to Mothers tana mi wifes fee use The following- letter has been seat to Dr T A Ltd for pub lication T A Stoma United Bin Wfesg iwo yean my bad two here been a w rang a el four rtrtlna end era Mnttriy J J Toronto PSVCH I NE Pronounced Sikeeo fa a scientific preparation wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach Blood and weak orpins of the body quickly restoring them to strong and action It is especially adapted or people who are run down any cause especially Coughs Colds Catarrh Pneumonia Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles It no substitute pronounced King St Toronto is for sale at all dealers at and 100 per bottle or write direct too had been entered Dr A Slocum limited sufficient publicity and the During the past week Mr Preston P p lor moved a resolution In the tare the contract system in the employment of prison labor and the abrogation of ait latin contracts He methods Prison labor- three thereto 1st It made prisoners a species sort- or chattel In giving contractors control and of the output and tended to re tard prisoners reformation 2nd It teased to debase free by Ax- lag an unreasonably low standard of wages 3rd It was as unfair competition with outside manufac turerscither forcing tbem out of business or to lower the quality of the output and also wages or Mr Preston then referred to the fact that notwithstanding toe views of members of Gov- when in Opposition since coming into power broom making contract at the Central prison had been abolished woodenware work had beca chained from the pub lic account system The binder- twine contract had been changed to one believed less advanta geous to the Province These Dr Williams Pink Pills Give New Strength Overworked Women There is no other remedy Just as Good as PSYCH Dr Root are a sure sad euro for Bright Dim Pain in the Bark and all forms of Trouble 25c per at all dealer province stood to lose rather than Centrepiece Mid loch Art rtOtlY VWim e Wnl itp of the M rto t the the pa Ml la and IftMl foe ha aad Home Journal ST Rohban to to ha They Doable every Look for the trademark Daisy People At Berfia Ontario to Hudson Bay In a recent speech in Parliament Sir Wilfred somewhat life of a la a wtered to lhc Car She from early morning fact till late at her work is never j country needed better transports- done Often is too busy to get Hon facilities Business men rait- and pare close io P Dominion bad- long wears out her health Her urged same truth but the will fail may lose her appetite I in referring to the question pare and dyspeptic In fact m6k of striking she or a general break- down Such condition lhe Mary of Anne under consideration subject of de la Parade Que before she a railway to Hudsons Bay as a Dr Williams Pink PUts She says means of direct route to rai Northern Ocean He added that a number of years I have been a servant year ago al- ways enjoyed the best of health but had been talked ol for suddenly I was seised with pains twentyflve years a ad that during all gain under Mr con cluded his aula criticism of prison la bor and prison contracts by that prisoners might be satisfac torily employed In manufacture of cement culverts to be sold to munici palities there were several classes of by munici palities which might be by prison labor without coming into competition with free labor Hon Mr replyon be half of the Government but his de fence of the Central Prison Scott- Taylor contract was not altogether satisfactory a feeling obtaining among the members that the Govern ment had made a mistake Mr Han- sought to show that the contract referred to was better than any sim ilar contract made by previous Li beral Governments The House evi dently felt however that that was not the paramount question The real point was it desirable and in the public interests to farm out pris on labor to contractors at all and before the debate closed it was quite apparent that at an early date the- cancellation of existing contract will follow This conclusion drawn from the fact that before Hon Mr concluded bis reply the inti mation was given that an auxiliary prison is to be established at some point in Northern Ontario where con victs will be employed in agricultur al work and roadmiking This cer tainly would be a long step In ad- to TV fS heights feet above the labor be brought into free labor This would very largely re- my side my appetite left me I be came dyapeptic and lost allarength I consulted a doctor who told me I was from general debility I forced to stop work and for three months 1- followed the doctors treatment but without benefit I was advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and aa aad often read of cases they cured decided to do so I only took eight boxes before I waa cured and today J am stronger than ever I was My digestion is good and can now go about my work without fatigue a debt of gratitude to Dr Williams Pink Pills for what they have done for me and I strongly advise other weak sickly girls to give them a trial J Miss Is one many that Dr Williams Pink Pills have cured after doctors help had failed The success these pills lies in the tact that they strike right at the root the trouble blood Other medicines simply act on the of a may relieve they do not Dr Williams Pink Pills new rich blood that is why they cure dyspepsia rheumatism anaemia heart palpita tion headache backache and the ills of all these are caused by bad blood Dr Williams Pink Pills cure then all because they make new blood For sale at druggists or by mail at cents a box or six boxes for form The Dr Williams Medicine Co Oaf Our Toronto The postoffice department has granted the request of the Business Mens Association for im proved facilities east of tbe Don and pending tbe erection of a in future a store has been rented at the southwest corner of Queen and Lewis streets for a The Minister of Education does mi say much In the House says the Star but the opinion gradually gains ground that he saws a lot of wood to Ward Two Dr Aymot Provincial gist gives as his solution Toron tos water supply the construction that time a standing offer a sub sidy acres of land per mile along the route of the railway bad with no takers He ventur ed suggestion that Govern ment should now consider seriously whether the time arrived to abandon tbe idea of a subsidy and undertake scheme as a Govern ment work This is a suggestion in the right direction The acres per mile which the Govern ment were prepared to give for the construction of the proposed rail way wiiLg long amy toward building the line sad when complet ed the railway will belong to the country instead A railway corpor ation- The result of of Ontario of constructing the railway Ontario by the ProvWiat afford encouraging promise of the advantage of such a public utility being under taken by tbe Dominion The Hue would receive traffic from all the western roads and convey it for de livery to ocean steamers on Hudsons At a meeting of the Dominion Cab inet on Saturday last Premier Tweedie New Brunswick was ap pointed the late Snowball at Government House of that Province The disestablishment of the English Church In the Old Land is becoming a live issue The House Com moos on the 27th nit by a- vote of 198 to adopted a resolution in fa vor of the disestablishment and of the Established Church in England and Wales The motion was made by Mr Everett tbe Gov ernment that it did not take any responsibility tor it In year 1871 the only previous di- viaton on the question a motion for was rejected on a vote of to ft This shows how public opinion has grown and the change wrought in the intervening years Through Irwin Clerk of the Peace tor York County the Dominion Government are this week furnishing Justices the Peace with copies of tie Statutes relating to the Criminal Law passed in the year These comprise six sctments Tbe first three are amendments to the Criminal Code the is- an Act to the Can ada Evidence Act the an amendment to the Interpretation Act and the Is the Act in full respecting the Lords Day The Act to amend the Canada Evidence Act sail the last one relating to the Lords Day are measures with which Justices of the Peace should make themselves specially conversant with The Busy Mans Magazine for sustains the splendid reputa tion that periodical has established In the magszinc world The articles in this issue will prove of genuine in terest to every reader in Amerlcs A clever sketch of Hon George Houston Held exPremier of Aus tralia shows what that gentleman A Meal in a Moment will do it for you A meal prepared with the help of a chafing dish has a great for many But the woman who uses a chafing dish and hasnt tried what the addition of a few drops of will do has yet to find out how delightfully piquant and appetising a chaf ing dish preparation can be made Not only does Bovril add to the richness and taste but also very materially to the nourishing qualities and thats best of BOVRIL is A Household Necessity Bay and as foreshadowed in the accomplished for the great corn- House would prove a most effective monwealth An equally interesting means of securing Impartial treat ment by other transcontinental lines The whole scheme Is worthy of the serious consideration of the Federal Parliament competition All tbe horrible examples in the world dont seem to prevent other from getting married There are people who couldnt area buy a paper of pins without get ting stuck The sale of postage stamps in Canada last year amounted to 11000000 an increase of SO per over the previous year ENGLISH all hard tumps and blood spsvla curbs hone swaeaer swollen ate at ranted the most wonderful Cure known Sold by J T Racing at Fairs Commenting on the fact that the recent convention of the Fairs As sociation by an overwhelming vote recommended that the principle of local option obtain and that it be left to each Board Directors to de cide whether racing at fairs shall be allowed or not the Farmers Sun says Tbe real point In case was overlooked both In the discussion and conclusion arrived at The point is not whether horse racing shall be permitted at fall fairs but whether public money is to be appropriated for she purpose of assisting in the promoting of such racing The fact that nearly is vot ed by the Legislature this year for distribution among fall fairs of the Province is is argued is not for amusement but tor the purpose of promoting agriculture and not for entertaining or amusing a crowd at a lair But If the Directors vote the whole of the money received from members subscriptions and the Government grant to purposes strictly for promoting agriculture why not the Directors to ex pend moneys they obtain from con certs and booth privileges or mate sidesnows and grandstand or immoral features ahoulu other purposes calculated to enhance the pleasures of tbe fair outing Of course all games of chance and ob jectionable of immoral features be strictly excluded from Us lair grounds but entertainments of If educational moral and of legiti mate character surely Boars ought tone allowed to upend rnaaeyn received from these lines if they so desire We do not take any stock horse racing but if Fair Boards were to confine these of spetsT to Jam- era horses sad animals that hare never entered racecoarse cosnaeti- for a prises there does not appear to be a vary large objection to at annual fair ytlisavsgi walk the other band that do create quite a among spectators duce the number of cases- of typhoid fever The burning of tbe reboot last week baa stimulated the leathers of Toronto school to fire drill exercise Dr Sutherland leavea this week and Dr Carman next week tor Ja pan The Methodist Mission Board empowered them to act In any mat ter requiring immediate decision in eluding those pertaining to church union to be consuiimated there Perhaps it is necessary to send these two delegates but they are having lots of trips at expense of mission fund Geo Barker who was run over by a King St car at and King Sta several days ago died at the Hospital on Thursday last week A Public Ownership League was organized on Wednesday night last week with tbe purpose of forming branch leagues in the various constit uencies of the Province It means corporations Dr P Irwin reeve of Weston stated at a public meeting last week Weston York Township and To ronto Junction corporations wilt ap ply Jointly to tbe Municipal Board tor redress Toronto Sub urban St Railway Poor service outofdate cars illequipped and overcrowding Customs receipts at Toronto for February total an in crease of over corresponding month last year Mr Justice has dismissed the action brought by to the local option bylaw at What will be the next move Some fellow baa got a job as school Janitor that some other Jani tor thought he ought to bare receiv ed and now the hundred and more school Janitors of the city have got humps their backs It may in weedsag oat a lot ot carets- they are the whole Enjoy Mug Good Digestion Can Be Readily Gained With Stomach It is torment to look upon tempting dinner and realize that to eat freely means distress and Let us how yoa can enjoy eating so that the heartiest meals will set well and cause no pain dis tress or uncomfortable feeling of you cannot eat and enjoy three good hearty satisfying meals a day without any feeling of discomfort your stomach weak and needs the atrength which tab lets will give it You cannot to delay treatment tor the longer you allow the digestive organs to be weak the harder ft will be to get help The remarkable curative and the strengthening power Miona Is at tested by the guarantee which J give with every 50 cent box I return the money if to cure If you find that eating well cooked properly chewed food is followed by heaviness and load on the stom ach by bloating by gulping of acids and wind by distress nervousness headaches trouble to steep or by say other symptoms of dutordered or weak you should begin use at once is guar anteed by one of the best known druggists in Newmarket to cars all disorders of the stomach or cost nothing A guarantee like this means a good deal Didnt Buy the Idol She was an American she was In Paris and she bad all the money to spend that feminine could de sire Naturally she waa having the time of her life One morning abe turned off the Rue la Into an Invitinglooking art shop and soon was inspecting Rodin bronzes Jewels draw ings by Daumier and other all-but- priceless things Yet ahe waa not satlsAed till suddenly she espied something in a dim corner That Japanese Idol over there I she exclaimed What is it worth About half a million francs ma dam answered the bowing sales man He the proprietor New York aketch is that of Luis Terrazas the worlds largest landowner Other articles of special timeliness are French and British Colonial Methods The Human Side ot Immigration The Young Alan in Politics Railway Overcapitalisation Cancer the Plague Manufacturing in South America Waste Heap of in dustry Another feature is the sev eral inspiring articles which cannot tall to suggest new and valuable ideas to every reader Books are Our Friends How to Use Your Burnings Silence aa a Business As set Nor is the number lacking humorous The meat hum- entertaining stories of the by the ablest writers appear this issue and will serve as a mental relaxation for the tired brain MADE IN CANADA CANADIAN COMPANY PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY TERMS TO SUIT ANYBODY The March number presents a strong table of contents very The mouths old baby one of a pair of of merod of avenue East Toronto waa found dead in bed Monday morn ing She waa tbe bottle to one of the twins sad asked her baa- band bow the other one was He tuned over and found the calm cold large interest- A doctor wss summoned and he pro- it a ease of AflUotad With I tat lb to It to Urn of rtiMntti Balm a ttfcl to be aton ttm pan Tor J- mm The new Ontario Liberal leader Hon George P was tn- a banquet on Friday last by the Liberals of and surround ing country It was a success from start to finish Speeches followed the banquet and evidenced a growing confidence of early return of Li berals to power We make the fol lowing extract from Mr speech believe the Liberals in Ontario Legislature serving those by whom they have been elected with courage honesty and clear convic tion do not believe ft is I be duty of tbe Opposition to get into power It is to do what you con sider tor the people as a hole I believe in remedying what Is wrong In beings constructive natty in contradistinction to the Conserva tive- party at Ottawa which seems to be simply a My old friend Colonel used to be one of these destrwetfoaists He brought down bis budget yester day and showed surplus of Had it not been for the adop tion of the Liberal policy contrary to their wiabes the Whitney Govern ment sir could only enow a Tbe speaker then quoted figures to show that while Col tot criticised expenditure yearly he now shows an expendi ture of without estimates which would add an other income from succession duties taxes of corpora tions and earnings ot the Railway were all results of achievements of the former Liberal Government he said and made up what surplus the Provincial Treas urer could show ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO awstvorrcte MONTREAL P LONDON HAMILTON A proposal has nude favoring the establish meat of an oldage pen sion fund in this country It was broached in the Dominion Senate during the past week Senator Richard ventured the that such scheme would discourage thrift Share Is a good deal of sound sense in bis His alternative proposition looking to an old age annuity system by which wageearners would pay in so much weekly during the working period their lives and draw out so much when their working days are over is far more commendable help ing those who help themselves STEEL Shingles METALLIC ROOFING TORONTO CANADA Sweet are tbe uses of adversity but like olives its a cultivated taste A man always talks loudest when he knows he is wrong than when he realizes he is right MAIL CONTRACT Sealed nigra to the Postmaster see ha racetvwl at Ottawa aha April It for the His Majestys a for tour fray New Sutton Wart from the las J notices farther bo of pro posed may be sad blank forms of Tender may be taiaed at the Post Offices of West Keswick and Newmarket sad the Oflce of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto Post Office Mail Branch Ottawa Feb ANDERSON Always Keeps Chamberlains Cough Remedy in His House We would not be without Cham berlains Cough Remedy It kept hand continually in our home says W W Kearney editor of the In- City Mo That is Just what every family should do When kept at hand ready for cold may be checked at the outset sad cured in much less time than after it has become settled in tbe system This remedy also without a peer for croup in children P will prevent tbe attack when as soon as the child becomes hearse or even after the croupy sppears which can only be done when the remedy is kept at hand For sale by J Y and all druggists The readers of this paper will be pleased to that there is at least dreaded disease that science has bees able to care in all its stages and that is Catarrh Hails Catarrh Cure is the only positive care now known to the medical fra ternity Catarrh being a constitu tional disease requires a constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the aystem thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis- giving the strength by building up coastrtntioa sad assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith In curative powers that they of fer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it to cure Send for list of tesUmoniala Address CHENEY A Toledo O Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family for stiMUoa Penitentiary Supplies tor uppllf will UOtH ISch Marob Inclusive parti m for year for try fteViaoen Paul yanltaotUr Manitoba Columbia AJbarta Alia Separate tor or ci Dry Good Vra SreabMeat of 9 Milk Pork IS Sola IS Tinware Details of information as to form of gaot with forma of will to the Wardeoa ar subject to w Inspector of Penllcnt of Jaatioa Ottawa it OLD NEWSPAPEBS at This