Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 5

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Ml J Or ITS TO Current ye met fl wirt more lKttUtd mitt a in iih nmi as Toronto on Good Friday and was Newmarket were Tetagoos Manning w Mitchell Trent to Court taw nit dtpertnfib of nenool trustees rota of the Province walked upon Miniate of nfotentlag against toe minimum ssUry The Lakes Association ap peared before the Municipal of House last week and presented that summer tourists were being unduly taxed in Parry i Sound and The promise given that the revest would be considered ar toe tiie is Ontario so the 4 aw fc 1 J Uioritle North entitled How rf iSSr Mr Wood known The of boat of of toe ban em iaiian Cauda It oft with a front or piece entitled the and tbere ate other rtprodocttoaa and related to Christ begins with an article Toronto a turn Id it by Smith Hon John Charlton contributes an J A iint for in boific elected 2nd majoritr ol of Mr Omen of Bradford was elected on the Ex- Moo7 to tf Bat A fftfon Bolton Everybody The front out of tic ground and time tor Spring Cleaning ha arrived Let every householder up his premises as early as possible and alt through the summer keep his lawns and ground in order Us the brush free ly and keep the gates and fences in proper repair Let every in terest himself in making tbe Town attractive It is a source of pride to its citizens and stxmngcrs will say of it that Li is a pretty and desira ble pUce to live in Prion push Lake tourists much clos er the they will go to the House and seek relief from school and road taxes simply paying the general municipal rate They hue no interest in the as closed during the holidays lump ers ln O- VOICE litrket JdinnU TEACHER OF Aurora of M AGE LICENSES I the issued at If NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones JAMES Fur Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties in at THE LEADING Next to Boyd Livery It to mow to all tains Orders by for ail of the prompt A Old Dr DENTIST St Peansoo dentibt Fittylour persons were instantly killed Thursday night by a dynamite i explosion in a mine at j Transvaal STEEL SHINGLE METALLIC Fair Butter 0 to Eggs to Dtesaed chickens Dressed Turkeys to lie lb A ports to SO eta per Apples to per barret Potatoes per bag US to lee Old Hens lb Live Ducks so loo lb Live Gees and lb Live to Hide to Sic per to Sbeepssins to Kip 8ktm So lb Horsebldea to Young nigs pair Hogs Uvs A I North Qwilllmbcry Cornell meeting hold it Botha ven Mar present Minutes of previous meeting and A copy of byla a to tAH8h a county roads was sented Tor approval or -lUpro- The council were not In fa vor of the bytaw The auditors report or township aoouals was accepted satisfactory ami one hundred ordered to printed Tor distribution The who council a road and bridge committee for Win was paid statute labor tax paid In Herbert Winch damage to rattle on highway Mu nicipal World election and and subscriptions a by law was appointing Ov erSeers of highways Jesse Jan Merchant Thoa Yates 7 P Reed Joel King A Crittenden Oil John John Smith Morton Win John ney Wash Winch York J Nelson J Morton Storehouse Bennett Arch Stevenson Cuthberison Lang J Munro Graham A Hamilton Shaw J Till White Hover J J Anderson J Peters Trivet Pound keepers J Walter Chan Stephens A Stone house J Graham Graham t Fence viewers J Jr J McNeil J Hamilton Stephens King Munro and Morrison The council then adjourned to inrct as court of other May itith Mr of Riverside near Melbourne went top of bis house to flgbt a Ate- He fell through roof into burning bouse sad lost jLarge deposits of lead bare been ftrol and to A petition has been presented by commercial travellers and railway on trains for a commercial voting law The petition for the foregoing class of men to he permitted to vote before the county judge magistrate or justice of the peace on a Saturday or Monday pre ceding the election voter is to take tbe oath that be la duly en titled to vote and that be get home without losing time or money Tbe voter to place ma ballot in box judge and after the election the judge shall open said ballot box and count the ballots before the returning Infringement law the petitioners suggest should be pun ished by imprisonment tor not less than one month nor more than The petition will not be considered this session Before the adjournment lust week Hon Mr announced that Government consented to a renewal for six months from April next the guarantee of the out standing of the loan as it is popularly called The guarantee given by the former Ad ministration on behalf of tbe great in dustries the- Lake Superior Corpor ation at the Soo was for IS 000000 On May too Government were relieved of of and for balance Govern ment agreed to a renewal until Nov 1 In October however on the re quest of the Canadian Improvement Co which baa charge of the reorgan ization of the corporation another months extension waa given Mr Wood well known nature student writes on Awakening of Spring Mrs Jean has a good Campbell contribute fl pages with photographs on ScottishCanadian poetry There are as well several weiMUostrated articles and poems together short stories of a sea sonable and entertaining character If Canada alia to the diplo matic ear of Great Britain at the ap proaching Conference to which Pre mier and a couple of his col leagues in the Dominion Cabinet are about to attend so that professed American Friendship for the Moth- will not continue to allow- that nation to pursue under the guise of friendly arbitration a sys tematic usurpation of rights the people this Dominion be quite prepared to go out of the conference business sue the money it costs for purpose ease at than what In as Is known as Is Has rasa of a to Wood of tonsfftsctij road add at do to ratssspsvinca In eating sad drinking sad some At the South iHniin Liberals at Barrie last month Hon leader the the Whitney Government In to liquor legislation by ilcclwing there never was a time in the his tory of Ontario so thoroughly compelled the li cense to be subject to them as now He further observed Some of things which have been carried on during the last two years is an outrage on society The scheme for local option as introduced by Hon Mr Manna was not that of rule by majority or compatible with the principles of Canadian institu tions Should the Heredity la soma esses ssssas to play as important part la great nssjot try symptonu olio s or der with a of discomfort after meals and an unpleasant taste mouth followed by throb- bins and vertigo muscular pains which may be to one or mors muscles or sktp about on to another and En most cases tbe most troublesome off all symptoms is dpreios of pints tbe patient Imaslnlaa that be baa all or ailments suffering from disorder as s result of this disease been known to commit suicide these cases srs not common but It should be remem bered thst they are among posstbli- A iu New York World AT Leading Hardware Store WHILE THEY LAST Dos Scrub Brushes Regular goods selling at Dot Shoe Brashes Regular goods selling at 10c Dos Stove Brushes Regular goods selling at Or one each of the above at Dot Regular goods selling at SO Doc Regular goods selling at Dos Toilet Brushes Regular goods selling at ALL OF THE ABOVE GOODS WERE BOUGHT BY US SUCKLINGS AUCTION ROOMS TORONTO CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING FROM US MUSK RAT SKINS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR SAME J W ALLAN COMPANY EWMARKET STAGESTRUCK An of the Boyhood of William MeKfnley Out does oar martyred president an ambition to but la a of have conceived on ttsn In Uvea a to tn beards find tn account It wsa while holding bomb of clerk at a hat atore in Cin cinnati Mr became and once confessed tbst he did not bis desire to be come an actor for many years after ward This deelre through wit Shakespearean plays as presented by the tragedian Ed win Forrest for whom Mr conceived a greet admiration A motion the Premiers met with Instant it ion lest which on the part of the Opposition leader Imagine my feelings presl- dntsS on on when m ambition- this criticism what to antici pate regarding local option SPRING OVERCOATS IN DARK GREY CHEVIOTS ARK MOST POPULAR THIS SEASON MADE LENGTH See Our Goods and Styles C WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET The leader of the Opposition in Legislature has not a wr licit idea of Hon Mr Whitneys choice of a Minister of Education or of the real walked Into our one day to make a purchase I rushed to front In order to serve my Ideal of tb theater however mad by an older clerk but I siren privilege or pressing and stretching the bat Tb greet actor stood me my work and text books below Third Reader form of quarts and thus lessen the cost of nriiujiy education A column of French troops took possession ol the Moroccan city of on Good Friday from an atom to a crystal as large as a forearm by a of sddlttoa snd wonderfully slow bat beautifully recutar exactly ss crystals of form on tb window Expectant Mothers should take during this trying The extra train weigbt and undue pre- retina sure on the delicate organs often Str irritate and inflame the kidneys This not only increase the dan ger of childbirth but places the health of the baby in jeopardy qualifications of the Minister Legislative Speaking at last month of appreelatJon which be Assembly be amended o that in took occasion to was one of tbe events of my tare ot municipality criticize Premier Whitneys selection for a bill giving authority to issue J dabeotures for consolidation of Department but also ot his Growth of Rook its debt shall set out full particulars of Ed- Rocks do not in the eens thai of the existing debt and reasons thought plant grows They may Increase by also provides that every private bill possessed of the qualifications re- secretion end may undergo ot such character after receiv to preside over such an teal change old sea bed being its first reading be referred to branch of administration Mr lifted up becomes and Ontario Railway and Municipal Graham further stated were be ash and Board for their report the head Government he would strewn over tbe plains become tufa prohibit all home work and hard enough for building stone Tb Mr Cameron West Huron has make It a penalty to force small of a river becomes given notice of a sort of want of children to pore over school books at glomerate The simple mineral d confidence motion that be purposes abolish all grow however take a crystal moving regret that the Government has not fulfilled its pledge by introducing a measure pectins the subject of law reform- Power tor Port William Kukabeka Falls Utilized to Generate Electrical Energy Fort William March A pro ject long discussed and variously con sidered has at last been into fact by Kaminiatlquia Pow er Co and this town is now being supplied with electric energy gener ated at Kakabek Falls on the River miles west of Fort William The power is trans mitted to the town by two lines on a single and Is there distributed subwtitinn electrical equipment which was man ufactured and by the Can adian General is of the most approved and modern pattern The buildings are absolutely fireproof being built entirely of structural steel and reinforced concrete and the plant as a whole will bear favorable comparison with any of its kind in the world Two sections ol a freight train collided at on striday and several cars were wrecked A large of provisions Including eggs and butter was scattered over the track Tbe Prince Edward Island Legis lature is asking Federal Govern ment for a subsidy for tbe company organized to connect tbe Island the mainland by a telephone cable under the Straits of Northumber land Mr Louis Botha the Boer Prem ier of the Transvaal is on bis way to attend the Colonial Conference He says is going to England as an Africander to show Englishmen that the Transvaal is as safe In the charge a Boer ministry as any colony IV JZ- all George Baking Powder an article make friends like St It as if order I get call for thut Baking- Powder And no St Georges Baking Powder la made of Cream of Tartar that par keep Its fall strength till the can is empty It never disappoint but always makes baking light and white Look at the result everyone delighted and ordering this Cream of Tartar BakingPowder again and again Why Bulls Hat Flag In first place says an writer red I color to which cattl are so thst tbey may be to startled by vary snow of red to be that at green induced by affection of If area of a stsatbur to continual contemplation of la trass and herbage must a state of fatten pre disposing a violent of retina a tad snbstanca In prevented to vlw we mall a com of etc Seat ilyom fc of Alt DevD a Co of CAjtana Malted Spruce Gum Cures Coughs GRAYS does that on Its no cwret1ba for all throat and long GRAY3 SYRUP OF RED SPRTJCE GUM atop the irritating tickle take away the eootha end Lea la throat and CURES to stay enrea the It la pleasant to take eta bottle The Gen lie Kidney keep kidneys strong ami neutral Uric Acid the blood relieves Irritated Bladder as a mild took on all the female organs Lev wetook has with tb king I wss seated him whan roan and wnJprd in my ear that Bismarck to see me Great embarrassment ine I might leave table did so king inquired what wsa permitted roe to go bad nothing of particular to tell me and I suspect that only wanted to show that bad tn right to send for Ms employs even with Mag A pill At bcatime the ftlurp in back J A graspuaMt man d said Unci Jerry old chap relate the dragging bearing down paws through the hips and gar out la the a whole day t best protectkKi against Kidney find out which of them two gases cost Trouble during tn mast If yon bar to buy sm to know whether be waa all or direct on receipt ru or losln when be of price joe a large bos enough to is not rich vet an Elopers Caught S March The al- Line steamer Parisian arrived today from Liverpool with im migrants the majority whom are English and are bound the Can adian West Chief Police Power met tbe steamer on her arrival and on the strength of a cable from London de tained an eloping couple who were travelling as man and wife Tbe mans name Key and the steer age list has same of Key wife The polee refuse to give ttei name young and all the ofnciala are keeping it secret admit that she is well connected in England and has relatives in New York A relative from that city was here to identify the girl sad pointed her out to Power The couple Were ar rested and kept under surveillance till tonight when tea girl and relative left by New Key is still delaine tbe immigra tion building Key is said to have a wife and children in England girls father is now on his way out by a steamer proceeding direct from London to New York to take back to England IWWEATrlW H IF iwtei v Everywhere liii

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