m 4 Trust I If you are suffering from Impure bloody blood ftb you should fttooce Ayer the you known ill your life Your doctor knows it too Atkhlmtboutit i NORTH SB If the or healthy they wont throw off tut tire changed into uric acid carried by th blood to Use nerves and Rhea- and i catty lets in Houses or VALE corner Farm tor Con I MS At Room to Rent boarding at Era Office TO to Large rooms suitable lor ttit housekeeping Also two la- can get or dinner Apply at Bra Office Too lata for teat and behold It came to pa that the tribe better known as the Ladles Aid of the village by the sea Keswick and the wandering tribe of missionaries commonly called Mis sionary Society made arrangements lor a great feast- Now it came to pass one of these had a branch at and thither they went Now the chief priest and scribes did send out word unto ait the land round about proclaiming a great feast and it was Hit Now when the time arrived for the it was found that the tribes had come from the North and from the South and from the East even front the rising of the suet and from the West to the down thereof And there had been gathered to gether the fruit of ill the land about Fatted calves bad been kill ed and the ox had been slain and there was an abundance to eat But it they had no bread and a lightning steed waa tent to a village not far off and he re- turned laden and there waa great re- Jolcing And the multitudes were made tit down in groopa and ana J drink and were merry Monday And the beginning and the ending the elghtfoor daughter of tad a narrow to it Came to peas that certain WCApi fa a they act directly bowels kidneys and akin and so strengthen and invig orate these organs that there is no urea and acid retained in the system to irritate the nerves and bring Rheumatism Sciatica and Neuralgia Fruit are intensified fruit juices with tonics and antiseptics added for Taster I I Stjicjw 9mnWik on Otn itboraU to arnlary on pit atone Cook atone slsl wta at enteral wnlca- raw Mfc and ad that tatatna bustler M tha ftaavy and the of the glands fiW Toronto D STEWART General A RANDOLPH wwehampty J grader lumber battling gravel A binding pit A A jrant A tin flna of the air or mammals or bv whkh apex of the The are and can be wM apart or and tha spinning spool can be aged In the seme way auk are In moa- pressor apon which at the will of the sptder silk the Into the spool whence It a filament since tt contact with the j thread a seen a web be made of number of file J advertising I bill John repairs A Com gravel t4 I Capital Fully over GENERAL BANKING SAVINGS CREDITED QUARTERLY PENNINGTON Mi- Albert Branch A M LISTER Manager Newmarket i did eat aTaifi te and is formed or That the Op of the spools the audi tors report of the treasure forced of the When accountstor year l- Pinnefa Joined and a nnm- be and I J th rvcelved or ribbons are one see Burn- the of or council in commit too of the Whole the making of central shield examine the romi and make machinery owner op- graveling as with skill into be wise In their now one part and now another More Old Riddles The following riddle of the oldest known It was first made in Latin and became in England three hundred fears ago it is washed mjr hands in water that never rained nor run dried them towel that was never wove nor span Tbe answer is dew and sun The the sun a towel is be In their opinion riven the making concrete pipe fct price last contract each for all play now one part and now another and again the whole with unfailing deftness and a master complete Dr A QUEER HOUSE The I and la Wjwwlae Tbe boos in said a i undoubted th received the when Dear Mr makers the Sow rtrer flie M i the next are bum of boos was waa Mt rig of of Now the CouncUlor Burns Sale Tea Good Lots Andrew Apply to J PARTRIDGE For Sale comfort street J A BaSTEDO FOE SALE were P of tore were duets called didnt to at on between the parties And the singing of first and the program pronounced the beat But it came to pass that thU great feast was held on the 1st day of April and one or the tribe of Jesse did April fool the whole crowd neither Mr the were injured in the least With the assistance parties who came along the waggon righted and Mr Ferguson came to town We by tha Oxbow Herald 3J7 that E ChappeU Sons A Co hank- w of that place have decided to open an in- about SPAVIN all hard soft or calloused from A roomed Stable and Barn Good Garden and fruit trees Op posite High School Apply to MRS J SPRING pelt The Herald says the people of that district are to be compli mented in securing such a gentleman aa a citizen On Thursday Mrs Sarah of Mosley street celebrated her the the tenth hour And it came to pass after feast of the mind was over it was found that the fragments of the other feast would fill many baskets And it became necessary to self these knuckles of the brae of rasa urns chunks of the th the steatosaurus th ornli or bird dinosaur entered into this wonderful cab ins maklna It the most curl us and America hut was built by of the English riddles are to very amusing Why doth a dog turn round thrice before to sleep is answered by Because he doesnt know where the bolster of his bed is Here is a pleasant old riddle Twelve pears hanging high Twelve men riding by Each ma took a pear And left eleven hanging there How was The answer one jjf the men waa What one foot at each side and tbe other in the centre of its body it never walks out but goes with one foot where its head might be dragging the other foot behind These feet have nails but no toes no beets ads no bones It Is the yard measure A young Bible student was askel How many boys arc there in your class He replied If you multiply tbe number of Jacobs sons by the number of times which the compassed umber measures barley which Boas gave Ruth divide this by the num ber of Hainans sons the number of each kind of clean that went into tbe ark multiply by the number of men that went to seek Elijah after he was taken to beavea subtract from this Josephs age at time he stood before Pharaoh add the number of stones in Davids bag when he killed Goliath subtract pa 1 onoAex of furlongs that Bethany was I was distant from Jerusalem its feet but no lew is all body but ha was shipwrecked subtract limbs has no of persons saved in head moves a great deal and remainder will be uses feet for that purpose has the the swaaasf suae sprains not herder who bad happened by and swollen throat dare Wi bottle War ranted the moat woadertui Blemish Care ever known Sold by J SCHOalliKKU was so And was the the beginning and the ending i eleventh hour walked Aurora it crushed through the The Urge smokestack on Mr J grist and saw null at was blown down by the he for of thouaanda of re on the grandest extinct animal bed the world This was a plot about fifty yards square wherein lay rich profusion the bones of all th animals of the reptilian age heav iest and the the and the smallest the tranquil and th most ferocious lay side by aide place was evidently once a bar and the dead bodies that float down the were No Alum Add there at For Sale or to Rent Cottage at Orchard Beach alSQ quilt which the female members air Frame Dwelling for sale corner of the tribes round about had roads Prospect Ave and Pearson St- with their own hands and be- ROBERTSON hold it came to pass that this Court Office j did contain all the names of the For Sale Cheap double house with utrftw gar and stable on Street large cottage with fins lata la rear of Public School Mast sold as I rious tribes and their aunts and cou sins And the chief Let the quilt be sold It was And the beginning the ending was the eleventh hour Now it found that there were many fragments that had Smith some of her grandchildren and one greatgrandchild the son of Mr Lome There were se veral other guests present from Au rora Toronto and elsewhere touched that bad to sold and they were sold and e were GEO A THOMPSOK J jj J Now while all this was going op House and tot for Sale tor pass that of tw f their custom did stay in groups to will the others preferred to sit in groups AST politics boraes etc etc The of not artii But when all tribes were themselves as to their native habits there was a great tumult and their voices were as of many waters And it came to that alter the feast waa and the tubes were beginning to make their so- Joorns Into fax off lands one of the chief did vote thanks to boat and hostess for their many ad the feast was a thing the past And th and the tiding was the for o AJ ft Farms for Sale Township of tat Acres Brick baak watered Acres Brick house bank to acres bush well watarad James Bay Railway A Sale The W P will meet in St Andrews church here on Friday af ternoon Mr Thomas Gillie is renewing Toronto friends this week Miss Tare is spending a week visiting friends in Kate Gray of King visited over Sunday with friends here We are pleased to see the smiling face of Will Ham in our midst again Miss Hay Boat who ha been spending tbe winter mouths at North Bay returned home on Saturday last School reopened on Monday again after Easter vacation Miss Mabel Carson of King City returned home after visiting a few weeks at her aunts sirs Mar shall of this place Marshall having a new barn erected this summer The ma son work will commence in a short time of the In roof mill till a sheep herder came along and bones as big bowlders set about tbe building of tha worlds queerest cabin 4 for Utiles oner Cor sale a of lots situated for Summer Cottages on the shores Lake shout sail a frees Keswick PO and close to The A York Radial Railway These lota are situated mad a AURORA The Metropolitan Railway hare made application to Council for j the privilege of erecting foot poles on the West side of St for tbe purpose of carrying their feed wires from Bond Lake power house to Newmarket The matter up at the Council meeting on Monday evening and the application will be granted under certain conditions On Friday a number of young men came down from Newmarket and after filling themselves with liquor proceeded to make themselves vary Pacific irrigated Farms IN Sunny Alberta- M into an j t a altercation on St an monstrated with them and was re- on the Lake shore warded a blow from one the face Mr Browning was about to Lay Information assault but the young fellow came and apologised and Mr Browning knew his he consented to withdraw the charge it is to be regretted these young reasonable For further par and Plan apply to Proprietor or to J So tor Newmarket Before deciding where to locate in the West let us tell you these lands beat wheat fields the richest grazing lanoVare in this Province Write us for full information about crops climate and special railroad rates etc Local representative wanted in each county Telfer Osgood latfen BUILDING MONTREAL iJskki CEDAR CORNERS late Tor last week Quite a number round here have tapped their sugar hushes and tbey say it is a poor spring for sap We are pleased to hear that old Mrs Pollock is improving slowly Mr Edward last week out near Owl Town Mr Stewart Draper and family left for the North West last Wednes day Mr Draper is going to work acres of land We all wish him success Mr Carman and visiting friends in last week John Hirst is going to work lor Mr Duncan King this summer Mr Silas is on jury My I Id get a call The Ladies Aid met at Mr Ste phen Winchs last Monday night There was a good time and a good crowd I am sure every person en joyed themselves Guess who the young man was that a trace of his harness cooing home one dark night rather lata too That is the kind of mud dy roads we have around here I am pleased to see Miss Hill among us again I guess I am not tbe only one Mr Robert Glover bought quite a splashy driver last week But he cant throw dust in our eyes Miss Lottie Gordon Is spending her Easter holidays home Miss Edith Draper and Miss Hamilton returned from the city last week two weeks visit HAPPY TOM Grip Fact The grip In not a bad cold and this fact worth knowing It serobtea a cold In some respects and are often wrongly dUaanosed the victims as grip The grip Is a malady has laws of Its own both as to origin and progress after According to the doc- tors It must run Its course there Is no special remedy that can directly destroy the infection no drug can j was in town over the kill bacillus or neutralise its tox- Mr and Mrs H Belfry of This also is worth knowing market were the guests Mr and main thing ik to nurse with care and Mrs J Sutton on Good Friday I taw in an officii report over of the baring powders sold in Canada contain atom and phosphates seems to me folk ought to be mighty careful what baking powder they me know if I baked my own cake and that there Is only one baring powder would buy Thats Georges Baking Pewoer It is a genuine Cream of Tartar Baking Powder free of alum acids lime ammonia and phosphates ST GEORGES is nukes Biscuits Cake Pies etc that are not only deliriously light and inviting but wholesome as well nook ten bow to a amber of novel l favorite la tw Write for a tee Dm a Cm Co or Lad to eatov 10 the 10 BRADFORD Miss Lillian Belfry of give the fiystem the best aid Its effort to throw off ens poison The workmen at the factory were engaged all a checque from the A Mas se estate Toronto towards building fund of tbe new church As soon as reading of which accompanied the checque was finished the congregation rose sang Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow This donation brings the I Friday in moving a new boiler list over and it is the in- horse power capacity across I and putting it into 1 Part of the machinery fur the Not Thirsty Jane the new maid always part of the machinery for the anxious to pleaae had been Intrusted dredge that is to he used the wlth the care of a little aquarium market canal arrived here this week over and seat about to proceed with the plans at and have the contracts let early next month The new church will be erected on the old site will cost The will of the late disposes of an estate worth He Knows the kind of Oiled stands 1 1 a- Am which the goldfish had always thrived very well until Jane came the scene The first day abe arrived she rave them fresh water as Instructed and then left them to their own de vices Bat alas one morning the lit tle Ashe were found floating feebly on backs M called the lons mistress retarding her wtth concern you given the flah any fresh water latelyr No maam Bless little hearts they havent drunk the water I gave them last month yetr and has been removed to the Holland rtlver bridge Witness A BRIE Rev J a very pleasant surprise in the way of an Easter gift to announce to his peo ple on Sunday morning- This pie HunUvillc Ont April The To ronto North Express leaving northbound at In collision with a northbound this mornlngabout One the train hands of the was killed and two injured A Normal Disadvantage Why do reformers so often come to I have often asked the question Senator Sorghum think It must be because they take up poli tic sn incidental diversion instead of a regular business Its the differ ence between the amateur and the pro fessional NOBODY NEED HAVE INFLAMMATORY I the THATS FACT THAT MEDICAL SCIENCE CAW PROVE TO YOU EVERT DAY IN THE YEAR CARELESSNESS COURTS IT- PRECAUTION PREVENTS- ITS NOT A CONTAGION THAT STEALS IN UNAWARES I South American Cure is fortress behind which yon may be perfectly secure and why take chances if through exposure to heat smd wet you feel those unwelcome chills then the fever then then the pains in the Do not off securing the greatest of rheumatic and neuralgia curca Shopping Never point my dear said titty But mamma objected the little j Experience shows that the duration oinflarnmatory rheumatism under suppose dont know the name treatment will cover a of six to eight weeks and what t WefciHir it gives to sufferer ani it incredible that South American Rheumalic thousands Slid SlJt- instances controlled and conquered most stubborn and to that desired Lumbago is one rheumatisms full brothers It comes and prostrates An suddenness of a thunderclap and yet as la tba moat ltbarTouiia inflammatory the South American Rheumatic Care propose for your hand soon Daughter comes as a ministering angel holds out its hand and bads the How do Father bear bent and bedridden take on suppleness of youth Lots be has been my testimony for J