a- A THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15 Canary for Sale N Oar Toronto Oar Soeiaty Splendid singer P Wanted Immediately or Christian Church Apply to J A Queen St Wood for Sale Wood per cord Town Apply to EDGAR DENNIS Newmarket P press on Saturday from this City to Niagara Falls waa attended by about ladles and gentlemen Much interest was talc en In the electric power companies Pi For the Era The Eternal Snow BY A BANKER Party to Invest seating capacity The event repetition of the previous triumphs Cecil run by one of the Queen City without services For particulars Mt COMPANY LIMITED Toronto Out Dog Lost The Utter part of Jan Hog with white breast the same of Information gladly received by J Newmarket P O 70S SALS Acrea in the front part rot the Con of House stable and orchard Mcdonald Box MS Newmarket Farm for Sale Acres in the 3rd and Com of miles North of Good In good condition Small orchard and lota of small fruit Pall plow ing done Pall wheat SO seeded down ROSE P down era have given oat that any appli cant for a I offers or pays influence towards helping them to re a license will be turned Suspicious aint it The Protestant School Commission of Montreal his sent the sum of a contribution of the Montreal Protestant schools to wards the Alex Memorial Fund Total for Canadian Schools to date The spectacle of two factions oi a temperance organisation disputing an organ witnessed Sunday in the Christian ranee Hall on St It It likely the law haveto Kettle the dispute Daring the month of January the school children of Toronto United in fee Savings Bank of the City Schools The now hare the Savings Rank On Monday last and Among the varied recreations which help to give teat to Mr Sherman Fletcher and friend orating and exhilarating both and what they axe doing at the great from Toronto spent Sunday at home mind and the body with some the cataract It learned by the Sunday most pleasurable of all is a ramble Association that more than alpenstock hand midst the savage horsepower of electric energy now and wild and defiles being developed on the Ontario in SI the snowy of the Thia ooting waa a city wee plateaux and waatea of unusually pleasant and agreeable one Maggie Osborne of Toronto Aftpg from sUrt to finish waa home over Sunday the ascent explorer On the Mendelssohn Choir Mrs A gave a euchre Is soon la the land flowan beau- for the time daring the week party on Wednesday afternoon ftirai columbines yellow foxgloves were greeted by an audi- Mr A I baa been Woe mountain gentian pink alpen- that Ailed Hall to low aoupfcofday rosea with many another fair beauty as floral wtl theae natural aaoending were visiting Mr over of spruce t e Baking Companys waggons on Mr and bride of path aow winds amidst St were visiting Mr over rock and until at day night length a wide and deep fissure rent Mr and Mre Maw gave a pro- in the mountain is reached Lofty Lost Heir party on beetling cllBa and dark frowning preci- or traaafer who day night pices bound this yawning gorge any person for their Charles gave a tea through which a mountain torrent last Friday afternoon to a number of foams and now plunging head- elderly ladies jlong over a precipice or now swirl- Ml Brifry of itoitta to spending two or three weeka with Mrs S Cane Mr Lemon and wife log wood visited Vernon on Miss Leila Morton ot Orchard Beach was the guest of Miss a few days week Mr J Brodle and waff In the city over oa of the death of mother Mrs T J a number of with seven hand euchre on Monday afternoon Mrs Strong of Bradford and Mrs Pirn of Toronto spent a few with Mrs J Mr George Bowman an ad- ear waa turning trv ttw League meet- the rugged broken at Queen St a car Aurora last Monday night crevasse is passed bound ran into it to Mr Ben formerly of its cleft aides a glorious jump the rails and go to- Albert Is back to Town again He now a cluster of and the drug store of now with the Bank of Toronto shafts and columns or now a onier Whitchurch mass of piled up St Fortunately there was fragments f broken lee welded pole in the way and into that Toronto for a ban re- with frozen snow M Turned home At length the valley la again 2t i soesjety mast lead the A carload of thirty to look from m to who acting on legal advice defied The friends of Mr Jack God And Ha who en- SEE OUR Spring Wall Papers The House of Quality Newmarket and Barrie SEE OUR Spring Dress Goods in while here and there are piled up in wild confu sion masses of jagged broken rock upon which doubtless in former times graceful chamois disported themselves until exterminated by ruthless hunters But excelsior higher and yet higher Now the eternal snows ire domes and and wide outapread plateaux of per petual snow glistening and sparkling in the brilliant sun its dazzling whiteness contrasting sharply with the dark rocky peaks and towering crags and escarpments be yond Crossing the crisp snowy waste and now descending the upper reaches of the glacier come into view and still descending the Apprentices Wanted For DressMaking Apply to MISS WILSON Millard Avenue Wanted or Rooms without board in tarnished house A at Era Office Boarders Wanted the car were ran into the operated on In the City hospital Scollard St bams Friday and two weeks ago will be glad to beauty has provided a means after a wait for twenty minutes were doing nicely At the Cedars Boarding H cor of Victoria and Park Avee Good warm rooms with or without meals for a number of boarders also table hoarders wanted Good accommoda- tor travellers Terms from SI per week up to per day MRS SCOTT Pr A Great Bargain Young for Sale Cows anal Horses Three rood Sows sad Six Plan Terms Six Months Credit M Lot Vivian PO by which any who wiH may a Wooding of of tar glory and Mkh dropped off the care here on Ho has told in His holy Monday to spend the day with that the meant to attain that prior to his return home Is through faith In the Savkm Mlsa Cook the world wno for Himself Cook and the chastisement demanded for sin by Eternal Justice compelled to go oat a J tale the next car Two lawyers vera in the party and gave the iwple sous aaV vtoe The strike of the twentyflve girls who quit work at the clothing work two Iter dlenc with the taa Urn A Northern Ontario lUUway that there baa Toroato been reoelre4 or tor i attended the funeral of hare travelled a long way on town altei aM the right of la Newmarket laat Monday Wlaalpcg City Conoefl baa deefd- of the line the and a calling not to awept the TRY SIMPSONS for all or CAKES PASTRY Anv kind of cake made to order with one days notice In London there are over factory girls Some men who boast of having come from good famlHee most Remnants Cheap Cheap Cheap We have been in the Dry Goods t- and have thrown out ail small lines and Remnants of piece which we f have marked away down to make a quick clearance Remnants of Footwear Zero w Weather f Dress Goods Silks Ribbons Laces Table Linens Towellings Flannelettes Prints Etc We are selling a lot of Gold Weather Footwear these days Have you been in to participate in our m Shoe Bargains You- have still two months of wear this season besides being prepared for next year Felts r Rubbers Overshoes All reduced from to per cent off regular prices FURS for Selling January Fur Selling ex- celled all previous seasons February has become the Fur Buying Month OF THE YEAR We hare a most Complete Assortment OF LADIES Stoles Ruffs Muffs At 20 par cent off of Regu lar Price it Torringtoa of The Messiah will be given by toe Toronto vmi Chorus next Christmas A direct wire Into Cobalt camp is old friends A number ladies had a time at Mrs J Madert on They they expect to he If ernmeots tor to install a telephone system at once Opsortamlty has heir In frost dressed as hind she Is yon OUR BREAD Is the that the best same and SIMPSONS PHONE NO False Dignity Simplicity manners joined with strong sturdy common sense is one of the rare and refreshing which adorn the character of a ssan They shine though without ostentation they form seen a striking contrast to the countless instances of false dignity and vile aflectatiott which we daily see about as We lately beard a most amusing instance of offended dignity A man called at a grocery and bought some milk sad while the portly hostess was pouring it out he happened to mention that he wasted It for a favorite at claimed the woman with Indignation Is her red face do you suppose I keep milk to sell for oats drink I rather not and the poured It back rather now in lull operation It been years of in by a lending City brokerage house The listeners have all to themselves on this line Prof Brock of Queens School of Mining will do some special work in the Cobalt district during the ap proaching spring and summer for the Ontario Department of Mining Company business still booms No less than eighteen companies were last Saturday capitalized at the moderate figure of The Telegram gives this hint to future managers of the Ontario Press Association The will never be what it outfit to he until the Ontario editors do the talking and the Toronto editor do the thinking Mr K gar a luncheon at the Canadian Institute on Friday last Hon P and Hon A p were guests of honor out the Policeman hopes the tele phone strike wont reach the stage attained by the striking trouble in Hamilton a time ago He said policemen to club the strikers up there he couldnt possibly crab a telephone here- It would beat the riot act The Liberal banquet at King a few days ago was a splendid tribute to Hon A Minister of Justice and Coxrnsma represent ative this Riding and also to Hon P Graham Opposition leader in the ot the gathering the Globe of day remarks It thought on the part of the North York electors to air Graham the Users leaner far Ontario bit list ot Invited guests at the tendered at King to the Minister of Justice Mr deserved the compliment and Mr Graham de served a share of the distinction Such opportunities of meeting the electors Is a social way are none too The annual meeting of the Cana dian Press Association in Toronto last week was largely attended The editor ot the Bra was elected one of the auditors Mr Heaps formerly of the Ontario Bask fa Newmarket is now in a Real Estate sad In vestment business in His here will wish him Miss Annie a of Miss Lois Wilson Toronto has again proven very successful in hex studies In the Theory of Music hav ing passed with generous firstclass honors the final examination in the Form of Music held at the Con servatory In Toronto last month This is the Inst theoretical subject required tor graduation standard We are pleased to Mr George Little of of Mrs Little of Town is to to- the id 1 1 in his business Spelling of the opening a new store the Free says Such display windows never have been seen in this before Deep high and wide with their of heavy French mirrors vel vet curtains their floors behind veritable walla shin ing plate glass they are the very acme of modern window and there are eighteen of them Is big enough to accommodate the needs of the ordinary shop The fact is that the vindows only serve to hint at the Immense storehouse of fashion and utility that is la has Partridge ft tshUausnent As tor the beauty of they reach the forelock yon may hold her but suffered to escape sot til mint catch her happy the arrangement sad draping of these windows it la doe to the artistic skill and ingenuity of George Little known among merchants in his line of work in other urfiw fcouId see that their new to go without the milk and wait leader is not allowed to hide bis At the close there a little cheaper the The women who claim to be si young as they feel dont all look ft They say that people who talk too much do not rcaHxe it until next day You can buy a dog lor but le not money enough in the world to boy the wag of Ms tall THB CRADLE Bond Lake January to Mr and Mrs Coney a daughter TUB ALTAR the resi dence of Mr Morrison New market uncle of the bride on Thursday Feb 1st by Rev A Campbell Otto of Toronto to Fulton daughter of Mr of Montreal BOLAN DOYLE At St Johns Church Feb by Rer P Whitney John Francis to Catherine Doyle Toronto Feb by Rev Clever pas tor of Metropolitan Church Geo Green to Miss May of Holt The young couple will reside In To ronto SMITH At the Parsonage Davenport by the Rev Dewey on Feb S Mr and Mrs Smith both of Whitchurch THB TOMB Mrs aged THB LEADING taitwcDiidertaking fionse You can buy your Cheap Fir AND A calls attended to at John Millard Phone J Mrs M Doylsagsi hi the General Hospital roato Feb I Dean sr of on Feb Mrs George Hoi den a years PHnxrpSIa Town Feb Frank youngest son of Mr Geo H Phillipsaged mos and 18 days the General Hospital Toronto on Feb Han nah Hall wile of John her year Ring Creek Township of King EuphemU oa Feb aged years Funeral Saturday last to King City Cemetery the residence of her dautter Mrs J P Hunter To ronto oa Feb I 117 Mary mother of Mr J C of Newmarket In her year DAVIS At the residence of her daughter Dr Leila Davis The Alexandra Apartmenta Univers ity avenue on Monday Feb Elisabeth Pease Davis mother of Hon J and P Davis Vancouver Interred in Mount Pleasant Ceme tery Wednesday her late residence Aurora on Feb 1907 Angelina Cummer relict of the late Joshua Cummer in her list year FornitflreUndertafciiig MAIN NORTH MARKET GROCERY BREAD AND CAKES This tine of goods we are making a specialty of and haws no hesitation in saying they are the best to be had one of Torontos bakers is the maker of these goods noth ing but the best material Is used Something new tor many Newmarket people are Crumpets Have you tried them They are Oar delivery is out every day aad if will be no trouble to have it call it you will leave your name FRUITS We carry a large assortment of Oranges NAVAL ORANGES from M to per MEXICAN ORANGES from SO to cents par do LEMONS at BANANAS at Lenten season will soon be here We have in Town to choose from salt fish have White Fish Labrador Herrings and Fresh Water Fresh Trout White Fish Smelts Sea Herrings Smoked Bloaters aad Herrings the best quality and at low prices S MCCAULEY Trout I Is All of PHONE All O V will receive Prompt Attention Companions like clothes are or less our own selection Gail Ham ilton Many a girl with eyes like a startled fawn has an appetite like an ostrich I The only sure way for a mission ary to reach a cannibals heart Is through stomach Toa will he happy in life you are wtUtag to give up your solo for a part in the chorus Lost yesterday between sunrise and sunset two full golden each set with sixty golden minutes no reward Is offered for they are lost for ever YEARS i Tradc DcvMMS 9 m f Nt Passat J lUlion of ant M I