Mfcx mm THE ERA I i- ORCHARD BEACH- Sirs Geo Richardson her cottage to Rev Madden Aurora Wanted house with Freed pi the Masonic price and particulars Address order Dandle Aurora and w Office Oaf I Frame House jidvmc auu the Misses for a J Sheppard Toronto Junction s were made stewards a- l Toronto Star is spending the ArJE tne are vsrtong at Mr J a Inmate h h the Mr of Toronto foundation and new furnace never got anything in Cobalt ex- 1 so i spent Sunday at Mr Central coated For Cheap ruirel IfcJS Helme oyer Newmarket J prospecting that mining region sermon by Rev Dr Campbell In V- CORSETS lJiSiiiS2l 5M- fcy J WEAR r f CORSETS NEWMARKET AND BARBIE For Sale Brick house and lot also frame evening- was a very fine discourse The Brandon Sun of July gives and of Toronto sang portraits of a hundred people who at both services Cane has been very sick again hut is improving slowly Mr and Mrs P Simmersoo and spent Sunday at Landing w twenty years were the active Mrs Luke Doyle attend the Choice location Enquire or A WILLIAMS RussVlirwbT visiting at Mr Kilgour at Newmarket Newmarket Get tie not the Imi tation Invest your money care fully Attend the ELLIOTT TORONTO Comer and Alexander dtreeta And you will get Genuine Business Education the kind that it pays to get Fall Term from Sept 3rd Catalogue WJ Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up till oclock pm Monday August the 5th or covering part of the market building roof with best grade of gal vanised all valley iron to double broke with shingles prop erly locked info same AH chimneys where metal roofing is laid to properly flashed and saddles covered Sheeting to be covered with K building Paper Tenders to include clearing old roof on Any information regarding the above can be obtained from W Hunter Chairman of the Market Committee J HUGHES Town Clerk Roachs Point She has promised to sing at the Union Church next Under the present Opposition Sunday also the leader of the choir er in Dominion politics Ups and of Broadway Tabernacle in Toronto Downs in the Telegram has reached As the Railway Co decline to put this conclusion are very j any improvements at the bright for Conservative success in crossing without a permanent right Quebec about years after the of way the cottagers at Orchard date upon which Sir Wilfrid T J departs this life and Downs sometimes gets ofi more truth than poetry The Conservative convention of Lincoln have renominated Dr sop MLA as the party candidate next general election lor Ontario The party organ at St Catharines however is kicking over the traces and has placed tire convention nomi nee in front of its firing line of heavy guns The Standard is loaded for game After Judge Moncks decision re specting the sale of ice cream on Sunday the Hamilton Herald asks Jf ice cream is a food would the judges call a milk punch The bartenders it is food and Beach have decided to take up a sub scription to build a platform and shelter for their awn accommoda tion Dr and Mrs Scott of Newmarket were at on day Mrs J Robertson has gone to to spend a week with Mrs A Davison A piano arrived at Edgemere last Saturday to the delight of the Mr Harry Gain Jrl of Toronto is holidaying here Mr Titus Robinson of Toronto was calling on the campers here on Tues day He and his family are occu pying a cottage at Morton Park Hon A attended Mr barnraising on Saturday men were Mr and family spent the week-end- at Zephyr Orchard Beach Miss Thompson of is visiting friends In town for a week Mrs Watson of Sharon left on Tuesday for a two months trip to Brandon Man Mr P J McCaffrey of London spent a day with his uncle Mr A J McCaffrey this week and Andrew Ego spent over Sunday with his brother at Virginia east l Mr Albert Rogers guard at the Central Prison with his wife are visiting in Town this week Tribune Mr and Mrs Herbert Elvidge of Newmarket visit ed friends in town this week Mr and Mrs of Mont real are spending the holidays with her father John Mrs Li Atkinson and Mrs Dr Wesley spent Wednesday with Mrs Jackson at Orchard Beach Ballard and daughterinlaw Mrs Geo Ballard all of are visiting at Mr Allan Howards Mrs Will of Toronto spent two or three days last week with her sisterinlaw Mrs Wright Miss Beatrice Wesley is spending of our customers await thjs event to purchase their TABLE LINEN TOWELS TOWELLING We are going to regard you for your pdttence waiting Every dollars worth of Linen on sale this Week inch Table Linen Half bleached good patterns good value at 35c per yard Sale price per Half Bleached Towelling yard Sale price per yard frl4a I noh Table Linen Bleached three patterns regular 65c per yard Sale price 39 per yard Li See Those Unique Birch Bark J Photo Frames For Sale At STUDIO Studio closed Wednesday af ternoon during July and Aug Phone VI drink now that Police and everything went along Magistrates and County ludsts about ice cream being food Lawn and lawn tennis are the High Court fudges will have to the popular games this vexed- son along the beach J An elderly gentleman rusticating in The did it because Herb resort was in con- rsation with Umax made them give a twent somewhat rt young lady ring up Lake rate This is the ingenious W eX shore offered by the Mr Frank Stewart and family partin type for the demoralization U StSl Sunday at Mr T C Wat- tiki mi Manning wife hut The old gent smilingly of Toronto arc spending a simply rol Ehej replied- dont know really unless few days with his brother Mr Hob truth is the equipment of the road was unequal for the emergency put on another ring or breast- Manning We are indebted to some friend for rated copy of the GRAND TRUNK pin A drowning accident was narrowly avoided early Thursday morning of j Sun which is a very MissdariceBrodieisvisitingin iZ Mr to Pay ite I Sudbury for a week the guest other council generously oner 10 pay in took y0 n I out for a sail and at the same j tt time to watch the that the hydroelectric power commis- 72 Grass Table Linen m A beautiful pure linen cloth reg ular 75c per yard Sale price per yard Heavy Double Damask Table Linen Towelling- g 800 good heavy Hand Towelling regular 9c per ydrd Sale price per yard Washed Russia Crash A good towelling for busy house wife A squeeze and a rub will wash it Sale price Table Napkins V i Linen good enough for the King regular per yard Sale price per yard v We purchased over 100 dozen of these direct from the linen mills in Bracebridge Only small quantities of each pattern They were made to per doz Sale price per doz GROCERY DEPARTMENT I t Save fuel by using Prepared Breakfast Foods these warm MaltaVlta Orange Meat Force Canada Flakes Orange Maize Toasted Flakes Shredded Wheat Crape Huts Trisoult When Montgomery to the house one of the has an offer from an old country fihaW Co to carry power by across boys slipped lake Ontario frorn Niagara Falls to and the Queen City This racana a faoat Mr Geo Knowlea of writes We still enjoy TO SUMMER TOURIST RESORTS Lake Bays Lakes Georgian Bay Thousand Islands Algonquin Park Quebec Portland and Old Or- TORONTO LETTER Me White Mountains reduction In the cost transmission and will help things along in moving Metropolitan cars on picnic occa sions in the morning the boat was struck by a gale on Fox Island and owing Mrs Cooper of Toronto Is old paper and are pleased Miss for notice the growth and They spent Tuesday at Or- going- on the the Town We chard lire having very fine weather and Mr Norman Smith son of Mr erything here denotes great lonn Smith of left We still think this- lovely spot to the shawl becoming entangled in threshing outfit Saskatchewan on Tuesday with a All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway the Tourist Route of America Direct connection with all boat line ticket on eale dally to all Cull and Grand Trunk Ticket and he will cheerfully give you particular W J Town Agent the dog a prisoner One of the hoys A delegation Of British pulled the dog to the touring the Dominion of Canada as Tne three boys then hung I w I In feet of water for three hours when they were rescued by an Indian The hoys got home for breakfast before they were missed from the house hut they will not for get llftflr experience Mr Charlie Rarmie left for Calgary on Monday night to a situa tion Bell Telephone Co of Official Directory the Town of Newmarket I- for new of or entile in to the Local AT STARR Local Manager guests of the Government were in the city a couple of days this week on their way to the Western pro vinces On Saturday alter noon the of the China Inland Mission were sad dened to hear of the death of Miss Gibson a missionary who had been spending a short furlough at the To ronto headquarters Tl Presbyterian Sun day School held a very pic nic at Bonds Lake Friday The only was the same kind of Irregularity experienced by excur sionists to the Jacksons Point pic nic on lifts same day Last- Friday afternoon a man J one Was caught in the act of trying to sell a of auto lift which he had n infracted from Co Joirshad his little he- longings at the the time of the arrest Evidently he thought of negotiating the tires and then leave the city He had the tires for not near their this led to his The Toronto District in tend holding a monster picnic on the 1 Aug at Centre Island the ropes it was Impossible to low- Mrs of Wash ier the sails before the boat capsized and Mr of It completely over and made London were guests of Mr John Ough last week I Mrs A J McCaffrey and her sister Mrs Kennedy have returned after spending a week with their in Lizzie Davison of the To ronto General Hospital staff is spending three weeks vacation at home with her mother Mr and Mrs Jos and Mr and Mrs Wake Howard have their- tent east of Morton Park for the month of August Ml Flossie Col Huh a week in Toronto with Miss Gladys and after that will spend an other week with her aunt at Lansing Mr was singing in last Sunday it looku as though the Methodist choir lose his valuable In Uie Miss Viola Vernon has returned to her home in alter spend ing weeks here Mr and Mrs fohn Stiver of are visiting their daughter Mrs Ross Vernon VArcy Miss of Toronto is spending this week In Town leaves tomorrow for Orchard Beach near future lo visit her sister Mrs Jack son Is the garden of the world Mr Jack Scully who has been visiting friends in Newmarket dur ing the past two weeks after an ab sence of six years left for his home in Kansas yesterday He intends to spend a week ah Chicago on his way Jack is an old Newmarket boy and appears to be doing well in Uncle Sams- territory He remarked that there were great changes in Newmarket during his absence but he enjoyed his visit immensely CRADLE I Cook Wanted Apply At Eagle Hotel ftand and by Uea4 to tot tot A mi AURORA Mr barn west of this place was struck by lightning and burned to the ground on Wednes day the buildings Mr- loses a large miyritity of hay and a number of Mr and Mrs If Toron to are spending a few days this week the Royal Hotel Miss of Toronto has been spending part of her holidays visiting friends In town i2 Mr Alfred and Miss Wells are visiting Mrs Godfrey in Ottawa Mr Webster left this Tuesday Manitoba Mr Webster expects to be absent about a month Aurora defeated In a league game played here Wed by to This is the first game ford has Mm J at Mr- and Mrs It Huston Sunday with at Mrs A J visited her sis ter Mrs Terry of on Thurs day and in the barn rais ing then The Institute will meet on at the home of Mm It Phillip prosperity A number of took in the to Jackson Point on Friday and were nicely taken in Mr and Mrs J It look a trip across Lake and down the Trent Canal to Falls in his new gasoline launch and enjoyed it immensely Mr and Mrs Gamble of Port Hope spent the with friends In Town being the close of his two weeks vacation Mrs Gamble will remain here for a couple of weeks Mr Milton and bride are spending part of the honeymoon in Town before leaving lor llrelr home in New York Milt was one of the old lacrosse players and the boys all wish him much Joy KELLY In Mast on July 1007 to Mr anil Mrs Frank Kelly a daughter HOPKINS At Albert- on Fri day July 20 to Mr and Mrs John Hopkins A daughter Holt on Friday July to Mr and Mrs J A Hop kins a daughter Buy your Berries for Preserving this week as these are nearly all done Best Quality and Low Prices is our Motto THE ALTAR July at 317 Brock Avenue To ronto by Rev J Mr Arthur of Aurora to Miss Linda Ausman of New market Cherries are Arriving We have some nice ones They will be cheaper than last year t A All kinds of Vegetables Live Stock Market No thiine in this week- Placing with matches at Head little Magdalene Bra bant set Ore to her clothing and was fatal burned man named Galley climbed on the rail of a boat at Chatham THE LKAD1K0 Undertaking House ford has lost consequently the boy J while Intoxicated fell overboard and fed very much elated buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I AND a U to l John H ORANGES FROM 25 TO ORANGES PER DOZEN TOMB DUFFY In her at King on July lfli7 Mary Ann Dully relict of the lute Duffy Indian Head Sask on July Annie beloved wife Geo Llnstead and youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Hamilton of In her year MCGAULEY t COME AND A CALL s a RoflbHoUSB Foppitow Undertaking MAIN ST All Order will Mann ft opinion fcot of Ti Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going and and pm Going North aid Ml and pm LEAVE TORONTO Going a jo MI d Going and pm Going East and am 510 and 1015 pm OLD 7 a omo