Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1907, p. 5

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I J v- Vi FRIDAY AUGUST 2 i i LEGAL Weeks boeal Robertson oap rood Farm Becurllr ORCHARD BEACH in a canoe is jijeas- it you know bow to ana ad- otherwise staying in it least two young men found this out last Saturday and got white ducks wet The excursionists to Jacksons last Friday on the York Radial to the tune of five or six carloads got stalled for Orchard JL and Morton Park and have l 33 I colleges Canada The advertiser Business College Education All young men and women who ft entering a college IMi Wi j fall are invited to write to the o I fiott Business College Toronto for I catalogue This school TORONTO Fundi to ftt jment of the college appears in this pi Rate paper fit Thoughtless The wild raspberry season is at aJe Aurora win be of picking this wild iruit a timely on Saturday- and Court nafu the leaving gates open or fences down Aurora might save trouble later on The crops are about their best at res ent and no farmer wants his stock allowed to enter his fields and tramr pie his crops tin fl for tew Current is 4moe atrfeet Newmarket COURT CLERK tor Lire insurance Accident and Flft Bolton room fixator O Barker VOICE CULTURE limits Are Dr DENTIST DENTIST Block Newmarket Every fa DENTIST Metropolitan Aurora Womens Institute The regular meeting held at the home Mrs Philips Yonge St on Aug 3rd at pm The Executive hope that as many mem bers and others as possible will be present Those from town will able to take the car and get off at the gate Papers will be read on Preserving Fruit and Vegetables and The Approach of Autumn Have your notehooks ready for the roll- call Back Broken A horse to Mr of Holland Landing wandered over to the Metropolitan track near Sha ron and was feeding on the grass when a car came along The horse was frightened and jumped the wire fence into a neighboring field but stumbled and fell and broke its back This occurred two weeks ago last Monday Fall Fairs Oct and September 23 September 26 Bradford October Oct 1 and Sept 24 26 October September London Sept to 14 October 4 Newmarket Sept Queensville October 3 Sutton September 26 Toronto Aug to Sept Oct and Rogers Fitting Teeth Also Reputing Artificial Teeth at m Main St Newmarket arriage LICENSES I filled at Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday follow Butter to 20c lb Eggs to per Strawberries to per box Gooseberries quart Cherries per pail Raspberries to Black Raspberries to Hie lb Red Currants boxes for New Potatoes peck Green Peas 25 to per peck Cauliflower to per head Beans lb Green Onions Carrots and Beets Live Chickens lb Old Hens to lb Live Ducks lb to Pigeons to Hides No to No to Sheepskins to Tallow NEWMARKET WORKS and Head Stones- fctfo rderfiir JAMES The New Fall and Winter Fabrics Furnace Work In Plumbing t Specialties tfl a to JitolUit Grocery The August number 4 lie Home has information on fall and winter fctyies Of the fabrics to he used Gould sayat the tailormade hardfinished vorwteds will be used The new worsteds are medium In weight Their wearing are above reproach and come in the array of stripes broken and unbroken checks plaids plain colors in theae are the in fa vor Serge will be much aft as cheviot Cloth plaids prom ise to be less a rumored fashion and more a fact this fall and winter than for many a past season dark blue serge tailormade costume will be extremely fashionable for early fall wear with just a touch of plaid orange cloth the pipings on the folds of the skirt and the lapels and o the coat picnic for many moons to come trouble was occasioned by some de fects in operating at the powerbouse at Keswick People talk you know but some people fancied it was a prophetic intimation of troupe for T a Another mishap to mail from on Wednesday last week It is seamed too that up west some- where is another small postal centre called Orchard Beach and- papers and letters addressed Orch ard Beach Lake have been missent by persons handling the mails to the up west Surely the addendum of Late Sim coe ought to sveure immunity from blunders of this kind Missent let ters often cause great disappoint ment in making appointments of one kind and another Friday and Saturday were breezy days on the Lake White caps were plentiful and boating was almost out of the question Miss Minnie Riley was the guest of Mrs Fred Saxon over The Presbyterian Choir of Newmar ket At Lloyd Lodge one day last week and greatly enjoyed the day especially the spin with Lloyd in his gasoline launch Mr Fred of the Toronto police force and family are enjoying vacation with Miss Fisher Mr and Mrs Howard Cane and Mr and Mrs Gamble visited the cottag ers last Saturday in his auto Miss of Toronto is spending a few days with her friend Miss at Mrs Held and baby of Renfrew are the guests of her friend Miss for two orthree weeks Dr Addison of Toronto spent over Sunday with his sisters His fa ther Rev Peter Addison preached in Aurora on Sunday Mr Fred Lloyd of the Canadian joined his wife and children at Lloyd camp Saturday and will spend a few days Mr Jackson of Toronto spent the Week end at A number of campers and hoarders at the Wilson House had some fun over a tally pull at he Cane cabin on Saturday evening Alderman- Rogers of Newmarket pitched his tent in the lot south Mr Fred Saxon on Monday and in company with his gentlemen friends will occupy it for the balance of the season Miss Florence Dee of Bay City Mich in company with her aunt Miss Br don of arc guests of Mm Ben Lloyd at Lloyd The KTinnear family of Toronto va cated the Bungalow this week and Mr Thompson of Aurora and his family have possession Mrs Ben Lloyd- entertained the girls at Holiday House to a fivv- oclock tea on Monday afternoon Miss Mary Amty and Miss Madge Porter assisted at the tables The Girls Club vacated Otto on Tuesday and Mr Charles and family of Toronto took possession the following day By way of closing up a most delightful vacation the young ladies assisted by and Miss Hus band gave ins impromptu concert on Monday night which was attended by a number of invited guests who oc cupied he lawn Col Lloyd pre sided in his unique style and the young ladies in white gave drills choruses exhibition of fenc ing etc and proceedings closed with an icecream festival The girls were a happy lot and It will certainly be quiet on the beach with out them This is the third or fourth season that they have been camping and the are all In love with Orchard Beach The nicest place we have ever seen Is their verdict ORCHARD BKACH m v j Wants Government Pap Some ttempty any targe enterprise same nights at oclock LAKE EXTENSION GOING NORTH am course York Radial Railway i METROPOLITAN DIVISION car leaves North Toronto- for without Government aid bub given a Newmarket every hour from bonus and nothing daunts their service from 1 to Toronto Also a rage A marine railway and dry Toronto for dock Is a felt want in Toronto Newmarket on Wednesday arid Sat- comes designer Angstrom filets and a late car the Navigation for Toronto the Co and he tickles the cars of men interested by saying the Govern ment would guarantee three percent on the capital invested he could Ob- Newmarket and tain sufficient money to establish a 5 P and am marine raUway or a dry dock 1250 550 and pm would enable vessels to be repaired in Keswick and am 110 the city without the expense of send- 1 and 1010 pm frig them to Kingston Yes of arid am and pm Jacksons Point and am and pm GOING SOUTH Jacksons Point and am 5 and pm Orchard and a 320 520 and pm Keswick 825 and am and pm 840 and a ra 340 and 740 pm Newmarkt7 9 and im and pm A special through car leaves North Toronto on Saturday at 2 call ing at Newmarket at Return ing it leaves Jacksons Point at pm for Toronto- A special car leaves Aurora at 1015 and Newmarket every Saturday night lor Jacksons Point and returning leaves Jacksons Point every Monday morning oclock Connects with Schombvrg Bonds fc4evtaft4 rtz4n a by ill putt of the atteattoa exchange recommends the fol lowing as a good breakfast dish as well as spring medicine Take the new stalks of rhubarb wash but do not pee vcu and put into an earthenware or vessel sprinkle thickly with gar let In a moderate oven Do not add any water and cover The oven should not be hot enough to bake but Just enough to to gradually soften and bring acid When quite softened and blended turn out into a pretty dish and serve a awceoc break- Mr would tax the people of the country to enable To ronto to set up a rival company to that of Kingston which exists with out government pap in order to save owners of vessels the expense of sending the same to Kingston On the same principle a company could be formed in Newmarket to establish a rival agricultural implement manu factory to the firm in Aurora Toronto that would eclipse either of these estab lishments Only let the government tax public chest a guaranteed interest of three per cent on the enterprise and money be forthcoming to set the machinery in motion But why should govern ment guarantee be asked Why tax one part of the people for the ex press benefit of another Might as well ask a government guarantee on the capital invested for constructing vessel in the first place and if this principle is to obtain all other trade and navigation enterprises should receive like recognition If a young farmer desirous of engaging in agriculture were to suggest Unit government should guarantee three per cent to the capitalist who loan ed him necessary funds to equip vainly endeavoring to get some sleep farm these same contractors and business propagandists would be the first to kick against such an ab surdity and yet they dont think it robbery to put hands upon the money taken from farmers in the shape of customs taxes for their special enterprises With them the rule only works one way It simply a piece of class taxing the many for the advantage of the few A Window Dressers Happy Hit Funny thing happened to me when I was working lor Bank Co in Chicago said a New Or leans window dresser I had a big window on Clark St that scorned as if ft was hoodooed No matter what I put there it appeared to he impos sible to attract any attention and the manager who was as keen as a hawk- began to grumble because ho never saw anybody looking in used to lay awake nights racking my brains for new schemes hut it was no go day when I was feeling pretty blue I told our negro porter to clear everything out preparatory to making a big display a special line ol shirts He was a fat black trilling fellow and guess lie must have been out at cakewalk the night before for he fell fast asleep in a chair in the mid dle of the window I was on the point of waking him up and giving him its when happened to notice how extremely ludicrous he looked His head was on one side his enor mous wide open and his limbs relaxed in the oddest postures ima ginable in short he was a perfect picture of a lazy rascal in happy slumber That gave me an Idea I didnt say a word but grabbing a piece of pasteboard I dashed oil a sign Dreaming of Our Dollar Shirts and stood it quietly against his knees Then I gently rolled up the curtain and awaited developments the hit that window made is the pet tradition of that store to this day People simply the sidewalk and you could hear them laughing a block away The funniest part about It was that nobody for a moment supposed it could possible be the real thing They thought it a clever bit of acting or a wonderful wax figure That the coon was actually asleep never occurred to anyone and I stood wlh my heart in my for fear the noise would arouse him ft didnt however and he snored away peacefully until nearly four Oclock Then he woke up a titer than Saturday next and was so surprised he Judges are Messrs Saxon and near jumping through the plate glass Ilea rue Starter Mr The spectators howled and that Porter I night the house raised my salary Owing to limited time at the I tried to work the same scheme of the committee the pre- but It was a failure The renting of the will be darky couldpt prejend worth a cent Saturday Aug when Have You Catarrh Breathe Hyomei and Relief and Cure Will be Guaranteed you have catarrh with offensive breath burning pains in the throat difficulty in breathing raising of mu cous discharge from the nose tick ling or dropping from the back of the throat coughing spasms etc begin the use of Hyomei at once is made from natures soothing oils and balsams and con tains the germkilling properties of the pine woods Its medication is taken In with the air you breathe so that it reaches the most remote of the respiratory organs killing all catarrhal germs and soothing any ir ritation there may he In the mucous membrane The complete outfit costs but R Y gives his personal guarantee with each package that money will be re funded unless the treatment does all that Is claimed tor it At meeting of the cottagers on Saturday evening last arrangements were finally completed for a splendid program of aquatic on Mon day next Toronto Civic There will he eight events in the morning commencing at I en oclock including swimming by boys girls and ladles and walking the pole The- afternoon events will commence at one thirty oclock These Include scull racing for hoys girls and ladies singles and doubles Canoe races all kinds These events are open to residents along tbe shore from Keswick to Roachs Competitors must make entries not they will be presented at at The more a man knows about any Cottage after which there be a Venetian Flotilla subject the more cautious he Is about when all are requested to discussing itC Illuminate their boat which will he quo ana serve a a aauve j is pari This Is a floe spring medicine towed the bay by the gasoline iM A teas Old to cleansing the system launches one s one wise him A Trip to From the Orillia Times St James Sunday school ran an excursion on thu Inst by the steamer Geneva We left at oclock am with passen gers on board and at oclock en tered the Trent Valley Canal at Gamebridge At the first lock we look on the superintendent of the Canal and at the third lock took aboard a pilot as the River Talbot which forms part of the Canal system is of navigation tin places the canal has blasted through solid rock especially is this the case near Kirkileld where the lime stone rock- Is piled up on each side of the canal In heaps 211 to feet high Much Of the low land along the course mostly cellar swamps has been flooded We went through six locks The first four were 14 each the fifth feet and the sixth the lift lock feet- The last mentioned is a line structure built of steel and has observation tower left high lie man who operates the lift is plated A line view of the structure can he had from this vantage point Thu steel cradles are by 33 feet and feet its depth- One of the cradles goes up as the other descends acting as a counterpoise and everything works like a lock work It Is an odd sight- to look down from the tower and see a vessel and Its load of passengers or freight being lilted to the Urn of the lock Some people Jocularly call the the Government Ditch However It will have an Important effect In cheapening the rates and we will soon able to go from to Lake Ontario and via the Great Lakes to Fort William or Sound if we are inclined We crossed under the which spans the canal by a low swing bridge The has an over head bridge and two had to be cut Irom the top our smokestack to enable us to go under with safety Altogether we passed two railway and road bridges The five locks are constructed with the oldfashioned wooden gates cement walls arid breast works All the ce ment work Is very nicely done and looks substantial in way Of IB X a AT THE- a Leading Hardware Store H LAST Dor Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Dot Shoe Brushes Regular goods selling at Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at 25c 20 Whisks Regular goods selling at Brushes Regular goods selling at Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US AT SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT FURNITURE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SAME J ft W ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET SUMMER SUITS FANCY WORSTEDS ANDTWEED SUITINGS For Summer Wear are the Best in Town 1 guarantee satisfaction in Work- and Fit and Prices Right- F WILLIS MERCHANT TAILOR NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MADE IN CANADA by A CANADIAN COMPANY RE DURABLE LIGHT RUNNING ALWAYS LOOK F THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO MONTREAL TORONTO HAMILTON OTTAWA JOHN N Perm Esth is an ideal Laker the construe lion being such that every heat unit has to com pletely around it with all its warmth retained before the smoke and waste can escape up the chimney The heat ravels from the fire box across the top I he oven down the back and then attain under neath until it strikes a baffle around which it circles and goes to the chimney The I a temperature oven in the Pen Esther always is ho Pi possibility of a gust of cold air spoiling a baking Call on our local or write us direct for catalogue FOUNDRY MACHINE CO MONTREAL Q hkW VANCOUVER BC JUtiD STEPHENS Agent fa In

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