Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 4

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J a -J- a La a abct word itMUsd fro sajp of and I to thank rare farw It a artoi too i an Jail Ho- ok liar or a Itallaaa I abac for a akatlaf or an ith a awmih i could a a meat aarante do the bodied debt to be lit the the railway ex tending from Winnipeg to the Pad Ac coast ana other nad of that enterprise the right to all account paid by the Company with which Government in a of partner was reserved by the Fed eral power I this arrangement the first statement of expenditure which the called up on to audit totalled Of this total the Finance Department has refused to allow some as not belonging to the coat of con and thereby hangs It understood this covered what fa termed mromo- expenses la other word It means money expended Id organising the company and in lobbying charter through the Dominion Parlia ment Certain member on both si ilrs Houe deal rod to obtain information respecting claim but the Government claim ed that at it had been disallowed and its payment not pressed that settled the matter In this connection however it should also he remembered that the money held by the Government is tactically the property of Grand Pacific but a thia was not really expended on const ruc tion account the audit department decided to report against its allow ance consulting engin eer it should he paid The that an account had presented and disallowed promptly suspected that something wrong andit not long tore suspicion of graft was put in circulation A short discussion in Palo In the Bark and all forms Parliament on ult TrouWa c per box at the fact that the action of dealer J Government waa not prompted by the motives suggested but rather by strict term of the Act which authorizes this trust fund to be paid only on construction account If any portion of this disallowed claim was expended improperly in securing P charter that is another and it is the duty of to free itself from the Nay more if any member of the House Is possessed of informa tion as will bring home a charge of the character insinuated it la not only privilege hat bis duty as a representative of the peo ple to formulate luaaame for To Awaken of lobbying graft without some tangible foundation I simply thejilay po litical gamester ro4 ml horn at flliwa wood of women are they know from exper ience that in it they bar a safe friend and deliverer a wonderful tonic purifying the blood driving not given a appKite ids and aiwmilation of food la a and core for of throat cheat It boilda a making l or sale at all at and par or at A Slomro Limited laboratory King fit Dr Boots Kidney Pitta are oat for Khimmatlsm Bright and mm by i The Jolts and Jars of Life arc what use people on Mom people five well up to the lima of their powers and so Long as everything that but folt or in the lape of outness worries domestic anxieties or an at lack of Li Pneumonia Typhoid or other wasting disease suddenly reveals the here i a lack of to lhee result is often fatal A wise man ice to it that his system fully fortified against sudden attack To a tram this result nothing is so sure and effective as This fact has fully established by experience- If therefore you feet you are not in firstclass shape d not fait to take a course of at It Cod Liver Oil Iron and Phosphorus just what you need it is easy to take neves fails and you Know What You Take NORMAN ROGERS CO Prussia a very Rood salary or a you tut person under to re ceive Several of our Shorthand graduate of last year are now enjoying this salary Perhaps we can help you to receive this amount Our new catalogue explains Clip out card sign it and send to W Shaw Central Bnsi- College Toronto Name Address BOTES Another freight conductor was up before Police Court at tbe other day on a charge of blocking a street with a train for almost twenty minutes fllteen min ute longer than the law allows Sir William bill in is proving wherever it being invoked A deputation representing the Ad visory Council of the Ontario Medi cal Association has the Onta rio Government to create a Depart ment of Public Health Wonder Hon Or sees in this move a chance to get a and Cabinet Ministers salary It also means a comfortable sit for a deserving Deputy with all tbe etceteras attaching to Cabi net Office- The jcot1c pay the shot v One Bottle Free Daring the month of April only we will give three one dollar bottle PURITY HAIR TONIC for We nave of from indie and gent ail over Amer ica We guarantee it to be best hair grower and dandruff remover or money refunded Canadian Agent Address MADAM COLGATE Box Nelson In response to questions to him with regard to a report in a To ronto evening paper Hon Premier Whitney stated that he not aware that an interesting feature Of the estimates would be an increase of in the salaries of Ministers He had no knowledge of such a proposition and the same remark would apply to a question put to him as to a salary tor the Opposition leader Now for the supplimentary estimate see where the prophets will land on the salary question It appears the Lords Day Is about to proceed certain railway companies for ancc with the Lords Day Vet The Globe of Saturday say It stated by Rev A Moore that within a few day actions will be be gun in the- court against the tail- way companies by tbe AttorneyGen eral for nonobservance of new Lords Day Act These action will be entered at the instance of the Lords Day Alliance ol Canada and Provincial branches of It The Executive Committees ol tbe Canada and the Ontario Alliances in session yesterday prepared a statement re specting the attitude of railways to the new act in the course of which It was stated that I la observing the new law The is obeying the law fairly well in the west on the prairie and on branch lines in the east but on the main lines In Ontario and Quebec there is general disregard of the law A medicine a Nature demand it as n4d to the carrying on the impurities that have during life of tad winter months Thousands of locoa- the necessity for a spring med icine dose themselves with griping purgatives This is take Ask any doctor be will tell you that tbe use purest hi medicines the system cannot possibly spring system needs up- purgative weaken The blood be made rich red and purr en tires cannot do What need ed is a tonic the best tonic med ical science has yet Williams Pink Piils lose medicine actually makes new rich blood and thus hi strengthens every organ and part of tbe body That is why these Pills pimples skin That l wh- they cure Headaches backache neuralgia and a host other troubles that come from poor wa tery blood That is why the mm and women use Dr Williams Pink Pills eat and and feel active and Mia Mabel Synnott Lisle- says J eras pale and mic greatly from art found nothing to help me until I to take Dr WtUUiuV Pink have completely restored my health and bless the day I began taking them But- be sure vou get the genuine Pills with full name Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People on wrapper around each boxall other socalled pink pill are fraudu lent Imitations Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at cents a box or six boxes tor from Tbe Dr Wit lams Medicine To egg of course I regarded by Christian a a symbol of recrioa and strange though it mar ap pear the Mohammedans them selves Una believers In Idea that Cfariet will return this world soma nay Indeed a promt of this event Is wrtttsa In tbe Koran and there la an understanding to the affect that the Saviour win upon a certain of a particular mosque la Da- Bo It fa not that Of Mohammedans In Turkey abould dye egg or buy them In tbe shops at Eastertide Usually the egg are dyad red but thl la the case also In other countries the color being in a manner emblematic of the crucifixion New York Malt In tbe middle age troth plighted oa taster Sunday was regarded a pe culiarly and It was customary for lover to exchange poetical ad somewhat after manner of valentines- following rendered Into modern la by Wade a folk poet of the time of Rich ard I and la regarded a one of best of Its kind Gods Sunday That bind your la to m Let than all shun tnw my aa I to Troth on riming day Is holy and in Lit coma to ma whatever may In Ufa or death cltoar to you York Herald las The symbolic Easter king waa a fa vorite recreation In continental In tola connection a tory I old of Charles who while riding tbroogh a village In his Spanish kingdom met a attired In the fantastic robes or Easter mimic monarch not knowing tbe king com manded him to remove bl bat My good friend the emperor re plied aa he complied I wish you Joy In your new office You wilt And it a troublesome one I assure you la The Easter La used in the Rue- a symbol of kindly feel ing clergyman and flock At the conclusion of the member of congregation click egg with tbs priest much as glasses are clinked when healths are drunk at banquet We offer One Hundred Dollar Re ward for any case of Catarrb that cannot be cured by HaJPa Catarrh Cure P J CHENEY A Co Toledo 0 undersigned have known J for last years and him perfectly honorable in all astaues transaction- and financially able to carry out any obligations mane by hi Arm KINNAN ft MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure take later acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonial sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Hail a Family Pill for nation OLD NEWSPAPERS For at Ota Boo rusts motto for a teeto made by Mr with to wine women and graft was defeated by a vote two to one defeat ed not because the and Its supporters were to in- but defeated because of act that It was proposed on to go mto mat ter how desirous the Government Ma f AJ J FRESH FRUIT Hi from paw grow on tiat of bind of groat fat Half mm sod not for as vary cold and for in summer not winds uag too to degrees far Idas Tub good and sound pieces are tbs rotten ones are used for As too valley of Euphrates con tained one of the artiest In too world It I probable that about tbe oldest confection extant and that thsStaste which pi have for the inquiry no matter however anxious supporters at a the were for an op- 1 to challenge scandalmo to have allowed it to pass at tso watsr usual of that particular time Under 1 la the winter but root sre practice meant a defeat S S rt root la full of water and the Government This Mr to dry a process knew and this aspect of the a year It la then cut Into pointed out to him by the to foot of the Government but tbe motion was passed to a vote the above result it is not too much to say under the circumstances that Mr by the course he pursued was simply Paying to the gallery The cor ing he got on the occasion however will probably prove a salutary on lor him in future If the sus picion to which Mr Fowler ut terance and which Mr ought to emphasise be- true why not these men conform to the rules the louse make Charges in a substantive and tail upon Parliament for a committer of ihvestigation This the pro per method and know it but while they know the right the pursue The outside world and especial taking an interest in politics know the value to place on men of this class and tactics of his reports or the on the that the mur looks upon Mr as a delightful and chast ens him more in sorrow than in words knew no as he pic- lured the member for groping the gutter for rumors to bring in to the House- He objected to motion as tittletattle of the street and when the Premier declared that any man would come out in the open and make charges against J- member the House he would grant a spe cial committee of enquiry bis obser vations were cheered ny both sides of the Cumber Mr Is glib of tongue but he fast developing into a disjointed crank Since the discussion of Mr Bou- motion an attempt has been mad to fasten a charge of immoral ity against Hon if the publisher of The Gleaner of N with which Mr Fowler P is identified and republished by The World To ronto of which the M P for East York is editorial head Alluding to this phase of charge the Globe of Monday says- The charge is definite its answer must be direct and absolute- It must be denied flatty it must be disproved conv But that Is not enough The men responsible for making and publishing must be pro ceeded against in the courts for crim inal libel There is no other course Mr will seek none other He will not evade the As this charge has now been given definite form it must be frank ly The Government cannot af ford to blink at will not at tempt to shirk it If the charge is a criminal libel the persons making it should suffer accordingly but justified- the man against whom charge is made ha no right to a place in the Government of this Do minion Let justice be done no matter who suffers rftht of the Been Hula Well by Taking of Ottawa Suffered for Five Years with Kidney And Trouble I suffered for live years with kid ney and liver trouble which caused row pains across the back and a headache I bad dyspepsia and was so constipated that could not move my bowel without ca thartic I cured Chamber and Liver Tablets and have lbeco well now for six month Mr Arthur Strict mad of Tenn For by J and all druggists Iy all caliches today familiar to the boy and girt of Babylon and Nineveh year THE FIRST ZOO China It Counts Thst Many tbo bad tbe first Men ageries ar thought to owe tbelr partly to cult of and partly to the of to poasss of rare and creature from or avag beast from tbeir own simplest forms war one of earliest culture and were familiar to too Chinese Indians Greek Romans and Mexicans In ancient times The recorded menagerie la nsae dating from a The do of kept by Darius as in the book of an example as one of those primitive while the cult of white nor by Greeks Roman sad that of so called white elephants In Burma and 81am are of a type A live giraffe wa ro at the menngerie of as early 1328 lb Parte la earliest entitled to the designa tion gardens- to ra of that term owe however to formation of menagerie In park Of German of this sort one at Berlin la the earliest notable among New York Chicago the In the change mm laxative fine kidney regu lator the liasl f fruit occur only to minute quantities In order to fruit to relieve one a amount of or pulp which would atom- and Impair AnOtUww a war to He th from e ad mors atom of bitter from rjsg Into a St all of in highly and Interna mi were added and whole Into tablet rterful Tablesa you so atut of of bowel a rbeitmatUm are In the while loo on tb akin In clear and tying abort Of Aak your fw and that We a bo for By a from Ottawa Roman H method used by Roman far warming bouse were In Bom artiflcUl my bono brought rarely into use though tb Italian winter require flr at time but when tbe Roman took p bis bodo abroad as tbe bo certainly lived In climate Ia tb country bouse be built In bad carefully devised heating which are called are fluea running un der floors Fires lit outside of the and the hot lr under floor To do this much required a knowledge of tb builder with tbe necessary precaution gaint fire Remnant of these are found today in built during Roman oc cupation Tha Popular Song definition of popularity as glum by a salesman In a large music tor I that may be applied to other thing tonga Ia this popular asked a young woman holding up a sheet of music brilliantly decorated In red M Weil no miss said assuming Judicial lr I cant any hi yet Of coarse lots of it and everybody likes It but nobodys got tired of It yet for It to be what youd call a popular aoog mm- Contrast A small negro boy hi bead against the marble of tb He would step bock a few feet and then ran toward tb afps striking them full force with bis bead What on earth you doing that for asked a senator who cam by- Are you going to fight a goatT Naw ash Is bob It can it teem The barns and outbuildings of Mr Fred Wilson con of Pickeriojr ff I dont struck by lightning on and totally destroyed sides building a tot of feed 3 head of cattle and some sheep and aw in were also burned Loss wjlj be partly covered by insurance March a stiff wind fire swept both the business the residential sections of a town of population miles southeast of here caused a loss that may teach were destroyed and a core of business houses in the heart of town are in ruins Whitchurch Council council met at ball on Wednesday Mar Members all present A petition was asking that the east half and con be detached from union No with and at to Whitchurch Bills were presented by anorttonng interest to schools price yds gravel Hclmkey tree Lake road yd 1440 Hurt and stationery 54 A Thomas to and fences by v Inter Miller claimed for damage by treasurer was to pay the presented and the claim for killed by doir appropriated on the town lino south provide J the township of ft amount clerk was to a tile mould front Sawyer Co Deputy reeve in structed to the manufac ture of tile I Councillor fipauldlns to repair old St Barron was appointed In lieu of J Buckle for road division No con was prranted to Improve hill con at lot A committee of th council willj meet the Kin council at hotel Aurora on Wednesday Ap 3rd re maintenance of Tonic St County forwarded to council a copy of tne propos ed bylaw designating certain road- within the county a County Road System together with a copy or a map of the so set apart Said by law which wa read a first and time at January of Council If ap proved of count Us within finally adopted by the County Council for expending the sum of on the roods j warn to be ratted by debentures Issued again it County and extending over a twenty years After considerable re the approval or disapiiro of the County Road System the laid over till the next meeting of council A trylaw to detach oast naif of lota 70 and con from union No with King and Attach the same to Whitchurch was a first first and second time Council adjourned to meet at McQuillans Hotel On Wednesday May 1st The wife Wiillsm far ex of Township miles north VYlngtum vu trampled by a cow while sb milking in the stable and succumbeij to her injuries rib oat aide was broken and when found taai cow was lying on her body and Mothers Treasure regulator for baby and vomiting gives healthful cores diarrhoea without the of medicines containing or other injurious drugs Be SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL I TORONTO Canadas Best School of Business Training Demand for our ate is far greater than the supply Magnificent catalogue free No vacation J and For Sale Lots for Sumner The undersigned offer for sale a number of lots beautifully situate tor Summer Cottages on the of Lake Simcoe about half a from Keswick PO and close to las Toronto York Radial Railway Cos station Theae lota are situated at road leading from Keswick to Lake and thence northward towards Orchard Beach and but a short dis tance from the water some of taff lots being on the Lake shore road- Terms reasonable For further and Plan apply to JOHN Proprietor Keswick or to THOS J ROBERTSON Solicitor Newmarket ill At Willi the of MaDufactama who realise the their Patent advice ASataar op ft New York US IXC Canadian Northern Ontario NORTH Toronto Union Tha First Bull tbe boatman of the Styx was thought by many to of Irish blood for invariably was OS from tb hither abore call out to ale cargo of soul tbeo look silver was as an proaeb to Iruifa the stats or Qormiey Ml Vaadort Pin Orchard afosnt Albert M 75 SOUTH tears Two Kinda of Some of the men who tango when a woman gets off a ear backward would pull muzzle of a loaded run toward them whan crawling through a Chamber ins Salve is good for disease of the skin It allays the i Daily Fort William March si While playing atound a hole In the ice on the river at on j Friday tart children belonging storekeeper Elliott fell into the icy water Edna aged year was drowned the other two children be ing rescued with dlflkculty Zephyr Albert llifi Orchard 787 SPAVIN LINIMENT re moves al hard soft or lumps snd blemishes from blood curb stifle sore and cough Save ae of one bottle War ranted moat wondarfut vr J J Trunk Railway LEAVE Going South and am 14 and pm North and and pm LEAVE TORONTO North A am Going West and am and pm Going East and am am

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