Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Nov 1906, p. 8

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S NEWMARKET DENTIST at Mi Albert- Block on 2nd aid of each month specialist that The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of Bubecribt5 Capita- Total READ OFFICE CANADA BRANCH BOARD Of Andrew Chairman J Deputy Chair man Samuel Clous- ton Be- Sir Alex Accepted at Current Unlet o Davidson p Agent Albert Chief for Dominion The Peoples Shoe Store Before securing your winter sup ply of lootwear be sure and call at The Peoples Shoe Store and see the large of heavy snug proof Rubbers Socks and Shoes for the cold weather No trouble to show goods NOTICE We sew all tips free charge on goods bought at this store Fine Shoe Repairing LEHMAN SOVEREIGN BANK MOUNT ALBERT Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAHD Mount Albert T ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a full line of PATENT MEDICINES them REMEDIES rheumatic cure Prescription and family receive attention day or w LLOYD role and Druggist THE MARKET There- was an large turn out at the- market on Tuesday But ter to 2Cc 30c Chickens Ducks Geese Turkeys Mr showed us two cabbages grown in his garden which measured 17 and inches in diame ter respectively Mr will hold an Sale of all of stock on Dec Further particulars nest week Mr Law of has rent ed Mr J Hunters premises here and will take possession on Jan 1st Messrs John Smith and John Moore will again be candidates for the of East for 1007 There will no doubt be a lively contest Winter is setting in once more and about the only amusement our young can look forward to with any degree of certainty is snowballing The Bay Railway have been engaged in stringing another wire from Toronto to Parry Sound Oc casional trains only have been run- for the past ten days but reg ular between Toronto and Parry Sound will likely be running next week Parties wishing Christmas Globes can get them all ready mailing at the Printing Office Albert As the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of this will have scats in the next years County Council addition al interest will be taken in the com ing municipal elections QUEENSVILLE Less than two months and the Mu nicipal Elections will again he upon us is the last year of the County Councillors elected separately from the Township Fathers and at the elections in January the old plan will again be brought into force The Reeves and their Deputies will form the County Council board Program for the League NOV How the Bible condemns Intemper ance A Review- of all Temper ance Passages Miss Gertie Possibly he had a sinister a raid on Johnnie Millers poultry Hes a saucy one Theres tween He a saucy an old saying that two stools one falls to With a market in Sutton one in contemplation by Missionary Meeting Among the Indians Mr Ross Missionary SUTTON The market which opened on Mrs Thos Warded last week day was sfmply an unparalleled suc cess The large and commodious market hall was crowded all after noon but it was so warm and com fortable and so light and with its immense plate glass be the Our ground Social the Missions Paul in Baldwin may fall flat Agents from Sutton were present at our market last week distributing their prospectus Thats brass for you Mr and Mrs John Kay Holland Landing visited her parents Mr Mrs is very feeble Thats the beat I can report of her health Jos Kay Collector Tp was calling on old friends here on Sat Were taxed high this year consequently there are many sour spick and clean that the This is Mr Kays or patrons found it as one service lady aptly said just a pleasure toj Spinning hunting yarns will come here Three buyers were order of the day nest week present the fourth from Hamilton sports report good sending word that he found it 1 Not fend for an auld daddy re posstye to got here for the first years lent a helping I market but will be we expect here harvesting the roots and thereby next Monday are informed by laying himself up with a Lime hack Mr Manager of the Metro- Morally there may be reckoned to Bank that the money be three classes of humanity the bursed was somewhat in the neigh- superlatively bad those tost of About tons the and those good Butter and Poultry was the out- yomi a measure On this earth put The handsome souvenirs that they arc obliged more or less to were distributed ran out early in the commune or associate together hut afternoon but every one who did not 1 there comes a time when all this will get one will be given one next J bo changed most of us shun day The enthusiasm was certainly the big sinners very flattering and the success of the J we feel drawn towards the saints market is the only answer need our fortunate lot to meet give to the Owls misrepresentations aml very last week when be says that the seemed to pervade the air and farming- community has no confidence t0 affect surrounUngB fin Sutton Their memories are ever green they all will go the crash Br Era borrowers throughout North- York- Please bear in so far forget yourself and be so as to call for your neighbours Era fore he has had time to over it himself An old heard of is a great offender respect Go thousand transgress no more We are to report that Mrs Ben Tomilson is doing richly and that during hex illness Miss has indisputably demonstrated her ability to run the affairs successfully Real estate in East has The sale of the furious Hill Top Farm north of takes the wind out of my sails It is a lovely but Whew It paralyzes i the PUREST flfiD of ruu Sold only in Load Packageo 300 per lb Mr Herb Main returned from more die Parry Sound district on Saturday Thomas died last Monday at where he was lucky enough to kill the residence of his sister Mrs his legal of deer 1 Burial on Wednesday A very successful dance was given Deceased was a victim to the deadly by the young men of this village In Brights disease the Town Hall on Tuesday evening last Mr J Preston and Mr A Millard ate the roads these days Rumor and supposition are now go- The presence of three buyers at and it was feared he might be much handinhand and accordingly we HOLLAND LANDING James Artt farmer living a mile west of Holland Landing had his house and contents totally destroyed by fire Friday morning- The fire5s supposed to have originated from the chimney His loss will amount to 700 Small insurance East Council Jimntie Sherwood Egypt was re moved to the Asylum for the Insane last week Of late he has become melancholy and quite violent at times will have a lull ticket to vote on January There will be lots of choice if all candidates who are now being urged by their friends enter the field will allow their names to be put on the ballot Voters will have to arrive at the booths sharp or there be crowd ing towards five The ballot market on Monday brought about the j trouble Since his mothers death following good prices Chickens to been more violent In his lc lb Turkeys Butter to normal state he was a goodhearted Eggs 28 to Geese to A very successful Fowl Supper was y Egypts fair held in the Wilfred Methodist church 1 damsels took a trip to the prairie on Monday night a large crowd he- provinces to visit relations Report present The proceeds amounted ii us a roundabout way to that though an unusually healthy and The following provided the pro- damsel a certain a Jersey Grades for Sale Cows on old STOKES Mount Albert SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Office of Bell Co to For Sale I If Albert Jonn Griffin by a voter a long time to make his selec tions and in the end he is apt to for get for whom he voted However one thing are sure of and is that Councillor Hill will be in the fight if fight it proves for the Mr Hill had de cided not to enter the field this year but circumstances over which he had no control has almost compelled him to again before the electors of East and ask their sup port Mr Hill on the Council Board this year gave much of his best time to Township work and also the laying of our new walks in such a judicial way that the peo ple are showing poor gratitude for good work if they do not fleet Hill this year to the desired posi tion The household furniture etc be longing to the estate of the late Peter Guerre was sold public auction on Tuesday last Mr Guerre of Toronto was up over Sunday and was looking after the af fairs Mrs P Guerre has moved in with her daughter Mrs A Mc- where she will now make her home Mr J Lewis is erecting a new stable on his Mr and Mrs J Wight Malted at Mr in Aurora a few days the past week Mrs David is moving into the house lately vacated by Mrs Dr Graham returned on Tues day night with his full number of deer Mrs Graham was taken very ill on Sunday but we are pleased to know she Is recovering and will soon be about Miss Mary Ellen Shepherd returned j on Sunday last from a pleasant visit with friends Winnipeg and Some purchasers of used sidewalk plank who have not paid for the will kindly settle without further no tice The book with the different amounts due will be found at J This matter must be all settled before next Council The anniversary services of Methodist church are announced to take place on the and 20th Rev T is to preach on Sunday morning and evening and the choir will provide special music The annual hot Supper and will be on the following 26th In the SchoolRoom from to Excel lent programme of choruses recita tions solos etc and Rev J- Spier of Toronto will deliver bin famous lecture entitled and Singers Grave and Gay A time is expected with the crowd See for further particulars so lot it will lake a j Irons Toronto Miss Mary pae sjSHeoOA jjpueuopj Mrs Leigh violinist BALDWIN BREEZED Grylls has invested In a gramaphonc and takes much delight in its seductiveness As he blew out In its purchase I think it should be made to pipe out Charlie you paid too much for your whistle The surroundings of Mrs have been much Improved apd she is contemplating still further changes Her new stable and drivehouse are right up with the times The cement paved doorstep etc arc OK A herd of vagrant cattle wander ing at own sweet are a to the timid The gentleman lord of the herd has had his horns cut off but that docs not remove the to the heavy penalty for such cases A fox was observed sporting and OwLtovn in broad day NOTICE Until notice my ftt Mount will lit and iiNo A A to loan on Ileal DAVIDSON Mt Albert lorn bachelor there is in the habit of to enquire respecbing her good health Oh my pretty Clare I understand that our teacher Is bachelor by nature as weli as by name He seems to have a flinty heart like on which feminine loveliness has produced no visible Impression Just bide a see what our charming lassies will do Auction sales arc unusually abund ant about here Mainly by those re tiring from farming and those with the NorthWest fever North of North resided the of Friend Morton including his sons Francis Frank Silas Perry and Walker These all owned most beau tiful homes having every comfort one could desire Notwithstanding all this four of the brethren have sold out leaving alone I venture to say twill be long day when Frank leaves his pretty home of which he is immensely fond How could those boys desert Home Sweet Home A new broom sweeps than I could quite safely assert beforehand that the Suttons initiatory market as Mrs Gamp say an unqualified successful failure In sincerity I may say if Sutton and competition upset Baldwin GET THE HABIT H PHONE aware1 QUALITY HOUSE ALWAYS PREPARED It would be a shy old season that would creep up on this store matter how suddenly Spring may jump into Summer or Sum mer into Full wo manage to beat it out by quite a bit customer were holidaying lait July wo were looking abend to cold weather and buying so that wo could be able to make just such an an this All the cold weather wearables aic here awaiting your looking and there enough of them good known to make it safe for us to say to all of you The UnderClothing Section Invites You Yes it fairly coaxes you to come so the Hosiery and Woollens for all purposes Caps and Mitts BOOTS AND SHOES Our shelves are stocked with Boots and Shoes by Best of Makers Try a pair of our Hot Shot Line for Men GROCERY SPECIALS Force for Life Chips for Soap per bar bars Comfort Soap and 1 Washing Compound for OWE OH IN Pearl per lo Buckwheat Flour- 10c package Best American Coal Oil in gal lots at 23c per gal Ask to have your parcels delivered The Leading Merchants Sharon Nov Meeting of Coun cil held this day All the members- present Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications received from Win Foster Jr solicitor re claimed for injury to horse on road from A Williams re claim of also for injury to on York IC and James Bay It It re repairs to crossings County Clerk re of PbUive Com of County Council ask ing of to confer with fU It Officials crossings And from the following to whom payments were ordered as follows Geo repairs Con Howard aid to family J gravel Hums re Sidewalks Sawyer and T claim Scott reps con re villc Cement Vuhdewater Cement A Cement for Tile Jus Merchant re North Hansford ML A Hayes work A work A Slurries bridge eon J work laying work con T work eon J re lumber Cook work Ml A and work re It giavel repairs 1 00 John Instead re tile following motion was adopted That cose the It Compan ies do not proceed once to inuke tile to In the according to previous notice that the bo to do the same and to the It It and if not paid that this Council proceed at once to collect- for cost of paid improvements and lhal a copy of this resolution be neat to the several ltoil Companion In re of preferred for to horses on Highway the authorlrcd to Inveatlgato if deemed to legal talent to the Township The Reeve was to attend the meeting or Com mute of County Council with the representatives of the It re of Improvement being made to Railway re of Clerk and was amended fixing salary a per anuum Continued on fioap batUr than Maps bat when la lh Sunlight Bay and follow Ln We have much tor you to see these days so often and look to hearts Nice new goods the beat that We would particularly like you to see the Puritan Underwear in Childrens Misses and Ladies ere Vests long sleeves natural color for 2fia Worto 30c A big range of Customers know extra good we in these goods White Flannelette English Twill worth for 6ic yd wide stripe Flannelette in Pink Blue Fawn worth for Loch Lomond Shirting worth for Full range of from to Newest shades in Broadcloth for Ladies Fall Suits at 50c Our Boot and Shoe Stock was never better looked after We do cot boast of their cheapness but of the guarantee we give wit every pair boots sold that you get FULL VALUE for your money IN OCER I E8 Cleanliness and Quality go hand In band In our Food Studs we neves sacrifice Quality for the sake of a few cents Try our Japan Rice at lb Long Clear Bacon 15c ft Victor Rolled Oats lbs for Breakfast Ik Soap bare lor Pure Hogs Lard pail Handy 3 for We can you American lard for pail but It does not give same satisfaction Half Car Load of the famous Oil to make the long evenings Gal gals for You cant get too much of a good thing Come along You will surprised what can for you at J 18 SB 8 SO 2 Notice All accounts due me and not settled before the tenth of November next will be put in Court for collection B Sharon A Great Bargain Young Cattle Yearlings for Sale also milking Cows and Horses Three Brood Sows and Sir Little Terms or Six Months Credit Lot Vivian PO Yearling Steer Th looser can and claim it nee ore Once more lot us tell you about those Extension Tables Once more permit us to say that if you need such an article we have the identical need GOOD Tables ours are you know and the lowest priced one In the bunch is a really first- class Table- We have marked all these Tables at prices that ought to cause them to change owners pretty quickly If you will call some day we will gladly show them to you ALLAN MOUNT ALBERT f lay u Market Day Monday Nov 19th AFTERNOON Quality Nice Now Patten Navy Cadet lied Pink and Black to in wide Regular yard for to in wide Fine oven weight and perfect quality Keg and yard for Go Bleached Wheeling wido lino quality heavy Key yard for Oxford Shirting now patterns heavy for Flannel good width yard for Fine AllWool in wide and guaranteed all wool Reg yard for Military very yard Fine Hootch very patterns very yard Allwool Navy and Scarlet Flannel and tOc Cream or White Saxony Flannel guaranteed all wool the width full yard wide made from beautiful Anuora Keg yd for forr Wool Keg All Wool Blanket White Largest Size made It weight very close woven Soft flnUh Reg pr for Satin Damask Table Linen yd for Extra Bleached Satin Damask width and extra clone woven Reg yd for Very finct Bleached Satin Damask wide IN day Store Sutton

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