5S i6 ba A yoke intelliqencr a advertiser No paper sent North York unless paid la TO A3U HAPPY NEW WATSON Watchmaker and Graduate to art truly sccofclag short all Other liberty Newmarket Ont Friday Jan 4 1Q07 J TBRMS16 IF YOU INTEND BUILDING NEXT TOO WILL SAVE MONEY BY GETTING YOUR ORDER TO FOR YOUR PAINT8 OIL8 GLASS EAVETROUGtUNQ FURNACE AND PLUMBING WORK ARE IN A POSITION TO TAKE CARE OP YOUR BUSINESS TO YOUR ENTIRE SA G A BINNS NEWMARKET PHONE Our Toronto better An extra has been Riven to Game Warden Tinelev lor since Mr T Basted Nice tittle What strikes the liitine nun is what Tinsley to earn his former salary to be abic to earn more alter sot bis dismissal Ten million dollars is amount of Customs receipts at lor the year It is the time it Torontos history mat the baa been reached The woman Miss who was arrested on a chary of stealing a fur stole was sent the Mercer lor six months She want the use of furs this winter Three men who were for Aldermen were some time in filing their qualifications and their names of course were dropped from the ballotpapers made application to Win chester with the Idea of names put on but he told this was impossible Fellows that knew enough about muncinal law to qualify in time will do to wait an other year iv I Cut Prices on Mens Fur Coats White Goods Sale NOW ON AT House for the Era The New Year Another New Year hies With and joyous bound As soon as he arrives Will rat bis New Year rounds The treasures of Another year be undeveloped unknown wondrous things other can fulfil Or een direct bis course While strange event will The worW with Some new links added to the last years chain Wilt Kiwi the earth and span the mighty main Within his folded arms Are many elided toys With their alluring charms And fascinating Which a weeks and months to by May prove but tinsel hollow vanity And many blanks he holds To flit of human lives And as each day unfolds A page to each he Rives On their deeds t Rood or all records A man named Was I To be the guide to giving THE BA OF T This is a distinct mark of Confidence DURING THE YEAR OUR DEPOSITS INCREASED Prompt courteous and satisUrtn service as well as abso lute security is rcsptmsibl for this growth C H TAYLOR Manager Newmarket GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED fined and costs for con duct in a street car recently The Magistrate stated when giving his decision if this misconduct in street cars continues he intended to raise the price A Queen St east druggist has an attraction in his window which is drawing the attention of the passers- by It is a present from Japan of two monkeys which he claims are the smallest in America Thev are about three inches long and were not for the face it would be difficult to tell tbem from young I squirrels A notorious crook and filmftanime named Ward was jugged last week He was known all over the continent as an expert pickpocket District passenger agents of the T and here state that with the inauguration of the cent rate excursion fares at half price will have to cease entirely The re turn of tickets sold lor Christmas holidays shows an increase of on lineaalooe J Spencer a city in spector has resigned in order to take over the hotel on Par liament Street Hugo Kelly is in the running for the vacant inspector ate The Deer Park Cricket pre sented on Christmas with a valuable In recognition of his kindness In allowing Club to use lis fine Grounds without charge during the past season The Charitable Institutions and- the Kris the City were all visited people on Christ mas and New Year eves bearing packages and basket full of good things to the unfortunate inmate As the night shades drew near on those occasions what pathetic me mories must have awakened in the minds of not a tew as thev returned to their various appartmeots Harold Holmes while sleigbrkline I in High Park on Christinas Day col- tided with another sleigh end a fracture of the left lee Nervous Diseased Men K A K ESTABLISHED Constitution FREE far FREE Price Low No Cure No Pay wards There is much to eschew And many snare to shun Much good lor to do To bear the words Weil J And alt around each daily pathway lie A world waiting opportunities Hay we our brothers give what we have to spare Their wants at once relieve By giving them a share For he who glveth to the poor Gods word Declares he unto Christ the Lord Much sorrow is abroad And want stalks boldly near While victims of men fraud Increase each passing year And many need a kind and helping band Within the borders of our favored land We know not what awaits Of earth event lor each Not till the silent gates Shall close beyond our reach When with regret we halt and back ward gate At time and worse than wasted days Or else with grateful heart To for blessings spread For grace from sin to part And in right paths to tread For faith in Christ which can the soul sustain And everlasting joys through Him obtain When time shall be no more And years shall cease to be And all must stand before Judicial Majesty Ox we all reserve anew thin For that event ailh gladness to Pear GRANT Richmond Hill Dec liue The other supposed to bo Grip chums of arrested lor break- J Before we can sympathise with The Kincardine Review opines that future of Cobalt would be brighter if the promoter woukl work the mines more and the public leas By next Christmas good peo ple will we apprehend pronounce the Review a prophet of the major class The Toronto Star says It is un derstood that as soon as the and Northern Ontario Rail way extend their line to make a with the on their pro posed route that company wiat im mediately commence the construction of their both east and west According to the intimations com ing from Cobalt It costs one dollar to take out ten If we may judge of what it costs to operate on Wall St New York by the experiences of Mr of the defunct Ontario Bank it cost a good deal more than ten dollars to try to save one to get rich quick dont al ways pan out satisfactorily Commercial travellers want the election law amended so that thev can vote by mail when away from home during polling day If the law was so amended as to enable a com mercial trarelter to tender bis seal ed vote before leaving home and per sonally to the Returning Officer and by the latter recorded under the sol emn obligation of bis oath it might but to send the vote by mall would be open to any amount of fraud and ahuse as the Returning Officer could have no guarantee against forgery The donations of Andrew Carnegie in some Quarters are passing under severe criticism some remote parts of the Hebrides it is alleged that Carnegie baa entered into a com pact with Auld Clutie to destroy the Scottish religion by the spreading use of musical instruments and man- made The tradition runs that Andy asked Satan how he couW best aid Mm whether he make folks dance build theatres In every parish or teach them cards Na Andy Sa tan Haifa kist ttrk put an organ in every then my gang sell the The fact Mr Car negie has presented organs to many churches has led to the use mod ern hvmns instead of psalms This Innovation the old Scotch k int ers cannot endorse I For the Era The Quest of the Pole BY A BANKER To some th acme and zenith of their ambition or the attainment of which they are willing the most terrible privation in for months togetUr in almost per petual darkness and to risk a flow and death from starvation and is to stand en the very axis of the earth and to realise that if they remain stationary on the spot for twentyfour Vv will be slowly ami insensibly turned com pletely round its silent revolution And how bleak and wild must be the journey to those polar unions through a long weary waste of ice and driven snow Some taint idea of the terrible desert can be gateed by a winter to one of the estuaries of the north of Europe the ice is breaking up As the dis tant opposite shore all wide ex panse of great floating Joined together probably by soma obstruc tion and now forming a veritable Somewhat Miserly t Belleville Dec On the sixth concession of Tyendinaga an old man named George Dawson who was sup posed to be practically penniless died a few days axO lie was ninety yearsld When on his deathbed the old man told those who were attend ing him to look under the seat of an cutter which was in the drive house They did so and found SHOO in Further search revealed an old coffee pot almost filled with gold coins The finders naturally were struck with astonishment as old Mr Dawson had itved for years in a most penurious way almost denying himself the necessaries of life He made a will a few days before he died iceberg which is slowly grinding its way down with grating here who fear that when gathering bulk and height of unemployed it advance toward the open sea j to feel Here a number ol broken columns and I occur j needles of ice now gyrating round round and now with 1 breaking up into smaller fragments here an accumulation of rounded hummocks covered with snow A Reign of Terror Poland Dec The propri etors of of the largest factories here employing persons clos ed their establishments Saturday evening owing to the system of ter rorism inaugurated by the extreme socialists The action caused excitement among the inhabitant this great persons begins the want of rioting will One of the mlUowners in formed the of the As sociated Press that the employers were compelled to shut down because the militant socialists control the the Alps Yet through all these obstructions push- WRECK ROBUST a ok wit Bat cm ia to rllal at roar a to yea to la akoriMt KENNEDY Shelby the plate glass windows and rob- bine Ward premises Adelaide St on Saturday were arrested this week The whole quintette nave no doubt been chief operator in the burglar ies of late in this city The various social and benevolent societies and private individuals and Arms liberal donations and the j distributions of clothing groceries etc were more generous than usual in their endeavors to make the home of the sick and poor realize that Christmas meant something for them charged with con spiracy to defraud the University of Toronto in connection with the old Upper Canada land deal was dis missed as no other person bo discovered with whom be was in The Judge said however it seemed evident that ob tained money by fraud Other charges ma- now be brought While crossing Queen between the Simpson store at Monday afternoon Mrs J- Delaware avenue became con fused on the devil strip and was struck by a Queen street car Her forehead was cut I and one of her ribs broken Henry Wade for years past well known as the Registrar of live Stock Parliament Toron- SaveW one Bottle Oft the Toronto j ranted the most wonderful others we have auflered No one can realise the sul- attendant upon an stuck the grip unless be has had the experience There is no disease that causes so much physical and mental agony or suc cessfully dene medical aid All dan- get from the grip may be avoided by the use of Cough Remedy Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy not one case his ever been reported that has resulted in pneu monia or that has not recovered For sale- by J and all druggists Valuable historical books collect ed by the late Lieut Governor John Beverley Robinson nave passed into the possession of the Province of On tario Tbey have been secured by from Mrs Stewart Houston daughter the late Mr Robinson ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re moves alt hard soft or calloused lumps and from horses blood spavin euro splints ring bone sprains and- diroat coughs Out in the country towns and vil lages if want a high school the cost of the buildings is put upon their taxbills but the Government dont insist upon this kind of thing in recognizing higher educational in stitutions in Toronto Au douncil has fust been passed vesting the site of the old parliament build ing the University Board of Gov ernors The transfer is subject to the lease and option granted to the Grand Trunk Railway in The lease was for years at tC000 per annum for the first ten and for the last eleven years The railway was given the right to pur chase five year for Si or afterwards during the currency o the lease for The of the property whether in the shape of rent or purchase must be devoted to the new Building under the arrangement by the late Government which will be carried out by the board number described placed in the bath room the purpose Many read ings nave failed to clarity the mys tery of that sentence Another difficult passage occurred on the same notice On leaving the bathroom parties are reonested to put on the gowns provided each bath room and then to in number isU ICere ever SoW1 Ten years ago a gentleman gave his wile a Christmas present of a thou sand shares In Crows Nest Pass Coal which were then purchased at a few cent on the dollar De ceased wealthy and his wife re luctantly accepted the Christmas rift She tucked away in an old trunk and were forgotten Two or more ago the husband passed away but In the meantime speculation his wealth had weHnish vanished Some months after the funeral the wife of ed finding herself in straightened cir cumstances was making ready to vis it a distant rerative to whom she intended to apply for assistance In ready for the Journey she happened to discover the ten shares A friend who in- in the husband to make wife a present of this stock was assisting her in for the On discoveiT he tapped her on the shoulder said JYou neednt go these share are worth neatly six figures The changed her mind about the protect them from assault and will at the last receive them Into the of the London Not a few interesting when we the history of Wm9 mediaeval London Hie them is clothing the social status of ihe trader The is the ring should fashionable contempt for J be compared and then they should nets is of recent procw lo the dressing room to put it growth not much more than a ceo- j tury old No precise date can be 1 in you purchase a given but in the earlier part of the In it you meet eighteenth century the feeling on reaaanrhant matter was not it became in the first established she nineteenth j city It has a very view and its For hundreds of years before then business prospective A tourist the connection between fie J proceeding a lane to the rKrtheas3rn and the city the country gentlefolk will see a stone Shinto and the citv trader had been most 9 intimate No more startling On of the steps I dence of this can be given than the w analysis of the of the fln0 adoration in time flowers Lord Mayors from Henry wJ win down to the year a period that of years Of these were country born When we consider what the mediaeval vilfage was how limited was the horizon of all but the lord of the manor or a here and there it fount difficult to understand why many lads of good birth sought the opportunities offered by apprenticeship in the city Cam den is to show that the no- blllty thought with shame the career He himself de clared non no- in wuTcfa he water will never even at very whole city arc murdering all and resembling of the sum- j those who do not accept their de mits of some of the mighty gunts maud which makes the continuance I of business impossible The socialists yesterday murdered the large ventures now than Nationalist with long poles through the ice- this city and vicinity and blocks now a the blocks become threaten to organize street riot more closely packed together forced citizens at the point through by the to feed and lodge the un- rocking the boat up and down the writer thought at that they were all suddenly bereft of and now as tzngllStl Japan I blocs collide with the strongly built boat with a heavy thud jerking those The English language is taught not prepared tor it almost of their throughout the schools 1 seat At length the opposite instructor only in the faculties of is reached and the definite opinion the universities are there many foreign is formed some that a daily teachers The Japanese are seif-re- lor a lengthened and their unwillingness to em- through those icefields ds- j foreign teachers leads tbem into undesirable even though some errors in their use of were in quest ot the American traveller says that when And those who would journey in the I Japanese pilot boat came out to straight and narrow road leads steamer he saw on one side to the Realms of triumphant Boat and on the ties sometimes have to other License Pilot Boat through the waters of lie say was and to endure the baHetings and the quarantine scowls of those who care not what obliged us happens to them In the hereafter l0 lAkc quarantine bath the But the of the world bathroom was posted this sign died that they might live as- be put into hags wilii a the be found parch weather In the village of Koga there many ot newer plants and other garden trees It mast be jaw she same village is a large pine tree it Into a long way that at present the new shrine is to work to be rebuilt and Its to be out and made a fine The street signs are A These same country lads tortious supplied the city as indeed do now with the necessary blood I and energy J Eleven Another important point the killed near that London was always great as a distributing not as a Dawson Dec centre Governor Canada spend over on Public that W4s known as million all it hsraitsjisv