Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Nov 1906, p. 3

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fir- l I j rough wither bad put fc on Newmarkets The to road hut Company to start next week it weather la- to the new from Dutchmans ay to lie Markets- The Company Settled Mrs and Mrs for each and Riven notice to Messrs and Pearson to clear tho right way across the lumber yard in- i2dc of three weeks Methodist Church Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather the services last Sunday were well attended Both sermons were admirable the one In the even being the atheis tic Idea and founded on the text r fool has in his heart there is no God The music too was splendid Next Sunday will be Miss Coons last Sabbath as organist the evening service will be largely- cal Short discourse by the pastor The prayerservice on Thursday ev ening of last week was largely at tended In addition to the address by the pastor Mrs Hewitt gave an admirable account ol the work the lor the year showing that the Newmarket Society beads the District in the amount raised for missionary purposes Mrs A also gave a splendid mis sionary reading Hot Roast Fowl Supper The Christian Church Hoi Roast Fowl Supper and Entertainment is now looked upon by the church our Townspeople generally as- one the red letter of the year and as soon as the atu is announced it is reserved as an im portant engagement There is only one Hot Fowl Supper held in Newmarket conse quently it is of not to the church and congregation but to community The have achieved in former years by serving a tasty repast is delicious will fully sustained ikI ihc menu to satisfy ill diversities of appetite Not only will the feast consist if things material but an treat is also in Store Rev Johnston the eloquent deserved ly popular pastor of Church Toronto who such ex cellent lure two years ago lias again been engaged and will deliver his entertaining and instructive lecture The English and Scotch The date is Tuesday Nov and all are invited to come and have a good hot supper and on Joy a pleas ant and profitable evening and Saturday evenings par- indicate the entirely requirement The Metropolitan tba time i Is really bore again you must bother your brain Stove Snaps at Binns Coal Stove Square with oven in good condition Oak Treasure with feeder large size cost last season for Coal Feeder AI heater These will go quick A O U Considering the disagrccatje wea ther on Monday it was a very satis factory meeting that was held in the Hall that evening there being representatives present from and other places After routine business which comprised one initiation and three more applications for splendid speeches were made by District Deputy Usher of and Fast Grand Master of Toronto as well as short addresses visiting and local brethren At conclusion refreshments were served and the gathering dis persed between and oclock The lodge room was prettily fcted for the occasion flags mottoes and bunting It may he interesting to the pub lic to know that during the years of its existence- in Ontario the has paid out to widows and orphans nearly than double that of any other bene ficiary order in Canada and today a in its Beneficiary Fund on the 1st of month and a reserve Fund of mak ing a total of available at any time Its cost of management lowest ol any order only per cent of the revenue It has the largest membership of any benevolent order in Canada and with its graded assessment is on a solid basts During the years of its exist ence the deceased members of New market Lodge have more than the has paid to the Beneficiary Fund Newmarket Lodge has lrs in Kod has be tween and at nearly every reg ular meeting throughout the year- visit Of the Grand Officers from other lodges was appreciate on even ing stimulate the members to renewed on behalf Ol their heloved order wWch has done so much to relieve and soothe socrowtf of and children the Yes when about Christmas Whitchurch Council elects on Wednesday The- High School girls them selves with basketball Presbyterian Church The committee in charge of the matter have selected a date in the first week of for the Organ Recital TMs will be one of the treats- of the season Organist of Toronto is bring engaged for the occasion Tbe organ mod ern in appliances pure in tone and equipped with motor and pneumatic action will exemplify that workman ship for which a Warren name- is so justly farned To bear The Storm as rendered by Mr Blakely is to live through an experience that simply startling in its realistic effects Other artists are also be ing engaged to give solos and read ings Advertising matter later ToNight The Concert who are give the programme In the Methodist Church this evening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid were filling engagements in New York last week Judging from the press notices a treat is In store and as the tickets are only a quarter it is anticipated that the church will- he crowded We append a few brief clippings Chicago Times Martha Powell the soloist for the Thomas Orchestra in Thomas Hall last Sat- urday sang the great aria Air of Elizabeth in a finish ed manner the sustained high was taken with ease by the young soprano To her was paid a rare and genuine compliment The mem bers of the orchestra joined in the applause and shouts of rvavo were heard from them as the singer gracefully bowed her acknowledge ments New York City Journal As- bury Park Appearance His singing made him a distinct favourite He has a fine voice and sings in a finisli- manner Democrat There are thousands of socalled readers hut few with art fin ish of Miss Irwin Toronto News The concert was a decided success the artists being excellent The soprano Miss Pow ell is a beautiful looking woman and an excellent singer Benefit Concert There was a very fair at the Concert in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening in aid of the Free Sanatorium and Mrs Perkins who was the moving spirit in the matter deserves great credit the net proceeds The program was carried out en tirely as printed in last issue with the exception that Miss Kthel Sheri dan and Master Gordon Wiley pu pils of Miss Perkins allowed their names to be dropped to the length of the program Miss Hughes also was unable to sing on account of a cold But Miss Coulter took her place The selections the Town Band that the boys are keeping up their practice arid we have every reason to be proud of their music Miss Violet of Toronto proved herself the star soprano of the evening and the solos by Mr Paris of Toronto were very Mr of Toronto very kindly accompanied the city singers Mrs Nays pupils deserve lor their splendid attempt on first public appearance Miss Perk ins accompanied them on the piano gratuitously loaned Mr Hart man Miss Mabel Crone of Toronto showed great complacency and the local elocutionists also did well The stage was prettily decorated arid the Concert was quite a success Buying for Christmas when we counsel early shopping we are mindful of your interests as well as our own At present our fines gift articles in Pearl Brooches Pendants Pearl and Diamond rings is yery Three or four hence the arti cle you want most may be gone Look through and have it laid away for you till wanted Try Our Own Polish Boat on Earth fi CO Jcwetore and 9 ft Bank of Toronto monetary institution is now very The renovated arxVja3wyr suit the also with neat and convenient office furniture- New windows have in and nicely ornamented with suitable let tering and the glace is The gentlemen In charge axe very obliging and will be pleased any questions the banking business and also open new accounts- See ad on first page Gloves For allkindd of bard usage cheap Hardware goodorder allowed pamages Settled Last July Mr Foster and wife Holland banding were driving to Newmarket by way of Yonge St and the Town Line and when the embankment at ft first culvert the horse shied the wheel of the a washout and the vehi cle ran against a post Both were thrown out and somewhat bruised while parts of the buggy were smashed Mr Foster notified the clerk of East and Whitchurch dantages Rep resentatives of these two Councils rnet Mr Faster in Newmarket last and the matter was ami cably settled for Considering the circumstances Mr Foster was very lenient and the ratepayers can congratulate themselves on tbe re sult Farm Produce Big market last Saturday Following were the ruling prices Butter to per lb from to cents per do Dressed Chickens per lb to Dressed Chickens to pair Dressed Ducks to A Dressed Ducks to Dresswl Geese to ft Dressed Turkeys and lb Dressed Pork per Dressed Pork tolOc by the Beef to per ft Apples 10c to basket Apples to per barrel Potatoes to per bag Onions to basket Cabbage to bead Celery to 10c Citrons each Live Chickens to per lb Old Hens to lb Live Ducks to Live Geese JJho Turkey a Pigeons pr Hides to lie Calfskins to Sheepskins to Si Tallow c to lb and Tin- have firstclass Hardware Have added Plumbing smithing Department and cured the services of a mechanic They are in a position to do firstclass work in Plumbing Hot Air Hot Water and Stcarn Heating Industrial Home The report of inspector Smith con cerning the Industrial Home is so full of interest to the ratepayers the County that we it in ill through the courtesy of the Local Inspector Mr J There are fifty acres of which arc under cultivation and the value of the land is Receipts the past year Co Treasurer from sale of p ducts and from other sources Expenditure for maintenance the year Inmates males and females of only pay for board deaths the past year The physician Dr J II of Newmarket visits very two weeks besides special calls Mr Silas Armitac is Superintend ent his wife is Matron is no trained nurse and the employees include one hired roan during the summer and four females The buildings arc well constructed of brick but the interior is nut well divided Fairly In plain requisites Good barns ml out- buildings Value Too many beds in of the otherwise everything clean and in excellent order Condition of occupied by staff and employees satisfactory Dining rooms plain equipment fit good order The mens dining room a nev floor and new steps arc required Condition and adequacy kitchen and equipment quite Satisfactory Laundry and equipment fairly The old furnace should he removed and a new one Installed before win ter lighting Ventilation and water Jupply good Drainage by Hi tile to cesspool cleaned tvicc a year Good facilities or In case fire Stand pipe with hose riight watch Attics arid cellars in and free from rubbish Inmates are not match Tlie diet is suitable except that more milk should be provided for the il3r of the females Food is well prepared and nicely served Sup- plies are furnished contract Average number inmates during the year Average weekly cost The sexes are properly separated There are no children None the inmates arc insane but one woman is sometimes disturbed inmates ate comfortably cloth ed and cheerful Beds and bedding clean and in good Inmates are bathed Nine of the inmates have tuber cular disease Salaries Superintendent Matron Physician Far mer per month Cook and per month Inspector The records are and cor rectly kept My visit of inspection impressed me very favourably in to the man agement and discipline of the Home Those in charge evidently en deavouring to manage the Institution carefully and prudently The In mates appear to be well looked after A large cupboard or wardrohc for keeping supplies dry goods under clothing etc is very much needed The outside closets should he done away at once as unsanitary and enamelled waterclosets installed Mr has the contract for cementing the cellar at the Metho dist Parsonage and has commenced work The Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific will together seek from Parliament confirmation of the agreement they have reached for the use of joint terminals at Winnipeg Live Stock Market On the Toronto Market Tuesday the best exporters sold at aboue to medium to export and export bulls Best butchering cattle sold at to medium to common to and canning stock at Si to Stock keep feeders fetched to 4 ordinary feeders to W0 best stockers to and dairy to J325 Good veal calves at 51 and heavy calves c to If Good to cfioice milkers sold at if to Export ewes sold from lo per cwt culls and sold at to per lambs 525 to with a few lots as high as 6 per Toronto packers report the price of hogs practically the same as last week They say they ire paying on cars at average Ontario points S565 for hogs fed andlwatcrcd on arrival in Toronto and ofl cars at Toronto A good sale of horses was made on Tuesday There is a demand for heavy horses weighing from to pounds sound and in good con dition Horses weighing from 1100 to lbs are worth t 1G0 from 1200 to lbs to from to lbs to and from to to Runabouts in good condition are worth to GO and to A fine carriage was sold for on Tuesday o Newmarket Markets November White Wheat per bush 68 Red per bush 0 Spring Wheat per bush 0 46 20 0 0 28 0 0 J0 Goose Wheat Rye per bush Barley per Peas per bush per Shorts per ton Hay per ton Butter roll per Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per Geese per lb Turkeys 4 best Fur are Rood for our customers are known world over- There are to compare them either quality or dur ability Our Fur Stock is complete in every detail and our guarantee behind every kind of Fur buy from us A FEW NAP ots and McPhersons Shoe is I than most Shoes A Grocery Specials Now Seeded Raisins full pound box lb Choice Bright Red Salmon Small Tins 2 in Gingham 5c yd 38 in Apron yd Soft Finished k yd Ladies Wool Golf Jackets Mens Flannelette Shirts W New Christmas Fruits are Raisins are scarce buy early in Shoe is bottei than most shoes Shoe is better than most Shoes 260 Shoe is better than most Shoes Shoo is better than most Shoes We are sole agents for celebrated Shoes v i I THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Clearing out at and 39c Jackets were for Skirts for Special Lot Kid Gloves for Selling out the Whole Stock of Dry Goods and Millinery and confining ourselves to The Boot and Shoe trade only Hockey Boots In the SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING Toronto Markets November White Wheat per Red Wheat per 0 Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat Barley per Peas per hush Oats per Buckwheat per 00 Rye per Hay per ton Tub or Crock gutter Butter per Hogs per per doz ChickeoB per lb pernio Turkeys 0 Sale Register Postponed Sale FRIDAY Nov Mr will have a sale of horses bred and cattle and sheep on lot con East mile north j Sale at one oclock H Kavanagh Auctioneer SATURDAY Nov Hunter Mount Albert hold an extensive auction sale of New Im plements Carriages Machinists and other Tools etc at oclock Six months credit on sums over J Kpster Auctioneer FRIDAY Nov Mr Alfred Toole will have an extensive sale of stock Implements furniture etc on lot 2 4th con of months credit except for roots and hay or for cash Sale at one Smith Auctioneer MONDAY Nov Mr Sam Jones North hall lot Con Scott will hold an extensive sale of horses cattle sheep pigs imple ments etc at one oclock months credit on sums over R Smith Auctioneer Date Merchant Tailoring Dress Goods Sundries We have well assorted stock of Meng and Childrens Underwear Ladies Wrappers worth for Grey Flannel per yard Shaker Flannel yard wide yard Our Tailoring We have fitted up the Tailoring Department at rear of the store where we will be pleased to you a Com- Stock of Newest Suitings Pantiogs Potatoes per bag J Gold Find in Saskatchewan Nov A man named Joyce an experienced miner who has been prospecting- between J Maidstone and arrived hero yesterday and reported he had dis covered placer diggings just east this town Great excitement vails and people are rushing In great numbers Many claims have already stak ed and it is thought before the win ter sets In many large companies will be formed to extensively operate their properties Kxpericnced miners who have al ready visited the state that the findings and formation iCD as that recently in North ern Ontario and will undoubtedly attract a large Influx miners to this district Maidstone is moat accessible- railway point to dig gings Seven told la pwnths South End Bakery Is Your Coal Bin Full Try a Ton pays for J Cord Slabs Park Avenue l v ft

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