Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1907, p. 4

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h ii waa v i rJ A rr 7 Youll be delighted with Greigs White Swan Jelly Powder in true fruit and wine Savers It makes such a delicious dessert so quickly and with so little trouble Price ROBERT QREJQ CO LIMITED Toronto very good salary lor a young person under to re ceive Several of oar Shorthand graduate last year are now enjoying tils salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out this card sign it and send to Shaw Central Busi ness College Toronto Name Address The world vide been because remedy c4 cute Curb Splinl Bony erd Out May Sparta Cure on Spavin which core It A for JS- Accept o aobalitnU The lk the Horn from dealer I J Local WANTED For Newmarket and adjoining country to represent Caoadas Greatest A permanent situation lor the right man lor whom the terri tory will he reserved Pay Weekly Free Equipment Write lor particulars STONE WELLINGTON Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO A Library In One Book an accurate prac tical and scholarly torjf of enlarged KV- the International contains a History the English Guide to ot Miction Hew Gazetteer of the World Hew IcallMctlonary Vocabulary of Scripture Greet and Latin Names and Christian Hemes For eign quotations Abbrevia tions Metric System Etc jygu WrlViU Political gossip has It that Mi Joe Downey is to enter the Ontario Cabinet as successor to Hon Mr The Clinton Era rises to re mark that inasmuch as newspaper men have been helping to make Cab inet Ministers lor some time it is only right that a re ward should come in this way Mr Borden leader of the is the to get our towitfiitand of Pm and Winter and other I I Increased Allowance To Postmasters the remedy to take teed your money back if it fails ftt or by Man Ottawa Sept J The longpro mised revision salaries and al lowances of rural has taken place and no longer will be a reflection on the Dominion service that there are pastmasters receiv- per year The minimum has raised te The allowance per cent of receipts on the first has been increased to 50 per position at Ottawa has declared lot cent on the first while thirty the promotion by negotiation and j legislation as part his future polj icy of a mutual preferential trade j within the Empire Commenting thereon the Farmers Sun asks What is to be gained by Canada from the of any system of preferential trade with those parts of the Empire outside of the United Kingdom Lump the trade of tralia South Africa and India and it amounts topless so as Canada is concerned than does that of hall a dozen American Cities along our border The principle feature of the Home Journal of Toronto for the current month is the expose of the city mor gue in an illustrated article entitled Torontos Abomination which is a most scathing denunciation of the Health Department Other special hat the Old Man Says Numerous horses have killed by lightning recently They were not to blame Horses are not supposed to know any better than to take re fuge under a tree during a thunder storm hut intelligent human beings who read the newspapers avoid trees as a shelter at such times I hey are also careful to keep out of barns leatures are the illustrated articles or harvested grain dur ing a thunder shower likewise they per cent will be allowed on all be tween and Instead 25 per cent oh to as at present On receipts of and over the allowance has been increas ed from to 20 per cent Hereafter overtime allowance will be given for services after in and before a instead after p m and before a with the scale increased from a minimum of 6 and a maximum of to and according to overtime em ployed Twelve per cent for direct and in direct is to he allowed Instead of per cent for direct and per cent for indirect on revenue through another forward office as it is at present paid on Council of Women The Summer Picnic The Kaw- Lakes In connection with the latter is given a new setting of I Heard the Vote of Jesus say as sung at Stony Lake Additions have been made to the departments of fancy work Fashions household economies anil a page is devoted to the work of the Ontario Womens In stitutes At a given at the Club Ottawa on the in honor of LieutGovernor Sir Louis of Quebec by Rudolph there were present among others Sir Wilfrid Lauritr lion Hon A worth and Hon It was noted as a matter of interest that on the same date just thirty- five years ago Gov defeated Sir George Curlier at the polls and Hon Mr Patterson defeated Sir Canada has experi enced wonderful changes along lines of development since the palmy days of artier Oar- ion and others of a half century more ago with prospects of future development equal bright for its next half come t real lever i with alow Well and Mrs Martin smooth ed her apron reflectively I knew if Joseph a lover it would he a slow one A barn the property of Mrs containing four tons of hay burned at City Thursday from Grand Trunk hi Tin was caused sl paving engine on the fa The in the Mercury makes this respect ing and Japan Just as Cuba is all better for Uncle Sams presence so will he on ac count of the Japanese Corea was a buffer state and one unable to gov ern itself therefore it was hound sooner or later to come under the sphere of influence of that power which was most directly by its internal conditions The time passed when such ignorance as obtained amongst- the and his court could he permitted to rule a people is now to Ja pan what Ireland was to alter landed In the century with this difference Japan brings an infinitely civiliza tion to bear on this newly acquired kingdom liy the acquisition the Hermit Kingdom Japan increases her population ten or twelve mil lion people What her material In crease will he in or a dozen years it is almost impossible to over rate It was impossible that he allowed to run on as she has been doing A of me diaeval Ignorance corruption and cruelty prevailed amongst the Co from the dissolute down to the lowest peasant amongst the highest officials was universal The regula ted his life and official acts on the advice of and throw ers of horoscopes He was a weak thoroughly In the clutch irresponsible grafters rfca Was a festering sore and It is wel Japan has taken the- case In hand and will apply the remedy Trent Canal Contract Jtlcrboro Aug first con tract Trent Canal siree the recent appropriation was voted for the completion of the Lake Lake division was a- warded today to Brown and a firm which has done considerable work on the canal between and This been awarded the contract for from uiopbHIford to Crown Hay a about thne miles The contract price being In the of Work will be next week on this section and all the work will be to canalize that section of the river Trent and Construct two darns and two The contract calls for the completion of the work by Nov but it is expected that two will be required This division of the canal will be made navigable for vessel drawing water i do not sit between open windows or in an open door at such times It is not certain death to indulge in these practices but the figures show that more people are killed light ning under such conditions than in almost all other conditions put to gether There Is a foolish idea In some minds that it is cowardly to take any precautions against light ning Others think it is useless But observation and experience are worth just as much In this matter as In avoiding danger on a railroad or at a street crossing Hows We One Hundred Dollars ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent tree Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug Take Halls Family Pills tor con stipation An Objectionable Connection In a email church in one of the mining towns of Pennsylvania was a pulpit both antique and unique It was about the size and shape of a flour barrel was elevated from the floor about four feet and was fasten ed to the wall The ascent was by narrow winding steps A minister from a neighboring town a man of great vigor and vehemence preached there one Sun day While preaching be bent forward and shouted out with great force the words of his text The righteous stand but the wicked shall full Just as these words escaped from the pulpit broke from its and he fell out and rolled over on the floor before his congrega tion In an instant he was on feet again and said Brethren I am not hurt and I dont mind the fall much but I do hate the connection A Remarkable Man Unknown to most residents of Bee- ton is a man who has made regular trips here for the past twenty years and was here last week on his visit over the road on foot from To ronto during that period Frederick Thompson is his name and he is years of age If you have once seen him you will always know him as he has a appearance being thin and wiry with a full grey heard without moustache always carrying a little black square satchel which contains his stockintrade and a bamboo cane which at one time was the thick of a fishing rod He is a rapid traveller often going from to Toronto ami part way back an one day His gait is an Indian trot and he frequently makes five an hour He says his get sore never tires and can walk two days and two nights on the hard gravel roads without sleep He sent a challenge to the famous Port Hope barber to go any distance but was not accepted He is the father ol eleven children some whom own fifteen acres of land in Saskatchewan He likes the road and prefers walking to sitting rocking chair at his comfortable home in Toronto Before moving to Toronto he worked a farm in King for many years World BY HAIL in jour lime at home or Take a Personal Course at School To enable all to we teach on cash or instalment plan teach a personal class at school once a month Claw commencing last Tuesday of each month These lessons leaches how cut fit and together any garment from the waist suit to the most elabor ate The whole family can learn from one course We have taught over seven thousand dreysmaking and guarantee give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot between the age of and You cannot learn as thorough as this teaches- if you work in shop- for years Beware of imita tions we employ no one outside the school This the only experienced Dress School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country Write On for particulars as we have cut our rale one- third for a short time Address Oat Canada Vf WtLSONS FLY PADS alt MatfMUlfllM As a rule other people are J beat Judges of your the I sty tTUlt a will MMSn A serious accident occurred last Thursday which might have proved on the farm of Jacob eldest son while walking across the Join ing the two mows of the barn slip ped off and fell back a dis tance of feet rendering him for a time He is now dol ing as well as can be expected Mothers lor art I Dr P Makes Baby Strong is lp retort to or 4 The washwoman should make a good sailor because she Is ly crossing the line and going from to pole They should also be good prize fighters because they start right In soak you good and take the starch out of you They hang you up arid half he time your existence isnt worth two phis They throw cold water upon you until you are pretty hot under he collar and by the they are through with you you are pretty well done up fait feuafit e Battle Between the French and Moors Casablanca Auk J the and the Moors yesterday near the French camp the Moors at first retreated anil it was believed that the engage ment was over when suddenly tin- enemy reappeared In great force In two directions The arid ir regular Algerian calvary found selves almost surrounded but formed a square and fell back until reinforcements In the mean while the French warships showered sheila the hills sheltering the enemy The engagement lasted hours The line of battle extended over two miles and it Is estimated that about Moors were en- Raged The loss of the latter Is not known but it Is believed to have been heavy as French officers count ed the bodies of twenty Moors In one roadway The French loss was fif teen killed wounded A Or He rids the system of more wea the kidneys Nearly one fifth of the products of the body eliminated by the skin Suppose there is some unsuspected unseen skin pores are closed the is unable to rid the system of its share of the waste Then the carries this waste product to the immediately they arc overworked they strain to throw off the extra load What the kidneys cant possibly the blood takes up again and deposits on the nerves Then come the dull aches in back hips and head the nerves unstrung and irritated urine charged with impurities and highly colored and you fear you have Kidney Trouble Nonsense Your kidneys are overworked not disease What you need is to act on the or fruit j A m open the clogged pores start up healthy skin action and let the skin perform its natural function This instantly relieve the kidneys of overwork the backaches stop and the complexion is beautified There is no excessive waste matter in the blood to bring dull headaches the urine is cleared the bowels are opened and regulated and the kidneys strengthened FRUIT- ATIVES act directly on the three organs Skin Kidney and Bowels make them well and keep them well That is why FRUITATIVES cure many cases of apparent kidney disease that are really skin troubles arc fruit juices in which the natural cinal action of fruit is many times increased by the secret process of making them Valuable tonics and antiseptics are added and the whole made into tablets the finest formula known to medicine Buy them and cure yourself at home box boxes for At all druggists or sent a receipt price FRUIIATIVES Limited OTTAWA Something Doing Who wants it always an easy one The road we travel Who wants the problems weve all begun Soon to unravel What boy or girl while time is fly- Would be content to give up trying No ray of sunshine was ever caught By faces No battle ever was planned or fought In easy places Success in found in brave pursuing On Battlefields of Something Doing possible and to choose death f free domand to choose serfdom blessedness and to choose misery No insanity so looilsh the or the wicked No to our folly so insane as the lolly those that the cozy home we planned despise their Wells garret that any modern belle Up Qappcfc What a world of fun we had You a lass and I a lad Up garret In the sweet mysterious dusk Redolent of mint and musk With the herbs strung overhead And the peppers stiff and red And half hid by dangling corn Grandpas flask and powder horn You in trailing silk were dressed I wore grandpas figured vest Up garret Sowe stood up hushed and were married hand in hand the clock beheld it doubtless did of old When at side Stood his blushing Quaker bride Every human life that fails ikt hear its mesflatfc and learn its lesson or fails to it out keeping it locked in the silence of the heart leaves this earth a little poorer J Miller Another fifty years and there will be no idols in Fifty years and there will be no Buddhist or priests or if there are then will be neglected and their craft vanished There will be a new China These are the words of the veteran mis sionary to China Griffith John The reason for much of the weak faith around is to be found in the permission of forbidden and ques tionable tilings which clog op press the soul Then there must be time for quiet musing over the statements and promises of Gods Word and in order to prow strong- Would pronounce antique and swell Chests and dressers that would vie With the grandest you could buy Ah they didnt know it then Save the little maids and men All day long in childish wise We spun out lifes mysteries Up garret In the fragrant picy gloom Of that dear old raftered room that life in very truth Were but sweet protractedyouth And we all play our parts With unwearied happy hearts James Buckham The only freedom that is worth while is the freedom to choose and the best Cherish ideals as the traveller cherishes the north star and keep the guiding light pure and bright there must be habitual obedience and high above the Newell to every known duty la Hi a p 83 ill fall US 10 rt ciCgfcg S3 I M 1 l a 3 Jd No Honing Grinding DOES YOUR RAZOR PULL F CARBO MAGNETIC THE RAZOR WITH THE EXTRACTEDTHIS RAZOR IS UNLIKE ANY YOU HAVE EVER 8 THE MOST PERFECT PRODUCED IN AND IS BY OUR op electricity WLU DEL TO YOU A CARBO MAGNETIC RAZOR ON THIRTY TRIAL WITHOUT OBLIGATION ON YOUR PART TO PURCHA8E GET ONE TODAY A f

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