Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1907, p. 5

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THE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER fi J Robertson Barrier o Street 08n Weeks Hems OX ABOUT Serenade 9 Last Friday was a lovely evening lor tie concert by the Town Hand and the sidewalks In the vicin ity of Mr J Millards lawn Lee Clark BARB AC where the Band was playing TORONTO rfW Fund to Loan at Court was lined with people showing that the public appreciate the band music ne held on Friday of Magistrate evidence was taken in two chickTnskaling cases when was found guilty of both charges He was remanded for a week for sentence On the rising of the Court was again arrested on another charge to he plead- guilty This makes five cases that he has admitted Net Din- as Co Banker l Ontario Bank Aurora Funds IVoaa X Home R for and Life to at Current Duncan AUCTIONEER Women Pay More Collect Slmcoa Street Newmarket DIVISION COURT CLERK for life Accident and In-unmet- a Specialty Bolton Hewitt Home and Street S VOICE CULTURE At on Monday of each week- Studio Wilsons Church St and at DP DENTIST gt Ok Wilkinson DENTIST to In Block Starters Every Wednesday Pearson DENTIST Just at this the mail order houses are active in flooding the country with handsomely gotten up fall catalogues quoting attractive prices on staple articles and making all sorts or big sounding claims for your cash They do not offer to ex change their goods for the farmers eggs poultry butter or other pro duce They dont trust a pennys hut make you pay cash bet fore you get the goods and the freight besides anything is wrong with the goods or they do not suit they will not exchange them for you They pay no taxes into our town or country treasury with which our schools are main tained roads bridges and side walks are built do not con tribute to our churches not to our A Water Supply The Globe of Saturday states a syndicate have a plan to supply suburban districts with a water sup ply It says Rochester To ronto capitalists have a plan on foot for supplying all the suburban dis tricts of this city with water lie intention of the promoters is to se cure legislation with the consent of all the various municipalities inter ested and to construct wortcs or the ridges which lie north of the city It is said that the offer to the muni cipalities and districts interested will be of such a nature that it will tie a great inducement to them to sup port the proposed plan The places interested are Newmarket Aurora Richmond Hill North Toronto Toronto the Junction Deer Park Swansea Mimico and smaller places in the vicinity of these more dis tricts It Is said the scheme car- out will entail an expenditure of Why Insurance Companies ate Against Gentle Sex If one is believe the medical ex aminers the reason a woman pays more for the privilege of life Insur ance Is that she Is much more com monly a victim of indigestion and stomach troubles and the fatal ail ments that spring from these causes It Is not that acute attacks of dis ease that Influence the insurance ex aminers alone but the constant feel ings of weakness headache indiges tion ana stomach trouble These things physicians say kill more peo ple than many of the serious diseases For curative power in all stomach troubles nothing else is as safe yet effective nothing else can be so thor oughly relied upon to relieve all trou bles of indigestion as It is unlike any remedy heretofore known it is not a mere digestive tablet it strengthens and restores to natural action the stomach and bowels and makes a complete cure even in the worst form of stomach troubles J Y sells in boxes under a to refund the money unless it does all that is claimed for it ARMITAGB On Thursday of a large gathering took place at the home of Mr of King a farewell to the who loft for the on of week young have been active nienlcrs of the Sunday Softool and Mr Neil Dyke an while two of Sunday Softool presented with a fountain pen and Mian Ellen with a Methodist boo on behalf of the Sun day School New Silver Discovery Marie Aug A stampede to Island rivalling the rush to Cobalt is prom ised by the made in the today by Gordon I Michael a well- known prospector has been quietly prospecting in the island for months has re turned the with a large num ber of samples showing art extraor dinary richness in native and silver He has staked out three claims on the island and says it will not be long until the place is swarm ing with men endeavoring to secure locations DENTIST Fitting Teetb Also fct w Reflating ArtlficUt Teth it Main St Newmarket layman Jackson of MARRIAGE- LICENSES At tit if Monuments and Head Stones- Ci JAMES improvements Mr Harney is building a new kitchen to his residence opposite the Model School and providing for bathroom conveniences above It New furnaces were put into the residences of Miss and Mr If Dennis last week Mes srs Osborne Son have in more orders to fill this fall Mr A Allan has just put down a fine cement walk in front of his residence on Church The old Allan foundry is almost en tirely removed preparatory to build ing some more new houses The old historic Kirk where the late Rev John held forth and which did doty a prison dur ing the Rebellion was rawd to the ground last Mr has purchase the property and Intends erecting at once two new brick residences The foundation is completed for the new Friends- Furnace Work Plumbing 0ur8peclaltle8 I SOUS tit to ftultbt Grocery A race from to New York will begin on September between the and A case was tried in the police court at Kingston on Monday that is of than ordinary significance It was based on a violation of license law fixing the liability of a prohibited person in asking liquor from a licensed vendor The man in the case was Arthur Some time ago lie was complained of to the Inspector lor calling at his bar and requesting liquor The Inspector at once hud a charge against him but below trial skipped to the States Monday he returned and him self up He was found guilty and fined fen dollars and costs Copyrighted by Obituary following was omit ted week Charlie wan in Oil and CAM Newmarket over thirty years If a carpenter by trade ami vttiH a eiiizeii lie was a of the and the health has lee failing for Koine and oil Thursday evening of lt week he of town and a broth er Thomas of are the only surviving mem bers of the family Mr A Coomb charge the a the and the WAmos of Aurora conducted the at the trxik oil Saturday afternoon Three of the audlhreeof the the pallfeareri The aerviee at the grave vaa conducted according to the ritual of iooietierf a number of Weinberg Livery York Radial Railway METROPOLITAN DIVISION A car leaves North Toronto for Newmarket every hour from arn to pm and the same from Newmarket to Toronto Also a late car leaves North Toronto tor Newmarket on Wednesday and Sat urday nights at and a late car leaves Newmarket for Toronto the same nights at oclock LA KB EXTENSION NO NORTH Newmarket 30 and am and pm and am and fl50 pm Keswick and am ft and pm Orchard and am and pm and arn 910 and pm SOUTH Jackson Point and am 5 and pm Orchard If each 320 and and pm Keswick 525 and am and pm 340 and a J to by tot of prompt attention A BOYD BUM and pm and am 6 and pm A special through car leaves Toronto on Saturday at pro call ing at Newmarket at A weighing log It Jacksons Point at was harpooned by the crew of the pm for Toronto United fruit Companys steamer oO special car leaves Aurora at Nantucket to the and every United States Commission at Saturday night for lackeons Point Boston The fifth required returning leaves Jacksons Point efforts of a dozen hoist It J every Monday morning at oclock over the steamers side- j Connects with Its no use talking to me Isabel exclaimed- My mind Is fully made rose and limping slowly to where the girl sat stood looking down upon her Intently She shitted uncom fortably under his gaze and finally slipped from her chair and fled to the farthest window where she felt sure Jim suffering from bis swollen ankle would not fol low her And besides she continued loftily as he subsided Into the chair she had vacated besides I have no Intention of ever marrying I feel that I have a mission which is altogether too Hunr Ob of course you are shocked scandalized In fact Tom and Sally were seemingly outraged when them what I had decided on Ev ery one seems to think Its plainly a girls mission In life to marry the first man who condescends to ask her bat I have entirely different ideas on the subject and I really feel that it Is my mission to go and help teach those poor Ignorant Chinese To He and cheat allee Mel- lean man Instead of guileless hea then Jim bad before pro posed to girl and her calm refusal hurt Where you going Tie nskeu presently Amber In haughty silence iced to pin on her hat To the IcUy The letter announcing my appointment has cer tainly arrived by this time Ton sorely aint going to attempt to ride over to Kiowa and back today SCI surely am But look at the weather Cant you a storm coming cannot answered Isabel don ning a light jacket The day is Waft uatii tomorrow and one of the boys can go And Tom taken your pony out on the range There aint a horse left that you can ride I Intend ride Firefly said Miss Amber shortly attempt to ride that cay use warned Joe He needs a firm hand or to take bit in hit any obi time and loping off after any stray horse hed spy grazing on- the He aint got a lick of sense end would be sure to balk and pitch- you off storm strikes him And theres a coming and that fight soon As I said before replied Miss Am ber the day is a trifle hazy hut that Ik ceased by smoke Firefly la as one could wish He suits me Some people appear to have as little knowledge about weather and bourses as they have common returned Jim in no genial tone Well as weather and and cattle evidently comprise the extent of a cow knowledge one ought not to be expected to excel them In their limited Sphere answered the gtrl tauntingly SB ahe abruptly left Trie air was fresh Not the slightest Indication of n storm and Its as one could fHabel to herself as blithely along the marked trail How contrary a man Is If hes thwarted In any little thing And Torn and bis wife are just as unreasonable They think I ought to consider myself In great luck to marry a prosperous cattleman and settle down as their nearest neighbor Well I must admit Ill hate leave piem so soon How quickly those two months have panned I never thought I would like Colorado so well glanc ing approvingly the undulat ing country How- near the moun tain seem Yes and free but Its not for me and she dghcfl Absorbed with her failed to notice veil was suddenly drawn before the far- fihe rudely brought to a realisation of her whereabouts an the storm her iiuitlg- Firefly was aimlessly picking his way up tint a hill Not the tndl was to seen And It win so plain a child could follow It his rider dolefully reflected The earth became white slid surrounding objects Kris dimmer It new tbrea cuing white world At the top of the hill they met full fury of the first of Joe was certainly right about the weather admitted but he entirely wrong about Fire- fly He behaves wan not fault that we arc lost He the slightest disposition to buck storm gave a shriek Suddenly tliere was a tumultuous of something brief breathless sensation of flying through air ami then a snowdrift received Miss Amber Into 1U downy embrace was a Isabel did not cry was too stunned and humiliated for that To think that Firefly would her off and abandon her on this desolate hill She had not the slightest idea of what direction to take and wondered dumbly what sho should do Presently she heard muffled of hoofs discover- I d a and rider rapidly bearing down upon Not relishing the pos sibility of being run down she strug gled to her feet and uttered a but frightened shriek Isabel called but Jims voice as be reined In his close beside her are yon all rightf Oh yes all right she answer ed sarcastically shaking the snow from her skirts Wheres my horse Pretty nigh home by thia time If he keeps up the lick he was going Lucky saw him tearing down the hill or never have thought to look for you up here Put on this coat and wrap this scarf over your ears Now climb on that rock and get behind me Dock wont carry doable said Isa bel Hell have to this time said Jim grimly reining up close to a lone bowl der Come here and climb on behind Now put your arms around me whoa as Dock pitched violently and Isabel for the second time was hurled Into a bed of snow She hear the swish of Jims quirt bringing swift retribution to bock as Jim again forced him close to tbe rock Youre not hurt Isabel anxiously Come on try It again No Im not hurt but I prefer to walk starting off Isabel if you- walk Ill walk Jims voice was as decided as her own Oh just as you please she replied trudging obstinately forward Jim swung down took one stride to ward her then wavered and clutched the saddle The girl caught breath sharply Why you cant walk she cried penitently I forgot about your lame ankle Will you ride then Jims face was white but he not give In Yes oh stand there and look like that Why did you ven ture on horseback You know the doc tor forbade It Id like to know what would have become of you If I hadnt come Now com slowly remounted and rode to the bowlder where Isabel meekly fol lowed and mounted again dinging desperately In response to Jims warn ing to hang on This beats walking dont it asked Jim after a few minutes blissful realization of her clinging arms Isabel though she made reply certainly did not deny the assertion could not forget Jims face In that Instant when he clung to the sad dle and she was by a de- Sire to know the exact state of bis feel ings her Her mission to Chi na grew all at once distasteful and stupid as viewed from behind the broad back of her brothers partner The storms lifting Jim remarked Went be home in a little while now Jim Whats Jim turning his head Jim Im awfully sorry Sorry Because were almost home The undoubted sincerity of bis tone aroused Isabels drooping courage Oh Jim Im sorry I said I knew more horses and the weather than you did and because you had to come after me and and hurt your foot again Anything else Yea Im sorry for what I said about cow punchers a very- thing Jim managed to turn around enough to catch a glimpse of face Isabel look here You know what I asked you before you started out on your wild goose chase Have you got a different answer now There no escape Bryes And have you got any mission to go and teach the heathen Chinese Nothat is groaned helplessly And youre stuck there behind me where I cant steady now Dock Reach around here and kiss me Isa bel If you dont Ill set Dock to buck ing again Isabel thus Intimidated made haste to obey A of Italian Humor following story is typical of kind of Italian humor a young Idler lie had been spending money right and left and one day found himself unable to pay his hotel bill His father being very close with his money bo to his uncle ln this wine Dear Uncle If you could e ray shara white write would pity Do you know why I to writ for anil know not how to express my humble gratitude No It la to tell you I prefer to die I cnrt you this by who ftWBlU an answer IK- Hove me dear uncle to bo your most obedient and nephew Overcome with for what I written I have been running after the in order to take tetter but I not up Heaven grant that something may happen to atop him or thai this letter may get lost Touched by this appeal the uncle re plied My Beloved Connote youreelf and no longer Providence heard Sour prayer The roeatenser your Your affectionate uncle I Asleep la Deep I When the const erosion commission- era Walton on the recent ly they were shown a spot north of pier and about a mile from shore Which was formerly a churchyard A Quarter of a century ago the tomb- atoncfl could be seen under the water at ebb tide but then the sea has further encroached and even when the Is extraordinarily low and the sea clear tho old burying ground In scarcely discernible from the sea level London News BARGAINS -IN- AT THE- Leading Hardware Store WHILE THEY Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Doz Whisks Regular 15c goods selling at Kalsomlne Brushes Regular goods selling at Dor Toilet Brushes Regular 50c goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OP ELECTRIC LIGHT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J A W ALLAN COMPANY E W MARKET SUITS OUR FANCY WORSTEDS AND TWEED SUITINGS For Summer Wear are Best in Town We guarantee satisfaction in Work manship and Fit and Prices Right F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET MADE IN CANADA by A CANADIAN COMPANY BE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER EASY A TO LEARN Paris than any other MaoHlnsj ALWAYS LOOK FPU NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO orrice MONTREAL P TOUOHTO LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA WANTED EVERYWHERE Penh Esther Wfc bums probably less fuel than any other range on the market possessing the same capacity for heat ing and cooking Fitted with duplex or automatic grates it is impossible to dump the fire accidentally shaking and the possibility- of coal dropping through in- to the ash pan and being vasted is reduced to a minimum The Penn Esther may be fitted with a perforated iron woodgrate if it is de sired to burn wood it being possible to use the same water front for both wood and coal Gall on our local agent or write us direot for catalogue 3 RECORD FOUNDRY MACHINE CO factories at MONTREAL WINNIPEG MAR CALOARY VANCOUVER JUDD STEPHENS Agent

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