Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 3

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it- Hi JV afternoon t I Sodden Death Mr- Frank Doyle died on Tuesday I an illness only day jl earache went to toe brain was the daughter of Mr Vn Deacon of the Con of lit- tie our year and leave Those who bad the pleasure of her acquaintance speak W of her funeral will take this JfFrirtiV morning from her late re- Murium St to St John i lot service at thence to f Cemetery Pauls Church The Womens Chance Guild JAi thoroughly Kjm re- tinted and provided new 40k biasings for altar pulpit and and a beautifully lilted text above the East The flowers lor the altar on were lilies and narcissus was iatlH frrfr The trio awl nd bare Following was Mat etaniaa Mw Anthem They hare taken away my Lord Stainer Organ Handel Recitative and Solo- Thy Rebuke Hath Broken My Heart But Thou Didnt not Leave My Sou in Hell from The Mesiiab Handel by Mr Geo Young Quartette Christ being from the Dead Parks by Misses Ironside and Master and Messrs Young and Cane Concluding Voluntary Vienna March Clark Next Sabbath evening the pastor will continue a subject touched upon last Sabbath namely a result of seeing actualities Mr a vet in teresting review of past quarters lessons in the Sabbath School Dont forget Mm Baked Beans So cial this Friday evening of April at the entrance to the chancel was ta Miss Craig with lilies palms azaleas rtc The Vector gave two eloquent Is the in the morning be- the North amonR the Indians will give an address the School Room All are John In the evening The was large and the service were In the evening Master Harry Hunter sang ttraas Chord during the oh fcrtory The number of was large The Churchwardens were reelected it the vestry meeting Monday Secret Of good painting lies In getting on the right surface W P Is the plat You get it at Binna pretty wedding took place on Wednesday evening at Clinton St the home of Mr Geo when Miss aaa named to Mr- P Davis of the Rev J T Morris pas tor of Clinton Street Methodist Ceuich The bride gown ed in cream voile over silk trimmed with real lac and with a bridal veil anC carrying a bouquet of roses attended hex filter Miss Maud who wore flouered voile dress and carried a bouquet of American Beauty Hiss Ada Butler the the wedding march and MX Ernest Rogers ol Portage la Prune Man acted AS best Barradell niece the cordially invited Town CoaactL Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Smith and Councillors Pear son Binns and Kertb hills were passed Express on Dog Tags freight and cartage Metropolitan freight Gray snow cleaning 35 Stlckwood broken brick ttC m Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet No A was beard witbrelerance to necessary repairs at LockUp The Committee op Fi nance and presented a re port recommending That the Auditors Report Is correct and that ft be published in the usual manner a That all- outstanding notes paid at cheque That the current liability at the end of 1Mb was caused an fol lows The ettlmates made by the lous committees were greatly The Roads Bridges and Fire A Light exceeded the estimates by nearly while the whole ton- Miss Helen Barradell niece the expenditure exceeded the acted as flower girl Alter by nearly The re- ceremony Miss Richardson of also exceeded the estimate The difference between estimated and A lead it the Hotel last the Toronto and the retail deal regarding price commencing next month bat no decision was reached On the very verge of Ra vine a runaway horse attached to an express waggon paled nigh with household was brought to an abrupt halt by the overturning of the wagon otherwise the frighten ed animal and the vehicle would have been precipitated down the steep de clivity which Is the eastern extrem ity of Collier Street scared by a passing automobile spectators Hoed the highway Road Good Friday to see the foot race over the West End A two and a half mile track In the Harriers team the muddy roads Tom Longboat an Indian finished first in and second lowering the record by seconds There were contestants The legal gentleman who defended exPresident Cockburn of the defunct Ontario Bank has charged him lor his professional services Mr licks at price but ill the now doing time at Kingston would nave paid an equal sum to save from being squeezed and never a whimper took Joseph Phil lips the former manager of the York Loan and Savings Co sen tenced to five years In the Kingston penitentiary to that institution on Saturday last They also took Nat Hanaro bookkeeper to the Canada Furniture Co to the same prison where be will be confined for the next two years A few days before Christmas Wm left here along with bis wife for a trip West While at Van couver on Saturday last alter a short Illness be passed away at the residence of his son Deceased was a son of Rev John Roar pastor of Zton Congregational Church in this city from to Another newly arrived Immigrant Goo notwftawtandlng the roads Mr and Mrs- and ter spent the holidays at her lathees Mr Mr J Toronto was the guest of Mrs during the holidays Mrs and of axe spending a lew days with her sister Mrs Mrs Rose is visiting under the parental roof Mr Henry Kennedy was in Toron totor a few- days last week- Miss Annie Conner of Toronto was a guest of her sister Mrs Barnes on Sunday House cleaning seems to be or- of the day in our burg There were fifteen gentlemen pres ent at the wood bee on Tuesday af ternoon cutting wood for the Metho dist church PINE ORCHARD Si Mr J had the misfortune to have the of his finger smashed while chopping Henry Is busy boil ing sap This week be Is having a very good run Mr J and wife were at the city attending the wedding of their niece Miss Our train is not very regular the last two days en account of a train being derailed up No of the station yet It is a shame that they dont get it up as it is needed very badly The City Dairy agents got left on Saturday night They are very anx ious for cream and milk The roads are in a terrible shape around here Mr J Stephens had a good wood bee last week Mrs J Stephens is recovering from severe illness also Miss Ada Reynolds is recovering from a severe attack of bronchitis Mr George Hopper is repairing his dam which few days ago We see by the Bra that the Trout Reserve was spoiled but It is not the fact editor has been mis- This store Is noted for Hi styles in IK Goods This season is more than Among many lines we showing a toll range Grey Tweed Suiting in Stripes and at per yd The real value of which la Muslins Prints Ducks The Styles and Variety In are unlimited aDd the Price Just as as ever in spite of the advance in Cotton BLOUSES SHIRT WAISTS We have searched this season for the best values and roost up to date styles in the trade Our Special line of White Muslin Waists at SI is better than many that are being at Boots and Shoes We represent the best in the Boot line and guarantee every pair GROCERIES Cooked Meats of ail Kinds to suit you Hums and Bacon always in stock Breakfast Coffee 5c Tomatoes can Bars Judd Soap W A BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Live Stock Market fol io by old country be- I sang Ob Perfect Love The rooms were lavishly actual with palms Easter HI lies and narcissi Among the guests preset were Dr and Mrs I Butler Mr and Mrs J Davis Aurora Mrs George Richardson and the Misses st and Richardson Newmarket Kiss Watson Mr and It Butler the Misses Minnie Mary and Violet Cleland Mr Mr and Mrs Bowes sad Miss Bowes Thornhill Mr and A Butler Mr and Mrs Mrs Lloyd and Miss Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Aurora Miss A Cle- Snowball Mr and Mrs S Aurora and Mrs George Red- Richmond Hill An Interesting Session The Review Service A the Metho dist Sunday School last Sabbath was interesting of music was with various numbers The Future Roll was ably conducted by Mr P Pearson and the gave a ready response The Promotion Exercises bv class of little boy and little showed great proficiency and reflect ed much credit their teachers Each pupil received a pocket bible the school as a reward of Mr Cane gave a splendid ad dress on Faith using as an illus tration some incidents in his trip ac ross the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia T Seal gave a very fine object lesson on The Cross Christ explained by many short anecdotes The- secretary announced that the lollowing were on the Honor Roll lor the Quarter of Lillian Cyril Atkinson Monro Trent Hazel Wright Manning Kthrl Maw Jessie Roy Beatrice Wesley Albert Holmes Cordon Willie Dunn John Alice Brookn Jennie Lloyd Irene Kirby Stark Pearson Carl Wiley Garnet Ernest Dunn Primary Class Harold Maw Rhea Atkinson Morgan Hewitt The aid the Mission amounted recelpU and expenditures Is nearly In making up the three debenture amounting to were not considered The vote for given for the Clerks office was also not includ ed in the estimates In making estimate the Committee recommends that this floating debt be considered The matter of advertising the town as a location for industries was ic- erred to the Property Com Mr called attention sev eral gasoline engines using Town fl ier without any consideration The and L Com was insinjct- to look into the matter also that of soda fountains A bylaw to raise money tor the purchase of meters re electric was read a first time The Market Committee that the Town Hall floor needed scrubbing very badly and t was un derstood that they nnould hare It done Council adjourned WATCH INFORMATION When you buy a Watch know what you are buying and what youre paying Compare prices compare qualities here and there Youll find our prices de cidedly in your every time any Watch you buy here no matter what you pay you get our uncon ditional Guarantee cause he could not pick up at the corners of principal streets without laborious work tried to end his life by the ropt noose route a few days ago but was ob served in time to save a coroners Inquest The roads on Ave are something terrible Last Saturday a horse and rig belonging to Harris j rendering works was stuck and the carcase of a dead horse had to be un loaded and with a chain around its neck dragged to On Monday evening the belonging to the Dominion Paving Construction Co near the City lim its were causing a loss of A spark from a C engine set- fire to the dry the and spread to the building A large amount of lite an oil compound used in the preserratioa was also destroyed The first steamer to enter the har bor this season was the from Hamilton on inning the HarborBlasters silk bat The Lakeside from St Catharines arrived only a few minutes later The Canadian National llre how takes place on the 1st and lib days of next month and is being looked forward to as the event of the month The Show will be held in the St Lawrence Arena in which a ring has been constructed feet long W feet wide The seating arrangements arc better than at the Armories Albert Wilson 16 years old nieil at the General Hospital late Monday af ternoon as be result of having acci dentally fallen the third floor In the factory Christie Brown A Co down the elevator shaft to the base ment Two gill nets were located In the bay Sunday night were confiscated together with their contents of eleven pike and two down low enough to damage the fish There are or feet of water still in toe pond Mr- has got through saw ing lumber for Mr Charles Widdi- field What about our barber Has he moved his shop up north Toronto prices this week as lows Export cattle 5 to Choice butchers to to Fair butchers to Feeders to Milkers and springers from each Veal calves and sold from to per Export ewes sold at to rams at to per iambs of good to 735 common lambs to per Select bogs and ee0 on board cars at country points W C KETTLEBY in Gold Filled Watches upwards from CO Optician Two hundred immigrants arrived at two Monday morning while ninety more brought out under the auspices of the Church Army arrived nine hours later The Immigration agent says that the number of immi grants arriving in this Province dur ing the month of March this year is larger than that last year by about As a rule the class of immigrants has proven satisfactory An address and a Cabinet of silver was presented on Saturday to Mr McQuillan or three years pre sident of the Commercial Travellers Assignation of Canada the direc tors of the organization in recogni tion of Mr McQuillans splendid aoik as m officer On Tuesday last the Methodist Mis sion rooms received a cable from Tokio Japan of the safe arrival of Rev Dr Carman and Rev Or Suth erland Both are well The School Teachers of Ontario are talking of forming a sort of trades union to counteract the cry of rural achoo sections against the Minister Among those who spent Easter this vicinity we have noted the fol lowing Miss R Miss Spear and Mr of To ronto Mrs- White Colling- wood Mr and Mrs Cluhine of Au rora Mr Chas- L Rogers and Proctor of Toronto Mr Earnest Rogers went to the city on Wednesday last to act as best man at the wedding of Mr Hi ram Davis son of Mr las T Davis the 3rd Con to Miss Maggie Mrs Howard also attend ed the wedding Mrs M has been spending a few days with friends in the city Mr- spent Easter with friends and relatives in the city The Misses Billings of were guests at Mr ells Bert and Miss Etta spent with friends In the city Mrs and Miss Kirk of Toronto were at Mr John T Curtis also Mr Norman Curtis and wife were home A very interesting evening was spent at the Mechanics on Saturday last it being the occasion of the departure form our midst of Mr Walter Wiggins who has teen the past two year at the post office store and during that time has won very many warm- friends Mr Wig gins has accepted a situation in the city The evening was spent in games speeches etc together with Mr W Foxs gramaphone of the Edison type which was distinct and added largely to the entertaining An address was- then read and Mr Wiggins was with a handsome suit case slight token of the respect he had acquired at was shown by the large number lends who so liberally contributed and were present on Sat urday evening Toronto April 1907 White Wheat per bosh Red wheat peer hash Wheat per bosh TO- Goose Wheat per bosh Barley per bush Oat par bus Peas per bush Rye per bus Hay per ion Potatoes per bag Butter per lb Errs per doz Dressed Hogs per Chickens per It Newmarkets Fastest Growing Dry Goods and Tailoring OUR LINE OP SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS IS SETTING THE PACE TRY 760 IR 16 li- FOR Good Clothes are investment not a luxury they bear in terest every day of the year C Tbe Leading Tailor Slop A I Newmarket Markets April 4 White Wheat per Red Wheat per bush Spring wheat per bosh Goose Wheat Rye per bush Bar lev per bush Peas per bush 0 70 0 0 0 4- 720 60 0 21 00- 00 22 BANK OF MONTREAL CAPITAL ALL PAID UP mu UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Oats per bush Buckwheat Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hav Pr ton Potatoes per bag Butter per lb 26- 0 per dot 0 Chickens per lb Duck per ft lb 10- 1 M 000000 00 00 Branches at all important centr in Canada and in London Bag New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of tbe Ontario Bank Branch will be is heretofore Branches at Newmarket and c ROSS Dr Dean Specialist PRIVATE DISEASES of and Woman 39 Carlton trvt Toronto m A Farm Laborers and Domestics Sale Register SATURDAY April 6Large number of choke Imported Clydesdale Fillies the property John A will be sold at the Newmarket This is a rare chance to get good stock there carriage to be bought thisspm talk it over with I have been appointed by the Dominion Government to place Immigrants from the United Kingdom in positions a farm labourers or domestic servants in this vicinity Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required when wanted and wages The numbers arriving may not be sufficient to supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with help required ANGUS WILLIAMS Barrister and Solicitor NEWMARKET OFFICE OVER TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE I of Educations Act for salary minimum If the child is restless at night has coated tongue complexion a dose of Millers Worm Powders is what is required pleasant L Roger Co Hon H ha In structed lawyers to take Sold by The Norman Hall and the The U P- Church at Gait bantender at the Occident Hotel at elded to join the Canadian Presbyte- arrest charged rian with robbing C Wall of while be van drunk and healthy and have good complex Millers Iron only ions take Millers Compound Iron cent for dote Sold by Sold by the Norman Rog ers Co John Wilson a prominent tainex of Belle Plain Sask was caught in the fly wheel ol a gasoline engine and instantly kited There are more railway tunnels viaducts and railroad bridge Switzerland than in any other try in the old world Boring a carriage portent with and you can too careful the carriage you decide on why we want you to over your wants with us see line against Tb you feel like you will Q and The Toronto for feel it when you see libel in connection with the CARRIAGES attacks on bis character Millers Grip Powders cure Sold Roger Co V -J- v I Hj

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