Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 8, 1907, p. 5

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J Inkjet Trust to at Regular meeting leaf Mouejay ewe log All present bile fiAsssd Premium Power 154- IF snow cleaning St SS i Pay Sheet No The bill of P or digging watermain was not enter nod The application of Hill Ha for Mm- do yew fetes port of thai flrcKfwST an open next in Alt people of the church arc cordially in vited to be and take part in a t Go prepared was granted with a riddle ox two but answer to for Barristers Herbert to the chang of tan Town Plana side An J Word here Saturday rev ft Baas saowint the new and ra4ea Mr Wilson said it was the hat to 2L J A tor Money to 0 At Post Castes Duncan AUCTIONEER quake Jamaica da the iota Mr M S Deceased was a with Col in Town and a valued Pauls Church choir He was in bis own and was killed while his wife and lour children es caped The child is ill yea and the J The friends tea will regret to J learn un timely death and we extend sympa thy on their behalf to the bereaved family Barest Bolton Paints fix nil approaches o on streets to the satisfaction of ins Council The matter was discussed lor time and it was finally decided that the anon the aaoae gentlemen on the ground on Thursday afternoon The Mayor reported that an at tempt was made to thaw out the water pipes for several on Eagle St hot after voringV day anh a work abandoned Several other were operated on with varying sueoess Mr asked if the audita wore at work Yes Mr Keith called atteatios to toe necessity fire escapes at the Mo de and High Schools The Committee on Finance and As- reported in faTOr of joining the Municipal Association at a fee ot that application the Town Bad be granted and that the Treasurer pay the Treasurer of the Band quarterly in April next Report adopted bylaw was passed authorizing O VOICE Studio- by man at at private NEWMARKET Monuments and HeadStore or Sunday the pastor the Duett by Mrs DC Miss Maud Richardson a by Mrs Howard Cane C Neat Lords Is Missionary Sunday in the Methodist lurch when are to be by RerT Shore a orator of unusual be music by the choir congregations are anticipated Sunday evening dw I the Treasurer to- carry an overdraft meinbers go to visit Aurora the Bank- of Montreal to the the proprietor of the snook his head with flrmneta No I cooaAodars people here not Heat shelter for the bare one round my araw ma over third use of Baiter go In the of the earns a mors me of the big tcesinr car two tag men a a With a wind the A deafening anon the The rain almost In ttgtng sir drove a of drops ondav the arranged cor- to thrilled s small scared I want to bain- a bouse Mamma comer A tall flguse leaped from the of the Utile hotel shoved snd held out pair of sleeved League I Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our TUB R OSBORNE SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery Boyds Livery Twe now mast I Bus to all Orders by foe all parts of Tows prompt attention BOYD Clark Main St Aurora North Beat GRADUATES OF THE FAMOUS March came in like a lamb all right enough- the question now Is will the lion put in an appearance at the end of month East meets today lee should be cheap this coining summer Providence is doing all that can be done toward furnishing us with an ample crop Spring is only two weeks of us A party of young people drove to Aurora last Friday evening and had a jolly outing Mr P Irwin of Sharon has bought Mr house on Nia gara St Surrogate Court Albert Rose late of the Township of Whitchurch left an estate valued at of which is life in surance the United Workmen and 4000 the value real estate in the said township The whole estate goes to widow tor her lite provided she does not remarry in which case she is to receive a third interest in the rent of earns At her death the estate is to be di vided among two sons and a daughter in Newmarket John of died on Feb leaving no will His widow Sarah and son Robert H are the only next kin and receive the estate valued at The property includes in realty in book debts and In mortgages Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Price follows Butter to per Eggs to cts per dor Dressed chickens to lb Dressed Ducks to lb Dressed Turkeys to per Beef 5 Beef to ft Dressed Pork Dressed Veal lb Apples to per basket Apples per battel to US Potatoea to bag Cabbage per bead Live to Old Hens ft Live Ducks to lb Live 9 and a UN Turkey to pr Hides per ft Calf Skins to ft Sheepskins to Kip Skins ft Horse Hides to each 5c Hogs 680 live weight Green CordVood tent Of 10000 The Mayor appointed Messrs Pear son Keith and Rogers to Investigate the claim of Col Lloyd lor addi tional fees as Police Magistrate tor The Mayor also called attention to the Mr Stephens con cerning drain oh Cedar St which was discussed not no set Ion taken as it is a private drain- On behalf of the Property Com Mr Brighton made a vernal report con cerning the tire hall lockup and propoaed new industry in the Town Plana lor enlargement of the Town HaU and Filing of Shelving tor the Town Clerks were re ferred to Committees to obtain Council adjourned at For penknivea fcteel is tem pered at degrees for table knives at degrees for saws at de grees An important conference of the postal officials of Canada and the United States is being held at Ot tawa this week The Dominion is being represented by Hon General Dr Coulter Deputy P and Mr Smith secretary of the Department The United States delegates are Mr second assistant P and Mr Bacon of the third assistant postmaster generals ofBce The whole question of postal relations between the two countries especially as regards second and 3rd class matter is being considered Our mails are carrying ten tons- of American periodicals and papers to one ton the Amerrcans carry for Can ada hut the worst grievance is the disproportion carried under cover of second class matter This will be adjusted- Its so easy to Cure Rheumatism Such a simple treatment So to cure take Do Jo Not a few doses dont top even after a few boxes Give a dunce take it faithfully entry out the directions exactly and will cure- you surely a and a make TORONTO Easily get positions Demand twenty times oar supply a does not possible wall is true now Cats- free J ELLIOTT Corner ATEMSI We the of Mmattfactarm and others who the of Ihrtr mulcted I It will not cost you a cent to try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and they are excellent stomach troubles and constipation Get a free sample at J drufc store The largest park in Europe is the Prater of Vienna Its area is nearly square miles j If you have anything that really ust be done appoint a committee f two and put one in bed Magnetism is largely the secret of sucoss and Its much the same with the Sitting on a knee isnt a that be can sup port a for ever Kidney Pill cores Muscular flammatory Sciatica Lumbago because it removes the of these trouble Yoosws P Have tried your Kidney Pills and found them very beneficial for Rheu matism and pain in the back They are certainly a blessing My husband is also receiving great benefit from He has had pain In the small of his hack bat is so much better now Mas A C Rheumatism in form means and is caused by being In tbebiood only way uric acid the blood through weakness or disease of the Kid neys The only way to care weak dis eased Kidneys and that care Rheumat ism Is to take a large box At all druggists or on receipt of price Too be M a cosuoeoaed too road- Let the men take oars of them or be dwhehsar oat cried the mother sharply for tne had jumped Thank you sir feared aha would falL Yea think It Is best Til be right She fumbled for a bag spoke rapid to one of bar and from the step unassisted to run up the abort path after the figure striding swiftly with the little girl to bis loud voles to her ears above the din all welcome say ill bed and feed the crowd but that pesky ma chins cant lodge at my place No cents Sorry but sworn to pass em along A floe specimen you sre to run a hotel the man by the driver my hoists retorted Well keep It and he banged wouldnt put my head under such a root Well be Here in old Tats care of Mr Push her Hepri mind speed rattles dosen gasps and the car dashed away through the mod and after It with grin Too bad to break op a ha gnmtsd storm will last boor Theyll get a nice twenty wile trip to Jepworth splashing sort dirt Well Ive got two guests snybow tomorrow make my third nick on Hanks tombstone Ha chuckled his way Into the barn Lola In the dining room a small apartment largely siren over to social usage other than the delights of the table A high chair bad been found for Dot who was assaulting bread and milk Seraph Ladd corpu lent and apologetic talked from the ad jacent kitchen no my dear she was saylug The Tamaracks Isnt much of a Folks stay here for meals and we take In a few transients and occasionally regular The regulars are mostly men who coma to flsfa and kill time There are good trout In the tamarack swamp brook but Itfa a pesky hole That man you saw Is a regular Ha has been here a week T can hardly say I saw him Every thing was does so quickly quits dry now so is Dot Tour husband doesnt appear to approve of this last sentence with an ag grieved Intonation M exclaimed Mrs rather warmly Jason is good about most other things but after our dog was knocked across the fence poor old he was only gnawing a bone in the road Jason swore an oath never to let a car stop So he boarded up the abed My the way of these people wnls a long a country road It fearful Tour supper is most ready Dix on take It you are a widow woman because Ive been widowed for five yesrs Lots Interrupted were simply taking a short pleasure drive A slight accident delayed us for an hour else we should be at home by this time We were making for worth where I have a slater see Mrs Ladd began to place dishes sort of wondered A friend of mine his brother besides the explained Lola blushing trifle It did seem queer that I waa left so unceremoniously the care of arrangers but 1 can look out for myself sod I always go pre pared for emergencies Still I should have thought Oh the machine every time laughed the old woman Meu seem forget What with their hurry for cover you and Dotty were better out of It Apparently Mrs Dixons tons waa sarcastic However to 1st coma In unattended and to leave all Hon to rue when be knew was and trying to calm Dot She paused Seraph Tins her ahrewdly Considerate I must observed the hostess Well draw snd eat Mercy You have cooked enough fat YL WaS a trip bus too onus way mast yon to Introduce me be to thank him for helping us The bell rang the halt Lois herself with napkin and with Dot did not fiance at the enter ing figure Mrs- by the Impor tance of the act spoke smartly Nat let me make yon acquainted with Mrs mean Dixon Mr Dixon This is her tile Dear dear Wasnt It rwnny that 1 should bare got yon Very funny bowing and snaking with bis Lot Wed bar Dot stgrsd smiling and nodding Now Ive Wbarraeeed your cried Lada to the kitchen she to herself Neither of them can find a word to say I ill shut this door or they may bear me The silence was broken by Dot got whiskers sue remarked with Didnt you know No said the man 1 hadnt my glasses on 1 no put that wrap over your bead dumped you baa and called Mrs I didnt know you youve put on a coat went on his Inquisitor surveying affection ately liked batter with just a mustache It seems ever so long since you came to mamma nosh Dot said her mother softly But be used to bring stated the child- Mr Barker doesnt like Mr Blnkejer best your cheeks bedtime dear Mrs will take yoo to the room Ill be up to a minute Be a good girt od out to the kitchen for her Dot tiptoed to chair Good night she said coyly and put up her tips man kissed her tenderly with a great lump in throat He had hoped for many good night caresses from thla little but that hope no longer ex isted As she disappeared he eased steadily at the woman opposite Let It over Lots be blurt ed 1 heard the a mouth ago Believe me my dear I shall try to think only of your happiness Barker will be a very happy man Not with roe Nat What Do yoo mean I mean that I do not Intend to be come Mrs Barker I have not yet given him my answer He will get It tomor row when be returns with his automo bile Too been misinformed Her eyes sneoe Into be strain eager a sodden Joy Loisr be cried Ob my love tell me Is there a yea yes sre crying a My wasnt so far wrong after beamed Se raph the next day t wonder what Mrs Dixon thought when I call ed htm Nat so familiar She ssys she will be Mrs the next time 1 see her I J w ft -j- y A W ALLAN COMPANY JACKS FOR HIRE PHONE Tats Ownership Suppose that a prior patent la In fringed and no way la seen to Infringetnent by changing the product or the process or the machine so as not to embody the principle of a pat ented Invention The simplest wsy of course would be to buy the patent If the patent cannot be bought but a fraction of the patent can be obtained no matter bow small a fraction say onetenth of the entire right In the pat entthe owner of the onetenth would be just well off as the owner of the ninetenths The courts have held that a patent is not like the capital stock of a corporation and that the owner more than onehalf of the title to the patent has no claim upon the owner of less than onehalt Bach la at liberty to do with his portion what he pleases and cannot be made to account to the other The owner of onetenth may make ten times much out of the pat ent the owner of ninetenths be cause of greater business ability or greater capital or for other similar reasons and It would not be equitable to make him turn over ninetenths his profits to the other owner Edwin to Engineering Msgasine 1 Bis There a certain exciseman In who was Very trim and neat In his attire but who had a bottle nose of more than usual sine As be psssed through the school Jans the boys used to call him Nosey and this made bra so angry that com plained to Dr Butter who aynarsa sd snd sent for the head boy to whsen be strict injunctions that the should not ssy Nosey more Next day however ttja eselseman re appeared even more angry than be fore It seems that not a boy bad said Nosey but that soon say mm anal asen coming the boys ranged them selves in two Haas through which stoat pass sad an fixed their eyes In tently upon nose Again Dr summoned the head boy spoke more Too have no business said be xo annoy a man who Is pass lug through the school on his lawfu occupation Dont look at him Bui again exciseman returned to Butler furious with indignation this time as soon as be was seen every boy had covered bis bis hand until he had gone by Lift and Letters of Dr Samuel Spring Suitings Our Stock is Complete in a WellAs sorted and Exclusive Range of FANCY ENGLISH WORSTEDS AND SCOTCH TWEgOS Your Inspection Solicited F WILLIS NEXT DOOM TO L ATKINSON MAIN 8TBBET I O An opportunity Didnt you But fasaVe tie last Wilt you lose too Sail your calves cm CREAM It Is it and Feed your stock Linseed Meal stead lam will make thrive half she food at East Flour Feed Store Coal and Wood a Specialty EVES Can Consumption be Cured There is plenty of evidence to prove that Consumption has been aired even aft the defined and the actually Involved On the other hand there has always been a point beyond which the disease has been considered able Until a comparatively recent date this point had a i place at a very early stage of the malady but modern scientific discovery and commonsense methods of treatment have gradually moved the hopeless further and further back until now the Consumptive is not given up until the very last stage of the disease is reached Nothing in recent years has done so much to im prove the of Consumptives the advent of In fact it is claimed that with of fresh air sun light and comfortable surroundings FERR0L has framed the to the Halt that is to say where these fail the chances of cure are very slim indeed does not kill the germs of Consumption anything that will do that kill the parjent hut FERR0L does the work by the Moot UN in short by mm Aa testes and thus enabling nature I disease only chance of curing Constmptton is and is the only because it combines in palatable and easily form the very essentials of life tt ar We diffidence in that will cure lest we be misunderstood but we have not slightest hesitation in Stating that an infallible cure for Bronchitis Chronic Croof Whooping Cough Chronic Nervous Scrofula and all waiting disease For restoring lost weight and up the run down system FBRR0L aa Rooms im r a i i

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