Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1907, p. 4

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Cure Every Form of MM A T If I TT ITT I I Is A la a1 fact- and one which proves efficiency of After you have eaten a meal j Administration of Dominion the stomach should do two affairs is the surplus years things- pour out a dissolving fluid to digest the food and churn the food until com pletely digested and liquified Sour Stomach Belching Gas Indigestion Dyspepsia simply mean that the stomach is not doing its work properly strengthen the stomach and increase the flow of gastric juke active and regulate the bowels There will be an end to those Bilious Headaches too as soon as you start curing your Dyspepsia and Constipation with contain the wonderful medicinal pro perties of fruit in an active and curative form 50c for At all dealers of Liberal over one million dollars in the Post Office in comparison with a deficit of over alter years of Conserva- rule a all weak mm WillFind New Health and Strength In Dr Williams Pills jy BETTYS ENGAGEMENT ntvrr is a very salary tor a young person under 30 to re ceive Sereral of our Shorthand graduates last year are now enjoying this salary Perhaps we can help you to receive amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out this car sign it and send to H Sbaw Central Busi ness College Toronto Address 1- mm Ml RAZOR No HoningNo Grinding Get a RAZOR TODAY on days your dealer and learn all about real shaving comfort EVERY ONE OF THEM Unconditionally GUARANTEED Officials of the Standard Oil Co remarks the Kincardine Review have issued a statement that the downfall of the Company through whatever cause would mean national disaster Wouldnt it be nice to be ruined in that way A good many people would answer this question in the During the month of June the pub- lie debt of the Dominion was reduced by and interest upon this large sum has ceased The policy of the Liberals is to reduce the public debt and relieve the people of the payment interest This must be a source of satisfaction to the people of Canada of all shades of politics A Lindsay correspondent writes to the Toronto World as follows In a small stream a short distance from here the fish perch bullheads awl have all die and are strewed along the shore There doesnt seem to be a fish In the stream The water is in the usual clear condition Can you tell me what is the cause The World thinks Probably it is where the hired man washed his feet but pos sibly the stream mentioned is where agricultural excursionists to Lindsay a short time ago made their fish catches and cleaned them all out The Mail and rises to re mark Qrorge Grahams party ran no candidate in no can didate in no candidate in no candidate in East Ham ilton and no candidate North York Perhaps the machine is a trifle handicapped by the circum stances that no longer controls the ballotboxes As usual the To ronto senior Conservative organ on ly tells what is tickling to tlje On tario Government and its warmest partisans it conveniently forgot to mention West Middlesex and Kings ton The Hamilton Herald reminds the Toronto organ that something did happen in those constituencies which was not pleasing to the Government i 1 A Agent Newmarket ALL GOOD THINGS must win upon their merits The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language A Stye of Oxford recently of It ft a marvelous work Ills difficult of a dictionary more In St not only we might to Jq few of us would ever thought of lookingfor A to toe new edition has have been latter wfthe ft I lag at and amount of that has put toto it THE GRAND PRIZE to the To- Kit la ArwiTxe and for llluttrato4 8iti0fix6 President John Hays of the Mining Institute Association said some fine tilings at the reception given the Institution at the Parlia ment Buildings last weak He ob served As Americans we congrat ulate Canada upon the wonderful its Illimitable sources and desire to cooperate with Canadians in their new field of activ ity He was replying to speeches made by Acting Moss I Hon Frank Minister of I Mines and Acting Premier Af ter paying a tribute to Canadian Mr Hammond said Touch ing on the reciprocal relations duties of Americans and Canadians he declared that the two were tied by indissoluble bonds that no tension of commercial rivalry no ag itation political demagogues sunder It was their duty no less than their material to discourage if they could not pie- vent the agitation of Ihe political demagogue or of Hie press on either side of the line Mr Hammond sounded a warning against notation of worthless companies against and undue looming It tended So mining 1 j of the Act and relation labor troubles Toronto mkv may he the penal of the are widely misunderstood The Act make- It to punish either or workmen with public utilities if they to hos tilities before their have been examined a Hoard of ConcU- and Arbitration It doe not ordain- that they shall the onus of law in motion on whole more heavily on the aggrieved parlies than on the Department of Labor an employer declares a lockout unlaw fully the men may issue a summons again Win If workmen strike weak woman can depend upon it that her blood is out of order lor if her blood is rich and pure she will strong and happy Bad blood is the cause nearly all the aches and pains- which women Keep the blood rich arid red by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and auBering will not exist Mrs James Kratz of Jordan Station tested the value of these Pillsand strongly advises other wo men to use them She says For j more that a year I was a great suf ferer from waekness I was complete ly- worn I lost flesh could not rest at night and in the morning I arose more tired than on going to bed J had taken doctors treatment with no benefit I grew worse day by day and was beginning to look upon my case as when I was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills To my great joy before I had taken the Pills a month they began to help and by the time I had taken eight boxes every symp tom of my trouble had left me and was once more enjoying perfect health and strength I look upon Williams Pink as a veri table lifesaver and never lose a chance to recommend them to my friends The success Dr Williams Pink Pills is due to their power to make new rich red blood This new blood strengthens the and gives nourishment to all the organs of the body thus curing anaemia in digestion neuralgia rheumatism ner vous debility headache and backache and all the secret ailments of girl hood and womanhood The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may he had direct at cents a box or six boxes for from The Dr Medicine Co An Unfortunate Shot a Marie July Miss of King ston lost her lite in a deplorable shooting accident in the American at oclock afternoon In company with her brother Geo and his daughter Katie the party visited Fort Brady as many tourists do while sightseeing in the lock cities During their visit to the fort they passed a number of prisoners who were working under guards in the street They had but a short distance when one the guards fired on an escaping prisoner The ball entered Miss Caidenheads car com ing out at the eye causing instant death The body was taken in charge by the coroner and an inquest will be hold The guard who did the shooting is under arrest and Mr will demand an explana tion from the American government The prisoner was recaptured By Leslie Holmes Comiffht byUelio rode the elevator nearly every day Allen Johnson ran the ele vator every day and knew all about Allen had theater for a frost when he taw It even In rehearsal But not contradict her when rattled on about Hie won derful thmgsUhe intended to do for her half Invalid mother on that a week a matinees a week The night of the dress rebearaal ten sat watching her with hungry eye be wished that he had tried for the position of welting gentleman oat to promenade with that In soft old lavender brocade on alia his snapped and fc the Most of 1 In fact he was pretty sure that any when Betty came off he whispered who got off regularly at the floor and turned to the right was bound for the room whose door carried this legend CONVERSE Theatrical and Producer General Provider of Mobs a Specialty Mr Converses office was ABC class In stage craft where am bitions young men and women given a chance to participate In mob scenes court balls etc at a salary ranging from cents to a performance Converse had been in the many years amassed- a comfort able could point with pride to the fact that many a girl or lad who had started with him in the mob of a big production was now drawing a good salary as leading man or wom an or was even starring Some one had told Betty Vincent of this fact and so she on to the hope of an opening at the Converse office with Hie despair of a girl who finds herself compelled to earn her liv ing without any particular preparation off that lace thingumbob and carry It home with you Betty looked surprised but she had learned fo defer to his suggestions and so when she came out in tier long rough coat and fur toque carried j the lace bertha under her arm j la what makes the dress look so pretty urged Its real lace I saw that answered Allen I but some five cent a yard stuff will the sort or flo wme of Not thfc wealthiest not the man who has good- health and works for bis living This truth is trite but not trivial Every man should guard his health most valuable posses The because health is easier to retain than regain Keen your- grip on health by regular exercise reasonable care in eating and requisite sleep Jake Pills to tone the stomach and keep the and bowels in good working order And dont worry Observe these simple rules and you will agree that the one who gets the most from life is them got wise to the fact you bad real face theyd cop it and pawn it Say to anything yet about Ufa bunting parties At first Betty bad felt incUned to Allens espionage but he waa a good looking chap and she soon found especially after the first night she the only one of the extra dies to receive flowers that musthave cost several dollars regular attendance upon her made her of many- fellow players The papers gave the new production bad notices but the audiences contin ued large especially In the orchestra snd Betty remained Paper said Alien In disgust aa be watched the audience gather on Thurs day night And he right house was being rilled on passes The Love of a Princess was a failure But Betty watching the big audi ences could not be persuaded not until Saturday night came when the company was called together and without salaries Betty was very quiet and white when she came out her grandmothers frock under her arm 1 Its all over she said sadly You were right And and we didnt even get one weeks salary Theres all my car fare nod my new slippers and a bill at the druggists Mothers cough baa been so much worse Allens firm clasp closed over he trembling hand There there dont you worry I saw It coming before the first night even and my brother whos got a good thing In the Daniels Realty com pany Is going to put you In there to mind the switchboards Sunday and hell take time to show j Prepared only by Proprietor Tboma St Helens every Canada and SAmerica to 1 J Horse Gets Hurt In a j I- r If one of the horses should be kicked shoulder go lame you the remedy at hand to CURE the injury Kendalls Spavin ought to be in every stable and barn In Canada It prevents little horse troubles from becoming- big ones arid takes away all signs of lameness With a bottle of Kendalls Spavin Cure Handy you axe prepared for accidents that may happen at any time I Alt Jan c Ibare used Kendalls Spavin Care with great success in many iMara Barb Wire and Raw SdreV J MORRISON- Our Dont be without another day Get a bottle at dealers or 0 lor p Treatise On Ibe what you ought to about and hoar to cure Writ for free copy on CO 1 35 I 1 1 y inii When You Paint Use Beat Paint Pure Prepared a i tits are the best mixed paints on the market Mad in CO different tints Always ready for use how to ma so you V CITY FLOOR POINTS la Monday you wont dry hard iti hours economical and durable Sale by Yourself of Kidney Trouble at no a few of and you be well Simply follow the directions you will be fret of this terrible disease 50c a box At or by mail direct from The Chemical Co Limi ted Windsor Out few July fi8Coney lawfully employer may folic the aumrnoo a third person by a aggrieved may lay an Irfor- Tire early stud The Act not place- Us mm the the or Department the Maying or It offer that weapon to the which Ik aggrieved and which feefi that would be to wake of it There is nothing moreover to prevent the llepartmejit of Labor from deling It and Judicious matter left a It l to discretion Hie party July engineer and Norton both of dead and fireman Cat vert of the same place is In a condition the mult of the of a boiler In a Wabash engine last night A bridge was utterly demolished am of Howling Green Kentucky died of Injuries received jumping off a car to recover his hat which had blown off July Hire broke out in the piling grounds of the Cavendish Lumber of yesterday afternoon and fanned by a strong north wind for a time it threatened destruction the illlagvt Help was sought from and an engine and ten firemen went by special train to the scene After a stubborn fight live Hours the Humes witt confined to the lumber piles and the mill saved A and a of lumber was burned The loss Is about covered insurance William July A big celebration which was being held at was abruptly by a accident on the river where water sports were being The affair took place during the progress Ihe double canoe race One of the con taining Hunting an old Toron to boy and both of the Grand Trunk engineering atari upset and If anbury drowned in front over five people first thought the Wen were only and to the rescue when It was too Jate tr a Mothers TAKB OKI THAT XAOI AND with you end who think the stage offers the field where experience Is not nec essary Day after day Hetty and sold Gootl morning to Allen and day aft er day Allen watched the rosea fade in her cheeks and the circles deepen around her pretty violet eyes He saw too her brave struggle to keep Up up- pen ranee One day the little fur she wore- would covered it would blossom forth somewhat faded violets and another day a home curled plume fall from it left side Allen had been land ing aspirants at the Converse office just long enough to read the sign aright Then came a morning when he Betty all smile from the floor to the first She was the sole passenger on his car and be ran It down very slowly Vfea thank you Im to go on In the big ballroom scene In The Love of a Princess a dollar a and it will be all clear because I can wear my grandmother wedding ita a lovely brocade The car came to a stop and passen ger crowded In Hetty in tile crush Humph muttered Allen to himself giving the lever sort of Jerk Uiive to provide their own cos j gutter That doeunt look as If the niiui- rolling money look It up night Allen knew all about company and the management of of a Princess He wanted to bum up Betty who be knew would come more to the building he changed hi mind and Instead glared lit the manager of the company rode at time In car Let her have her fling be to himself got to have It slid no talking of mine will convince her when flatly out of big ball where the re- were held Allen wa for her ftie looked hut he tucked through his In brotherly pro tecting fnahton You well get used to stage door admirers he with a laugh Got to have em you know Anyhow live your way and no time of night for girl to be That yon of bis cari ous When the rebearaala were transferred from the nail to the theater he more vigilant than ever and somehow be so Ingratiated with the old doorkeeper that be permitted to sit back a pile of stage proper and watch the rehearsal fiomettmea Betty wondered why he no grave wen they started home- dad eight a week to start and something better ahead cause youve got a pall seer Oh you are so kind to met I doot see why Betty was half sobbing Allen looked down upon her droop ing bead In speechless amazement I A tramp has beaten all known Girls certainly were queer things ha records by swimming miles In Hadnt he shown her plainly minutes lie did not mean to do it argued Hadnt be shown her plainly i enough He cleared throat bo voice remained husky Dont you know aint seen that I loved you loved yon from th first day you came Into my car Bat I wasnt going to tell you just yet not until I got a better Job The flrat of the year Im going Into the advertising line with firm on the tenth floor and then Bay have you seen thoe flats Up West street I think that sunlight from south court would be grand for mother and If you get an advance and the advertising business pans oat we might Goodness was she never going stop crying Was this the way always behaved when men proposed to them Suddenly the brocaded drees fell at very feet and before he could pick it up Bettys two hands clasped on hit arm and her eyes raised to his shoo like two violets bathed with dew Oh Alien you are perfectly grandt If the princess had bad a love Its yours the never would closed And then But never mind Some policemen are very tactful and the one who was strolling their way turned his back and picked up the brocade dress that wa rolling straight for Pox In Two or three hundred years ago any one who said he had been fox hunt- log would himself open to a misconception of which there Is longer danger In a modern November According to the Dictionary of Canting Crew about he baa a fox meant he la very drunk and this la what a writer meant In when be observed whoever love good wine hunts the fox once a year Foxed algnlfted drunk and to fox a was to make him so records that he almoat foxed Dr Thomas with Margate ale Was the original Idea that of playing a foxy trick on a man Or as one passage half sug gests that of painting his nose a foxy red London Chronicle A For If poetry be a barbarism and science the highest expression of man thought let us by all mean re main barbarians to the extent at least of being emotionally moved occasion ally us hope that the time Is far distant when man will become merely a cold calculating scientific machine so admirably constructed that emotion alism love human sympathy and simi lar relics of barbarism will have no In at a a Department of Railways and Canals CANADA says the Youths Companion He tried to steal a ride from St Louis to Chicago on the rear locomotive tender When the train started he fell over backwards thru open manhole Into the water tank The noise of the train drown- TPFKIT his cries for help and he was I obliged to swim until the first stop was reached at Alton When taken out he was dead but the glnocr was so unfeeling as to call his attention to the fact that the water was only four feet deeprand he might have stood up The conductor also unfeelingly asked him for his the tramp said he had not come rail but water Modelled upon principles a of curves of grace and elegance compiled a every pair of A Cor acta You can buy a It at intermediate ranging from too to Are Local Salesman WANTED For Newmarket and adjoining country to represent Canadas Karserlas A permanent situation for the right man lor whom the terri tory will be reserved Pay Weekly Free Equipment Write for particulars STONE So WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries over acres TORONTO ONTARIO OntarioRice Lake Division Section No NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed tenders addressed to Alex J Grant Superintending engineer Trent Canal and endorsed Tender for Trent Canal will be re ceived until oclock on Wednesday August- tor the works con nected with the construction of Sec tion No 5 OntarioRice Lake Divi sion of the Canal and specifications of the work can be seen on and after this date at the of the Chief Engin eer of the Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa at the office the Superintending Engineer Trent Canal Out ami at the of fice of Mr IN- INI Division En gineer at which places forms of tender may be obtain ed The lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted order JONES Secretary Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa July Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De partment will not be paid for it ATE NTS of fa Preliminary moderate roit Ma NOTICE Is hereby given that Mary Alexander of the City Toronto la the County ol York Province of On tario In the Dominion of Canada Married Woman will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next Sessions thereof tor a bill of Divorce from her husband Edward Alexander the City of Toronto in the of York Province of Ontario la the Dominion of Canada Teamster on the ground adultery Dated at Toronto in the County of York Province of Ontario- this Thirtieth day of April Godfrey Toronto St Toronto Sollcitora tor Applicant

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