To succeed you mutt hive plenty of strength How is It with the children Are they thin Do not forget Aycrs Sirstpirilla You kno v it makes the blood pure end rich sod builds up the general health In every way fcT A tag firing floMi of WCTOtjU- House for 8ale Or to Let Apply at the Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ave it For Ten Good Building Lota on Andrew Street Apply to J PARTRIDGE Newmarket For Sale The convenient comfortable Dwelling street occupied by J A around Hie flub V AND to wooes In August as the north bound freight train on was nraring Pefferlaw station an ac cident occurred derailing and ditching seven cars Two were loaded with coal and one was of mixed freight Largest market the season on Friday last ZEPHYR The Ladies Aid gave a tea at the home of Mrs A on Wed nesday evening which was quite a success After refreshments had been served a good program was rendered including solos readings and selections on the phonograph m SCHOMBKKQ Miss Smith after a visit with Newmarket friends has returned to her home here Yesterdays market was an un usually large one and prices were for eggs and for butter Miss Muriel left to take charge a school in New Miss was a first- class teach er and many are sorry to lose her from our midst Pure Thats What makes St Georges Baking Powder so satisfactory It is the purest Cream Of Tartar Baking Powder Science can make Send for our free CookBook foil of choice new recipes Drag flc Chemical Co of Canada it Methods of Extkiguushing on Board Ships tfGTU should like to tell an dent said a friend who a few I days ago because I think it will in- RIGID DISCIPLINE THE RULE- you Please do I said heartily Brick House for On Victoria Ave New furnace fcath electric lights etc Every thing in good repair Apply to IRWIN lit Newmarket For A new House cement cellar good garden lawn with domes tic water and in A condittun on Timothy Street Newmarket Apply to Mrs J Thompson 33 Elm Toronto or to Mr Webster Marlborough Ave Toronto Farm for Sale by Tender Acres being Lot 2i in the Concession of North A FirstClass Farm good Orchard and Buildings and in a state of cultivation Tenders will he re ceived until the day of August by JOHN MURRELL 28tf Sutton West P Farm for Sale East half of lot concession in Township of King containing one hundred acres more or less Good brick dwelling also good oub-build- Land a rich clay loam abun dance of good water and all other conveniences Price reasonable For further particulars or write MRS MARY CAIN cCm22 Aurora Ontario Farm for Sale acres being lot in the Con of North Quarter of a mile South of Firsts farm Possession 1st of March For further- particulars enquire of J North Hamilton or MA HONEY ORCHARD BEACH Miss Velma of was the guest of Miss Mabel Cane for a few days Miss Hewitt spent over Hun- day with Mrs Fred Mrs George Rose was the guest of Mrs on Labor Day Next Sunday will probably be the closing service at the Union Church this season Rev Dr of the Training School Toronto is expected to preach both morning and evening Mr and Mrs If Hawkins of Toronto were at for the weekend Hl Messrs J Merchant and p are on the sick list Mr Hester last Wednesday night had his horse and rig dis appear in a mysterious way but however he found them again next day in a neighbors lane Ashe says horse was used to going there Miss Lizzie and Miss 1 are visiting the Exhibition Mr P and family spent Sunday at his brothers Mr Holt Mr Dowling has returned home Mr Phoenix is a clever He is doing some very nice work on his stable The grain market has opened here Mr Merchant had a load of wheat in on the Plaining Mill Burned On Saturday afternoon fire broke out in A Nobles planing mill Bol ton and in a few moments and be fore anything could be done to quench it the whole interior of the building was in A large crowd gathered and saved a few thousand feet of lumber but not an article was taken from the building The mill and lumber piles close by made a very hot fire which extended to Joe house consuming It Bal lards stable and several other buildings caught and only hard work saved them from becoming a prey to the flames Mr Noble estimates his loss at between six and seven thou sand dollars carried no insur ance the rate per cent being practically prohibitory The origin of the fire is a mystery as there had been no fire in the boiler for some days The very severe one to Mr Noble Seventeen years ago his mill was and since then by hard work he has been able to rebuild his mill till It with machinery and had got things in good shape when- it is again wiped out- Enterprise Farm For more or less being the halt of lot con na It Is timber land well timber ed with both hard and soft wood and Ilea about two miles West of Will at low price and easy terms For ap ply to DATUS CROWD ESTATE For by Tender Tenders will be received addressed to the undersigned up to Saturday the day of September for the purchase of the farm at being the West half of lot number twentythree and the Southwest quarter of lot twen tyfour concession three East containing acres There a fine brick house and good barn with underground stables on the premises The toll Is the best In the township Fences are Una in general good Tec per cent of purchase to as tender is accepted balance to be arranged for in tews to ult executors of highest or any Under not necessarily accepted For of sale apply to WiDDIKlELD Solictor AURORA Dr A Wilson who has been ap pointed Inspector under the Meal and Canned Food has received word that he will be stationed in Toronto to inspect the of- The Park Co He will take up duties on 3rd The results of the examinations of those who attended the summer ses sion at the University of Toronto were announced on Saturday Mr son Mr R Un derbill of this place was successful in obtaining the Prince of Wales and first Edward Make general profici ency scholarship This is the highest scholarship in the Province arid we congratulate the young man on his success He made the remarkable standing of obtaining first Clas sics Modern Languages Mathemat ics Creek Latin- and English Special Evangelistic Services are now being held in a large lent On the Methodist grounds Aurora un der the auspices of the West Queen St Mission Toronto Earnest ad dresses are being given from night to night by Rev L Stephens of the Mission assisted by three young men from the Institute of the Christian and Missionary Al liance at Myaxfc V Messrs If Cox Wirt Hamilton and A Smith Already quite an interest is being manifested and large numbers attended last Sundays services Meeting are specially attractive be cause of the singing of the young men and the in song Mr Smith of Tennessee will not soon be forgotten King and Vaughan Plowmen The annual meeting of the King and Vaughan Plowmens Association was held at Phillips Hotel King City on Saturday August After other business was transacted the election of officers took place and resulted as follows President James A Cameron Vice President A Wells Treasurer Secretary Saigcon Directors WWalkington Lemon James McLean A McNeil R Jones A I It Thom as A J It Campbell Phillips Jos Sutton lamieson P Malloy Tims Unit Fisher Mass C lough Hon Members Alex Cameron J Wells The following were appointed a field commit to report at next meeting- Walkington P A Wells Geo Phillips Lawson Soliciting Committee For Aurora Wm To ronto Saigeon A Wells Bolton A Wood- bridge A McNeil Kleinburg wholesales A P Care P Thom as King A Walking- ton It was decided o te swing match on of Novem ber t After appointing J closed The WH he held at at President the On Saturday August a number of friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs If Taylor met at Bond Lake it being the twentieth anniversary of their wedding day Bronchial Readily Yield to Soothing Healing Treatment ot SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses blood spavin curbs splints ring bone stifles tore and swollen throat coughs etc Save 150 by use of one bottle War ranted the most wonderful Cure ever known Sold by J Hew York larger con tinuous street car ride lor five than any city la the world that fare you can from the Office to Fort miles Id one hour and minutes Bronchial troubles are purely local Tlfcy cannot be helped by stomach dosing They are caused by Irrita tion In the air passages and can be relieved and cured by medicated air alone In this lies the secret of the great success of In the treatment of bronchial troubles The first breath me dicated air soothes the inflammation stops the cough and relief soon be comes permanent and a cure results has made many remark able cures in the worst and most chronic forms of bronchial troubles and is sold by J R Y with same guarantee as he gives when is purchased for ca tarrh that la to refund the money in case the does not give satisfaction The complete costs but Alarm Is Sounded Member of the Crew Has His Station and Carries cuter Of ail disasters that can befall a Ja more the a fireat sea lndeeotbe annuls or Lloyds record few greater tragedies and be it said no more conspicuous Instance gal luiitry and- heroic effort than those con nected with Bhlps afire No wonder then lb view of the of an outbreak of Are ou board that thorough knowl edge of tbe proper steps to be taken In the flames at oat- Bet or at least holding thorn In check is expected of every officer from the captain downward J Moat vessels are nowadays fitted with hydrants several on each deck mid In case of large liners hose Is kept In handy places ready to be to the hydrants at a mo ments notice Moreover every large passenger boat carries a number of portable extinguishers can be strapped on a mans back The spray from these is of course thin but very effective la small outbreaks where tbe not secured too firm a bold Fire drill forms a weekly feature in the routine on ocean liner Ev ery member of the crew literally from captain to cabin boy has his fire station allotted him at which when the signal Is given he takes his position and carries out the particular duty intrusted to him When an actual outbreak occurs tbe Arc alarm Is If possible avoided bo as to prevent panic among tbe passengers Word Is passed quietly around the pas sengers being kept In Ignorance as long as possible In fact more than t sea has been extinguished without any suspicion on the part of the passengers that outbreak was other than an Imaginary one engineer ed by officers to give the passengers a chance of seeing what be done in the event of the real thing occurring In many cases of course the passen gers have to be Informed but the news is always broken as lightly as possible and some special entertainment a con cert a dance theatricals and so on Is got up to allay any natural feeling of nervous anxiety Of course If the Ore shows signs of becoming unmanage able the boats are got ready and swung out in ease it appears necessary to abandon the ship Kvery boat on large liners Is kept fully provisioned food sufficient for several days being contained In air and water tight tanks The worst Area at sea are those which cannot easily be got at These usually occur amid the cargo In the lower holds and are often spontaneous In their origin in cases It la highly dangerous to open the hatches The Are which may been smol dering for days will naturally burst Into a blaze as soon as air la ad mitted The proper course Is to exclude bo air In possible way consequently even the ventilators are stopped up If the holds are with steam plpefl the steam In at turned on otherwise holes are cut in the deck Just large enough to admit the of the fire hose water Is vigorous ly pumped Into the hold In one form of extinguishing ap paratus Instead of steam or water sulphurous fumes arc Injected Into the hold the fumes being generated In a machine specially fitted for that purpose Thin Injection method Is highly effective and rarely falls If the pipes arc properly placed In each bold The steam or fumes are turned on from the upper deck If a fire breaks out In the hold and assumes audi dimensions that steam Injection Is powerless to check It the vessel Is when possible got into shal low water and If necessary beached In any case the sea cocks of the par ticular hold are anil the hold allowed to nil with water This can usually be with very fear of the vessel foundering as modern built ships are divided Into many com partments separated by strong water tight bulkheads of steel or Iron Bach Is the buoyancy of a vessel so con structed that Instances have been known of a craft remaining afloat with only one or two of these compartments If the burning hold Is a very large one and by flooding it with water there Is danger of the vessel founder ing tbe cargo In another hold is thrown overboard or Jettisoned at It Is called at sea to counteract the weight of water admitted Into the first hold As last resource the vessel If In or shallow water is scut tled by opening toe sea cocks This has been done more than once In Tilbury docks We seldom bear nowadays of fire breaking out In the passengers quar ters on large liners The Introduction of electric lighting on board ship has no doubt conduced greatly to this Ira- proved state of matter When a Are does break out in Go cabin it usu ally soon detected for a constant Is officer and night steward periodical tours of th nocturnal hoars Bank WVHEApidFFIOefATORONTO Paid Up Capital MM m V OF President Randolph First A A- Second VicePresident a the with gentle eye for febrU eftso angels ally if I may tell it again I was coming away one the special meetings for of spiritual life and feeling rather sad because rhy own faith and service were so iar below what I wished when something happened to All me with thankfulness and As I was entering my house a policeman came to with a letter which be said had been sent from America by a young man whom he used to know in our village He had heard said the policeman that you had left the village and as he did not know your address in the town he commissioned me to find you and give you this letter Per haps you remember John It is from l remember him very well con tinued my friend he was a lad in our Sunday School and had caused us a good deal of anxiety There was a time when no one could tell whether the publichouse or the church would secure Mm He was too much with companions who would have led him in the wrong direction but we want ed him for something better he was a nice lad it seemed a great pity that he should not decide ior Christ and give up the drink and evil ways We knew he laved the little chapel and there were some good- men there then to Influence him and especially an was made to get him to sign the pledge After a time we heard that he had emigrated Well my letter was from him He mar ried and settled down in Kalamazoo Michigan and is very prosperous and he wrote to thank me for a few words I spoke to him more than years ago Oh how beautiful I exclaimed How lovely for you I I am so glad Yes said my friend who always wears the beautiful grace humility it is wonderful that I ever did any thing for which 1 should he thanked after vears Would vou like to see the letter I said that I would very in deed It was a letter to make one glad and proud written in an excellent handwriting and in sentences that wsre very forcible You will he surprised to receive letter mc as I have never written to you be fore during the while years we have been in this country for it was 2i years the twentyfirst day of March since we landed at Boston and a few days later at this beauti ful city which we have called home all those years Now as to my rea sons for writing to you I have been asking the Lord about it and could not seem to get you out of my mind so I decided to write to you this morning alter we prayed at our family altar Again in Sunday School in reviewing the Temper ance Lesson I was led to tell some of my experiences when I started in Ihotrue service We had sung the hymn Yield not to temptation and 1 told of the time when I was saved from the publichouse and the drink habit and how I promised the Lord never to enter a publichouse again lie helped to keep the vow I at the meeting of the encouragement I received from a lady who one Sunday morning as was leaving the little Baptist church took my hand in the vestibule and with a look of kindness said me am so glad you have taken the right couth remember the exact words but it was the spir it and kindly manner I cannot tell you what encouragement it gave me and how glad I felt that someone cared enough for me to speak a kind ly word to me who felt himself so fallen and wicked That lady was yourself my dear lady Yon per haps do nut remember but the mem ory of that act has been a comfort to mc and has helped me to endure strong temptations and not to go back to sin when feared that might fall and be by the enemy So after all these years I thank you for those words wMch at the turning point of my life did so much for mo God bless you and yours I prny God to make you a blessing to others to the poor and the fallen that your last days may bo your best days in usefulness In- the Lords vineyard that you may have the expert- as written in the blessed words The path the just is as the shin- lug light that more and more unto perfect day Is not this a letter to make glad Urn heart a Christian woman many fears the seed that was sown half unconsciously Is found to have brought a beautiful and plenti ful harvest It was such a little thing she says nothing just an ordinary word spoken in a casual way feel that I do not deserve such a blessing Ah but It was not an ordinary word it was I know accompanied by a smite look from the kind est eyes and it was not spoken In a casual way tor some women live lives of prayer and whether they know it or not are always pleading for others My friend Is to be con gratulated because she has heard what that word probably long ago Boar P Ames A JEMMBTT GtnrlMa4geT Hon Peter Esq Alex Bruce Esq 1f W Savings Bilk Department Interest attest cAirretitTites paid quarterly Nowmarket A HAMSTER Manager Albert Branch PENNINGTON Manager Pain is Will not Crack Peel nor Chalk if properly applied They are made in different tints and are absolutely the best mixed paints on the market Island City Pure Prepared Paints j are best for every purpose Island City Floor Paints dry in hours For Sale bit B STEPHENS NEWMARKET forgotten meant to another Al most certainly John was not the only young man to whom she spoke in the vestibule of the village chapel but she will keep tins testimony her treasures and one of her children will take care of it after ward for it will- be a reminder of what sort of a woman their member was But it is an illustration the truth expressed In the Proverbs A word spoken in season how good it is A word fitly skoken is like apples of gold in pictures of sil ver There arc and let us lie thank ful for it some women in every church who know how and when to speak If John had been scolded or- lectured it is possible that the fight for his soul might gone the other way This is womans minis try Who can tell how many youths there are just waiting for the kindly word the gentle touch the look of love that tells of affectionate interest and regard which would mark the turning point in their lives It is such young men as John who have gone out to our colonies from the village chapels of who arc making a future oi oldfashioned piety and true success Christian World Pecks of trouble come in ties Heart the Signatory Many young ladies who were sup posed to be going into decline have been restored to health and vigor by the use of Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by The Norman Rog ers Co Is hope said the new minister who was his first call tfckit I shall have the pleasure of marrying both yourself and your sister Miss Singleton- My exclaimed that es timable lady Are you a Mor mon ADDITIONAL NORTH WEST EXCURSIONS CANADIAN PACIFIC lv TUESDAY AUG SEPT 10 24 OCT 8 LOW RATES for return to fi North- point from to for Odin TOURIST SLEEPING CARS OS ComforuMe i extra be through local agent J J mtU AMaoW ft C FOSTER A never made earth to be a purgatory nor man to be a soul In torment No meant flowers to bloom and birds to sing and to dance in every lite Plea sure Is forbidden fruit to Chris tian men hut rather Christianity adds to pleasure the element of per manence And yet pleasure may prove too costly There is an old saying The evil fairies make their ambush roses The wise man will watch hlfe pleasures There arc sumo that make men strong there are some that add to true happiness there arc some that destroy it ATKINSON Agent PROMPTLY SECI solicit business of other who of having latent sinew moderate Our iKMoulTcaliaiil NOTICE Is hereby given that Mir j Alexander the City of the County York Of tarlo In the Dominion Catti Married Woman will apply to Canada at the Sessions thereof tor a bill from her husband Edward the City Toronto In the York Province of Ontario li the Dominion of Canada Tarn on the ground adultery j Dated at Toronto in the York Province Ontario Thirtieth day April Godfrey Toronto St Solicitors tor Applies THROUGH THE HEART WHEN THE NERVES BECOME A WRECK AND VITALITY LOW THE HEART FAILS TO DO ITS WORK THE SELFSAME HEART IF CURE COMES MUST IT Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart Cures nerves through the heart Experience of the highest conclusively proven that the way to core diseases of ins nerves it to heart with food that is natural to it and that enriches the blood and beyond the a doubt high medical Agnewi Cure for the Heart Is the most potent nerve and that has been gathered In from nature lap to and heal the heartsick and when you know that heart the JMJ balance wheel of life out of order future looks out on nothing but why app1yloglherenodyf Why delay taking hold of be that win lift you back to health Dr AgneVa tot uto Heart every form of heart disease In minutes Margaret Smith Ontario says Many a time autfnrlng gjjj that I hailed death with a bet bottles of Dr Ago tor the heart wrought a core In mo j ALL MnDICIKB I DP cute and they J CATAatfiJOAX in bale by a