Iioi It IS hockey A Newmarket Risk on a Daw Cup It eta Town pick roes rirs Office Specialty Mr Wagner of Toronto the game oa by factories by a score of ft Addition of the Metro- is growing so rapidly that of the freight shed necessity consequently is Added to tin tins week Ii5 and it is expected that the will be extended inside this Church services on Sunday were well and Sargent or two excellent very generous was ij Home Missions which will ajrtfcfr supplemented by Tuesday evening the Christian itouc was also by instructive address on Japan by Sargent after which hour was greatly enjoyed try Apprentice Wmfltcd to Mrs at ic for such So 1st a there no by the of ficethe get the benefit aid the County good any re tobe paid that oOcUrjn addition to fee At a ratepayer and property holder I protest against taking the peoples taxes in payment for service that simply ad vantage the County Respectfully Yours March p Wflson Wednesday afternoon Mis Wilson daughter of Mr Charles Eagle St was married to Redman Of Manitoba Cornell performing cere- In the presence a few invited tiller the wedding sapper the young left for Mariposa and other East amid the friends They are expected next week and will make their at Carroll Man about the 1st April Womens Institute litre was a very encouraging ai re at the Womens Institute was In the last Saturday afternoon- Miss of Toronto was present accord- to announcement and delighted audience She is a good speaker I imparted a greet useful itioo A number of question asked by the and satisfactorily Many labor devices were mentioned and uses explained All present that it was a very profitable ting Oronhyatekha Dead Supreme Chief laager the I lied Horn failure on Saturday at where he had gone lor the blue- health is such respect to the as was on Wednesday iti- Toronto when the thous- citizens joined with independent Order of silent tribute to the chief Hon Dr thronged streets the cortege Wed from the Union Station to Hall where during the was estimated that le the pall whereon casket In the evening an funeral service held try eat in the large uditorinm I Wsg filled remains were taken to isito Thursday tor interment with j Dr was of Mo- and was horn Aug the Six reserve seat There he received rudiments of an education in the and though without worked to secure nnds to farther educate himself After a course la the i Mass he re- to and taught his own people for a time studying medicine in be In his twentieth was selected to seat ai aidrejis Irons the Six Na tions Indians to the Prince of Wales so frable was the by the young Indian that he invited by the to studies at Oxford from which be subsequently was graduated iistipctfoD practising at and StratfOrd be moved to London and built tip a lucrative practice there In he joined the and by bis ibilily and great enthusiasm rapidly rose to the top He was elected Supreme Chief Ranger in and under bis able adminatra- this organization grew to we one the leading fraternal of the world fie saw actice swHce in the Fenian raid and one of Can- first rifle team at Wimbledon where he won nine prises Hi wife Miss Helen a great grand- daughter of the celebrated Mohawk Joseph Brant Autobiography of a Dollar Bill Composition by a High School My but J am tired of this grab and rush kind life said a dollar to himself- one day as the clerk of a grocery store handed ft over the counter to a miserable looking man in return for some things he bad brought In Well said a five dol lar bill which happened to hear this remark You are likely to have a rtet now I have lain in this pock et for nearly a year and am apt to stay here another by wnat I have heard because they say this man is miser shall be very ftk this is true said the dollar bill for I have seen a great deal the world and am tired of It See how my edges are worn and this tear in my side which was caused by a man hanging on to me so tightly that he nearly tore me in People fight over me and do most anything to get hold of me I see that you are new looking said he looking at the bright five dollar bill l so cannot have seen much of the world said the five dollar bill have not and I should be pleased to hear of some of your travels and ad ventures Well I will tell you about an ad venture I once had on the sea said the dollar A great bundle of bills like were tied toger and put in a great- iron box on a steamer The Captain locked us in and went away carrying the key with him During the night a great storm arose and after many hoars drifting on the great waves the Steamer struck with a great crash on a rock The Captain rushed in and secured us and then hurried in to a boat with sir of the crew After drifting around for five or six days the provisions became- ex hausted and the men asked the Cap tain what be bad in the parcel which be carried with him The Captain refused tell and so the men took It by force When they opened it and saw us their eyes glittered with greed One whispered something to the other five there was a blow a splash and when we looked again the Captain was not there The six men then divided us among themselves but their illgot ten gain of us did them no good for a calm came and before we got to land the six ruffians The boat was sighted by a steamer and the men taken to and buried Since- then have seen much of the world sorrow joy crime and good and wish for a rest before I continue my Journey because I think it will be my last as I am nearly worn out Do you not think I need a rest friend said the dollar bill But the five dollar bill did not an swer because be was burled deeply in thought wondering if his life would be as exciting and graphic as that of the old dollar bill lire at on Tuesday morning railway car ran off the Iradt at Fergus and tore the side out of a house Mrs Fisher who was sit ting in the house caught be tween the car and the wall and had her ankle broken WATCH INFORMATION When you buy a Watch know what you are buying and what youre paying Compare prices compare qualities here and there Youll find our prices de cidedly in your favor every time and any Watch you buy here no matter what you pay you get our uncon ditional Guarantee Gold Filled Watches from upwards L ft CO and Opticians tie lead men to tula of the path they take in life We have a- Axed purpose In life and strive to should not daunt fox James Cole tells us that it often wrought from the chaos of failure So in life we never want to be downhearted when we fall to obtain what we We must beware of the trap which is set for men who love the Al mighty Dollar and thereby fall Let us ask o sel shall our lives be measured by the dollars we haw gained or by we have done- in the world our nature Is inclined to be noble we shall decide In favor of the latter whether we live up to it or The greatest men in the won their tv- the dollars they gained Failure and long suffering fit men further re sponsible in We one of Englands failed completely the time he arose in Parliament to nuke speech He tried to speak but his lips were motionless ud his com panions laughed and scorned Bui he at last found words to Gentlemen some cay shall hear me and so they did Their laughter and ridicule did him because be did not heed their scorn We all have the same path to climb in pursuit knowledge When the son of one of the lings of Egypt was having the principles of explained to him by Euclid he I asked if there wasnt an easier way to obtain the knowledge and the an swer was ibu Sir there is no royal road to learning We have the same chance in training min a others We know the are helpful and instruc tive to and let us drink in knowledge they contain as we would inhale the fresh balmy air of Some men have a large sum of mo ney as their capital but we can have a more substantial capital than money It is a character Noble men and women are wanted ada and elsewhere today Men and women who would shrink from doing a mean cowardly trick A is told which clearly the no ble character of Lincoln He a storeclerk and his honesty him at one time to walk six miles after dark to make right a needy womans miscounted change rather than watt for a trance to explain the matter later Pope in his fa mous poem said An Honest mans the noblest work God wqrlA today is full for clever boys- and girls us not sit down and dream of the fu ture but be up and doing with a heart for any fare Nature before us the lessons of and sublimity If we look back and think that our life has been a and disappointment let it only be a passing thought Failure has grad ually taught the earnest man his choicest lessons or in the words of the American poet Xor deem the Irrevocable past As wholly wasted wholly vain If rising on lie wrecks at last To something nobler we attain March Sessions Judge Winchester opened the York- County Sessions on Tuesday The following compose the Grand Jury Acton publisher Toronto fore man J Churchill Arlidge prof Toronto J Atkinson merch ant Toronto Brown farmer East Thomas Ferguson mechanic Toronto Junction J stock breeder Weston Richard J George carpenter East Toronto Hilton Pearson farmer King gentleman New market Chas Kennedy farmer John Querrie carriage- maker Aurora fv Crowning builder Aurora Samuel sVi a Toronto Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week were Export cattle from to 516 Good butchers to Medium butchers to Butchers cows to Good Milch cows to MO Calves S3 to per Export ewes to Culls and Bucks 850 to 425 Lambs to 650 Hogs cars in Toronto aid SI at country points Dear M Yoar Us eat ar a J Use Task May tea dm tor to a Q air hit il mi a to per mi daslaei sssAcsm tit may soon be s os who went an on- Friday last it a Toronto is nicely and hopes to be to turn home at an early data Hiss Viola la inca pacitated with an may be some days before she win be able to use it Hiss Kettle Is also laid up with a severe bruise she got while sleighing down the hill on Saturday night Mr will go to the City at an early date to undergo an operation possibly next week genial Salesman Mr Wig gins we are pleaded to state is able to be out again Mrs Stephenson is we are in formed on list and we hope her recovery may be speedy Mr and Mrs Pesrson of paid Mr a visit on Tuesday last Mr James Murray has been laid up the past few days with la grippe Mr Thos Clapson moved on to his new farm this week Mr John from near Au rora has leased Mr farm and moved in lately Mr having leased the Old farm of Mr Roberts has moved in and Mr Edward West has leased and moved on to the But ler farm A Reform meeting will be held in the Temperance Hall here on the of March to elect officers and other Important business Our little burg is set apart for lo- k j- K i is Over and Spring Business has Begun showing Many How end fl Dres things that have been to ourselves vvvx J alone I BOOTS and SHOES If you want good Boots buy them at Brun- Tht Jo what people are saying every day There Is nothing too good for our customers and the best mills Of boots In Canada have their boots to us Cooking Figs 30 lb Prunes lbs for 25c BRUNTON THE BEST RESULTS FROM BRUNTONO BAKING POWDER Sale Register TUESDAY March Charles will have a sale of stock and implements on lot con King Sale at oclock J improvement with Commissioners Auct to look after things We think its about time they were giving count of their stewardship an i KESWICK Mrs Wm received news of the death of her sister and nim En Michigan last week Mr J and Miss Mary have returned to their home here after spending nearly six months with Mrs Brown In Toronto Junction Mr Morton and family have moved into the bouse recently vacat ed by Mr Wat Haffle Mr condition Is about the same Since his last at tack his strength la very small air Ira Morton and faintly into the village last week Mr end Mrs Ernest Norton have moved to the farm a Sorry to lose Miss Dora Heme from Keswiekv Our loss is gain A lot of men are talking of work ing on the government wharf A number of our villagers are let ting In acetylene gas Both stores are lit by it The Methodist church is getting ft also Rev H Partridge preached an excellent sermon in the church on Sunday morning Mr- Richmond Cole baa moved back to this Miss Viva Cole better Miss Annie Main is visiting friends In Col ling wood Mr Wm was in Toronto on Friday attending District meeting of Knights of Maccabees and the fol lowing Tuesday attended the Provin cial Convention in Mr John and daugh ter have returned to Old Orchard Mr and Mrs T Allison of Mount Albert are visiting friends in this vicinity Mr AT went to Toronto on Monday Mr and Mrs J King spent Son- day Mr Purdy is in Toronto on the jury this week Acetylene gas lighting In Mr Coles store was a very bright idea On account of the very severe storm Tuesday evening S were unable to the lodge here Mr J Hurst has taken a posi tion in the Specialty works at New market A Funfiy World The Register thinks bo and gives its reasons A citizen ordered the milkman to leave milk at his bouse every morn ing paying down for a weeks supply after the week was up the milkman still supplied his customer leaving a quart on his doorstep every morning which the customer took in side and used At the end of the year the milk man presented his bill tor weeks the customer refused to pay it say ing that the milkman should have stopped delivering when the payment ended The milkman sued the customer and got and costs and people said that customer was a mean and dishonest man and that the milkman did right Another citizen did this with the baker and people said he was not much better than a thief if any ter Another did it with the local pa per and when the editor sued people said it was was a mean man Funny world isnt it I WEDNESDAY March Mr H Dennis will have an extensive sale of stock implements and furn iture one mile south of ket Usual terms Sale at one oclock sharp Smith Auct TUESDAY March Mr George Green lot rear of Cos East will dispose of his farm stock and implements at one oclock sharp months credit sarnie Ml S TUESDAY March Louisa will have an extensive tale of stock and implements on lot in con of East Gwillimbury Usual terms Sale at twelve clock Kavanagh andSmith Auct FRIDAY March Hall- will have an extensive sale of stock Implements furniture etc on lot SO in the of Whitchurch near- Pine Orchard Usual terms Sale at one Smith WEDNESDAY March Jacob Smith wiH hare an extensive j and very important sale of stock implements etc on lot 29 in the con of East Usual terms Sale at noon H Kavanagh Auct MONDAY March Charles pard of Holt will dispose of his cattle horses implements etc- without reserve Eight months credit on sums over with the exception of hay turnips and poultry Sale at one oclock I sharp J Auctioneer TUESDAY March Frank of Zephyr will dispose of a bouse and lot and a Quantity of household effects at am W J Auctioneer BALDWIN Mr J J Foster will dispose of a number of valuable horses cows and Implements by private sale at his premises Bald win Terms cash Newmarket Markets w LUNDYS Newmarkets Fastest Growing Dry Goods and Tailoring House SHIRT WAIST SUITS Pieces only of Fancy White Lainette forShirt Waist Suit yard FOR MEN OUR SPRING STOCK OF TWEEDS AND WORSTEDS ARE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION Why not wear a TailorMade Suit when you can get J one tor the same money as a Ready Made and have satis- faction J W C LUNDY Leading Tailor Shop ANK MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST TOTAL ASSETS i 00 11000000 00 00 Branchea at all important centres in Canada and in London land New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodat ed as heretofore Newmarket and Branches March White Wheat per hush W- 71 Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 0 Goose 04 0 Rye per bush Barlev per Peas per bush 0 Oats per bush Buckwheat 0 Bran per ton Shorts per ton 0 00 Hay ton 00 Butter roll per lb Chickens per Potatoes per bag Chickens per Ducks per per TV 0 Grays Syrup of Red Spruce Guy Turkeys 0 0 0 Is 0 Toronto Markets March 1907 White Wheat per bus Red Wheat per Sprint Wheat so- Goose Wheat per Barley per J per bus per bush so- Hay per ton J Potatoes per bag I Butter 0 the editor who 5T 7 D Hogs per Chickens per ft 0 Docks per ft 0 If there is a carriage to be bought this spring talk it over with us carriage pretty fries jTuxxwye- portent bus and you cant be too carriage decide on Thats why we want yon to over wants with us and act the line Too know dont have to boy you Jed you will fed It when ace TUDHOPB CARRIAGES- TRY S1MP80NS FOR ALL KINDS OF CAKES St PASTRY Any klad cake Made to order with one days SIMPSONS PHONE NO A