v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST r 4 Mangle Sugar Beet Turnips Peas Beans and all Garden Seeds at BROUGHTONS Drug Store Newmarket PHONE Weeks J Sewing kinds of children clothing also I A sewing Apply t f W TIMOTHY ST For Sewing Machine good Enquire at Office a About half past six oclock a wreck occurred on the Grand Trunk Rail way just north of the Office Special ty Works which attracted between and people and delayed traffic on the line for two hours A freight train came in from the south and was standing on the waiting- foe orders the caboose being just north of Timothy St One of the train men was sent back to signal nest train with a flag and he al so placed fog signals on the track In a few minutes another freight train came along from the south The engineer heard the signals tried to put on airbrakes but they failed- He reversed the engine and blew down brakes but failed to stop his train on the down grade A brakeman was sitting on the cowcatcher lor the purpose of open ing the switch on the sta tion He saw that a collision was inevitable and jumped about ten yards before reaching the crossing The engineer and fireman both stuck to their posts The speed was ly reduced but the engine struck the caboose with such force that it raised up and toppled down the embank ment on the east side The next was a box car filled with mer chandise it- received similar treatment only that it fell on the west side of the track snapping a telegraph pole in two the north end still hanging to the track The trimmings were torn off the En gine and the cab wrenched to one side Mr Fred Fox son of Mrs Godfrey Fox of this town was the engineer on wrecked engine He has been driving on this road years and this is the fourth time he has been in a wreck and escaped injury The passenger train engines from both north and south which were due here shortly after the wreck assisted to clear the line j A number of the passengers going south continued their journey by trol ley By noon the wreck was all cleared up The Central Grocery We have the sole agency for Glov ers Berries of Holland Landing Live Stock Moving I Mr- Allan Howard Shipped a car of hogs to Toronto on Wednesday and Mr Eves shipped a car to 1 wood was the price paid The Junction market this week show ed a decline in price A Big Public Work Bxtra Cars Our citizens have very little The Toronto and rk Radial what the bulging of Canalway will in addition to the regular from Lake to Newmarket on Saturday August 3rd run means The tender has been lei for a Special Limited Car to Jacksons sometfcingi which in- Point leaving Norlb Toronto it eludes the whole work and bridges pm- between the leading from Hoi- On Monday August Civic Hol land landing to and Huron in Toronto a special service St in Newmarket A superintendent will ho given to Jacksons Point and Mr Kerr and three assistants are intermediate stations at I work in the offices of the Sover eign Bank building making plans in detail for the work which is expected to commence next month It- is said that- a force of laborers will be work on section for four On Tuesday August in addition to the regular service a Special Lim ited Car will leave Jacksons at years together with all modern Brieflets Season Advancing Farmers had to leave their haying on Tuesday and go into the Fall Wheat fields In North and the northern part of East Gwillimlmry the wheat is a fine crop but dont look quite so well near Newmarket and laborsaving devices- Paint has improved The canal proper will be feet external appearance of Mrs- wide at the bottom and nearly ft Major St Is Wttls Probated The will of Hugh Hall a King Township farmer has been probated It shows property valued at composed of farm property valued at horses cattle and other personal property Margaret bis wife receives don a nephew 1000 and the bal ance ojf the estate goes to his mother Mrs Margaret Hall Church At a congregational meeting held on Thursday evening the pastor in sisted on his resignation going before the Presbytery of Toronto which on Tuesday September 3rd The Rev Mr Boyle of Shallow Lake preached with acceptance at both services on Sabbath last Miss will have charge of the organ first three Sabbaths of August during the or ganists vacation wide at the water level Just this side of the Landing the channel will be feet wide for some distance Oh the road between Holland Land ing and Bradford there will be a high extensive internal improvements in his residence including a handsome hardwood staircase Bra till Christmas for to new in Canada or above the Holland Landing here trimnwd our baseball team- river crosses St there 8 a steel swing bridge and a lock with a lift Championship Lacrosse A similar swing bridge and 16ffc The Newmarket Senior Talagoos lot will be constructed at the Sec- seem to be up against bard luck this St crossing a mile and a season They lost the match in south of the other one last Saturday by a score Just two lots south of the Green to Lane there will be another lock with Yesterday they played here against lift lift The latter brought a big Second St will be closed to public excursion party of supporters and an travel between the and Me- exciting time was anticipated- We tracks to press too early to give toe A turning basin will be constructed result just north of Huron St- Newmarket j j i- between Daviss Tannery and theMer tropolitan track It will be 500 ft long and ft wide with concrete retaining waits and holding feet of water The dock along Huron St will extent for 100 feet When this public work is completed things will boom in Newmarket The Town Band will play at North End this evening the A very successful Ladies Aid was held at tho homy of Mrs Hoover on Friday evening Mr and Mrs Smith of visited his brother on Sunday Miss Luta Patterson of Toronto is visiting at her home here Mr and Mrs Hilts of Uxhridge spent Sunday a The very high standard of quality embodied in every article J- ed at this active grocery house has won for us many new friends and patrons We would be pleased if you who have not yet tested the i its of our goods would give us one trial order Have our man call for your order and deliver promptly Our Tea Department Our Japan Black or Mixed at are High Grade Teas Teas that Satisfy Chase and Sanborns Coffees Pure 30 and per Fresh roasted ground when ordered provision Our Provision Department SugarCured Haras Spiced Bolls Pick led Rolls Pea Meal Bacon English Breakfast Bacon Bologna Sausage all correctly sliced Canadas finest products FRUITS i Choice Bananas Oranges Lemons Watermelons California Peaches and Cucumbers New Cabbage New Potatoes Fresh To matoes v- r CROCKERY We have cleared an immense stock of Crockery during this month and our Low Price methods are still in evidence No better values no bet ter assortment in Ontario than you get at this store Bring your Produce to our Market any day in the week Top price for top quality Butter and Eggs EAfcLY MORNING DELIVERY PHONES W C HOWARD Mrs P Jones of Toronto and Mrs Rev of were visitors at Mr Paisleys Mr and Mrs McNair I were callers- at Mr on Sunday Miss Holder of London was guest of Miss Delia Fairies A large number from here attended the Libera Conservative Excursion id Jacksons Point on Friday Mrs Chase spent a few days with her daughter in Reach iss Patterson has returned from Newmarket where she has been spending a time with her brother DAYS SLAUGHTER -OF- Summer Goods of Every Description Log 2nd to Aug 17th AGENTS FOR Westons Childrens Shoes And 20th Century Mens Fine Tailor Garments AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH GOODS Colemans Meat NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE Thousands of Dollars in Profit Given Away worth of Goods choose from We thank you for our spring business the largest ever done in North York away ahead of last Springs business and now we are ready with our Second Annual Clean Up Sale Everything in Summer and Overstock Goods have In en marked to clear out on the double all to he sold under our guarantee or Money Refunded if are not entirely satisfied with your purchase Dont forget theres months of Summer Weather still before us No danger hut that you will Hie Goods Unit orders will receive prompt attention and will be forwarded to any Railway point within miles freight or express paid Customers coming by or will he allowed Five per cent on their purchases on all sales from and over towards their fares In Wi Men Store OUTING SUITS REDUCED Homespun Suits in Browns Plaids and Stripes New Stylish Garments Double or Single Breasted liedor lined throughout Suits clearing for Suits clearing for Suits clearing for mil SUITS AND RAINCOATS boys- suits in grey and brown chocks and striped prices up to clearing all at one price SHIRTS FOR only Mens Negligee lilrt In checks ana to price up to clearing each BOYS SHIRTS for negligee shirts some with collar attached prices clearing at each MENS FANCY HOSE Reduced Men fancy cashmere and thread hose In plaids stripea price clearing at 50c MENS TIES FOR Joys White and Canvas Boots TAILORED AHWtHTS FOR y Reputation the ftoit Fitting -VVell- made in America loday for Suits or ird suits clearing for fUAthfz for DOOR MATS ens ftSSii at Shoes regular clearing at Wc SI 00 75c pair lute 150 clearing Mens Fine foots at lute Velvet reg clearing GO Fine In Don- Brussels Boor Mats clearing gola Kid Sox Caff Tan and I Lot Sleeves and Ladies Drawers prices 100 to Goose per lb tu U S fc- I A a Allilfltiff l Lot Lace and Insertion trimmed price clearing at Lot Several Styles regular up to clearing at BLACK WAISTS DOWN baking powder and me Package Norkn Food learing Ladies at reg Door Mats GO clearing Door 75 clear- J i reg at I at Mats reg clearing a Hit Miss reduced Japanese Door Mats 3D clearing rular prices up to clearing at 89c 2J8 BLACK WAISTS at ii it ik Theres only of them regular Quality rcfluccd to 38c at and Quality reduced to CURTAINS one price S and Stair Carpet red to SILK WAISTS fourinhand and bat UNION INGRAINS wing ties in plain and fancy rt clearing at quality reduced to each V and Quality reduced to MENS TIES for WOOL INGRAINS fclHl and Quality reduced to ljws lecKs and know ply in Red muck suitable clearing at STRAW HATS MUST UK SOLI Churches Clearing at and Ikjvh Straw andLIneu a- Hath price up to 70c clear hi Moral and Stripe price up Mens and hoys Straw and Linen- to clearing at lie per yd clearing at Navy and Red regular prices Applique Net Curtains and clearing all Swiss clearing at 225 Net Curtains clearing at at one price PRINT MOST Lace regular clearing at clearipg at prices clearing at Ladies Petticoats price Laundry soap bars clearing Package Gold Dust Washing Washing Powder prices- Package Gold Dust Washing Powder price IN LADIES AND SHOES Childrens White Cotton Underskirts qBLMNG LA OIKS and with Waist to fi iflc clearing at Ditto reg clearing at Ladies nil lzes 89c Childrens White Nightgowns alf sizes to IS clearing at Childrens nil sizes LA SHOPS FOR Childrens White Cotton Pinafores Pairs Ladles Lace and Button prices and clearing at Boots odd lines ami lats In Kid Tan and for Sun a for WM for for J7Kii for Grey Clearing I MM PANTS FOR 95c to Tveed Pants good Pants fiiajJ up to t 5c Pair K ASH VORBTKO Hare to quit up to clear gg to to Wm Have got to go also wash vests In fr checks and oiowns pearls and Kvayn latest up to clear at clear up to clear in SUITS Norfolk seasons dear balance of our spring stock of Mens Hard Hats including Quality clearing at Kings and Henry Car- 25 and clearing leis reg prlcch OILCLOTHS up to all one Vds oilcloth 2 Patterns I SOFT 2 yds wide Linoleum reg yd In black pearl and clearing at up to clearing all at one Yds Linoleum yd price HATS Young- mens fell telescope hats all shades and sizes prices up to clearing at CAPS for 1 mens prices up to i25c clear at prices up 125 clearing PRINT Womens Print Wrappers anil Mouse Several Styles in W ftn all and prices were and 2 clearing 5175 at 1 Childrens Print ami Hol land Dresses I to tegular prices up ISC clearing at IHiie Print Dresses I to It price clearing at Kile each WASH White Linen and pliers up to iiiK all at one price StJ0 SHOKS for I airs in this lot clearing at OXFORD FOR 115 Limics turn McKay soles regular prices up to clearing at clearing all at one price plural lAwn rdtulur v0 LADIKS lwrliig Ladles Oxfords SLOW LINKS TO UK FAST BIO on OUTSIDE and turn soles Just 20 in lIllH lot in Navy up to clearing at clearing and Curtain clearing lie Plain Curtain Muslin clearing at lit yard Colored Coin Spot Muslin clearing yd Art Muslin clearing at lie- yd SUM Tapestry Coverings clearing at OJc Tapestry Coverings clear at Cretonnes clearing at TIIKKK PRICKS a ft Jusl this toi 250 Spun Underskirts clear- ftnd Regular prW AND AM SlKiKS pairs prfe4s clearing at Dc good strong Ing yotA gaiters and lace all size yeiv clear all at price pair pairs nolld leather work and- wJiool lKKts sizes I to prices J clear at at yd ixZ clearing at 585 clearing at clearing at reg clearing at 1185 reg at clearing at I Sateens clearing clearing at 9M Art Satins tiering clearing at and at 475 Tapestry fable Covers clearing at ROYS WASH SUITS 275 and- Tapestry NOT 150 Suits for Duck Linen THIS 15S BACH and Tweed price clearing at SKIRTS TAN AND OX FORDS 225 Ladies Tan and Choco late Oxfords thin seasons fav orite dealing at Covers clearing at RKDIfCTIONS IN Regular prices up to Roll clear ing at trimmed Willi Hells and Sailor clearing at prices from roll US 1750 clearing at 1385 at 1500 clearing at orders and to match at lwj price clearing at mo pair price up to 1S5 clear Pair only kid lace broken size regular up to clear clearing at 1185 1700 clearing at 1385 clearing at UNION I Reduced price 435 Reduced price 635 VKIAKT clearing at coring at 835 clearing at 035 VKLVKT clearing at WM same prices prices S250 and and Mouses clearing at 111 the Womans i WAISTS Lot and Long Lace or Insertion Reg prices were and clearing at each I Sleeves Tucks and Insertion I trimmed Sleeves Box Pleat and 3 rows of Insertion Owe at 40c at 50 and and Duck clearing at and Linen and Duck Mouses clearing at IN 325 and While Night clearing at 145 U50 and White Night clearing at up to liiir pair RAIN COAT BARGAINS Lot Dark Brown Cray- one and- Oxford grey covert cloth rain coat prices were and clear Itiir all at one Ladled and Tweed Coats regular clearing at GROCERY CI A LB 65c Japan Tea special PATENT FOR Childrens and Leather silpporn regular prices up to fSJf in 5o cleariiig at Japan Lump and 100 White Night X Tea special lb childrens iiik 100 lairs Childrens slip- u to only regular prices up to 100 drc FOR v dps- and White Night Clothes pA lo por clearing at lief lb fclsseK to regular priv s up to at J MARTIN AND COMPANY NEWMARKETONTARIO