Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , March 8, 1907, p. 2

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I MB SBA a u JiT i feu Rooms to Rent and unfurnished Close to the Market Enquire at Era Salt Leicester Ewes well bred J H Orchard According lo the usual report of Bureau of Industrie lor for which is to hand we earn that the market value farm crop in Ontario lor the five years 1W103 was greater than that for the five rears by fully Prosperity in Agri culture means prosperity for peo ple as a whole Sale For A few well bred Mammoth Bronze Turkey Toms Charles Donne St House and Lot v For sale at a bargain if sold at once Apply to Mrs John Hunter Charles St Agents Wanted A profitable business or men and women who are willing to work to ell useful household novelties Ap ply to Box Newmarket Acknowledgment Mr and Mrs John Shanks desire to sincerely thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sym pathy in connection with the death of their little baby Acknowledgment Mr Martin desires to express bis thanks to the friends and neighbors who rendered assist ance during the sickness and death of bis beloved wife The spring assizes which opened in Hamilton last Monday a criminal case on the docket Mr Justice was presented by the Sheriff with a pair of white kid gloves as Is the custom when an As size opens without any criminals to be tried So long ss York County is judicially connected with Toronto the Sheriff will be spared the plea sure of a presentation Of kid gloves to the presiding Justice m It is gratifying to see an Influen tial publication like the Canadian continuing to devote a large part of its space to the con sideration of art and literature and j addition particularly to subjects in this con nection that are especially interest ing to the people of Canada In the March number of this Magazine a well illustrated article by Margt Henderson deals with the art of basketry as practised by the of British Columbia The is replete with other contributions of a varied and interesting order The art of china making and decorating is considered in an article entitled Celebrated China The number contains in all eleven tides six of illustrated five short stories and sevenpoems besides the usual departments House for Sale On the North side of St two doors East of Pine St A evenroomed cottage Rough cast Domestic water For sale Terms cash Apply to Mrs Simpson Main St or Mr William Keith GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM SecondClass Colonist Tickets On sale daily until April to points in British CohanbiaCaUlor- Washington Oregon Colorado Montana Special Twin to Northwest Will leave Toronto every Tuesday March and April at with colonist sleeper or ac commodation of settlers travelling with lire stock travel ling without lite stock should take train leaving Toronto daily pm or pm Fee fail as tats and tickets call on J Tow Agent J D McDonald P Agent Wood for Sale Wood per cord deliver ed la Town Apply to DENNIS Newmarket P A Great Bargain Cattle Yearlings lor Sale also milking Cows aad Horses Three Brood Sows and Six Terms or Six Months Credit GLICKSTEIN Lot Vivian PO TEACHERS Take a school The Twenty- Four who comprise the present or the Central Business College of Toronto are tne bast In the Dominion As a we the best school Sys tem and thoroughness also cut some figure with us Our Cat alogue explains Yours for the asking Will yon King Edward left Monday for He will be absent home until the end of ApriL Oar Toronto better Rev Geo of Calgary President of the Alberta Conference and Rev J Thompson of Vic toria President of British Columbia Conference are In the city this week attending the Transfer Committee of the Methodist church Mr wants additional men next year and Mr Thompson for the mis sion fields and stations of these two Conference Under the patronage of the Lieut- Governor and Mrs Clarke the Schu bert Choir their concert in Mas- Hall on March will in addi tion to a number of works sing Schuberts great Oratorio Mix tarns Song of Triumph The Young Mens Liberal Club do last Monday night at a wU- meeting in the Labor Tem ple to take steps towards the ob taining of a suitable dab house as headquarters for the Liberals of To ronto and the Province aad appoint a committee to further the pro ject Mr John Sullivan Assist Chief Engineer on the Panama Canal has been appointed Superintendent of Construction on the with hie office in Toronto An fire occurred at King St east on Monday the l being divided among West Co Dominion Paper Mills and National Cigar Co In a Queen St west notion store some inflammable fabrics took fire while the gas was being lighted In the windows last Monday and damage done to building and goods The Metropolitan Methodist church tendered Rev Dr Carman and Rev Dr PotU a banquet in the school room last Tuesday night to mark their jubilee year In the min istry Mr H presided It was a grand event Torriug- supervised the organ music Mrs Jessie keeper ot a maternity home Llsgar St was fined 130 and costs for allowing a child to be adopted without notify ing the authorities or registration Mrs Edna Boyd was also fined 126 for taking the child without first procuring necessary papers for adop tion On Tuesday morning the had another serious collision near Pane Ave Eight persons were Injured The dining car was completely de stroyed and two engines and one van badly damaged Cause of the accident is said to be neglect the rules The crews of trains Jumped and saved their owes The annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Association will be held in this city on April to in clusive No less than Chinamen were gathered in by the police last Sun day night in the cellar of a Chinese store Queen St taken to the police station on charges of gambling and playing the game of fentan Wright years old a son of Mrs Wright was drowned and his companion Jea Humphrey aged narrowly escaped the same ate Sunday afternoon as they Were playing on the Ice of the Brock St slip Both lads had played truant from Sabbath School for an after noons outing Vincent IS years old a son of ratrick OKeefe ran out of the house Sunday afternoon when his mother threatened to whip him and a short time after ward he was found dead under a pile of lumber about a block sway Dr Gallagher was call ed and he found that the lad had died from heart failure Julius Ward ma who Mr Bolt Hewitt got back raped from the Queen St Asylum Grand Rapids Mich on Friday was later found unconscious after a stay over months a hotel bedroom with a leading A Wilson V a gas jet in his mouth died did not to Chicago last the ox gas poisoning fttjucday as stated in the Banner to the General Hospital j take a special course as course Accidents happen in all manner of was postponed indefinitely ways end so unexpected of who George Allen whose home li in the In the ma employed by the working in a car at the foot of tor fa Bathurst St Saturday afternoon accept a more luteal no lle was looking out of the car when a shunting engine hit it causing the door to close giving his head an Blackburn ugly jam An ambulance took him l Newmarket two weeks ago to Grace Hospital to spend a few days son Toronto school children are subscriptions towards the J trottbte a monument to rah Maxwell the School teacher in cation Her family have Montreal who so heroically sacrificed to f her life In her efforts to save the lit- 1 of Toronto sent Thursday tie ones in her charge f Mr W K George is the new Presi- of and dent the Toronto Industrial ExhiI Mrs Association over Sunday with We The March Criminal Sessions glad to report that she Im- County opened before Judge Paving nicely Winchester on Tuesdsy las The Mr Walter Gtoome writes from docket over thirty cases in Alameda as follows Mr L to a few traversed- from theG Jackson Dear Friend You previous Sessions will please find enclosed Postal Order Hon Pugsley who became Premier for as snb to Era Must say New Idea Patterns Each The House of Quality si Dress Making Parlors Now Open Miss Evans in Charge HUNTER BROS NEWMARKET and BAR I E of New Brunswick this week diHers in politics from Richmond Hills reeve as he has no special use for Tories the prise putxle German that we could not very well exist without It Am pleased to Jell you that we are all well and busy in fact too busy Any person who cares to work need not be Idle Pink Pills man on a charge of using Since the great and terrible mails to defraud the public April every branch of been sent up for trial Industry been booming Every now begins to look as if the Minister of Education interfered to get for a frieud which led to the of Inspector Hastings and by the resignation of the li cense board of which Mr was chairman This is the way the Government mixes up with the system and then declares are no politics in it Mrs Harman who celebrated one of the bay cities is a veritable hive of industry in itself Real estate has risen excessively no sign of its abatement- The people are building everywhere Carpenters Masons Plumbers and in fact all mechanics in the building trade are in great demand at very high wages It that onethird of the burned district of San is being rebuilt It is simply won derful the strides they are making Brand HOSIERY birthday on March that direction Our cold winter passed away Wednesday morning jdid not seem to prevent them very Deceased came to Canada trow much from going ahead Some Cat- land in She has been a for about years The York Pioneers at their annual meeting this week elected Mr Rennie president John v ho was conductor of the first regular passenger train on the old Huron in June was elected secretary treasurer and Rev rt S Matthews an old pastor of the Methodist Church at Newmarket was made registrar thought the had shaken us some miles North but we have drifted back again and we now basting in the sunshine with the thermometer ranging from to That is not bad is it Oar Society Column Mrs D L Lepard Is confined to her bed through illness Mas Beaton of is spending week or two with Miss Leila Mrs Case entertained a number of ladies last Friday after- Laura and Miss Ethel of Toronto were home over Sundae Mrs Or Lockhart of Tuesday with Mrs Hu ron St Mrs of Bronte is spending a couple of weeks The Bowery Mrs P rave euchre on Thursday afternoon of last week Mr Porter wile of To ronto wen guests at over Sunday Mr AM Manning of Hamilton attended his sisters funeral here last Friday Mrand Mrs Hughes gave another progressive flinch last Friday night Mr Frank Foster of the Central Business College Stall Toronto was home over Sunday Mr E Bowociiiau and wife of Toronto were guests of Rev P Cor nell last Saturday Rev Mr Campbell spent Monday In the city the guest of Rev Dr Kennedy of Knox College Mr L Kitchen and wile of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Root Manning over Sunday Mr of Toronto spent Friday with Miss Florence and Miss Clara Brown Bliss Wilkinson one of the Model School of teachers spent over Sunday with friends in the city Mrs Hewtoa ccnain of Rev Cornell accompanied by her daughter are visiting here thia ITCH Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious It on human or animals aired in SO min utes by Sanitary Lotion It never Sold by J It The drink bill for Great Britain last year was hearty leas than in France and Spain have agreed to build three railroads across the Pyr enees within tea years A United States mail waggon containing registered mail worth was stolen In Chicago on Satur day A bad outbreak of typhoid fever is reported in Havergal Ladles Col lege Winnipeg owing to tainted milk TUB CRADLE East on March to Mr and Jons For downright good values in La dies and Childrens Hose there is not the equal Of this Brand In Can ada If the cheapest Hosiery is too poor to give satisfaction to the wearer we pass it In other words our guarantee goes with every pair oil Hose we sell Some of the best lines for Spring are OUR SPECIAL Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose Spliced Heels and Toes Seamless Feet Sizes to Prices to per pair IP- WALL PAPERS FOR SPRING SEASON No previous collection has contain ed such attractive features as that we now ask you to call and WHAT WANT IN BOOTS Is always found- at Newt Cash Store It Is the products of cream of the celebrated Tbe Watson Foster Co Tbe Meoxie Line We here bright pretty Florals and Standard Reliable Makes worthy Qualities that wont disappointing for Spring Wear heavy Soles that are prt the rough reeds that are dressy and Prices far below any other Store Town Buying direct In large Ribbed Llama Cashmere Stripes for Bedroom Magnificent enables us to Hose Extra Soft Finish invisible competitors G and a wide choice of Spliced Knees Spliced Heels and Hangings shades of Cream Greens and Blues with Silver and Gilt Treatments Toes Plain Seamless Feet Sites to Prices to per pair Plain Black Cashmere Hose- Altogether our range outclasses Special Line Spliced Heels and In value and Toes Seamless Feet to Prices IS to per pair LLAMA Plain Black Pure Wool Cashmere Hose Extra Range Elastic Knit Full Fashioned Legs Grey Heels and Toes All sixes 4 to 10 Prices per pair we would deem It a show you our Spring LINE privilege our good Papers are cheap We are selling WALL CEILINGS AND BORDERS ALL AT ONE PRICE IN MENS WOMEN AND CHILDRENS SHOES HUNTER BROS LIMITED Bast on Sunday WW to Mr and Mrs a ltftl at Ave Toronto so Dr and Mrs bag on Friday Feb the wile of Mr Charles Bodflso of a daughter TUB ALTAR resi dence of the brides father Mr Hy OS Feb by Rev Edwards Mr Wm Ed French to Miss Sarah all of Albert the home of the brides father on March by Corneal Mr of Carroll Mrs J H Millard Mrs P W Pearson and Mis Millard are in the city this week owing to the death of Mrs Millards sister Richmond Hill Liberal Mr Mrs W Wiley and Mr Mrs J McKay drove down from New market Sunday and spent the day with Mr Mrs G Wiley Rev and Mrs Neil attended a banquet in Toronto last Friday even ing and Mrs remained in the city Sunday with Mr W Jackson of Toronto Observatory staff was home over Sunday also Mr L Jackson and bis college chum Mr of Manchester to Miss Mabel J Of Mr Charles Wilson of New market PLAYTERCONNERIn Toronto on March by the Rev Turn- bull LLB pastor of the West Presbyterian church Toron to Miss Cora M Conner to Frank both of Pine Orchard SULLYHOPKINSAt the Metho dist Parsonage on Marcn 1907 by Rev W Mr Chan Sully to Miss Rose Hopkins all of Newmarket REESORNEILLAt the the brides slater in Toronto en Feb Mr B Rets- or of Lindsay formerly of to Miss NetO of Brentford TUB TOMB the residence the late David Johnston Aurora on Monday Feb Agnes relict of the late Peter Rodgers in year HARMAN la Aurora on Sunday Feb Melbourne Roy aged mouths infant son of Mr Mrs In Toronto on Wednesday Feb Hannah years beloved wife Alfred Oar- ley of Aurora DEACONAt SeJiomberg on Feb Anna Camilla daughter of Mr and Mrs John Deacon aged months on a Myxa Martin only child of and Mrs John aged I year and 11 days on Feb a Elizabeth widow of William Dennela MARMALADE ORANGES Have you bought your Oranges yet tor How is the Best and Cheapest Time to Buy We have a large assortment both bitter sweet at Very Los Prices FISH OF ALL In tins and by the pound Fresh or Salt THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Firaitflw Cash J AND DaatALMING sails a be at John Millard BROWKAt lew Onta rio March Thos Brown in hi year The remains were brought to New- market and Tuscan Lodge held a Ma sonic Funeral on Tuesday the re mains being Interred at Pine Orchard SMITH At Toronto on March Sarah wife of Jas Smith and sister of Mrs J H Millard of Newmarket rln her year We Buy All Kinds of Produce Would like to buy a lot Dried Apples Bacon MCCAULEY COME US A c s S a J Undertaking MAIM ST WANTED t lor vksWty tor Fall to seO tress AH AU Orders will WernssHir this ssasnoy one of the Met end good nan out of it an ACRES OF CHOICE STOCK TO DRAW UPON Apply talnS CO Toronto Ontario

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