eft Tim MOTHER SISTER Died of Consumptlonbut this Linden lady used and is strong and well My mother brother and sister died of consumption says Ella Cove of Lin den and I myself suffered for two years from a distressing cough and lungs I suppose inherited a tendency in Ibis direction But thank God I used and it built me right up My lungs are now strong I enjoy splendid health and I owe it all to Coosumption whether hereditary or con tracted cannot Stand before kills the germ J no matter how it attacks the lungs builds up the body and makes it strong and able to resist disease is an aid to digestion and a maker of pure rich blood The greatest giver of general health is n HOTEL The hunting season Mis pi res the Ottawa Journal Tbe autumn crop hunting fatalities is luxuriant Moral Never hunt ing with a man who carries a rf It is announced that Mr Isaac Kincardine and Rev Coils of Chatham were School Inspectors Representa tives on the Council of Ed ucation- Amendments to Hanking Act arc to be considered at a meeting to be held between the Minister of nance and members of the iWdian Bankers Association The Hon Minister attended the animal meet ing of the Association at Toronto last week Per Bottle 91 and 2 Alt DR A Limited Toronto You should buy a ua- Sleigh fort tie same reasons we li tk em They are made by men who know how They are guaranteed free of all imperfections in materials and They have behind Ihem the reputation of a 1ioii that has been building 1cig1i in for years At least the new in Sleighs Newmarket Hon Geo Foster or North Toronto says his life been an open book Whereupon the Hamilton Herald comments- Veil maybe but perhaps he will admit that a few of tits pap are stuck to gether There seems a difference opinion in relative General Manager and Police Magistrate- Mr it reevtess Col says it is ordinary larceny The of past ages confirm the axiom Unit great men differ A press despatch from Washington states thai Sir Henry Mortimer Ambassador of Great Britain to the United States will return from his mission in Washington in the coming His successor will be appointed Sri time to take iImW of the about March 1st It Is understood Sir Mortimer returns to without desire for further preferment and will retire from pub lic life entirely An Autocrat of The Poultry Farm By ISO by Preston always had been of despotic disposition but Ills natural tendency In direction seemed to strengthen alter his remunerative ex periments In poultry raising mind apparently held but one thought bis The earth Was made for the sole purpose of providing them with a scratching The son rose to give them light and warmth night followed day that might have time to rest- When Flower Preston only daughter came home from boarding school and father discovered by diligent questioning that the words In cubator brooder trap nest cutter elicited no answering enthusiasm be grunted sarcastically A gal thats been to school for three years and dont know a leg band from a bono must learn about things as soon as you can dear whispered the moth er nervously If you cant talk poul try talk with your pa you might just as well be In the desert of Sabaryl homeland put her toYrjorJV with twinkling eyes very little chance of being able to get a Bitting ben Is Chat a particular breed Inno cently Jim Curtis Dont you know that you must have hen that wants to Bit You cant make one hatch eggs If doesnt want to Well can buy Incubator un dauntedly Youd be four or live days late by Ibo lime you could order one and have it shipped here And tomorrow Is Sunday Ob site cried understand- pa had It all the reason be see you tonight 1 know Flower with sudden In spiration Ill make Incubator Come out show me one of your fathers so I may get au Idea of tho principles involved Come Slightly encouraged led the way Meeting her father she asked coolly Have you any objections to my the incubators to Jim pa lies going to make one to batch those eggs Preston grinned No objections In the least Go ahead Show him all about em and tell everything you know Twont burden bis brain mine He might pot the eggs luto cold storage while bo builds the incubator On Tuesday of the third week autocrat remarked sarcastically I saw Jim this Flower I told Theres one comfort continued slah I aint raised the only fool there brought the chickens Id an In this county There there Vic Canadas wealth is beyond all calculation A report has just made to the Mines a valuable discovery of iron ore in the Township of in the district only about three quarters of a mile from the line the I dale and Humroll The deposit is wide and the ore a high grade magnetite It is the largest body of ore yet in the district Mr has for a mining lease of the pro perty which Was originally taken up as agricultural land pa Mrs poke soothingly What Is the mat ter Squire Curtis boy got borne from coUlge tother day and what do you think of law sos to help bis pa hes been bugs Four years In and dont know a thing but Haybo bis pa wanted him to re marked Mrs Preston pacifically Waal harshly I cant crow over Squire Curtis none His boy dont know but bugs and near as I kin Agger out gal dont know cotton so they cant take cold re- at all The only advantage is Flower spiritedly the in the county paper give you for Flower set her red lips in a firm straight line She had not Inherited all her characteristics from her sub missive mother Lend me your pencil pa I want to make out a list of wedding Saturday evening came but Mr Cur tis did not appear Wheres the bug professor Flow- asked her father tauntingly lies wrapping the chickens up In err TRENT CANAL FOR WATER POWER will Ik I oclock on TtmudxY for the Water t No on the Trent nnil mil hat In developing the Hie lulou In win- In fir- 1iJi the the itylil out to lwfrfiraKe No will be to In tin power not thin and not than the The term or re Ilk term- fail III- Jit each renewal term In of Ik the Mi full Hit nature or the occupation re- of aeh flirt her 1 of in a a company he eiiIiril over tin- Mffjletfr of will forfeit el the party Into it riit In offer fciihmittol in- I t in tl not Thin Depart iloi to accept the or ti K of itIIWiit loriiii ill- without iniihorlty tin will not he pal I for It A to the Legislature will take place shortly in to the vacancy occasioned by the demise of late member The Conservatives nominated Mr John Milne as their candidate ami Mr Allan Stud- holme will probably be the nominee of the Liberals who will also run as a Labour candidate Side issues sometimes help ami sometimes in jure the candidature of parly nom ineesand this result may be the outcome the approaching contest In the present instance the street car strikes may have influence Conservatives are talking about a coming dissolution the Legislature and a general Provincial At a meeting of the Waul Associ ation Toronto last week Mr lv IV Osier stated that the com ing session of the Legislature will be a lively one and then we have a sudden dissolution before Chi year Mr is near enough to those in power at the Par liament buildings to Know what he is talking about but considering the large majority in the house it seems hard to he was speaking by the book It took her a year less to learn It When young Curtis began calling at the farm which be did with auspicious promptness cup of misery was full For the lands sake he exclaimed testily to hfs wife cant you go In there set Indicating with his thumb from which came the sound of young voices and laughter You let that gal git boys and bugs Inter that slim of hern and wont be good for There there pa dont talk so loud You didnt want ina to come In and set when used to come to see me purpled he clutched at bis collarband as if be were choking You dont mean he Mrs Preston nodded DontUake It so hard pa she mur mured soothingly Jim Curtis Is one of the likeliest young men and I could stand It better If twant for the bugs he moaned feebly If be didnt want to be a lawyer like bis pa why didnt he take up than bugs Is a bug Bugsmillions em couldnt batch out studying bees now pa and theyre for honey he so many ones In back yard Andpa Its all arranged only said have to be old fashioned cnooghto ask your consent Flow er like a good girl said shed never marry anybody without her pas con sent pa Thats a good deal nowadays APRON PATTERN I SENSIBLE REVIVAL Tilt tut it A i it fill HOME JOURNAL it hU fisli Jii fl a Our KzittMlH that has the most adherents I test people or Newmarket There arc all kinds of revivals reli gious moral and temperance but boday the chief interest seems to be In a revival for good health and it seems to be the doctrine doctrine that has the most adherents in Newmarket Wipe out Indigestion and stomach troubles by using Miona tablets ami most of the mis ery and III health would In blotted out existence Indigestion and stomach weakness headache hack ache debility sleeplessness pains in the and limbs poor appetite find a general unhealthy state Take one little tablet before each meal for a few days and you will soon find that life is filled with joy and health that eating Is a pleasure and food does not cause distress and that your digestive organs have so strengthened that you Can almost be credited with the digestion of an A large of stomach tablets sold for and Is suc cessful an reliable In curing Indiges tion and all stomach troubles with the exception of of the stont- by all The Booth Co It was because of reputation for Irascibility perhups be- young man felt that he could express himself more In that bin formal application for consent autocrat readied by mall The old man read the letter several timeatgroanlng grunting When he rote there on bis face In keen tray eyes was In tho even ing lira Preston reminded him Arent see Jim pa Dunnoalhea caJlin on me testily But letter aint In no hurry to answer It Imimaklu up tuymlnd the next evening metwlth a Hot on evening did not waut to bo reminded He marched Into the bet room- carrying small basket and Its contents twenty large eggs and beautiful to the youBg The old smiled grimly but died away as entered the room Pro a little late Mr Preston he cheerily but here are your birds He the autocrat a flat wood en box which the latter opened with trembling lingers He removed a sheet of displaying a number of fluffy sleepy peeping chickens There are eighteen remarked Jim carelessly four more you asked for tout I put them all for good measure Them chicks didnt come the shell today be declared with NO answered Jim quietly They came out Thursday gazed at him In actual con I Mr Preston courteously I there Is no doubt In your mind that these chicks came from the you gave me shook his head mournfully No he said slowly Theyre all right I know the strain sat In silence pondering over tho mystery How doth the little busy bee Im prove each shining hour suggested Curtis smiling- Hugs good for many things Mr Preston The sprang up excitedly Jumping gingerbread he exclaim ed Ill bet it dime you hatched them eggs out In the beehive 1 Jim laughed I surely did Mr Preston Whoa Flower showed me Incubators weeks ago I observed that tho temperature was similar to that in my beehives I verified this on reaching home by placing a thermometer In a hive So I put the eggs in the upper section of the hive separating them from the working apartments of bees by a cotton I was positive they would batch but you may my surprise when they began chipping the shell In nineteen days I guess put em In a brooder said recovering himself some what These chicks has cost me too expensive to be allowed up putln time In the night lie bore the precious peeper away muttering wonderlngly Hugs Hatched by bugs And two days ahead of time Later the announced In county paper the engagement of daughter to the brilliant young entUt James furlls i Worn Sou A stately woman of middle ago was telling her troubles to a younger worn- on as they were on way to an There young man he growled employment there my answer weeks I have had nil sorts of servant from tonight If you hiring me fourteen said matron and Ifaey chickens them eggs Ill don- all sorts of queer things but the i give my consent colored girl I have now embarrassed right Mr returned me so last night that I realty didnt the young man easily I shall bo on know what to do My dear I wae hand I could have erred l Pa Preston cried Iflorer came In unexpectedly to and Jim there was hardly to go around about chicken rsUsing I served every morsel of nil that was Time Hell the table and there was nothing left have a chance to afaow four years for tho maid When she tame to of science good for And any little clear table for the dessert she took thing dont know you la a glance the of the can learn him audi a sardonic dishes and her face foil visibly Then chuckle the tramped out seizing the crumb tray and healing a leaving young man tattoo on It with the crumb brush she and a danced around the singing lie knows k do It My lord the platter lean from tonight My lord theyve llm Ml CoodtUilngbeifwcrpleiityHf time Of coarse I her us soon as obeerrtdJJmcIerjfurjy 1 my but not JPlenty of I before she had given to my Jim dont you that they had eaten me out so that twei days Ill discharge her j I can get another girl New THREE MONTHS Fruitatives did what ots and drugs failed to do in THIRTY YEARS cured the Hon John Costigan of the worst case of chronic Constipation that the leading physicians of Ottawa ever saw gave this famous statesman what lie had not had for years- perfect health Mr Costigan gives the credit credit isduc to FRUIT- one remedy that can and does cure Constipation Ottawa Cooper St Jan Vou know what fearful trouble I have had all my life time from constipation I have been dreadful sufferer chronic constipation for over thirty years and have treated by many physicians and I have taken many kinds of proprietary medicines without any benefit whatever took a pill for a long time which was prescribed by the late Dr Church of Ottawa Also for many months I took a pill prescribed by Dr A V Rogers of Ottawa Nothing seemed to do me any good J advised by Or to try rYmbalivvs after taking them for a few months I feel I pomp let well from this complaint I have bad no trouble with this complaint now for a long time and I can certain ly state at Fnii I ever took that did me any good for constipation I can conscientiously recommend to the public as in my opinion it is the Guest medicine ever produced Signed JOHN on FRUIT are the only remedy in the world really of fruit Juices of fresh Apples Oranges lugs and Prunes are so com bined that the known medicinal action of the fruit is increased many times Tonics are added the whole pressed into fruit liver tablets owe their wonderful power and their wonderful success to the fact that they are made of fruit that they ARE fruit INTENSIFIED It is the medicinal principles of fruit that can restore the great eliminating organs the Kidneys Bowels and Skin to their normal condition That is why Fruit- made of fruit cure Constipation and bowels to move naturally correct all Stomach Kidney and Skin Troubles and build up the entire system If you arc suffering as the Hon John Costigan did CURB as he did with a box or boxes for Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does them Ottawa What has Done for the Miss at the Iv 7 On of iMhritarv was horn on a ifit in of a a church IorlJaiiil I his pastor in the of his and fears and wish and who had irrlds if they would help hint in his work of till need that eaeh one should do for the Christ lie spoke of a Peoples This small hand of workups in soon found not a few bin many Since then has included all races and laauaaes in its fellowship it self in Protestant ion of had never had a within its rnnks has he it the means of I hundreds of thousands of youiiir people to Christ ami into the church and its work Has invaded prisons and life and to I prisoi has down sea and ho sailors has rent of its i land missionaries helped villi the i Hie win- many hard fought battles and is till for rami deep er thints Department after de partment las laen added to the work the utmost taken never in violate its fundamental or infringe upon the auth ority the in their con trol of the local Societies A Christinn man inum in out- of a Peoples Prayer where had taken part This is the missing link the and Ihe church For live years I was of a and every lay I fell the of a We can people just so far in the Sun day school and there we have to stop for want of some means in which we can- into the church and into Christian The Sunday for the purpose of impartial instruction with the for Its Local text and faithful ly and with is this work Hut this is mi that it vers the whole run ml of There other methods of it possihly provide hut which are equally to fit youitsf people for an active and use ful life and for special work in the ehiireh Tim Christian this help training for church The movement is definitely in the direction of deep- eilHtViriiuality and loyalty to tho The emph asis put upon religion trust in Christ as a Saviour jjeni attention to daily religious duties promotive of personal piety loyalty to the as an organi zation for the culture of personal religious life and for cooperation in Christian service these have been elements of in our work lb has also been of greatest value to us that Christian Endea vour has emphasized personal re sponsibility in all pur meetings The church was drifting into service by proxy but Christian Endeavour has revived the Mew Testament ideal of every man a witness for Christ know of more than one College student who has safely passed through the searching ordeal of a College course largely because of Christian Prayer Meet ings where they have acknowledged themselves Christians and have thus developed wellrounded Christian making better and truer and more earnest workers in the church This idea of the of gifts has been fundamental in the movement and has particu larly commended it to us as a chinch The practical character of Christian is a its permanence The balance be tween emotion and intellect is pi has of both Our I rayerMeelnnjR are so arranged as to be to Ihotghtfulness as well as to Christ ian feeling One feature of our prayermeetings is the monthly con secration service which ws j been most healthful and helpful- object of these special meetings Chris ans shall be encouraged to look back of he past to learn the of experience forward to the future renew their vows of ami lovalty to the church and ii work practical nature of the movement allied it of has tilt largest fields Rarely if ifii one of yr is ol its activity- dever has so vigorous an sprang into sOHK principles o or under stub leadership Prom tho Christian Vanguard ore in ft ti lux if Dull in lhm He who too donkeys cms shall he what know and V shall If von wish success i li perseverance- your bosom friend ox your wi counsellor your guardian genius ML