Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1907, p. 3

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v r j V L I Weeks Iioeal pais OX ABOUT TOW Miss Hollingshead moved Into her residence on Prospect Ave week r ft A special meeting ol the Union will be held at the home the President Mrs- Hughes on Tuesday to of September at p m Election of officers and other -fan- business is to be transacted Dont Forget The Womens Institute at the bom of Sirs Wesley St tomorrow afternoon Sept at sharp Papers be read on Inventions Women and Out County fairs what we learn by at tending them A Reminiscence The coming of the great Indian Thomas Longboat to New market Pair who is the Champion Amateur Runner of the World and holder of toe 25 Mile Worlds Re cord recalls to mind that Longboat is not the only man who has been in that holds or has held Worlds Records or American Records Tom the veteran Manager and trainer Bicycle Ri ders arid Athletes said to an representative when on this subject Yes we have had several ath- in Newmarket whose home is here and who represented this Town when out competing against all com ers The first Newmarket man of note was Bond Hill a brother of Amos Hill Bond was a great ath lete in his day and wouM go to the big games and win about three quar ters of all the events He has made over feet in a running long Jump he was the first Canadian to do WO yards in seconds and there were only two men in America at that time who bad done seconds for the yards and were their names Then there was Billy Bingham who lived at Bradford but ways took part in games here He was one the fastest- runners in the world and there are only two or three living today who could equal his JO yds record of sec Bingham made that record over years and was the Cana dian record to appear in the New York Clipper Annual Record Rook Bingham could beat any man in the world yards and could do yards in sec After Bingham came the greatest athlete in the world John- sou Johnson was born just a mile out of Newmarket and I do not know art athlete before or since John- Sons time who was his equal must take into consideration that in Hill Bingham and Johnsons day we had no trainers and training like we do at the present lime dont suppose any one of them knew a rub down or diet was ttfiir courage 2 inches marking from heel to toe in the clear on a hardwood floor with out any raise using dumb bells- I lumped ft 2 inches at Woodbine which was the Worlds Record at that time used hut Johnson made ft in both breaking the Worlds Record the same day I was the first man in the world to ride miles inside of six hours on the high wheel Bicycle That record stood for several years I am the only man in the world who ever rode miles in one hour oh the high I rode a quar ter mile on a Tricycle at Lynn Mass from a standing start seconds which has never been beaten and I was the first man to ride a mile on a Tricycle in minutes There are millions and millions of people in this world but only one person can have the best record in the world at one time in a specific thing and Newmarket boys have therefore surprised the world iaujiiMFRroAY Friends Church Mr P late of England is to preach here next Sunday morn ing i Broke Neck While driving borne on Labor Day on the Town line east of Newmarket a horse belonging to Sir Sowmer- vJHes livery stumbled and fell corn ing down Marshs and broke its neck Newmarket Fair The next big event will be own Newmarket Fair week after next- A big program attractions has been prepared and an immense time may be anticipated More parr ticulars next week Division Court r Ap There was a big Court here on Tuesday His Worship Judge Morgan presiding Out of the cases on the docket the most interesting one was that of Morton vs Stewart of Whitchurch over a farm deal and dis puted account in which reserved Brief lets Mr is putting in a granolithic walk The trolley cars have been packed with exhibition visitors this week much more than usual The Commissioners met at the In dustrial Home on Wednesday Public School All the Divisions opened on Tues day morning with a full staff of teachers The chairman of- the Board Or Scott introduced the new teach ers Only two were pre sent but the number has since in creased The Principal Mr of Windsor is not going to re main having accepted a Government position at Ottawa rfnce his appoint ment here The Board is trying to fill his position without causing in terruption in the school work Farm Produce They just went in on awl ability to win When Ned went to delphiu to the centennial and won llie championship of the world at Johnson went there Johnson won the allaround championship of the world defeating all athletes from all parts the Johnson not- only won allaround championship hut he Worlds Records in a feat that has never ficrlonncd before or since by iftyo man and Johnson is the wljw fe the world who ever World Records at diner has com peted in athletic- games all over Can ada arid the United States and his own even old wan lifts record of feet the standing hip jump in hay only been late by half an inch and I inun has reached the wade for hick something over 1 lea wax the man the world to fun and over a far high and first man Ho Jump feet jump without weights Johnvijiia4 ken- trained like the Athletes of today he would hoi a the jumping records of the world ami of the weight and hurdle He run a J mile In years ago may surprised 16 know Newmarket the greatest Ice Skater in his day Atkinson the Jeweller had them all lie went fa Toronto and clean- all of the Ice He could cut his own name in the Ice and there nothing in America who could touch Although a man cannot I make a Worlds for Skating he can he the heat in the from what I saw and have lie fancy skating line I would call a Champion In his day AS for myself I have in all branches and have several Worlds and American Rec ords My first Canadian Record was one mile toe fog over a grass track at the old Lacrosse in Toronto The sec At Jfom Chicago In April the Worlds In Standing Jump Backwards of ft The little market surrounding the flub arc a great convenience to farm ers during the busy season hut St is a wellknown fact that it pays to bring produce to Newmarket Last Saturday as high as was- paid here for choice butter and new laid is 2fic a pound fox butter in printed pound robs and dose for clean large eggs That knocks all other places out entirely- Com petition is so strong here that there is no fear of a combine among the buyers Fall Fairs Alliston Oct and September 24 25 September 26 Bradford October Cookstown Oct and Sept 25 October September London Sept to October Newmarket Sept Oct and Sutton September 20 Toronto Aug to Sept Oct and Scott at Zephyr Oct LINES CARRIED BY US Bolton were fined each last week for selling liquor illegally Local option is in force there The a plan for a new central depot at Ottawa and a new hotel have been approved by the Government S Mr Geo Lowery Bond Head for spiling liquor a license acknowledged his guilt and paid a fine of and costs A The Royal Hotel which was purchased last fall by the tem perance people of the town in anti cipation of local option coming into force in May has been leased to who will run a regular licensed house The situation is peculiar the owners of the premises are opponents of the licen sed bar of them are min isters The local option bylaw fail ed to carry Up at Jfarkdale where people with social aspirations tumble over themselves trying to be uptodate and where the proudest and happiest woman the one who has involved a new scheme a shocking hap pened recently One of the society women announced a white- elephant party Every- was to bring something that she could not find any use for and yet was good to throw away The party would have been a great success hut for the unlocked which broke it up Eleven of the nineteen women brought their Economist TWO CH A Qur Traa and a Back Cannon Ball Mr town clerk of hi the latter part the seventeenth century noted for the rnarveiou0 In conversation Ha on a to the Earl of and In hid castle Tata on the loch of Moo- and was about taking leave when ha was asked by the earl wheth er he had seen the Balling cherry tree No What a thing Is It V the tree that has grown out a gooses mouth a stone the bird had swallowed and which she bears about with her In voyages round the loch It Is Just at present In full fruit of the most flavor Now he add ed can you with all your of memory and fancy match the story of the tree Perhaps I can said clearing his throat adding Tvnen Oli ver Cromwell was at one of the cap pod sent a ball to Stirling and lodged it Jo the a trumpet which one of the troops In the castle- In the act of sounding Was tha trumpeter killed said the earl No my lord saW Ho blew the ball back and killed the artil leryman who had fired ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY Work Solid Gold Locket Solid Guards Solid Oold Links Diamond Rings Pearl Rings Pins and Lockets and Guards and Necklets Society Silverware ft CO Jewelers end For the Era A Tornado Stars By a Banker Scattered throughout realms of infinite spaceepme travelling in a defined orbit found the sun some apparently wanderers of the weigh ing many tons some not more than an ounce or two are countless myri ads of bodies mostly metallic ever careering through the void at a vel ocity computed at about twenty to thirty miles in every second of time the speed of the swiftest projectile fired from a modern cannon is con siderably than three thousand feet about half a mile in a second And ever onwards and onwards thru the wilderness of the illimitable these errant wanderers pursue their lightn ing career until coming within the attractive p of some sun or plan et they headlong into its midst in the former case a mo ment transmuted into Incandescent gas and adding to its fuel in the lat ter if small burnt up by friction with the atmosphere and changed in to meteoric dust if large probably exploding by the sudden and Intense heat caused by that friction or with a roar as of thunder hence the name thunderbolt burying itself deep in the ground In November our earth pass ed through a vast aggregation of these meteoric atones the result be ing a pageant of weird and unsur passed splendour and sublimity As night approached from time to time a faintly apparent curved streak of light almost as bright as the grad ually appearing stars coursed across the skies soon as the daylight wan- more and more Increasing both in brilliancy and in number until twi light having disappeared the heav ens were on fire the constellations and myriads of fiery stars no longer placidly scintillating In the midnight sky but wildly hurtling downwards towards the earth leav ing In their train a long trail of throbbing light as though the tocsin of the day of doom had been struck and some mighty force were over whelming the universe itself In ruin and disruption And so ft continued hour after hour ever more and more ever more and and bewildering a very tornado hur ricane of fiery stars And then to wards morning the torrent ceased and the constellations once more glittered placidly in the skies But a day will come when In the metaphorical language of Scripture the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken And then shall those who have served and obeyed their God he filled with surpassing exquisite joy He by whose stripes they were healed will then appear in His glory and will accord to them His loving welcome and gracious recognition But those who had forgotten Hlra will theft be transfixed with terror and with mortal dread IN THE MATTER of Thomas Lloyd of the Town of In the County of York i Insolvent is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Lloyd Insolvent and who have hereto fore filed the same with the under signed solicitor for Cane signee of the said Estate or be fore the first day of October their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims and nature of the security If any held by them duly verified after said date the assignee will proceed to distribute the of the said estate amongst paitic entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which he shall have W Hoi for Asikue Greatest Literary Treasure That the Ha Lost Perhaps the largest nod most valu able of literary treasures the world has lost was the Alexandrian library This collection the most remarkable of the ancient world said to have contained its most nourishing period or according to others manuscripts Its royal founder collected from all nations their choic est compositions We are told that one of his successors went far as to re fuse to supply the Athenians with wheat until they had given him the original manuscripts of Sophocles and Euripides When Ju lius Caesar laid siege to the city the greater portion of this library was de stroyed by fire It was later replaced by the collection presented to Cleopatra by Mark Antony But it was not destined to long When the Emperor the Great In A ordered the destruc tion of all heathen temples within the Roman empire the Christians led by the Archbishop Theophtlas did not spare that of Jupiter in which were kept the literary treasures Prom this general destruction about manu scripts escaped only to be burned in by Saracens under the Omar Argonaut A Pretty Fast Clock He was standing in front of cir cular elevator Indicator in One of the office buildings watch In hand It was morning after and I suppose that he had forgotten to concern himself with the frivolous detail of winding his timepiece the previous evening His equilibrium was far from stable and his eyes unsteadily following Indicator hand blinked with efforts comprehension as he tried to set his watch Dlculous clock very musing WO very fast live days hlcpretly fast my timer cant seem whoa there you are gone again dlculoua clock I left biro still trying to get his tratch Into conformity with tho speed ing Indicator How 9 Pica Jumps It Is that a Ilea leaps 200 times height and while ft does land on its feet It often falls especial ly when It falls on smooth where the claws can get only a slight hold A flea has six whose great length and bulk make them so heavy that they must be a great help In keeping owner right side up when It makes one of those gigantic Jumps and when It lands up side down or In some other woy Its ability to kick Is so great that not more than one wriggle Is needed to set things right A fleas wings are mere end of no use But small and worth less as they are they tell the entomolo gist something about proper classi fication of the Insect To the flea they have no value fit Nicholas VALUES Groceries yards Fancy Wrapperettes at 3o per yd I White Embroidered Blouses for for 76c for 35o Union Carpet yard wide for 72in White Sheeting yard Cotton Cashmere all colors yard Table Linen 60 inches wide 22c yard ALL AT 10c lb Rice Cakes Jelly Tarts m Jam Jams New Valentia Raisins ft Kippered Yachtmens Sardines tin Liquid Enameline tin Cooked Meats of all kinds Sliced to Suit Yon r t Boots Shoes pair of Boots you buy us are the best that can be procured the money Every pair teed No WE are doing the Boot and Shoe trade fiR THE BEST RESULTS FROM B BAKING POWDER BR UN TON A ticket collector on a railway got leave to go and get married and was given a pass over the line On the was back he showed to the- new collector bis certificate in mistake for his pass The latter studied it carefully and then said Eh youve got a ticket lor a wearisome journey but no on the Caledonian Cassette Maga zine Canadian Northern Ontario GOING NORTH Toronto Union Sta 130pm Pine Orchard 930 Mount Albert Zephyr fl50 Cedardale GOING SOUTH I 600 Zephyr Mount Albert 1000 Pine Orchard 1012 1022 1032 Toronto Union 305 9 Live Stock Market W3i Newmarkets Leading Dry Goods aed Tailoring House A VAST SHOWING OF NEW DRESS GOODS more elaborate display is here than we have had in any previous season and prices to meet your own wishes k f ft fa 0lord g tor Heavy 24c for When you want a NOBBY SUIT see LUNDY The Leading TailorShop LADIES SILK GLOVES IN ALL SHADES were Prices in Toronto this week Export cattle to i Butchers cattle best to medium to com- mon to to 350 Milch cows to 45 Export sheep 450 to Lambs 550 to per Hogs to C5 oil cars at Toronto t10 at country points Newmarket Markets Sept White Wheat per hush 0 Red Wheat per hush BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL ALL PAID UP t94 UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS mm 50 072- 44- 0 Shorts per ton 000 Hay per ton 12 Potato per li Be per dor Butter roll per lb Chickens per Wheat per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush Bran per ton Branches at all Important centres in Canada and Id London En New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodat- as heretofore w Branches at Newmarket and It Is said that a high polish may be obtained after nickel plating on email steel articles such as screws by tum bling them with leather and dry rouge The articles ore placed in a tumbling barrel with leather scraps dry rouge put Into the barrel along with tho screws and leather and the whole tumbled for time coats the surface of tho leather and causes It like a polishing wheel Canvas scrap may bo used in place of leather- Irish gardener who by Dan and what do I you for today Dan Base maam Id sooner be taking the half crown be offering mo than the shlllmga Id bo asklog of yoo- Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bus Wheat Rye per bush Barley per Oats per bush Peas per bush Hay per ton Toronto Markets Sept White Wheat per bush 0 I W 0 56 0 FARrviERai The Threshing Season is at band You need the Best Coal Red Jacket 9 Once tried always used We have It phone it EVES North End Plour and Feed Store Potatoes per Butter per lb per do- Dreaied Hogs per per lb Turkeys- mm Birds Mary you any objection to a feather room If you had Maid- Tea mum have I to society It cute to flnt to til Iheldndof Oiled it ICECREAM FOR PioNlos Socials and Lawn Parties SPOONS AND DISHES Free With Any Order SIMPSONS PHONE NO The Reliable Store KESWICK J P New Prints English Canadian The patterns and the have arrived New See them be fore housecleaning latest designs in the Beat Wall Papera PNew Paints The Sham Williams better thai MISS HILL la prepared to all for the Style OPENING ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND G COLE

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