House and tot for Said Street West Good Situation MRS WRIGHT Newmarket Farm for Sale or Rent acres being West lot in Con of Whitchurch Good clay la Rood state of cultivation and clean Buildings and fences in good repair Well watered Possession this fall Apply to W Newmarket or to J CRAKE Bradford Reformer NEWMARKET FOR SAL Block belonging Blocks In the Town or Newmarket It la always well rente Is no itrod lor to the public For particulars and Of ile ap ply to of sheriff field Estate Newmarket acted he wanted rather than a ThfW is Apparently confirmed by fact that his the Conference did cat- side wtH and left him all by his lonesomfe the demands he made increase of over halt will enable toe l merit to make a larger grant the administration and to the extent of the grant lesgfr J Photo Studio Thanksgiving Day Phone i i Is Your Coal Bin Full at attention get elsewhere Tuesday We Street Railway Co City about on m of mileage suit I Starving to catch a sash which slip ped from his hands while at work on the avenue school the fever now grant be made Wehajrsee In the Cons Bell a painter SfVihS of the window and ft a refuse heap feet below his neck and killing him motive candidate The local officials of the Canadian It Wi Miiv turner cu in Northern Railway expect their first SiHbetttrneat the trajn case before Policy ifeiite Try a Ton Toronto on Thursday last we the inquiry broadened total corruption- in during some years SSeV of Mr London contractor sen- national His of by him In switngvijlpts the West Elgin eljtioiYsopje ago only attcstcdtnactiviipflt he took in rfials and morgj- his deputy turning bal lots howto bogus genuine ones while or the way- from the voters hands to tlio bos says in Elgin and he contused lb having imported the States We have columns tor a report Iris exaroination hut lie stated after iis he Prov ince tearing arrest for his misdoings He told the court lhat he had paid money services by ton arid others hut did not he was expressly instructed to do work contest in North astweek resulted in the return ffMftGald While by over flja Tory constituency two liberals tried to defeat one efl McKay and Thomas re A ihQ Liberal race and demoralized the Liberal ft is said that many strong men did not vote at all The lesson Should have a salutary effect on vaulting ambition in party circles v Oar Toronto Letter a real estate agent city was arrested last week raacharge of conspiracy with others unknown to defraud the University of Toronto and University College by deceit and falsehood The case adjourned till I7lli On Tuesday Rose a girl of 15 years stepping off a morning car fell down her head striking the pavement She was ren dered and taken to the hospital where it was ascertained she had concussion the brain Magistrate Ellis gave his decision November 1st sQ oe- Oar Society PERSONAL POINTS The family removed on Monday Mr and Sirs Fred spent over Sunday- in this Iity Mr and Mia left on Wednesday for their California heme 5Jiss Rosy Price who was visiting in Toronto returned home Saturday Leslie Jackson is home from the University for Thanksgiving holi days and family Bradford spent Sunday with his broth er Mr J Will of King who was visiting Mrs Irvine Prospect avenue has returned to her home Dr Davis of Toronto sister of Hon J Davis was here over Sun day owing to the illnss of her moth er to Sir and Mrs Ames Wilson who have passed golden wedding anniversary last Tiles- than Youll saving we Our stock was never better from the manufacturers in Our styles are uptodate and our prices will be found onethird less find in most stores as we have saved the jobbers profits This Weve been busy selling SPUES this month bought than this season being purchased direct Germany in most stores as share with our customers XT T pays for Cord Slabs Park Avenue NEWMARKET JUDICIAL SALE OF Farm Property IN EAST f the Judgment In a the iiASden will be offered Public Auction rt Kava- Auctioneer at the Royal Hotel Newmarket On Saturday the 3rd day of November it oclock itie foHowlotf proper ty lining la the Mb of tfaFTowrj41u of In of wore or This farm Is known the Upon two with one and a atablo There in orchird and a running In property farm conveniently ati from Mount Albert wile from a post office from a church end from a public JiUaca Of farm arc the land some timber or Tew percent la lobe paid la cub at time or aale to and at expiration of out I tweet into to of this laid will be offered tor tale The other coo- be the of the Court For further and or to market at Toronto day of October Adalde Toronto which- lit guilty has been revealed to Bund both and bribers to the if is telling the truth So far Premier of Saskatche wan Hon Walter Scott is who was on the day ilut made his wholesale it is satisfactory to know that Albertas Premier was ignorant the finarvjial tide the London election Of course he took part in that campaign but it was only on educational bids Wrong Im pressions were being made with refer- in regard to the school clauses of the Autonomy bills and he to London to remove false It Is a source of to that this attitude of- Mr Scott has not been OOor- Preston Lewis however ap pear to league other pjaces according to story courfie the other vide has yet to be told before the gen eral public will be able to form an intelligent in regard to what now looks to he a very corrupt poli tical muddle in the case the hotel- keeper for the in spector and fined him and costs Meads of Toronto who was Some mischievous boys at visiting with Mrs Price for his Saturday last tied a rope to the Street returned to home on School bell and about mid- night hour rang a terrible alarm Rev Glover of Toronto Fire was naturally looked for The spent over Sunday with his brother- firemen and citizens turned out inlaw Mr Gotham beds after hurriedly dressing and Street sought he streets and although j McLean tbanklul there was no conflagration lllarricd the John F oud and Ions were the to hurled at the imitators Pecks i Bad Boy We guarantee our Furs to be perfect in workmanship and will repair or replace any article that goes wrong through defect in workmanship or material for months from time of purchase This guarantee is surely broad enough to ensure satisfaction We Sell nothing but Dependable Goods The City Hall tower elevator car- average of pas- the weekend with her parents per day between June M it started rmning and October tutnn Monday oo You buy a nope Sleigh reasons Be i tk em Itt who of Wublp tiyAkn ham tot lent rtyltt in BUZZARD Young Woman Killed Oct 15On Sunday a load of young women j accompanied by a driver left town early in the morn ing to attend revival service of and a a distance of about mile On the way horses became unman ageable and ran away Miss Pearl was thrown violently against the hard roadbed and was hurt that she died early this morning- She never regained fceouKrs3 after the She was a very estimable young woman and death Is a great to her parents Vllrnirgton Oct has left by a whom lie years ago while running as a new agent on the Dataware railroad An old man became ill on train and Hammond nursed until the train reached Capo Charles Mr Ham mond has a letter Draper of Philadelphia died and In the will left r William Oct years of age residing hear la here vic tim or a acetdent He belt on a wood awln place with a when the fttlclc In a wheel thrown boys bead with such force it brain He died nix hours later without galDg this year A million and a hall of gold reached Toronto Monday morning from New York on the eleven oclock train It was consigned to the Bark Mont real to be used by them to meet any emergency occasioned by the Ontario Hank collapse Mr A local man ager of the Bank of Montreal is now manager of the Ontario Bank On Monday he stated that all the branch es be retained as at present and likewise the staff The business public will be glad to hear this an nouncement I Sneak thieves are believed to have been at work in the neighborhood of Broadview avenue and the police have been notified of one theft Broadway avenue had In money two rings and a stolen from bis home While shopping in Robert Simpson Companys store on Saturday Mrs Wk Carlton St had her purs containing 51 snatched from her hand Island Constable discovered yards of gill nets in Bay near the gap on Saturday night A quantity of pike and perch were in them when found In local railway circles it was re ported on Monday that the Grand Trunk Railway had completed arrange ments for the building a line from Ottawa to Kingston The officials say If they succeed in getting the line built they will the lime be tween Toronto and Ottawa by about two hours Sam Jones the noted evangelist dead last Monday at Mem phis It is just twenty years ago lie was holding forth in the Mu tual street rink in this city Claries Gould a typhoid fever pa- at she Genera Hospital jump ed from a window of the ward In he was confined early on and was Mayor got back to his this week but to be care ful of energies The two fatalities at Varsity may result in putting an end to football at the University A report current on Saturday that the Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway Companies had about closed negotiations for pur chase of the Government House pro perty The site is an extremely val- one having tbruJ frontages one on King another on and the third on Wellington street The alleged conspiracy case against and puhera to defraud the City 1 hot be tried until next week i Helen Berkeley St Toronto will give lessons on the mandolin and china painting twice a week for fifty cents a lesson Dr Webb Waterloo was visiting with Mr Webb on Wednesday The health the latter does not im prove as his friends would like Mr Andy Wright and his sister Mrs Hawkins of Toronto attended the funeral of Mrs Mary on Thurs day of last week also Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs of Aurora Mr who has been for eighteen years connected with The Mail and Empire and for the last five years has been its advertising ma has resigned his position with that paper Mr lias acquired an interest in the J Ad vertising Agency Limited of Toron to and will hereafter be associated with Mr Woods In the of that business Mr formerly resided in Newmarket and sold out his hook store to Mr Stwrr This week we ran across a seasons Sample Coats that he had manufacturer who had about of this no further use for this season being over that we purchased at off uptodate wholesale prices Friday and Saturday we will place these on sale at 25- less Jthari the regular prices Remember no twoalike styles the very latest- Price less than regular and only 25 to sell Come early they wont last long VM- t A midnight fire did damage to extent of to tho grocery es tablishment of Mitchell In Warren was thrown out a carriage at Sam la andiviflercd a fractured skull a other Injuries from which it Is feared cannot re cover THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phone 17 and Farm For Sale North Half of tot Con of all cleared soil clay and watered bank tarn rouKhcaathouaei food orchard within one rflllo from whero school and market of this farm may ho had immediately or In years to I AURORA The will of the late Joseph Young of Aurora has been entered for pro bate He left an estate valued at of which was money secured by mortgages This money is to be so invested as to yield an income to be paid to the widow of the deceased and at her death the estate la to be divided among two sons and three daughters I It is estimated that a thousand tons grapes ruined by frost in Niagara strict At Walker ton Judge Barrett dis missed charge of obtaining by false pretences preferred against I Henderson by Adam THE CRADLE fort Ont on Oct 2nd to Mr and Mrs Fred Dennis a son THE ALTAR Near on Oct by If Partridge Evans to Mary A both of TUB TO AW Toronto on Oct Harvey J Harold aged years Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery on Sunday afternoon In Lindsay on Oct Joy aged years and months beloved twin daughter of tho late Rev Geo McCulIooh and Mrs October 1000 at her residence 488 street To ronto Margaret A Mann widow of the late Noah Mann of North J ROHDHOUSB Furniture Undertaking MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive and Prompt Attention Provision Counter Famous Sausage Our Pea Meal Breakfast Bacon the most delicious bacon procurable without a rival it stands alone on its excellence Sugar cured Hams Mild spiced Rolls Cooked Hams Jellied Veal Jellied Hocks Corned Beef and Bologna Sausage all of equal merit TWELVE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY handpicked Deans Pork and 2 lbs tin Minco Meat 20c lb pail Jam 10c pail Mince Meat lbs Fancy Dam Best Soap liars Castillo Hoap Bars oap Pickles Largo Dot Catsup 15c Fresh and Cod Fish Sweet Potatoes Phone 3 FARMERS ATTENTION When you te to mo and I I I 1 LUKES BALDWINS Belle 00ILV1E8 PURE MANITOBA SATISFACTION A A NT BED Try my Coal Beat Market draw It thcmselYw to tiooa who North End Feed store PHONE E