r THE MEffHABSTRk SEPTEMBER a 4 HALL ALL GOODS SOLD ON THEIR MERIT ONLY Weeks Seas Improvements Mr put in a cement platform previous to erecting a porch at the corner of his residence on Millard Ave Methodist Church The Womans Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs Cane Wednesday afternoon at three oclock The Ladies Aid propose to hold a Social Tea on the 2nd of October the SEPT 1907 The Preserving and Pickling Sea- with us Make sure o to RESULTS by using only fare Spices and best quality of WE SELL ONLY PURE gpiCES Leave us your orders China Dept Clearing out our DINNER SETS it CLOSE PRICES Over to from Brief lets Corporation men are fixing drain in Ontario St this week Constable Anderson arrested a man at the north end on Tuesday night for being drunk and disorderly Next day he was taxed and costs about all together The Town Hall roof was repaired this week A case of trespass was heard here on Wednesday and dismissed with costs against the plaintiff The high School The Fall term opened last Tuesday morning under most favorable aus pices There were nearly fifty pupils who had just passed the entrance exams present and the others brought the attendance nearly to On behalf of the Trustees Mr Jackson gave the staff and pupils a hearty welcome in a brief address Remarks followed by Principal Coombs and also teachers and Lowe Classes were then organized and the work of the term commenced There will probably be the largest attendance this term in the history of the school Sally loitered along looking Into the shop window All the hot day she had bent over the clacking machine until eyes and back and head alike ached from the noise and strain The other girls had harried from the shop when the gong had struck Some of them had engagements for trolley rides for the evening and were In a hurry to be dressed and off Others made haste to reach home for supper Bally had neither of these reasons for j baste Her thin white face did not at tract the few men she knew They never invited her anywhere and the streets were at least cooler than the stuffy little room that she called home She knew that presently she must make her coffee and fry her single chop over the tiny oil stove that filled the room with the reeking odor of oil bat by walking slowly she delayed that time as long as possible She gave a little gasp as she came before the installment bazaar win dows Instead of the rolls of wall paper and carpets the parlor sets and Iron bedsteads the foar big room np th step potted off bis cloth cap want to ride out to the park after yon eat supper he asked bashfully Im now he added as though that constituted a proper a moment Sally hesitated with the feminine fnitlrict to be hardly won but bad been excessively hot and twice she had dropped over the machine The foreman bad been with smelling salts and wa ter for the girls had suffered terribly With an easy gesture Bock thrust his hand In fate pocket and rafted three nickels and a dime against the quae- and half dollar but It was not this so much as the thought of her room that decided Sally With a nod and Til be down soon she hurried up the steep flights She munched the bread and smoked sausage she had brought home with while she hurried about her dress ing There was a clean waist she was saving for Sunday and a broad crimson ribbon that brought a toocfa of color to her face The rest of the transformation was worked In her through the thought that she was have an escort I Buck blinked as she came through the doorway His startled n re all right sis was uncouth enough but- It was the first compliment had ever received and she smiled upon her cavalier The ride to the park was a trip to fairyland after the clatter of the ma chinery and the heat of the operating Buck beamed when she declined FOR Westons Childrens Shoes And Century Mens Fine Tailor Garments AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE windows of the store were got up his offer to find a partner for her to to represent the four rooms of a flat a I dance with and they sat listening to card in each window stating the cost the music and watching the dancers of the equipment to be down and while Sally sipped lemon soda and FANCY CHINA A large Assortment Vases Wa ter Seta Lemonade Sets and Id both China and R A SMITH The Leading Reliable UjhtoDate Brow W S The following is the financial state ment the Womans Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Church in and District for and Aurora Bond Head Bradford Si King 58 30 Newmarket Newton Robinson V Thornton Tottenham IK a month for an unspecified time Sally passed from the plush elegance of the parlor to the simplicity of the Buck his beer Twice he treated her to Ice cream when some of the other girls were near and under the warm- bedroom and the cozy dining room tag Influence of his admiration a with a real sideboard but It was i wan face became transformed and against the glass inclosing the kitchen even one of the shipping clerks stop- that she flattened her pudgy nose the longest The domestic instinct was strong within her and this array of gleaming pots and pans the glitter the cheap china and the plated knives and forks fascinated her If she only had a kitchen like that Instead of the one to speak a few words to Regretfully she turned away when Back finally suggested that St time to go and that they knew how to get there again She have stayed there until the lights were put I oat Bock was not minded to let too much sleep and they NEW POURING burner oil stove on the soap box at the caught a car before the crowd was foot of her narrow cot She drew her ready to start back to the city breath sharply and exhaled It In a long sigh Nice aint Sally looked up in alarm but there was nothing In the New Fall Dress Goods New Fall Skirts New Century Clothing New Fall Overcoats New Fall New Boots New Fall New Jackets A Shoes Suits Fall Hats I New Mens Furnishings New Carpets New Squares Rugs New Curtains Draperies GOGHENOUR MARTIN COMPANY Bad Wreck on the New for Sale BROUGHTONS EGGS 5 Cents a DOZEN If came around selling at a dozen be wouldnt tell many would arent looking tor In eggs they for A LI Y similar thing In P E lie cheap kind are about as cheap eggs Total The ladies will bold their District Convention on Sept at King Obituary On Friday of last week Mrs of Pine Orchard passed peacefully away On the of March last she took a stroke of par alysis from the effects of which she never fully recovered This was fol lowed two weeks ago with a similar stroke which in her death Mrs was the daughter of the late John Hamilton of and enjoyed years of happy mar ried life Mr feels his loss keenly and there are also three sons and one daughter who mourn the loss of an affect mother Two of the Wins reside in Dakota The funeral on Sunday was very largely attended The service the Friends Meeting House was conduct ed by WH Chid ley of New market assisted by Isaac Wilson of hit Among those pre sent from a distance were Mrs of Toronto Mrs Jones of Vx- and Mr Hamilton bis brother from London Out In her younger- days was a faithful worker In the Temperance cause and Christian work and in declining years her infervst and enthusiasm never weakened Mrs Widdifield will he long remem- as a good neighbor a loving wife and mother Alter years of faithful labor pleasant paths of sweet endeavor Now at last shes gained the harbor Where all storms are passed forever He gave a signal to the conductor before they reached their corner and Sally followed him from the car Out Sept Crowded On Elm St six rooms for Sale I know we home yet he ad- I with holiday seekers and hound for Apply to Mrs Scott at the Cedars but want to show you some- j Toronto Exhibition a special train thin I yesterday morning dashed down a lie took her arm through his and dangerous transition curve on the Cook Wanted led her to the windows of the Install- Canadian Pacific Railway two miles ADDly meat Bazaar company least of and left the rails Pretty aint he asked in that seven persons conscious repetition of their first meet- were killed outright and were log Hay I know a flat that furniture injured The of the train will Just flt I get eighteen per and I demolished one car was re- get it every week If youre Bcary rtWW two were heres the Arm I work for Theyll tell overturned a fourth Im sober and all right What do on say little Cant you see remaining two ally uninjured you you I yourself in that kitchen supper known mo BROUGHTONS Drug Newmarket For good as at a at The known coal seam feethas been found at Dean Specialist PRIVATE of Wen and Toronto Stolen Boat Recovered Traffic over the Street bridges was resumed on Saturday About the latter part of May last a row boat which nearly hew and valued at was stolen from the shore at the south of Cooks Kay being the property of Mr Frank Terry Mr Terry informed Console flout of the matter and gave him a description of the boat The con stable has been on the watch all summer for this boat and on the 2 of last month found the boa on the about half a mile from in possession John who claimed he bought it from lor lift- The latter was arrested near the next and drought to Newmarket The prisoner admitted selling the boat to and said that he bought the boat fro in an Indian In for a watch and In task police Magistrate off his own bail to to Island the day with Route and hunt up the Indian but that night disappeared from Town and has not been seen since BRA tilt Christmas for nooKJio appearance of the man at her to cause alarm His twinkling eyes frank anil honest and not a line of ruddy freckled face be no masher could be seen at a glance and Sally smiled an to his question bet a girl who knew how to cook could get fine dinners In a kitchen like that he said a shade of la his hearty voice If I knew one by jinks Id buy that Huh Sallys voice was scornful She could understand why none of the men at the shop her out to trol ley rides and thine out for tbh great strong fellow to admit his inability to find a was absurd It aint so declared other 1 alat much with girls They itke fellows better what can and ay fool things I aint never learned either Tfctn you ought to begin now sniffed as she away Tn man made as though he would follow but the broad shoulders bunched to gether defsnondently and he returned to Inspection of the kitchen But could also see the mis tress of the apartment a slender wlnp of a the sort of woman a man wants to take In his arms and cuddle To Hollys wan face beauti ful thinness elegance Buck had met his fate The evening Sally coming slow ly down the street found him In front of the window again and passed on with only the faintest glance of long ing at the shining kitchen If had any idea that she remembered him see that be was mistaken Back looked but he followed on to the dreary oik that Sally called home She did not him as with feet ascended the high stoop sol the five flights that led to attic room bat Buck crossed quickly to opposite of the street and rang bell for his eyes bad caught the sign announcing that furnished rooms were to be bad and night he slept under the same roof Sally Why Buck you aint three days Thats enough he declared I know you enough to know youre the girl I want You said the other night was slow I aint so slow when the girl comes along you make a go dearest Honest I love you Sallys starved little heart swelled I with emotion Her colorless life had j suddenly grown rosy two a ways of the city bad found each i love had quickly You slow for a cent she con ceded admiringly Bay Buck that kitchens most as lovely as the park Then its year he demanded us his breath came Stupid Sally but It Bounded like a caress and Buck understood The I rain was an hour late at and the accident is said to he dm to King Council Boy Wanted To learn the Printing business at this office m t i i m Board Wanted For small family Require sitting room ami two bedrooms Address Box Newmarket WANTED Three or four Boarders Apply to Mrs J near the Hieh School Sand and Gravel For Cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to Cement Blocks for par- poses for sale Corns and them A Aurora Sewing Alt kinds of childrens clothing also Titles The king of Is called the king of kings whom all other sovereigns obey the cause of the preservation of all animals the regulator of the sea sons the muster of the seas ebb and flow brother to the sun lord the moon king of the twentyfour um brellas The king of the little principality of Is by his eleven courtiers on state occasions as aov- of the universe whose body Is as luminous as the sun whom God created to be as us the moon at her full Whose eyes glitter like the north star a king as spiritual as a ball Is rouno he who when rises shades all the people of the earth I The of Is of ficially known us emperor of III earth of the while elephant owner or two earrings legitimate heir of Pegu nod Brahma ruler of the twelve provinces of the world master of the twelve kings lord of Philadelphia Bulletin King Council nit am Hall Kfittlc1yoii8atunlayi Wanted wore passed and on- Write J salary Office Win rep bridge IVitiiek culverts John Weir rep bridge It Armour rep culvert 11 Wllftun OOSL return Win Koji nliovel Rogers A Kravcl road work John lumber Watson lumber J Cairns ret John tile drain Fred gravel Win A it work Situation Wanted By young lady as store clerk or office assistant at Era Office Farm To Rent Up acres being the rear of lot in the Concession East Choice dairy farm under ground stables brick house and everything in good repair Living stream across the- farm Apply on the premises bo MRS RACHEL BARKER Newmarket P For Sale On Timothy St East of Public School house good stone cellar hard and good barn icehouse and lots of fruit Two good building lots close to fac tories A bargain easy terms and Immediate possession For a Right Away Order Phone Two Deliveries in One Day HOWARDS looo l00 DrlnVlng It would not be correct to say that tea drinking was ever actually lb In Britain but serious attempts were made to slop Its consumption by prohibitive duties popular preju dice It appears to been first pub Holy sold In as decoction at ways coffee house In alley A duty of pence per gal lon was then put on the decoction this was changed for one of shillings a pound on the leaf Its qualities were little known and agitations were attempted with the ob ject of getting Its consumption made il legal The ircUc of tea drinking spread among ladles bet was still very strong it and to ask for a of tea after dhroef Instead of wine was to Incur the sua J ojhji grader Ira eulvert James road work It Kelly rep returned and work receive a grant of I That Mr Williams paid 10000 on of for making concrete tllo The following received their and Bylaw appointing It Rutherrord of col lector for and ilolllugHhead of as collector for Northern Bylaw No 107 to raise cer tain for special school pur- known oh Trustee rates Bylaw Ho to raise lain for County school purposes tri motion of Council adjourned to moot at COOKED MEATS 9 Today we open our cooked department and we want to be very regarding the efforts which will make this section of the busi ness above any venture In this Mealready Service at- tempted in this vicinity Just the Choicest of Meats and we will slice them as daintily as any Arm can deliver promptly In good condition ready for your table Send us a small trial order Cooked Ham Jellied Veal and Corned Beef Smoked Ham Spiced Rolls Pickled Bolls Pea Meal Bacon English Breakfast Bacon Bologna Sausage lbs Long Clear Bacon any weight you want nQ He was on the steps the following aawmI to n when 7 ttLJbon a tremendous Interest In the scene ore him- En nodded as ths I top Butter and Harris on Sat l Bottles Pickles worth Bottle Tins Salmon Pink Tin Its Lima Beans 25c Us Spanish Onions t lbs Black Green or Mixed Tea 3 lbs Choice Prunes Use our special lines of vinegars lor pickling English Malt XXX White Wine and seven years old Cider The results satisfy That counts CROCKERY The best assorted Crockery Stock In North York and our Low Price Method Is a rapid salesman See our stock Bring your Produce to our Market any day In the week Top price September I Send the Era to absent friends EARLY MORNING DELIVERY PHONE W C HOWARD