey P- P chairman George M P P J P P P P Colin PosMethwaite secretary Henry of was arranged before Judge Winchester on a charge of He was remanded till Friday without pleading electing Hays that v hi drunk he drove the the to pave view Girls Aunt Kale called i paused after George had worsted at two sets of tennis I have a US- w let ter to read you We strolled over lo the porch and George began to make- his Dont go Mr you are quite one of us now she continued with such an ingratiating sin Bo that I couldnt help winking at Louise who responded with a very unladylike kick My ankle was blue for two days I rf Under those painful circumstances I cant refuse I responded making for him on the steamer rug on which I was seated We had driven a few miles from home and had lunched by a dear noisy little brook Howard had swung a hammock for himself and Lou under some low bend ing lindens Aunt Kate was loung ing in a nest of cushions and was lost In a novel Anne you take every thing different from my meaning George complained Its some comfort to know dont mean all the my wit good sense and that kept him dangling around Rock Glen Of course I take all this with- Victoria which reads as follows out a grain of salt and never perj one who steals any dog or in it myself to speculate on what beast or other animal or dinarily kept in a state of confine- well had not appeared upon the scene ment or for any lawful purpose of Probably Aunt Kate would have come advantage is if the value to the rescue Even now she has property stolen exceeds twenty the Satisfactory demean- dollars guilty of an indictable has gained a victory liable to a penalty not ex- or of one against all odds Penny Magazine A you things you say I was realty get ting tired of George be looked all so ays George smiled complacently didnt fathom the dear lady How could he guess the determina tion that lies beneath aunts placid Features the news that the son of one of fathers old friends was coming to visit us We will have to postpone our visit sent to the seashore but we arc I Hut dumpy all the time No wonder that Lou continued her flirtation with Howard George had lost the art conversation scolding his only medium of communication She must have been a little ashamed of herself however being alone with me guessing no doubt that I would take her to task at first opportunity I did feel sorry for though he did behave so very stupidly Here she Is now said Aunt Kate lone morning as I passed the library door Come here Anne- Mr lOll and I have just been talking you I observed a look of conster nation come over Georges face but my aunt continued he has done you the honor to ask for your hand in me and strangely enough I For the Kra A Chorus of Sirens By a Hanker wv arc quite Aunt Kate I gasped hi Comfortable here Aunts country doesnt mean me Then I began to no for very vexation and when saw how blank George looked I laughed In the of my tears Why I never saw you hysterica before You see Mr she Is vquU overcome She is highly Kate with an indulgent smile and a so sensitive J had been caressing pat of her long slender laughing most uncontrollably but as mosthldeous ous sunny Then I Aunt Kate smiled with insinuating producfnK ever devised by proud of it stay here all summer said with enthusiasm I considered a trifle dangerous Well we will sec- replied Aunt hand on After a triumphal progress through India and other dependencies of the Empire the future King-Km- with fair consort returns home The brilliant sun Illumines those pure white cliffs of old Eng land the first glim pile of which after a long absence has ever caused such a thrill of emotion to throb through the veins of the returning traveller and the swift warship conveying the illustrious pair is arriving within sight of the squadron battleships mid cruisers sent out to escort them into port when suddenly heavy fog envelops everything In sombre murky obscurity so dense and so impenetrable that the entire Meet unable to grope Its way lis compelled to cast anchor And now those on shore the writ er happened to he staying at a wa tering place in the bay Id which the fleet was were startled by an extraordinary outburst of bourse discordant uproar Now the air is rent by the angry roaring of tigers fighting for their prey now a pair of barking and yelping mastiffs or wolf hounds begin to snarl and growl and some- hungry hyaenas commence vi ciously to yap and grunt now with a whoop and a scries of hooting screeches changing to the most unearthly pierclng yells It would appear as if a savage fight to the death between and or some other mighty monsters of the past or- was tuking place I At length all this gruesome din that Howard Maxwell must he knew rich and eligible I am sure you could find no piaco as delightful as this the weeks 1 the fogay re away latched to a buggy and have been here have simply flown to return the outfit when he George looked at Lou tenderly as he spoke and I trembled Aunt Kate should Intercept the glance sweetness and as she sailed the it and those on the lofty clifl fa room said will leave her to your h ceases ir the fog see numerous columns became sober In the Pall Regatta at Toronto who witnessed the result of the race for the Hammond Cup between the Metropolitan Dank crew and the Montreal Dank crew were unanimous that was one of the prettiest and best contested races ever held before the Argonaut Club It was agreed the Metropolitan crew which was stroked by Taylor made one of the most spurts that has ever been on Day And It was the opinion the experts that had Tay lors crew spurted moment- or two sooner the race which they lost by only feet would have gone to the Metropolitan Dank This race an annual a flair for Dank and Financial Institutions arid a handsome cup Is tender care I suddenly realized black smoke emitted apparently was not exactly a and I from the surface of the ocean as tho wildly to follow her Anne stay here George com- marriage and I have given Say con fcl obeyed It is through me that you l from a number of submarine vol canoes for the upper surface of tho fog exactly resembled the surface of III a couple of days Howard Max- have been placed In this unpleasant flghl AU ICfBCf tome Now go to your room little view the appearance now being as not seen mm he was a child woman and dash some cold water in the entire fleet had been worsted I could sec the minute that he met your eyes Your hair too needs a in a great battle and every ship sunk Louise that ho Was greatly taken by ranging though I rather its pre- the bottom of the sea But now her youth and beauty sent disorder better than your usual I rapidly to sink I am so glad you have come she prim stylo Georges tact In aid to the tall goodlooking higher having at length dis- now we can play has a against Anne and I am not tome siyiu tact in ay doubles Mr talk was a grateful surprise to heave up walkover at ten- My aunts misunderstanding him and make for port and me both I half believe it was wilful had And many of are immersed In very good player but put me In the extremely lhe dense fogs of doubt and unbelief will try to do what Is demanded of comfortable position of being forced when the Bun of Righteousness me Howard replied and thought upon him dispels all these gloomy doubts and he was laughing a little fiome time wis I came J The second morning after fafs stairs I met George in the hall reading in the hammock on Ive been waiting for Anno the side porch where George leaving I wish to show you Wo Spirit pressed soul the great fact that took upon himself the punishment duo us then those murky cloud gift of If Hammond the the group on the lawjj Joined me I walked along the wide pear and we revel the glorious Argonaut thought how pleased Aunt Kate til vo tamo the recess where sunshine of His loving favour I A A L- ik- r fifty dollars and above the value of the property stolen or to two years imprisonment or to both and if the value of the pro perty stolen docs not exceed twenty dollars is guilty of an and liable upon Summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars over and above such value or to one mouths imprisonment with hard la bor The total number of stolen was which from Everest J was the greatest number taken from one man The selling price according to evidence was a pair each so that the whole chickens even at per pair would he under Under the Criminal Code every act of theft is a fence so that in none of the charges did the value of the goods stolen ex ceed more than and while I might have sentenced the accused to one month in each case if I allowed sentences to run concurrently some- thing that ts always done except against the hardened criminal sentence would have been either at most in each ease or one mouths imprisonment altogether hunching the whole chickens in one charge and fixing the value over I could have fined him or imprisonment and if imprison ment then there was the greatest possibility of having my judgment set aside with costs against both myself and and the man discharged on the ground that no information or complaint shall contain more than one offence Char acter evidence from some of our best citizens was put in under oath mca whose interest must of necessity lean toward punishment of theft as from the nature their business as mer chants they arc liable to be the greatest sufferers from thieves I fined the defendant on the Vera Cane charge on the son charge on the charge and two charges are still held in viz those Ever est and Kneeshaw on which the de fendant can he called before me at any time and any day and bo sen- a fenced for his crime on these two charges And now Mr I must apoli- for the space I have occupied but so many vague unreliable and untrue statements were floating that I thought it only proper although unusual to the how and explain the facts T WOODCOCK Police Magistrate Sept Ladles I Take Millers Compound Iron la if you would have nice clear complexions Sold by The Norman Co afrkgii a

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