Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1907, p. 2

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i- M00 Will SHiy A food Cott I Plain Sewing tad Ma V C TooU Niacin St Room to Bent Foe gentleman boarding elsewhere Apply at Era v- i A save the wilt re- dtia to wheat y Cot the was six ntasM order to out crop re Assoc Wilson and are For Sale Silo for Sale Domestic Sewing Maculae good as at a bargain at the Office k ft In food order ROSS St Newmarket NOTICE If the young man who left a trunk and clothes at Mr Holmes doe sot call for them before the April they will be disposed ot WANTED Office band with experience Good penmen and accurate at figure Harried man preferred First class opportunity or the right man OFFICE SPECIALTY CO Horses for Sale Cheap Will sell for Cash or on good security Good Driver yrs old IS I Spaa Matched Mares 1 Bay Horse old 16 ha Ma weighs Brown Colt rising Span Hares In foal Team ol aged Horses Some young Cattle Some Milkers HOWARD MORTON RAILWAY SYSTEM Cobalt Special A SOLID TRAIN OF VESTIBULE CARS AND PULLMAN SLEEPERS LEAVE TORONTO DAILY AT A NEW LISKEARD AM COBALT IS THE RICHEST SIL VER MINING CAMP IN THE WORLD AND WELL WORTH A VISIT ONE WAY SECOND CLASS COLONIST TICKETS Ob sale daily until April ttth to potato in British Columbia Califor nia MonUna Colorado Waanington Oregon For full information as to rates and tickets call on J Willoughby Town Agent J D McDonald Passenger Agent EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Ail persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth late of the Town ot Newmarket in the Coun ty of York widow deceased who died on or about the of Feb ruary art- hereby notified to file with C Solicitor for J A Executor of the said estate addressed prepaid to Newmarket P their with full particulars thereof on or before the day of April as imme diately after that date the said Ex ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said having re gard only to the claims then filed with him Executors Solicitor Newmarket Wanted About years of age to learn to set type and do light press work Boors am to pm Apply at this office To Farmers A Chester White Boar registered will be kept for service on rear of lot in Con of East Terms at time of ser vice BARKER BROS From a letter recently at Ottawa from Mrs Hymen the states that she and her husband were at Los Angeles en route to Canada but since arriving Mr Hymana Insomnia has returned and It had been reluct antly considered desirable to go back to where his health bad been continually improving It it with satisfaction wo learn that Principal Gardiner of the Institute for the blind has been vin dicated Those who preferred charges should have bad something more tangible than mere gossip We suspect spoilsmen were at the bottom of the affair We congratulate Mr Gardiner on the result the inquiry Toronto papers- Intimate that search is now being made for certain securities held by the- Ontario Bank and which at the time of the failure were reported to have been kept out side the banks premises on Scott St Suspicion obtains that those secu rities were removed from a private vault of a City Trust To subsequent to the failure That these docu ments were removed it is reported is known to at least two former di rectors Where these securities are now deposited is the question told by a paper published in this that a schoolmaster once Ws pupils that the boy who would make the best piece of composition in five minutes on How to overcome habit he would give a Inside the allotted time lad between fl 10 years stood up and sal sir habit is hard to oven if you take off the first letter does not If you take off another letter you atill have a bit left It you still another the whole of re mains If you take off Another it in not totally used up alt of which to show that if you want to get rid of habit you must throw it off alto gether Result He won it The question and answer in the last Municipal World in regard to cattle running at large leaves no room tor doubt respect J lability of owners The question Is asked thus- ly Can a farmer throw down his road fence and collect damages if cattle go in And here is toe an swer Yes Owners of cattle take such care of them that they do no damage to the property or of anyone else We hear campers on both sides of Lake stat ing they will not be troubled with cattle running at large for the time to come as the- have been in seasons So far as Orchard Beach is concerned that resort suffered very little annoyance last year from roam ing cattle during the entire season and we make no doubt owners of cat tle and horses will be equally thoughtful of the comfort and ritv of its summer tournts in thefu- as during yean Dr i4 fe House of duality Anil tor Itacbesa Corscu to M M to last night Mr- and Mrs C holidays at Fergus Miss Ren Mult is spending the holidays In the city Mr and Mrs Fred spent Easter holidays in Toronto Mrs Dr Clark and Miss Marion are spending a week in Ferguson of called at the Manse on Monday Miss Hattie Morrison spent the Easter holidays with parents aunt Mrs Geo Wood daring Katie holidays Miss Phillips and Urn Josephine are visiting in Toronto Mrs and spent the Easter holidays wit hot in Kingston Miss Margaret Strange spent her holidays with friends in Town Mr Tim Wesley passed final HUNTER BROS LIMITED NEWMARKET BARRIE Mraad J Hollingshead exam at Knox College and also so ars visiting at Carrvllle Miss Elsie of Toronto was hosne tor the Easter holidays l Miss Anderson is home Normal School for Easter holidays Mr and Mrs McClelUn of OriUia spent Easter Sunday with Miss Sewing Ail kinds of childrens clothing also plain Apply at TIMOTHY ST Piano for Sale In A I condition Only been in use one year A Chippendale Up right Grand Octaves Check Ac tion Art Panels and By A Sons Lon don For particulars enquire at Era on Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS For 8aia at This Office On Monday last Hon James British Ambassador to the States was banqueted by tue Can adian Club at Ottawa the guests were Sir Wilfred Mr Borden The British Ambassador appears to be a the right stamp for the position In proposing the health of the the Premier remarked Mr had already turned over a leaf in the history of British diplo macy The record of British diplo macy in the past in North America was not one to be proud of A mere glance at the map Canada would show that every treaty made by the with the United States respecting from to bad recorded a blunder on the part of the Imperial Government He believed that with the coming of Mr to Washing ton this blundering would cease Almost his first act was to visit Canada something never done by any of his predecessors There be no longer any pilgrimages to Warn ing ton For several days past a postal on- has been in session at Wash ington to consider the postal ar rangements heretofore existing tween the United States and the Do minion of Canada A despatch dat ed on Monday last from the Ameri can Capital says Representa tives of the Canadian Postal Depart ment and of the PostmasterGeneral of the United States today agreed to an amendment to trie postal con vention existing between the two countries in so far it affects the transmission of newspapers and peri odicals known as secondclass mat ter provides in elect that newspapers sad periodicals of the second class mailed in one country and addressed to the other shall be subject to a rate of one cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof on each bulk package prepaid by stamps it being understood that when separately addressed copies In tended tor delivery at one post office arc enclosed under one wrapper bear ing the address of such office the in dividual copies shall be delivered without further charge to the tive addressees the amount of post age thereon at the above rate being to the bulk Miss Beatrice Wesley is spending her Easter holidays at Toronto Juno tsofe Mr Edward Jackson of Toronto spent Good Friday at Mr M All- cocks Mr Pearson of Toronto spent Easter with relatives in New market Miss Mae is spending the Easter holidays with friends in Toronto Mr Alfred Thompson of Toronto spend Good Friday at Mr P J An dersons Mrs of Bradford wax the guest of Mrs John on Good Friday Mrs Jos spent Easter holidays with her cousin at lt Mr Science master Is spending the holidays at his home Mr Ross the Easter holidays with his brother in Font hill Mr Jackson of the Toron to Observatory staff was home for Easter Sunday Miss Wilkinson public school teacher spent Easter holidays at her home in Laurel fa Mr and Mrs Harold of Toronto spent the holidays Mr Lewis Armitage Butler of spent East er with her friend Miss Louise Clark Park Ave Mr Foster ot and Mr Frank Foster of Toronto were home over faster Mr and Mm Carl of To ronto spent Easter with his parents Elder and Mrs Mrs and daughter of To ronto visited with Mrs Davey dur ing the Easter holidays Miss Inez Campbell of Belmont spent Easter holidays with her sis ter Miss Veda Campbell Mrs John McLean of- is spending Easter week with her sis ter Mrs A Campbell Rev A Campbell attended a meeting of the Senate of Knox Col lege on Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs of To ronto spent Easter Sunday with her parenta Mr and Mrs J Mr A Hollingshead spent Sunday with his moth er who has been very poorly of late Miss Clarice entertained a number of young people at an Old Folks party on Wednesday evening Miss Minnie Morrison Picker- Township is spending her vaca tion with her aunt Mrs P 1 An derson Mr Jack Montgomery of Toronto spent Easter holidays in Town and Mr Charlie Montgomery spent Good Friday Mr and Mrs Allison of Port Per ry visited over Easter with Mr and Mrs Cane on their way to the North Mr of Peru Ind is home visiting for a short time with his father Mr McKenxie Hol land Landing Miss Marjorie gave a Poverty Party on Monday evening which was greatly enjoyed by the young people Six ladles from Havergal College Street Toronto are spending their Easter vacation at Mr John Manns Orchard Beach Mrs A D Newton of Slntaluta Sank who is now visiting with Mr Henry will leave for her west ern home in a few weeks Miss Ethel Woolway of Toronto also Rev and Mrs A Simpson Brampton were guests at the Metho dist Parsonage over Easter Mr Kennedy left on Sat urday for South America combining business and pleasure and expects to be gone a month or six weeks Miss Turner of was a visitor during Easter Holidays with her sisters Mrs i orrt- and Mrs P J Anderson Mr A E Coombs addressed a large audience In the Church Aurora on Sunday last It was the occasion of the Easter cur another scholarship Mrs Fanny Carter returned to the city Monday alter spending East- Sunday with her parents hare Mr Robert who nasi confined to his for two weeks on I account of illness slowly improvj Mr Robertson manager of the Sovereign Bank at Beayerton was home over Good Friday and Easter I Miss Bennett St Hildas Col lege and Miss Stuart Toronto were the guests of Miss Helen Robertson the past week A Coombs spent Satur day at Maple with Mr and Mrs John Coombs The latter baa been seriously ill for some time but is now recovering Mrs C Hughes President of the York County P is making official visits at and other laws In the Southern part of the County week Twentyfive family gathering at Mr J on Tuesday evening A sevencoorao dinner was entirety prepared and served by their silts Oracle Cane assisted by lur College ium Miss Boyd of Vew York State as taught In the College Mrs Richardson is spend ing a week at Sandhill She summoned there a few days ago on account the sickness of her aunt j Mrs Oliver who on Saturday pass ed away Two ot Mrs Olivers brothers have died since the New Year The following was copied In a city paper from the Lethbridge Her ald The Methodists of Medicine Hat have invited Rev Mr Neal of Newmarket to supply their pulpit when Rev J M Harrison leaves next July to come to Lethbridge We are pleased to state that Mr declined the invitation and his name did not go before the Transfer Committee The following is copied from the Galloway Star printed in Scotland on the of March During the last few days Mr George Stev- art Canadian Government has been Newton Stewart and neighbouring towns giving in formation regarding Canada as a field for emigration Mr Stewatt is himself a practical agriculturalist and well qualified to advise on all matters relating to agriculture in Canada In most of the towns numbers visited Mr Stewart who was untiring in his to supply all the varied information required Mr Stewart has a marvellous of knowledge on almost all subject and his lucid practical and straight forward address and talks direct to those moat interested must do much to remove many of the wrong im pressions held by many as to our great colony The Dominion Gov ernment la making great to secure the right kind of men to peo ple and develop their great land and there can be no doubt but that Stewarts visit will be the means of securing many from this district Mr J Ruston is home speding his Easter holidays He baa been teaching school near Brampton Miss Louise gave a Pro gressive Bunco party on Friday ev ening Miss A has returned and has been feeling since operation How nice it is to walk in the wee hours of the morning Mr J Fry is removing to the Wei- ley Brick bouse this week Mr W Fry we are pleased to hear la recovering very nicely Mrs took In the Festival of the Lilies at Hall To ronto on Monday Carpet Dry Goods Shoe BEST LACE CURTAIN VALUES WE EVER OFFERED Moat of them come from the beat makers in Nottingham England im ported direct by Ms for our Newmar ket store and every curtain in the lot is taped all round made with the hangeasy top with holes left for drapery pins These improve ments are decided advantages when No frayed or rough edges to iron out Length yds per pair 90c Length yds per pair Length MM Length yds per pair Length yds per pair Length Si yds par pair Length ft yds per parr Length i yds par pair 1819 SAMPLE CURTAINS We make a specialty Ladies Corsets We claim to have one of the moat complete stock of shown in any town store We can lit to your satisfaction THE LONG WAIST FIGURE THE STOUT OR FULL FIGURE THE AVERAGE FIGURE THE SLENDER FIGURE We have about seven pairs sample nnth the Celebrated and curtains some slightly soiled La Grace Corsets Prices we are clearing at per cent w to per regular pair BOYS BOOTS We find that the BOY IS HARDEST MAN ON SHOES claim to have one of the most com plete range of Boys Foot Wear ever shown is Town BOOTS that made of Solid Leather and every known weak point strengthened TO PRICE we have them from per pair to The dollar ones are not solid leather but good value at 00 LITTLE GENTS BOOTS For little fellows from to yrs of age Solid dressy little Shoes at 2125 and pair HUNTER BROS LIMITED The outcome of the present negotia tions with regard to expropriation of the Toronto Electrlo Light Co plant will be that the City will con trol it as a public utility in the near future THE LEADING Home You can buy your For EMBALMING A THE ALTAR MORTIMER TOOLE At Stony Brook Sank March If Mr James Mortimer tti Elisa beth r Toole both Brook and formerly of North York DAVISCLELANDIn Toronto on March Mr Hiram Davie of King to Hiss Margaret land school teacher East llmbury McLENNANWILKINSONAt the Parsonage LetnouviHe Rev J T Leonard on March Miss Eva McLennan to Mr Francis Wilkinsonall of Whltchurelu TOMB Toronto on Tuesday April William his year POTTS At her home 8 Prince Ar thur Ave- Toronto on Good Fri day March Margaret be loved wife of Rev Dr Potts WEBBER At Toronto on Good Fri day Rev George Webber formerly pastor of the Methodist Church Newmarketaged Newmarket on Tuesday April 2 Doyle wife of Frank Doyle in her At on Thursday Mar Daniel years Interment Sunday in Mount Albert Cernetcxy VANDERBURGH At the home of her soninlaw Mr John John ston Con Scott on Monday April 1 Mrs Henry Vanderburgh aged g5 yearn Interment on Thursday to Cemetery MARKET GROCERY Nearly Everybody Likes a Good Cup of Tea or Coffee Have You Tried Ours We have the celebrated Chase Sanborns coffee which we grind fresh for yon at and per It Nothing nicer lor breakfast than a good warm cap of coffee Our Teas hare the two qualities that go to make up good tea Strength and Flavor We blend them ourselves and guarantee every pound no matter what the price Our Blend la a Leader Have yon tried any Prises They are as nice Apricots or Peaches Bread a favorite wherever It Is used Give it a trial Fresh Lettuce Celery Radishes and Onions ALWAYS ON HAND Freak Garden and Field Seeds Just Arrived S MCGAULEY PHONE COME AND US A CkhL to John Millard V S A J Fornltare MAW ST AH Ottawa ana A Ore at Bargain Cattle Yearling Cor Sale esse nasi Horses Brood Sows and Six Little Wan Tetsns or Biz Months Cress GLlOstSTBW Let It Vrviaa PO Boy Wanted To learn the Printing nruunuvb

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