Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1907, p. 3

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Weeks s The sss i WHAT IS tow Specialty PlcNIc The annual Picnic of tbi Office claltj Employees will take place on Wednesday toe 14th of August at Jacksons Point The Newmarket Military Band has been engaged for the day and a big time is expwtett A Mean Thief Two parties in Town with patches adjoining report that somer body has been robbing tubers It is height meanness to rob a mans garden A close watch wag kept a couple of nights without sue- cess Fire Fire I At and 030 next Wednesday morning August the Fire Whis tle will blow as Engineer wants no one to sleep in and miss the train at for the Falls Everybody is going on Firemens Excursion Tickets on sale at the store Mr A and office of Mr P J Anderson on Saturday Brief lets The Metropolitan is bringing fruit now by he car load Night work commenced again at tbe Office Specialty this week to catch up fa orders masons have- finished the plas tering in Miss new bouse and are now brickcladding Dont forget that next Wednesday is Civic Holiday in Fire Brigade Excursion to Niagara Falls A small cavein in the tailrace is giving the Office Specialty some this week Somebody posted- a letter at Zeph yr for us this week enclosing in stamps but no name and nothing to say what it is for Public School Board Special meeting held on the 20th July Present Dr Scott and Messrs Clark Manning and The resignation of Miss Holiday who is going to the High School at Aurora was accepted with regret The bill of Watson for cleaning flock was passed Only three applications were re ceived for position Principals Assistant during the Model term and Miss Freeman of Kirk- field was selected The under of Hewitt for paint ing the Model School building and furnishing ell materials at was accepted Hoard adjourned Lawn Party Under auspices of tbe a Lawn Parly was held on Tuesday afternoon July on the spacious grounds of Mrs Cane which proved to be a very sociable affair At the business meeting from to 4 oclock it was decided to have a Mothers Meeting at the home of Mrs Bowman the date and other particu lars to be announced later It was also decided to visit the Industrial Home on of August Two new members were added to the roll During he afternoon Mrs Howard Cane sang two selections very beau tifully The Gift and Cast thy upon the waters Mrs Maw read an account of W work among the lumbermen of which was interesting was served and a collection aid of work in New Ontario Tbe hostess made It very for all in attendance i But Not Equal Year if Considering the cold and backward season Flower Show this was a remarkable success I The Skating Rink was nicely de corated with evergreens and with the artistic fountain centre the exhibits certainly looked pretty on Wednesday evening But for the wreck on tie that evening would in all pro bability have been a record attend ance As It was there was a crowd and the Town Band gave a del prog ram music The refreshment booth was fairly well patronized Bub to return to the Flowers the exhibit of potted plants excelled any- thing yet shown and is a good in dication of the beneficial influence Horticultural Society is having on homes ol Town- The fuch sias bloom were particularly at tractive There has always been a splendid showing of Sweet Peas but this year the falling off in quantity is very per ceptible though the quality was still retained The season is about two weeks later than usual which no doubt accounts for this How ever there were over bouquets of sweet peas shown The dahlias too were not up the standard but there was a good showing of pe tunias and double hollyhocks Nas turtiums too were plentiful The Floral Bouquets were numerous and a couple of handsome bridal de signs The variety of cut flowers was simply wonderful and between two and three hundred vases were used The exhibition of fruit was fair and considering the late season ve getables were excellent Following are the prize winners PLANTS IN BLOOM AbutiiionMrs Lepard- Amaryllis M Foster Begonia Tuberous Mrs 2nd Begonia A O J- H Mrs Codling Begonia any kind Mrs D AT pard Mrs Codling Watch Watch Prices In buying a Watch as good a Case as you can af ford but first get a Mover meat that will be Accurate Pick the Case- and let us decide on toe Movement and you will own a Watch and Time Keeper We some Special prices on Gold Filled Watches Repair Work a Specialty ft CO Jewelers en Opticians Iff J J CHINA HALL ALL SOLD ON THEIR MERIT ONLY AUGUST 1907 r Police Court Saturday a case of abusive between two wo men venlifated before Squires and and tbe fined and costs As Police Magistrate Woodcock dis- the caw of va the former being accused of altering the face of a note he word r Merest at per cent were added after the note became due was thought to be perfectly but the magistrate not to do J again as be was years in the penitentiary King was to appear on the charge of attempting to procure liquor he being a proscribed person He failed to and was fifitd and Saturday night Sain Harford down town for disorder ly conduct and was let out on his own bail to appear on Monday He failed to appear and was assessed or two months In Jail with bard labor- As a warrant Ham will probably scarce In these parts for some time come Two of men working on Queen St bridge abutment got Into a dispute as to which was the right way to do got a eye and the other was assessed five and costs tbe result of an Interview with Police Magistrate Woodcock on Monday and costs was the amount taxed a woman for unbecomfng conduct on Main St a tew nights ago It tailed- and was promptly pfd The Preserving and Pickling Sea son Is with us Make sure of RESULTS by using only Pure Spices and best quality of Vine gar etc ONLY PURE SPICKS us your orders Clearing out our DINNER SETS at CLOSE PRICES Over to choose from FANCY CHINA r A large Assortment of Vases Sets Lemonade Sets and Novel ties in both China and Glass R A SM The Leading Reliable Geranium ivy Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs Codling Geranium A J Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs Oleander J 2nd Miss Bennett Petunia double J 2nd- Mrs Jones J Smith 2nd Mrs Specimen Plant Mrs Codling PLANTS NOT NECESSARILY IN BLOOM Hanging Basket J Lundy 2nd J J Lundy Cactus Gardner J Lundy Mrs Codling Perrin Mrs Begonia Rex Mrs- Begonia A J 2nd Begonia best col J 2nd J Geranium col leal Mrs 2nd Mrs Codling Ivy any kind Mrs Jones Asparagus Kern J H Mrs 2nd Mrs Asparagus Fern aiihcs- 2nd J Lundy Fern native wood Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs Foliage Plants Mrs Jones Specimen Plant Mrs Mrs Bulbous Plant Mrs Urn Gardner J col Mrs Jones Mrs Codling House Plants col J Lun Mrs Codling Window BoxrW J Lundy 2nd Partridge CUT FLOWERS ETC Asters col Balsam J Smith 2nd Jos Robinson Dahlias Mrs Willis Hollyhocks Miss Newton 2nd Mrs Willis Marigolds Mrs Nasturtiums without foliage Mrs 2nd Gardner on stalks with foliage Miss Newton 2nd J Smith 3rd Mrs Petunias single 2nd Mrs Petunias double Mrs Phlox Mrs 2nd Jos Robinson 3rd Mrs Verbenas Gardiner 2nd Mrs Zinnias Mrs I 2nd Miss Newton 3rd Miss Newton 2nd J If Coxcomb 2nd Mrs Annuals Mrs Willis Perennials hardy Mrs Willis Cut Flowers A K Wil lis 2nd Mrs Miss Newton Nasturtiums col Mrs 2nd Mrs Nasturtiums col in bunches Mrs Poppies Mrs 2nd Willis Mrs J Smith Snap Dragon Mrs Miss Newton Stocks col Mrs Willis Stocks White If Mrs Sweep Peas col in bunches Mrs Willis 2nd Gardiner 3rd Mrs Lepard Sweet Peas Red Miss Newton 2nd Bert Gardiner Sweet Peas White Mrs Prosser 2nd Gardiner Sweet Peas Klrby 2nd J Smith J Sweet Peas Pink Gardiner 2nd Mrs Kirby Sweet Peas Mauve J Smith 2nd Miss Newton Sweet Peas variegated or Mis Newton J 2nd Gardiner Fuchsia Mrs Codling 2nd Mrs Geranium double J 2nd Mrs Codling Geranium single Mrs Klrby 2nd Mrs Codling Prosser Gardiner 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd Mrs J Smith best col loose Miss Newton 2nd Funeral design J 2nd Partridge Basket Cut Flowers Miss 2nd Mrs Lepard Hand Bouquet Mrs Jones 2nd B Gardiner I Table Bouquet Mrs Brides BouquetMrs Jones 2nd Mrs Willis Wild Flowers Bouquet Mrs Kir Sweet Peas and Mignonette Bouquet Gardiner 2nd Mrs Willis Floral design for Table Mrs 2nd J Extras Long Balance Prize List next week The board will meet to hear and de cide upon any appeals that may be made on Tuesday next after whieh the prizes will he payable by the Treasurer at Era Office SLAUGHTER r Town Council A special meeting was held on Monday evening the Mayor in the chair Reeve Keith and councillors Hunter Pear son Binns and Rogers were also present Mr A Brunton appeared before the Council to present the case of a lady distress asking assistance Mr Smith representing the Packard Electric Co appeared before the Council and showed a sample of a meter made by tbcrnvV Tbe following accounts were ordered to be paid J Buck drawing gravel I3fl Randall drawing gravel drawing grave chgd to 25 J Robertson Co pipes freight 2 Y R freight Can Exp Co shunt coal Patterson Mfg Co coal CO freight Pa- Sheet No Pay Sheet No L Can Co The account of J Morrison Brass Mfg Co for was referred to So Com to be paid if found correct L applied for water at Lot St Granted Tenders- were received for laying Dress Muslins Dress Muslins abo Dress Muslins White Shadow Muslins 30c for Black Teffeta Silk Waists size only Regular 500 for 275 Art Muslin for AllWool Voiles 40 inches wide in Blue Brown Grey reg for yd Boots Our output in Boots has year Why we keep the Best lies and Guarantee feverv Pair 7- i- A Powdered Lemonade Tin Jelly Powders 5e for Malt Vinegar Bottled it V THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Newmarket Markets Aug White Wheat per bush Rod Wheat pet bush Goose Wheat Rye per Barley pet 0 Peas per bush Oat per Buckwheat- 60 Bran per ton 20 Shorts per ton J24 Hay per ton 20 do Potatoea per bag go Eggs per doz 0 Butter roll per lb Chickens per lb Toronto Markets Attg I White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush DO j Spring Wheat per bus 0 Wheat Barley per bush Rye per bus Per hush 4s- roof on flat part of town hall from per bush Messrs Osborne Sons and A O dm- it Giles of Mr Giles for W was accepted The tenders tor tile received from Allan Co and A Giles were referred to the Coin with power to purchase Tenders were received for grano lithic walks and crossings from Stoddard and Browning On motion these tenders were not en tertained The clerk was instructed to adver tise for balance of galvan ised roofing Council adjourned UNDYS i 9 Newmarkets Leading Dry Goods Tailoring House 1 1 Every Day Bargain Day at This Busy Store I i A Potatoes per bag 1 Butter roll per lb J Eggs 0 0 24 Dressed Hogs per fi Chickens per lb 16 Turkeys 0 0 Big Reductions in Summer Goods OUR FALL STOCK OP SHAKER FLANNEL HAS AR- Try us when you want a good flttlng Stylish Suit for price as you pay for a ready made SATISFACTION GUARANTEED yAr Wc Leading Tailor Shop LONG SILK IN ALL I iv Dr Dean Specialist PRIVATE DISEASES of Men and Women 39 Carlton street Toronto On Sunday last Rev of Toronto addressed the Order For esters here at divine service at 210 pm ami in the evening he again About Foresters from Aurora besides several from other places swelfecl the afternoon service overflowing Among the visitors the past week we have noticed the following Mr and Mrs Ambrose Davis of King Mr Starr of Pine Or chard and two sisters from Toron to and Mrs Jos and family of Toronto Mr Wiii Stephenson has returned Mrs And Miss are spending a holiday season with her sisters at Pine Orchard Mr and Mrs Archie Murray were visiting friends here over Sunday Mr and Mrs Edward of spent Sunday in our burg a number attended the Con servative picnic on the road to the Lake say they got long- ill est they ever had and got III more than worth of their jju and- fain would hand them fare goodhearted aint they Mr Simeon Lemon spending a few days with friends In Island i Archie says the Grits have all turn ed Tory We would like to have the Owl version that Methlnku he is much mistaken Our young people complain of sidewalks hut how do like to promenade them At Terrys barnraising last Bakers side came out victo rious Mrs Terry- catered to about 250 hungry men and women in A I picnic style Master- Johnnie Ash Is having his holidays at R Hugbeya M Robinson Is again buying apt pies for Carson Lawn tennis ground Is now being freely and wife of Linton were visiting at Mr Murrays on Sunday- also Mr Wiggins of Toronto Mr Geo Pearson of Clarksburg was at Mr over Sunday Miss Steele of Toronto Is visiting week Mrs Mux- ICECREAM Pic- I Socials and Lawn Parties SPOONS AND DISHES Free With Any Order SIMPSONS PHONE NO BANK OF MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP I REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS rf ft Branches at all Important centres In Canada and in London- fcog New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland- Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodat ed as Branches at Newmarket and ROSS it 4 I The Reliable Store KESWICK P New prints English and Canadian newest patterns and the beat shades hare arrived P New Papers them be fore house-cleaning- latest designs In Best Wall Papers paints Sherman Williams better than MISS HILL la prepared to All all order for OPENING ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND W COLE LAND PLASTER Although the growth Is late you can increase your crop by sow land plaster We It at per ton A full assortment of Turnip Seed of all kinds also Millet aad Hungarian Grass and Rape Seed Place your order now for your seasons coal Pea coal Is the best summer fuel have dry slabs at per cord also all kinds of dry wood You get right prices and satisfactory results when dealing with North End Flour and Feed Store EVES I I PHONE ADMINISTRATORS to Creditors Pursuant to of Chap R Notice is hereby giv en that all persons having claims the estate of George Ver non late of the township ot Whit church yeoman deceased who died on the day of December at are required to file with the undersigned solicitor tor the administratrix of said estate on or before the day of August their Christian names and ad- j dresses with full particulars of their claims in writing verified by as immediately after said date the administratrix will proceed distribute the assets of estate ST J amongst those entitled having jgard only to those claims of which she shall then have notice Solicitor for Adrainlstfairlx July 1007 ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors Pursuant to Sec of Chap 121 Notice is hereby en that all persons v against tbe estate of Helena Doyle late of the town of ket married woman deceased who dfed on the 2nd day of April at Newmarket are required with the undersigned solicitor tor the administratrix of said estate on or before the day of August their Christian names and ad dresses with full particulars of their claims in writing verified by declara tion as immediately after said date the administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets said estate amongst those entitled having re gard only to those claim of which he shall then Solicitor lor Administratrix Dated sand July

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