Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 7

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vrr as CHINA School open again Monday morning I Several Town children are Forget with measles To get your Sapper in the A Toronto made Room of the Presbyter lIveiy down s Friday evening oclock Good program commences at a Admission and HALL April tee CANNED GOODS at Leading line it Old Homestead Brand lit fca guaranteed No and price to most planing lor the Tomatoes Straight 31b tin Pumpkin STRAIGHT for Choice Beans a tin OR FOR CENTS We purchased a large In order to tin at China Dept Dinner Sets Dinner Seta good tor Toilet Sets An Printed Good to 6 Pieces for Another Every of very A SMITH The psora it Stertopticma Rev Powers Day ton Ohio hUaion Secretary the Constable Duncan wan in the City on Tuesday when Ptumbly u committed Tor trial and bailed oat at The new catalogues are now ready lor the Library American Christian Convention rive a Stereo Mining giro a Stereo04can Lecture on Porto Rico and Japan on earning April Powers lecture to full of and profit whils viewa of Porto Rico and Japan are ad to my Aae A car received by Messrs A Pearson a abort time ago was U bunches abort The consignee was immediately telegraphed and be li prepared to prove that the full The Society of Vtlty Invoked van packed In the the Church under auspices the The shingles were The roads re North ceived too late for la issue Carting Sapper On Thursday evening last week the employees of the United Facto ries gave their factory curling team a complimentary supper at Simpsons Restaurant Twentyfive sat down to supper after an evening enjoyed in euchre instrumental and vocal music Having held the Shield for three successive years arid having not lost a single same In two years something to be proud of and the Hon President Cane ably complimented the team on their suc- lecture is to be given cordially inl ta and there Is vita the to enjoy with them the treat Doors open at lec ture at oclock A silver offering will be received the door Johnsons Specialities For floors and furni ture Get all information at Hardware Brtefht The boys are fishing for backers this week but so have bad very poor luck The Industrial commission er met yesterday afternoon Considerable grumbling the morn ings because the post office is 1st in opening Now is the time to cut the knot from the trees Penalty lor neglect from 11 to and costs The Good Roads scheme for York County wilt soon command attention Township have to vote on it before the June The high School The last term of the school year opens on Monday next In eleven weeks Entrance Examinations will begin During the interval a tboxo review of all the High School work will be It is most desirable therefore that pupils return on very first day of school and continue until the last day at four oclock At this season especially parents require more help than usual In the bouse and out of It Inasmuch as constant effort La necessary for success parents are requested to keep their children away from school as little as possible- The teachers are making vigorous efforts in every department and if the pupils attend regularly the best results are sure to follow Mr Coombs attended the Ontario Educational Associations meetings in Toronto on and Wednes day The Commercial Class is doing splendid work Our graduate In this department will be heard from after they leave school Buys square ft sor of galvanised steel shingles Every square carries a 15year guarantee Its worth looking into Sold only Hardware to be a lawsuit as the dis claims owing to their being a carload lot The Thought The every day friend two hundred thousand Canadian women Agency Hardware Newmar ket St Johns Church On Good Friday there was a attendance at the Veneration Service and Stations of the Cross On Easter all elements of mourning were removed and every thing had a touch of resurrection brightness The cut flowers and other decorations were better than ever under the artistic touch of Burke The services at and a also st pm were largely attended and conducted by Father Whitney Hiss Clara Kelman of Preston presided at the organ Solos were- rendered both morning and ev ening by Miss Kennedy and Mrs Doyle the cook was assisted by Miss Mag Kelman of Nort Bay Bxdtiag Runmwmy On Wednesday morning an exciting runaway occurred on Timothy St A span of horse belonging to Is rael Thirsk of Pine Orchard driven by a boy and just as crossed the bridge they bourne frightened at the morning train from Toronto It seems fun ny nut they made right for the train and the last coach caught the tongue breaking it off and also broke the upper jaw of one of the horses The came loose and the waggon ran into an electric light pole where the hoy was thrown out but escaped injury The horses were stopped at the top of the hill A vet was sent for and he thought the horse might recover the span were driven home A summary of the games played was given in a neat speech by Mr Cane the President who showed that all the trophies were becoming more valuable each year as annually a new shield bearing the winners name is added making the contests Mr Luke Doyle in bis speech claimed to be the oldest curler in the team if not in the Town and encouraged young men to take a greater interest in this most gentle manly of sports Other speeches were made by Messrs Brimson A Little Wil liamson Jos Roach J Marrow and V Cane Much regret was expressed at los ing Mr Marrow one of the best curlers who Is leaving to take an other situation and all joined in wishing him every success Mr Gilbert surprised his hearers by his violin selections Mr R was accompanist Songs were rendered by Luke Doyle and Jones but the star of the evening was Jack Cross who fairly brought down the bouse moving his laughter almost to tears About twelve oclock the party broke up everybody having thotoly enjoyed the evening BROUGHTONS TONIC NERVE TEA PURIFIES THE BLOOD TO INTRODUCE WE WILL SELL A 25 CENT BOX For Cents To introduce we sell a box for eta to any one this Coupon to Bros Drag Store before Mar BROUGHTONS Drug Newmarket PHONE Sand and Gravel For Cement delivered Orders by mail promptly attended to Cement Blocks for building pur poses for sale Come see them A Aurora of Mr It is with great regret that we are called upon to record the death of a warm friend Mr which sad event occurred quite suddenly in Toronto on Tuesdsy of this week Deceased was Principal of Newmar ket Public School lor oven a quarter a century and was identified with all the elevating interests of the Town He was one the leading trustees in connection with the build ing of the Presbyterian Church ih Newmarket and a liberal contributor as well as active worker in the Sunday School For many years he labored assiduously in bringing the Library to a state of efficiency The Bible Society enlisted bis sympathy and for some time he per formed the duties president For many years he was a great worker in the A lodge and was its honored financier in whom the mem bers had every confidence When he removed to Toronto a couple years sgo he sold the fine residence which he built for himself to Mr B Hunter and the the family from was greatly regretted Deceased msrried Miss Emily Stokes daughter the late John T Stokes Sharon who with a daughter two sons mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father The remains were brought here yes terday morning by tram for interment at Newmarket cemetery The numerous florsl tributes fled to the respect in which deceased was held The funeral service took place in the Presbyterian Church and was largely attended largely attended The church wan appropriately draped tor the occasion Rev A Campbell preached the sermon and Rev Amos of Aurora gars an address Miss Nellie For syth presided at the organ The pallbearers were Messrs Charlie and Leslie A Davidson of Beams of Toronto Abb Wilson and Brown of Sharon The bereaved have the sympathy Church The Easter services last Sin day were unusually well attended both morning and evening Sermons by the pastor were to Day The pulpit platform were suitably decorated with Easter lilies and other white- flowers and the music by the choir fitting to the Mr Resigns The 1st is all lu the tire It turns out so the outlook appears that in the geoersl charge of immor ality of members of Parliament in regard to which Geo Fowler P Conservative and Mr Bourassa M P Independent Liberal have been harping on were levelled at Hon Mr Minister ot Railways and Canals The Gleaner published by company of which Mr Fowler is President a few days ago following up the insinuations in Commons made charges against He of personal misconduct The Halifax Herald reproduc ed the Gleaners article as also did the Toronto World not forgetting to comment thereon This has led to in the courts On Tuesday says an Ottawa despatch to the To ronto press when the House met an announcement was made of Hon Mr resignation as Minister of Railways and Canals This was coupled with an unqualified denial on Mr Emmersons part of the charges occasion At the morning service the anthem chosen was He is in The en by with Mrs declaration ot his Collins as Soprano Soloist The publisn- anthem Alleluia Arose by Dr tioually well rendered Mr J Stephens taking the baritone Mr Scott after the sermon pond voice and style Solo The Resurrection Morn The Communion also at the conclusion of the Church The week of special services were well attended and productive of good results The address by Rev of Toronto on Thursday evening of last week was excellent The floral decorations on Sunday were very pretty there being Easter Lilies in full bloom besides ferns and other white flowers The services both morning and evening were largely attended The music by the choir was exceptionally good particularly in the evening Besides three or four appropriate anthems there were solos by Mr Barker Mr Stephens and Miss Maud Richardson also a duet by two last Tbe sermons by the pastor were on the Easter theme and were inspiring and helpful Anniversary services next Sunday Sermons by Rev J J of Toronto exPresident the Confer ence Mr is a brilliant pulpit orator and as he has been here on- several previous needs no introduction to Newmarket I people No doubt there will be J Urge congregations to hear him Special collection for church and par sonage repairs Annual Sunday School meeting last night Regular Fellowship Meeting oclock next Sunday morning in the Lecture Room The Finance Committee Church met on Tuesday evening when it was found that the contributions of- the congregation met all current expenses and 60 towards the float ing debt At the meeting of the Trust Board on Wednesday evening the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr J to Aurora was filled by the appointment Dr Scott of papers who have given these statements currency The despatch further intimates that in his letter of resignation to Premier Lsurlcr Mr expressed his to be relieved from Cabinet duties so that he might the better vindicate his character and so that no obstacle might be imposed to Sir Wilfreds de parture tor the colonial conference at London We are told that no ap pointment will be made for the pr sent to the office of Railways and Canals Mr Emmerson is losing no time over the prosecution of the above named newspaper publishers and has already taken legal proceed ings The gauntlet has been thrown down by the above journals and the tor Westmoreland has taken it up with a spirit which means fight to the bitter end We hope the courts wilt hew to the line let the chips fall where they may The atmosphere of Parliament will be all the purer and the tongue of scandal mongers all the more silent for these proceed The Reliable Store KESWICK P New Prints English and Canadian The newest patterns and the beat shades arrived P New Papers fore latest Wall Papers See then in the Best New Paints The Sherman Williams better than ever MISS HILL is prepared to fill all orders for Millinery In the Latest Styles OPENING ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND C W COLE AGENTS FOR Westons Childrens Shoes And Century Mens Fine Tailor Garments THE BEES NORTH YORKS STORE AGENTS PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS BOYS NEW TWEED CAPS A big importation of Boys New Spring Tweed Caps Special each MENS BOOTS FOR 3D Pairs only Mens heavy working Boots price Special this week 135 BOYS SCHOOL BOOTS FOR Pairs only Boys good strong School Boots tor CHILDRENS OXFORD SHOES only Infants and Child- Slippers and Oxford Shoes Reg prices and Special this week per pair NEW CARPETS NEW CURTAINS I NEW WINDOW SHADES NEW OIL CLOTHS NEW LINOLEUMS NEW TAPESTRY SQUARES NEW JAPANESE MATTING BUS FILLED CORSETS STYLES For young men are always different and always nattier than styles that appeal to older men If your clothes dont suit you li probably because they make you look too old A CENTURY BRAND The most satisfactory and Corsets on the Market today you wUh to look old Once worn always worn I Clothes are made tor young men and tor all men who want to took young try some SOLE AGENTS other make GOGHENOUR MARTIN COMPANY KESWICK Miss Hill again taken charge ot the millinery department in Mr Coles store We are pleased to have her in our village Miss is spending the Easter vacation with her father Mr Mrs Giles has been suffering from acute attack of rheumatism We hope soon to know of recovery Mr Roy Morton is home for the holidays A load from our village attended the concert and tea in on Monday evening Miss Gibson Holland Landing visiting sister Mrs Mor ton Morton is iu Toronto TORONTO LETTER Provincial Inspector Rogers has been detailed to investigate the Port Credit murder case Mrs Chas of Queen St died suddenly during Monday night of heart failure When Mr Ellingswortb awakened on Tuesday morning he wife dead his side She was years old Hon Speaker St John has been at deaths door all the week and the of flcial bulletins are anxiously watched every day The last one read Slightly Improved Dr was called a few days ago to the farm of Scott Tomlinson of Box Grove where a valuable Jersey heifer was sick The animal shortly after died A few days later Dr Tefft was called again to attend another Mr Tom- linsons cattle and succeeded in sav- the animals lite In January Mr Tomlinson lost a valuable dog thru poisoning and this latest oc currence convinced him that a aystematic attempt is being made to Injure him On one or two occa sions paria green been noticed around the watering trough It is probable that some steps will be taken in the matter The town council have decided to cover the floor of the new steel bridge over the Rouge with wood instead of cement This will effect a saving of about and tea in the Presby terian Church netted At the last regular meeting of the Methodist Ladies Aid Society held at the home of Mrs H Speight the sum of wss received to be sp- toward the purchase ot o ITCH Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious on human or animals cured in min utes by Woltords Sanitary Lotion It never fails Sold by it Y rough ton S No Pt II Bertie Rose Sr I Frances Cain Ross Jr Pt I May Robins Alice Average attendance 17 Aggregate attendance Present every day Flossie Johns ton Ross Grant Marie Thompson Total marks Class V Flossie Johnston Robert Cunningham Ross Clarence Wright absent j Fred Collins absent Wakefield La Peer absent Miller Mae Cain Vincent Cain Max Nora absent Arnot La Peer absent Sr Marie Thompson 356 Louise Miller Jr Blanche Cunningham Mabel absent Alice Teacher No Names in order merit Hicks Int Russell Regg Emerson Black IILJohn Aubrey Rey nolds Tommy Cole Willie Black Edith Peaks Eva Jr Micks Willie Blsck Ruth Richardson Sea Eves Cecil Jr Stanley Eves Nellie Tansley I Floyd Milford Smith Present every day Nellie Eva Tommy Cole Honor Roll for good Micks John AUeyne Eves Stanley Eves Tommy Cole Micks Nellie Smith Emerson Blsck Cecil Foster Olive Black Eva Aubrey Reynold Average attendance Gertrude Teachsr SEED TIME IS COMINC Why sow home grown seed and take chances of sowing weeds You shall reap what you sow Sow good seed and reap a bountiful harvest Our stock is complete RED CLOVER ALS1KE CLOVER TIMOTHY SEED These seeds are all examined by government in spectors and therefore you take no chances when sowing our seed OUR IMPORTED RED CLOVER IS A WINNER SEED GRAIN Seed Pea and Seed Barley Try a bag Of FIVE ROSES FLOUR PURE MANITOBA Coal and Wood a Specialty PHONE H EVES EARLY MORNING DELIVERY Orders Called For And Delivered Promptly WCHOWARD Our Grocery Department offers you the best facilities tor procuring high grade goods at the lowest prices possible Buying as we do for spot cash we give our patrons the benefit of discounts that some mer chants are strangers to Our Tea Department is a strong feature in connection with this busy store and no value surpasses ours very few approach them Our Black Ceylon at A famous Tea Our Japan Tea at worth Teat this Our Black Ceylon or Mixed Teas at A line Teas Black Green or Mixed Bought to sell at ft but not up to our value standard lbs to clear at Is OUR PROVISION COUNTER We have added to this Department a line of Pea Meal Bacon Canadas choicest product It costs s little more but this so vastly su perior you will easily recognize its worth Hams Rolls and Breakfast Bacon sliced to please you A select variety California Oranges at close prices Choice Messina Lemons a dozen lb Onions for Radishes Green Onions and Lettuce CROCKERY DEPARTMENT We have one of the largest oC Crockery and in North York snd the Assortment Is complete and the Prices Lower than the Lowest A pleasure to show you our Stock See ours before purchas ing Highest Market Prices paid for Butter and Eggs or any Produce have Leave your Produce here in the week Every day is Market Day at this Store WITH AN HURRY UP ORDER TRY US PHONE 5 C HOWARD ji J i fill

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