Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 6

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INSURANCE COMPANY Mailable of CANADA I ui or i centra Id lOO Peoples Shoe Store BIS REDUCTIONS In Men and Boys Heavy Berlin Rubber Youths Boys and Mens Shoe Packs at Prices that will ariae you It will par YOU to LEHMAN SOVEREIGN BANK MOUNT ALBERT Paint and Varnish Often cover a multitude sins la Furniture that a well known Its pretty hard for the a vera person to tell by the looks how a of Furniture may tell bat every person a Rood though every person nearly doe At some time or other save Furniture to buy IS ONE WAY TO BE sore satisfied and pleased that la to come here A save everything to by a close for every article la every bit as as it looks ALLAN THEAKER MOUNT ALBERT T ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES them REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE Prescript loss and family Receipts reoaire- personal day or slant W T LLOYD Chirr and Wanted vCcdr Point the Mount Albert Tot reboot- Company Klodlr aafttosteiutosuc quality nod price to he ry DAVIDSON Mi Albert J F COOK t Agent For CREAM SEPARATORS FARMERS SCALES fit J Hunters old Mount Albert tr- V 70S SALE Store and dwellinghouse combined Ik business locality Mount Albert for Grocery Ice Cream par ser Barber etc For full particulars apply to A JONES Mount Albert Jersey Cattle Six fresh Jersey Cows or STOKES Bull for 8ate Pan bred Shorthorn I jeer Lot IS Co East FOR SALE a harm- Sewed oat lot It For tarts to a awa v -tjip- V V1 r r THE There was the uaasi goodattend- added to aatiecaa and ail largr quantity vtoeswnna very much enjoyed at the Market Tuesday Prices as follows butter eggs to chickens c and turkeys IS to r CARD OF THANKS The widow and family of the late W desire to neighbours and friends also the singers for their kindness and sympathy during their sad bereave ment The Mount expect to give excellent on or about April IB See next week Mr held Ms de livery of farm implements on He delivered three car of im plements Mr C Davidaou been ap pointed Canadian Government Km ployraent Agent for Bis vicinity his ad In Mother column OBITUARY Mr Daniel for years a resident of Albert died at the home of son las I in otrThuraday last Mr his usual health and was at the home of his son when he was suddenly Stricken with heart failure and passed away in about two hours He has sons living and daughter Mrs William Mr Toronto home for the holidays Mr or the civil waa a visit the roof from Friday to Tuesday Mia Lundy of Sharon Sunday with the Misses ward Mrs continue to improve and expects to be able to leave the hospital in a few days We are also pleased to report the excellent improvement in Dr Pear sons health Miss Mae came home from Toronto for and 111 on Friday evening Nothing serious developed and she is now able to be around again Mian Alice spont a few days last week the guest of Mia Gertrude Mis Edith Sbarpe of Baxrie Col legiate wan home for the holiday and returned Tuesday Mr visited at his home in from Thursday to Tuesday We regret that Mrs has been confined to the house the past week wit la We hop for a speedy recovery Mr Hill away last week buying another car load of horses- Mr Hill expect to go went in a couple of weeks We extend a hearty welcome to Snyder Veterinary Surgeon to our village Mr Snyder is moving Into Mr Geo Wrights house on Maple avenue and expects to be tola cornea Bin seeking and so art the human specie Items are due by every issue Lou of people are on move now Thia wee we lose John good neighbors indeed will fill Archie Murray apent the holi days In Toronto with her maw Albert The following spent the holiday In our burg Mr Roy Mr and airs JoiiQc formerly one of Baldwins he cornea well recommended be- women Misses Jessie forehand and Mabel all of To- A They alt seem having the just two year old son of a bangup good time our postmaster Geo Crittenden de- Mr Ben took a business spite bis a banker trip to the city last week will He already deposit In a hear more about it in a future chartered bank besides a private of the Era It related to the hank with silver and copper welfare of our market which still He is a very knowing little lives thank fortune- i shaver for displaying his bank I To The Fair Sex Miss Cora Tom jam sure I have never come across a have her display of precocious child in the matter ready for inspection on Tuesday I of He talks as last She has some unusually ally as a child of ten in well con- charming millinery effect phrases and sentences dainty bridal hats You There- might be some variances of j J j r see them A great many celebrate Blaster wtttoot really knowing the whys and wherefores It it called de rived from the Anglo Saxon meaning to rise because Christ rose from his grave at that time about years ago I think many make this religious festival the occasion for an awful gorge opinion as to how March came in but all will agree with us in saying that she went out with a great roar Little by little the light is being let In on the nefarious methods whereby they are booming Sutton market It is alleged that frequent ly the price of produce is run be yond Toronto figures May I Inquire who pays the piper One Broad The remains were brought to Mt Albert on Saturday and inj comfortably settled and ready for in Albert Cemetery business this week We wish him success and ask our readers to pat ronise Mr Snyder who comes here drafter five years good practice PERSONAL Miss Lillian is spending Toronto visiting at Mr Frank vacation at her home here Miss Jessie teacher of t Constable Kavanagh the spending her holidays with hr rents town man named Fisher took him down on Monday and Assault was the Mr and Mrs charge Sunday Vary sorry to hear of the death of Mr of Toronto former- Mis Alice Davids of Is h r respected friend of a number at the home or brother I extend their sympathy to the widow and children at the home of Mr visiting Mr Davidson Mrs Henry Johnson and Mrs of York were visitors at the home of Mrs Sister last week LETTER OF THANKS To Mount Albert Lodge No lrtt O A The Rev J McKee Mclennan was waited upon by a deputation of pa rishioners last Thursday evening with an Easter a Permit me to convey you j Morris of cut oak to the officers of while Mrs McLennan made the gratitude for their in recipient of a purse of The sending me the cheque In full for address was read ny Mrs A being the amount of held by my late husband Albert J Rose To the officials of Mount Albert Lodge I am grateful for the courtesy kindness and sympathy shown me in these saddest hours of my life With best wishes for the future success of the order I remain yours very sincerely MARY ROSE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Johnstons lecture was by a full house on Monday Pugsley the presentation of the r made by Mr f Hectors Warden while Miss present the purse to Mrs McLennan The Rector who was taken complete by surprise replied inking hi friends for the gifts ami for tfce kind thoughts which prompted them Be low is a copy of the address To the Rev 1 and Men McLennan Dear Raster tide is again drawing upon us speak ing of hope and cheer and bringing to a close another year of our rela tionship as pastor and people We The young ladies from the city buyer candidly owned up to a Bald- notwithstanding the unfavorable win lady that in one days purchase are enjoying a great big he waa out of pocket day They are becoming social Walter Conner ha made every here One of them brought para for a large for gray my little friend Henna Dorothy lime this season Miss Mary Taylor so Dame Rumor a most elegant gold locket Well Mary is a model necklet young woman and Ill tell the rest last Those who missed it I ambled evening to missed a treat those who heard it t0 you in a measure our venture to say would not fail to your efforts in our Mr Johnston if be were lectur- you in ing here again upon any subject votir token of JSSSfJ esteem and confidence we ask choir acquitted themselves so well in the Methodist church on Sunday last i our you Mr McLennan to accept this Morris chair and Mrs McLennan this purse of gold Trusting you may both long be spared to pursue your labors in Gods vineyard and that He may your Signed on behalf of the congregation tyn A Colson J Gra ham F A E Rev J Everett T Ardill John that quite a number have sent in a special request for them to repeat this music next Sunday April both morning and evening and we are glad to be able to announce that they have kindly consented to do so The regular meeting of the Auxiliary will be held st Boyd Marsh Lake John Howard The Auxiliary would be pleased to Mr Loo Draper gave his annual in the sweet by and by dance to the young folks on Good The Canadian band were Out for Friday eve The city belles were practice on lust They are now demonstrating to our rustic beauties Iris up how they do such things in the city It is with sincere sorrow that we heard many expressions of pleas- announce the decease of Mrs Paul with the evenings entertainment Her demise occurred on especially with the dainty spread Sunday morning Burial at St provided by hostess myself Anthonys churchyard on Wed De- know something of Mrs only survived late in the culinary art band by a few abort weeks Though Miss Lucy Crittenden of Muskoka of the Roman Catholic faith she was late of Baldwin writes We like our a woman of decidedly liberal views new borne very well It is a weeny and was none the less a Christian bit lonely We take the Era to be She possessed many truly excellent sure so stuD the Breezes with all qualities foremost being generous- the news Yes Miss Lucy we miss hearted to a fault always remember- thy face and Father Wm andj the needy poor and highly en- Mrs from their dally drives to teemed as a neighbor by those who the Ranch knew her This I say after an rifle experts and of years arc on the alert for wHd geese but Those city belies have left fir have only secured nost many rural admirers They are no magnificent gander They seem doubt fine ones but as the owner of shy this spring great racehorse Eclipse said Squire David Graham hi Eclipse was first the rest nowhere doing some repairs to his house The Owl thinks Baldwin belles are on Thursday slipped and tell to the first all the world else are nowhere ground twenty feel below eot Sorry to learn of the toss of terrible shake up but no bones other old friend I have pleasant broken As he is eighty years of memories of Mrs Peter Deguerre age it is almost miraculous that he aunt Clara from my very early escaped with only a severe bruising days He landed into a gooseberry which somewhat broke the violence of the fall He shouldnt be so ven turesome There must be there is a sprig of Irish blood in his Hes tough thats certain An Old Duffer A Ravenshoe black smith was loudly puffing his abilities as a rifle expert in presence of a number of enthusiasts at the game the other day it was mere childs play for him to plant one ball exact- on top of another in the centre of the bullseye at one hundred yards and many similar wonderful deeds He must have been a wizard Years Ago Following arc the names of the of ficers of the township of Georgina for the year sure enough That was in the days of way back yonder He frankly ine that he was a has JJeeveAngus Ego been- else hed a been challenged by Councillor Kenneth Cameron a score ambitious youngsters John Boyd and siring to gain a niche in the pinnacle M j Clerk and Treasurer Mark Hugh of tap- his maple prove here We are pleased to record our boys kept away Thats right boys much to your credit welcome all the ladies of the congre gation whether members or not A contract has been given by the Canadian Pacific Railway for the con struction of a branch line between and Victoria Harbor at a coat of nearly Auditors G Hall and Thomas Weir Assessor William Collector George Johnson understand that John Hillis and ViewersThomas Miss intend moving to the farm here We may welcome the Sbire Charles The Pancake social under au spices of the Christian Guild will take place in the Hall on Wed evening next April supper served at oclock The program will con sist of solos readings recitations etc but the treat of the evening will be a lecture by Rev L C of Toronto The subject will be Has the Bible Come Stay This is an interesting and profitable lecture and several occasions Mr has been asked to return and repeat the same oration Tea will be served in the hall and the program will be given in the church thus ample room for as many as wiah rm labourers and do- to enjoy the treat servants In this vicinity Any Mr and Mrs J Robinson of To- miring such help should ronto spent over Sunday at the stating fully the Manse Mr returned to Wp required when wanted NEW ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale Fresh Cow Calf by her side ABB WILL30X Sharon Farm Laborers and Domestics Chirnaide William Jos Kay Neil McDonald John and Samuel Cooper Pound Keepers Hill young lady as a member of the Bald win Belles Club Miss Mabel Miller I ought to call her Princess Mabel as is the daughter of King John invited How i a number of friends in to dinner tol Jan her celebrate her fifteenth birth- m0n day on Easter Sunday She served Overseers of Highways Joa Slip up a fine dinner of her own cooking j P Jan Robinson She is wonderfully clever for her age jM fclves can cook laundry do fancy J Bolster Marshall work and general housekeeping farI Hugh Cooper better than scores of dames and ma- Archib Riddel John Rae Mr Ritchie Port Townsend State a very clever lawyer is here in the interests of James Chapman a have been appointed by Do- A i Like most Americans be can talk to minion Government to place Immi grants from the United Kingdom in beat the band and one listens almost at his wonderful city on Monday but Mrs Robin son is staying for a few days Mr Wilson spent the holidays at his home in Brampton Mr J Oscar Johnson took Mr Wilsons applicant with help required work on Sunday and received the C W DAVIDSON and wages offered The arriving may not be to supply all but every effort wAl be mad to provide James Johnston Anthony tler John Graham John James Lyons Of the above only two are now liv ing James Johnston who Uvea in California He Is in his and is an uncle of ExWarden H Johnston of The other is On behalf of James Chap- near be presented Chapman taw to wish a cheque for as a to ken of brotherly good will This will do much to heal the bard feel ings that have heretofore existed Charles a sales agent of- the farm gets a handsome remembrance more than he intended billing the estate for Mr Harry Ever who has spent congratulations and beat wishes from Canadian Government Employment a host young and friends I Agent ST Special music waa rendered Mount Albert ft Special Easter music was rendered j in both churches on Sunday last Mount Albert P O days prior to returning to Merry Old rest have all passed away to that land from whence no traveller ere re turns readers ean look- over this list and sec the of those hardy old pioneers who chopped out the highways and built the cord uroys and the foundation tor our present the present generation drive their bicycles and automobiles over while they often travelled many miles to church mill or store with a yoke of oxen and sled A Perfect Luxury to Japan Tea Drinkers Lead Only Mo 40 per lb All Grocer Churns Butter Workers Butter Bowls Ladies Etc Washing Machines Wringers Clothes Lines and Clothes Pins M R SUMMERFELDTS MOUNT ALBERT DEPENDABLE GOODS GEO H PRICES RIGHT S0N THE QUALITY HOUSE I We have still a number of lines Winter tbat Beat be out in order to make room lor out Spring Stock We have these goods at money saving Pikes for oar are Fleece Lined reduced to eae Mens Fleece Lined Drawers regular Me reduced to Mens Mocha Gloves regular reduced to Hens Mocha Gloves regular reduced to Mens Mocha Gloves regular reduced to Mens Two Buckle Sang Proof Rubbers reduced to Mens One Buckle Snag Proof Rubbers reduced to Mens Arctic Over Shoes regular reduced to Mens Cardigan reduced to 100 NEW PRINTS We have Just opened up a nice assortment English Print THE TIME TO BUY IS WHEN Yon Have Lota To Choose Prom You Have Time To Make Item Up You Can Buy At Right Prices Test TIME It Now And Thie is the Store to Buy GROCERY SPECIALS Its Currant for Mat Figs for I Its Rice for Cane of Pea for COME ON IN H WIGHT SON The Leading Merchants 20 lb Pail Pare Lard Victoria Cross Brand Salmon fee Cans ol Cora for Best American Coal Oil for per gal Glad to greet yo Q U E E estimates were pre sented to thc House by Hon Mr Fielding They aggregate 2105- including chargeable to consolidated fund and chargeable to capital account Sir Wilfred Sir Frederick Borden and Hon Mr left Mangolds son Lot 5 Con i f For Sale Two choice young Durham Imported Mcintosh Also a lev Ottawa yesterday afternoon for St choice Berkshire Sows registered John whence they will sail today One Standard bred Stallfcoa by the steamship Empress of Britain j three Easy Earl for England to attend the Colonial I Terms right if sold at once Apply Conference E SCLARK JOHNSTONS New Wall Paper Roll Our New Wall Paper has arrived and embraces almost everything thoroughly up to date including the famous two tone silk effect Prices run from 5c roll up New Field Garden Seeds Red Clover Timothy Rape Millet Mangold Sugar Beet Sugar Mangold etc Papers Seeds New Spring Dry Goods Our stock Muslins Voiles Zephyrs Ginghams Prints etc is without doubt the finest ever shown in Sutton We make a point to clean up our stock each season so that everything here will found thorough ly stew sad up to the minute and possessing a daintiness and an Individuality about them that is one of the very strongest features of our store New Maple Syrup We specialize each Spring on Maple Syrup Ours the distinctive flavor and that rich golden brown of the genuine hums article Clean and thick and without a particle of Put up In glass sealers gal your back if dissatisfied Johnstons Cash Store Sutton A

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