I YOU TAKE CHANCES you buy a WATCH at Jewelry Store Every one warranted and we arc here to make good our Guar antee Reliable Watches from 6 up Established 1 I EEAivee more news every week than any two papers in York and is acknowledged to be the leading County Paper J WE- TEST YOUR EYES CAREFULLY and IF GLASSES ARE NECESSARY WE THE PRO PER ONES f NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give liberty know to and to freely to conscience above all other liberty sent outside North York unless paid in to United States T Watchmaker end Graduate t- Ho Single Copies Newmarket Qttt Friday Sept I TERMSW25 per annum I if paid in advance WHAT IS HOME Hammer or Hatchet We have just received direct 300 Oil Tem pered Steel Handled Hatchets designs wth hit without claw suitable for all practical purposes These goods cannot equalled for q style and finish were bought at per cent an you will get the benefit Regular Price while they last each A few Good SecondHand Coal Wood Heaters on hand at Bargain Prices 0IL8 GLASS PLUMBING AND IN S ING G A BINNS PHONE AUCUST SALE I All Summer Goods Must Leave Toronto Jobbing House A ASSETS Capital and Reserve Fund 8500000 THE BANK OF TORONTO Extends to its Customers every facility conalatent with conservative banking Interest is paid four tiroes a year at current rates on SAVINGS BALANCES Consider the advantage youreeif of a Savings Account In which to keep your spare money from the standpoints of SAFETY CONVENIENCE PROFIT Every description of banking business conducted HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA On the of our ability to serve wo solicit your Business BRANCH A CRAWFORD Manager INTERIOR FINISH and 8ash Ash and Basswood flooring Lath and Shingles HO AG PEARSON Phone Park Avenue When a woman baa a new la becoming the satisfied the man the likes beat and the woman likes ha teen it Persons Wanting Ice pill let me know as It business formerly by A I will be to you to warn food and i it by tot tt Til Have Bought CASTOR I A yr an4 tfaatrof Oar Toronto Letter Sadie has entered action against William of Man to recover damages for breach of promise of marriage at where performs her wonderful feat of double automobile somer sault that in daring and apparent supreme disregard for safety of life and limit Has been the attraction of thousands A who wanted to show her wealth apparently reported to the police at the that she had been relieved of a containing a solitaire diamond ring a watch And a small sum of money white sightseeing take valuables to in a anyway Nearly the Fourth Estate enjoyed Press Day at the Ex hibition last Friday not excepting the directors hospitality at Tomorrow will witness automobile contests at the Fair under aus pices of the Ontario Motor League If the Italians of this victimized by one of taieV own who ran a sort bunco bank or something kind had been done for by a Can uck they would curse the country Normal Schools afc Toronto Lon don and Ottawa will not ttl Sept this yea In pursuance of the vole of made for the purpose at last session of the Legislature thu Education De partment is now asking for tender for the supply of flags for the coun try schools While waiting as a witness at the fire inquest last Friday Miss of Westmoreland ave nue Jell down the front steps of the school house injured her bead and back and hud to he taken borne J Curry K has received notice that the will appeal the decision ordering a twocent far on train a day between Toronto and Montreal Friday was a day for North west farm helpers when left the Union Station for the prairie Province Conservatives witbin the party charmed circles confidently stale that Premier Whitney will stump the Pro vince before He will he accompanied party lieutenants A bylaw is to be voted on by Toronto electors on the Inst If carried it will he an mortgage on the property- holders The funny man of the Telegram facetiously remarks The airship smashed into Crawford street school and now an objectlesson in vulgar fractions All free bathing stations con ductor by the city during the sum mer closed on Saturday last except at During Childrens Day at the Ex hibition last week chil dren lost their parents guardians or attendants and had to he cared for by police All but three were found by friends a the Police Sta tion before oclock and reached home by midnight It was an anx ious time for some parents for many hours During past week a distinguish ed naval officer has been stay ing at Queens Hotel in the per son of Admiral Sir Mack- bom K with Misb and a maid JbTiiv Admirai was an Aidedecamp to her Majesty Victoria commanded the Alert In the Arctic expedition of and has served in China and in tbe southern seas also being command at the Powell of Vandorl and form erly a County Councillor for is the new court crier In the and messenger Judge Winchester The Public Works Department at has notified the city Solicit or an has pass ed authorizing the City of Toronto to erect a seawall In front of the grounds according plana submitted fudge Morgan recently let Samuel go on suspended sentence for stealing a knife at Hitherto its been Gentiles remarked Ills Honor I must treat the Jews same as the Gentiles Its his first offence The only question about this first offence la does It not give that a person may steal at least once fear of being sent over Don or to the Central A little over year ago a man named Cha Hunter when year old was sentenced to transportation for years for stealing two hams Time have changed Quebec Bridge Disaster SO WORKMEN DROWNED Loss a Million and a Half m Quebec Aug The immense new steel bridge which was in course of construction across the St Lawrence River at Levis two miles above the city of Quebec collapswl late this afternoon carry- nearly workmen most ly steel workers and riveters The collapse of the immense struc ture with the great loss of rife it has caused the greatest ex citement here and at Levis and it is difficult to get correct- details It is thought that the loss of life will ex ceed Only a few of the of work man who are engaged in various duties escaped The to have been due to the overloading of the superstructure with materials occurred at an hour when work men were all in their places pre liminary to finishing work for the day When the fall of the giant structure came the big structural work with which it was being built prevented many of the workmen from drowning in the St Lawrence Those who were not stunned by the great tum ble seized the big steel girders which were carried to the river bot tom and were thus saved from drowning Nearly all the men killed or drown ed are Americans skilled employees of the Phoenix Company Search for the bodies have been promptly in stituted The bridge was the hope of Quebec The accident will delay completion for two years more According to the last reports the accident does not interfere with the navigation In the channel Vessels have already passed through to as certain the exact situation The loss is estimated at Work on the structure was com menced in The contract for the massive stone piers was awarded to Mr P Davis of Ottawa and his part of the undertaking was complet ed two years ago The contract for the iron superstructure let to the Phoenix Bridge Company of Phoenixville Pa the largest Aria of bridge constructors on continent Their contract price was approxima tely three million dollars The bridge was being built on the principle and when completed will he the largest of its kind in the world The length of the main span over the navigable channel is to be feet or till feet more than the Forth bridge This season would have seen the completion of the work on the south side of the river including the long arm stretching for feet the St Lawrence It is this portion which has gone down Into feet of water The total value of work done and material delivered- as certified up to June Was Little Roger had gone into the pus i ll a colt There Roger the din you ever see such a little horse as that- Roger never had and his eyes shone hut there was one draw- hack Whats the matter with him grandfather he said He hasnt any Selected No less than pounds steel are for Hie bridge and nearly half of this was in position when the collapse occurred Some of the lower chard pieces weigh pounds each the main shoes tons each and floor beams tons Ip to the present time nearly have been spent on the bridge and the work for superstruc ture Miller Compound Iron Pill only cents tor doses Sold by The Norman Rogers Co are not conllncdto plane tary alone It We have la social life There arc frequently shadows tbat seem to obscure us from the smiles of friends but a splendid thought It In to he able to abide all the while In the guilt lessness of a clear conscience ITCH- Mange Prairie Scratches Barters I ten and every farm con tagious Itch on human or animals cureVl In 30 minutes by Sanitary Lotion ft never falls Sold by J of Queer Customs PERMIT KINGDOM Called by outsiders the Hermit Kingdom is known to its people as Chesen meaning morning calm or morning fresh ness It comprises a peninsula of Asia northeast of China miles long- and including an area of about males The population is es timated At from eight to sixteen mil lion people including foreigners Of whom the greater number arc Japan ese There are about 300 American residents in the country Koreans are of Mongolian ori gin tall robust and rather prepos sessing in appearance Their- lang uage is polysyllabic In dress cus toms and architecture they show the influence of Chinese civilization The Chinese claim to have civilised Korea in the twelfth century Woman ibe Burden Bearer Korea has been under the suzerainty of China from earliest times except for a brief period between and when it was under Japanese protection until when Japan signed a treaty recognizing it as an independent nation The burdens of life tall more heavily upon the women of Korea than in most countries even in the East it would he difficult to point to any nation where the lot of women more completely unenviable than in Korea The male Korean except in the highest classes regards his wife as the burden bearer of the family Curiously enough however the male Korean Iocs not attain to the full dignity of mans estate until he mar ries No matter how long he may defer that event he is compelled to go barebeaded and to wear his hair in a pigtail until his wedding He is treated as a hoy excluded from the councils of the men and is a per son of no consequence during the pig tail period of his life Queer Medicine Korea is the paradise of quacks As medicine the ground skull of a tig er is high in favor for all ills while ginseng pulverized horns of a fawn macerated spiders and similar mix are consumed in great quanti ties with trust and confidence in their virtues In surgery their prac tice is limited to the crudest opera tions Religion Korea as far as there may be said to be any on Chinese patterns with such results as might be expected Law and the administration of justice are utterly feeble and reoking with corruption The reins off government as in China are in the hands of a class which family tradition lives by the shameless oppression and robbery of the poor Koreans are passionately devoted to flowers although comparatively fciv have the means to indulge their taste in this direction Never Use Milk The land is generously blessed with animal life There are no oxen how ever and Koreans never use milk or any of Its products The work Is all done by bullocks which usually at tain magnificent development With out bis the Korean would be helpless and this fact is cited to prove that the Koreans have never been a people Korea produces no sheep but none In that country Is so poor as not to own at least one dog No family would he complete without a dog Koreans unlike the Japanese love a good Jire the chill blasts of winter sweep across the barren coun try This fondness for warmth Is the cause that barren appearance which has ho often been referred to by travellers Hie Koreans keep the forests cut to the quick to provide fuel while the canny Japs let their forests grow and shiver Everybody Smokes smokes In Korea Both and women use pipes with a tiny metal bowl and sterns long that generally help must asked to them As they are inveterate the greater part of the Korean day Is consumed in loading and light ing pipes The Koreans are essentially an agricultural people They come from a stock entirely dlflerent from their blood which is so strongly marked in the composition of the warlike Japanese Fortified by Smells Seoul the capital is an ancient walled city built in a network of hills eighteen miles from the sea It is fortified in the strongest fashion by a system of smells that would drive any but an Asiatic army gasp ing into sea Seoul is poor in appearance but rich in fleas- On autumn nights tigers and other beasts of prey fre quently contest the right of way with belated travellers on the streets The vista across the housetops of Seoul is one of appalling monotony All chimneys empty into the narrow streets and about tyo feet from the ground and at eventide when goodwives start their fires the pall of smoke and ashes that settles upon the town would make a London fog look like a section of the cerulean blue The one advantage of- the smoke evil in Seoul is its ability to sup press the odours which rise up from its- thoroughfares City of Mourners Seoul is the home of mourners In deed it may be said literally with the Scriptures that tbe mourners go about- the streets When a Korean is bereaved by the death of a close relative he is entitled to mourn his loss for a period of three years and during this time he is not expected to perform any labor As the aver age male Korean professes a lofty scorn for labor at any time it is quite to he expected that the period of is accepted with rcsignation if not embraced with joy by nearly all The wall surrounding Seoul from which kites fly perennially is a small replica of the great Chinese wall The traveller is welcomed at the west gate- but should unfortunate chance delay him until the sun has disappeared and a big hell booms its warning note he must prepare to camp in the open until the morn brings the gatekeeper back to his duty How Baking is- Done Barring an occasional court pa geant Seoul is singularly free from sights to interest the Seoul is a triumph of cleanliness and altogether- a unique institution Of course there Is an oven Rice flour is dampened and kneaded into dough This mass is spread upon a block and two lusty men to treat it pound ing process with heavy wooden is While this is being done an elderly as sistant dips his hands into water and performs the somewhat hazardous feat of keeping the dough moist by patting ft between the blows of the others The oven crowns the work For the Era In Cloudiands BY A BANKER Saves Utile Lives Most liquid medicines advertised to cure stomach and bowel troubles and summer complaints contain opiates and are dangerous lb When the moth er gives Babys Own Tablets to her little one she has guarantee of a government analyst this does not contain one particle of opiate or narcotic Therefore she can feel that her little ones are safe There Is no other medicine can espial Babys Own Tablets In preventing summer complaints are curing them it they come on suddenly Keep a box of Tablets always at hand they may save your life Mrs Raymond Alia says I have used Babys Own Tablets for summer complaints constipation and sleeplessness and always with the best results Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at cents a box from the Dr Williams Medicine Co Is a of money but no one will regret it If the Standard Oil Company has to whack it up is the peoples money com ing back to the State Wilson Star Millers Grip Powders Cure Sold by The Norman Rogers Co -o- Aug Harvey Wil kinson a student in Toronto Amongst the many and varied which tend to beautify to add to the attractions and loveliness of this fair earth cloudBiJ land takes firs How surpass- gorgeous sad rich for instance is the fiery glory of the evening emblazoned in vivid hues of vermili on and amethyst and emerald and later In the less brilliant tints of purple and mauve and deep violet until all insensibly merged with the gradually darkening skies Or that picturesque and striking sum mer cirrus or curlcloud floating at an altitude far exceeding of loftiest mountains the outer range a clustered array of snowwhite feathery crests which towards the zenith assume a more definite and symmetrical uniformity extending the azure canopy of the skies a geometric design of extreme bean then how majesMc Impos ing are those massive banks of dark heavy cloud margined with a fiery now of brilliant gold now of dazzling silver or that far low down range of indigo stormclouds encircling the watery and transforming the ocean as it were in to a great lake or those long straight lines of gossamer fallcloud formed of spangles of Ice sus pended In the attenuated regions of the upper atmosphere But however striking may be the glories and the beauties of fascinat ing cloudland as seen from below yet the view from above as from the one of the lofty of the Alps is a spectacle so sub lime and so transcendent once seen it can never be obliterated from tbe memory On all- sides as far as eye can reach a vast ocean of dazzling snowwhite billows rolls ever on and on now a great curling wave advances majestically its crest torn by the wind into plumes of feathery tufts of spindrift now a surging whirlpool of contending breakers swirls and eddies as a sudden of wind gendered In a mountain ra vine creates a chaos of turmoil and wild disorder or now as the blast dies away the billowy ocean its quietude and appears as though formed of the purest dazzling white solid chalcedony Out at length all this sea of cloud is wafted away and disappears from view and the panorama beneath of glacier and snowy plateau forest and meadow mountain torrent and flowery par terre once more comes into view Truly none but a Divine Hand could plan and design all the varied beauty with which our earth is and with a word call it all Into being And yet He who formed the worlds left for a time the super nal glories of a far more stately and august Realm in order by becoming our Substitute and receiving in own Person our to se cure a passport to Realm to all who will And whosoever cometb to Him for that salvation He will In no wise cast out is spending his vacation at the Kawartba Lakes but he Is great neighbours China the stay profitable one merchant nation and Japan the an when he returns to resume his fighting people They are undoubted- studies will have cleared Turanian origin with a strong to pay hjs expenses at collet during the coming year and some thing In addition He made his money catching frogs and shipping admixture Chinese and blood The Koreans ate a peaceful and hospitable people though they I Chicago fought well and bravely when they have had to fight They seem to I Millers Granules cure sallow skin lack the strain of fighting Malay by Norman Rogers Co Japan Suffers from Big Floods Eighty Thousand Persons Are less in Tokio Aug alone persons rendered homeless by the recent floods are being cared for by public relief About the same number are being cared for thu Prefecture of There is no doubt there are thousands of others homeless elsewhere The entire town of near Kioto was submerged Many persons arc mis sing reports continue to bo re ceived A number of railway tunnels have collapsed and many bridges have been damaged Several days must elapse before traffic is restored to normal conditions The route of Tokios food supply is almost stop ped The sanitary authorities of the central arc already busy with precautionary measures to pre vent the outbreak of epidemics cholera dysentery and fever in the inundated regions which cover an ex tensive area of central Japan Thou sands of feasants are destitute and starving in the central provinces of Japan The price rice is than ever before and the rice famine is widespread Advices from Hakodate place the loss caused by the conflagration there at about houses varying in value were burn ed and persons rendered home less Thirteen persons were killed In the collison of two trolley ears III Teacher Now Tommy can you name one of the commandments Small Hoy Please roaa off the grass