am Carve your dinner with a new carvers See our assortment of cutlery Jewelry Store i J WATSONS and soy If YOU need NORTH YORK Give liberty to to according- to conscience abort all other liberty No Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday No paper sent outside North York paid In advance Watchmaker and Graduate Optician 1 Ss I TERMS per annum 100 it paid in advance The Canada National Steel Range There is nothing so sweet and as a piece of broiled meat The way of broiling on top of the range by taking off the cover is all right if you can stand the smoke and smell- The Canada Range is fitted with the front keyplate hinged this can be adjusted as required and allows you to use the full length of the fire It can be lifted with the poker or Jiftcr and by putting the poker in the rover e side of handle will readily drop to its place again There is no range on which has so many labor saving and practical improvements as the Canada Coal and Wood Cook Stoves Up Heaters and Drums All Styles PHONE 28 NEWMARKET i7 DRUG STO We Have Just Receiv ed a Shipment of PURE ITALIAN and have found it by test to he of the very Highest Standard of Purity Price I CANADIAN EXPRESS COMPANY OF DOMINION STEAMSHIP LINE Nutlike Flavor and abso lute purity make it a Superior Oil for and you will be delight ed it Cents per Pint ANCHOR STEAMSHIP LINE Drains W Without In itt Wilson FLY PACKET HAS KILLED A BUSHEL OP FLIES all d torts ad by mall TEH PACKET FROM ARCHDALB WILSON OLD NBW8PER8 at Office Enquire at Era Offlcv Private Funds to Loan At per on Farm Property Oaf Toronto Letter The new Yorkville Branch Library now approaching completion will ready tor the opening in the of I five or six weeks Representative of Mr were recently notified and by return of mail a check for Walter Dam with his full New York Symphony Orchestra of performer is undertaking a Western tour tin autumn and will be heard at Hall on Thursday October An effort is being to have the street read for occupancy by the end of the present month At an Executive Committee of the Canadian Bible in this city last week the secretary reported Earl Governor General Dominion had given his consent to become patron and that the society bad become incorporated uniting all the various auxiliaries under the con trol of the Bible Society The ions Grand Jury reported in favor of the taking control of Toronto Jail rial riecroary to thin said uuh action woud mean taking over all jails in the Province which the Government was to do Mr add- that thoie responsible for the to day were just as well as could le under provincial control The Ontario Licence has cured close upon 50 conviction- of the Liquor License Law within the past month and the fins ablegate about By the new license law about will -be- added to the Provincial revenue this year in advance of last year Satisfying the appetite comes high Thirtyfive medical students found guilty of taking part in the last week have been fine 5 It viil take more than five the amount to remove the attached to the rowdyism of the occasion During Wednesday night of last week the residence of Mr was and jew ellery worth about stolen Miss Eva late choir leader of the Bradford Presbyterian Church who is in the city for the win ter studying under Dr has just accepted the position of leading soprano Holoit in Chalmers Presbyterian Church corner street and road A now paper to he called the Courier is to le I with J A Cooper as editor Moore of the York and Canadian Northern is interested in the venture The paper will be conducted on lines Rev Win McMillan of Alvin- has been appointed assistant ed itor of the Christian Guardian Mrs residing at avenue suddenly ill last Thursday evening shortly after re turning from Muskoka wheie she was spending the summer and died from heart trouble before medical attend ance arrived On Friday a second ootball fatal ity occurred when Mr W Glynn son of Mr P W Ellis jeweller died of injuries sustained in a game two days previous Deceased was a fourth year arts man in ami history and last year headed his class Kllen Jury a young woman who gave Buffalo as her home tried a new to obtain an untodatc hat ordered the hat at Eatons and asked have It sent to a Jams house She took it for inspection Presently she returned with the bag telling tho the boy the hat was not satisfactory At the store it was discovered that the girl had exchanged her old hat A detective was at once put on her trail who stopped her on approaching tho Depot and took her to the Police Sta tion The presence in Toronto of Mr General Director of the China inland MUnion in succession to founder J Hudson Taylor was made the occasion of two meetings under the auspices of the To ronto branch Friday afternoon and ev ening In the Friends Church Carlton street the Era Thanksgiving Song ET song of thanksgiving Of In jubilant rise To God the Dispenser of good all our days In bounties from earth ami kies For so strewn oer the way From sources bestowed each new day For care and ti mid rs unseen From disaster and death Where earthquake and fire late have Overwhelm its victims While fiery leaped forth to con sume The of grandeur pronouncing their doom From floods where the waves the sea In fury make haste to destroy poor mortal- as if in wild glee they out of like a toy Who helplessly yielded as if to The tyrant oil Neptune the god of the Our land ha been with rich of grain Her storehouses filled with the ycld Where plenty for all winter needs may I garden and and Held A vast filled to supply The hungry with food from the Giver on high Her people are loyal to Canadas law Would die fur her honor ami name Their arm to support and advance every cause That would aid in upholding her fame Her Watchmen wary encroachments to quell And Zion is guarded where the right- coua dwell They are striving to extirpate wrong that exist The evils protected for gain Their forces inviting the wrongs to resist Pete mined rightlaws to obtain Though slow be the progess ami foes oft assail With God in the vanguard the must prevail While war and revolt is today And deathdealing weapons are rife Where aro ruhiigiu lands far The For crueit pat and just freedom denied Demolition and anarchy far and This land in prosperity and peace I- advance Her efforts not we I to increase And all that is rijcfttQiM enhance While under banner by cruelty driven The find freedom homes and a haven No laud the ii than our Ho in mineral wealth Ho great extent with powera With a promoting good Our dear native laud of all is the chef Ho- emblem for the sugar leaf of the she looked down the red plush aisle A few feet in front of her a man was seated with his hack turned towards her He had light hair just like Mr Hardins and standing on- the scat beside him was a little child The car lurched and the little fellow swayed to be caught by a strong arm that threw him downward Tho mans head down and Alice smiled at the screams of childish laughter She watched them for a moment then the child peering over the mans shoulder called out Pretty lady pretty lady And she feeling too weary to more than smile at the lit tic fellow turned to- go back to her uninteresting hook The train was crossing tfcc long bridge over Lake and Alice in the vestibule the Pullman and the chair car Stand- inn at window she looked out on the of the moonlit lake and sky ami felt very tired ami small and useless She was not blue nor was she morbid but somehow her heart rebelled at going back to that old life in the city so empty so shallow so Alice Miss Ellison where did you come from Her voice trembled but she did not care She held out both her hands to Hardin and as his own closed over hers a sudden picture flashed before her She heard again those peals chHdish laughter saw again a mans head bend swiftly down like a great boys beneath the tug of ands saw a face habitually cold something divinely warm as it had looked at her across the sunny head of little Alice from the narrow door way of a fast receding train Her heart gave a bound liter and drawing her bawls away she turned and looked again upon the moonlit water j HI was called home unexpectedly on the crunch of the dried leaves was when beneath his feet and felt the tugging the trout upon his line stepped nearer to her side He had bid good bye two even- he Then he before expecting to leave the moonlight xvas caught city then and only now recalled the in the tears that lay look of good frank friendship as she cm and which she could not Allyn Hardin was a man who tho tc11 but thirtyseven travelled about he mused There was a long pause and when It A Little Child Shall Lead Them till lie was weary of the world With- hut she lacks out family or tics no one cared when v j became nor where lie went so that lo a stop and whenever he did think of settling werfc on the plat- down it was with a very decided pic- were slowing up to a pic- lr in his picture of a home little town with green trees Voluntarily that was home in he fullest the n hK fo fswoetesc sense of the word where lv homes white and green in hands and tho sunlight Was that Alice there reigned a wife whose life would ho bound up in that home one where romped little children who would ower stop of the him with smiles and droo- stood with faces sec him And it was this i barely hidden by her quiet feeling duly realized thai made nanner waiting for the train to stop look upon Miss with some- smiling oh so brightly and thing of doubt albeit of admiration tram iad anl stand- Life was joyous to Alice- More she had sprung down and Her blood ran high and nothing had across the platform to crowed path that tended to her feel ought but the joy of living could not believe his It was natural therefore that she Should laugh and dance and sing At lWIe tfrJ it palled on her and she over low socks and face left would sit within the silence of her iat hung about room why she could not the brightness he folded her In arms Oh Alice he murmured Alice vou dont know how much I love ItlCHMONJf Hirii P OOO in love really and truly and deeply And always at this wonder the picture of Allyn Hardin rose bo- fore her and her heart grew tender ftr And then something would crop up like weeds in the parable clicking out the tiny seeds of love And that something was pitifully like the vision that had but just caused her a mo mentary gladness Hut the clear blue eyes were so cold the mouth too firm had seen on Alices came rushing down the platform also With a shriek of she threw herself into Alices open The faultfinding woman la IHbrod and to be avoided is the one who while she criticises her break- fast eats heartily of it She objects to the style in which dinner is served especially If happens to live in ai with determination the chin so boarding house Then she complains that she would rise impatient- the attention paid her bedroom crying out She is disgusted with general Ah no would never be tender and yet is confidential nor sweet nor nor With the landlady She is usually picture of what bonding toward the child Wave talcbearer and unless you wish home should he ami white she bye to Mr Hardin Then the whistle blew again Alice was moving off with a young man and woman who had joined her Miss Ellison How do you do Oh she Rasped I thought you were in Wisconsin She moved to ward the rain not losing hold of little hand that lay in hers I cant get off Wish I had known you were on board and the train wan moving Goodbye Hon vovaKe called Alice Then you She raised her wet face to his and as he bent low over her the weight slipped from her heart and the old life that had so tired her became a thing of the past Wounded Dog After the battle Kop the writer was assisting at one of the am bulance waggons attached to an Ir regular corps dressing the wounded we had noticed a nice liver- colored pointer lying down some fifty yards away He waited patiently til the last had been attended to and dispatched to the hospi tal then walked up to us and with a whine held up one of his forepaws which on examination proved to have received a bullet wound Need less to say the beast received the attention he so plainly asked for after which he lay down quietly under our waggon There many wit nesses who will vouch for the truth the above story London Referee BOQ be mixed up in numerous quarrels you scarcely dared dwell upon it as he had better avoid tier Think how do still it was there in the painful Is to sec women of the clouds above her head a home In A sunburned little hand clawed the air and Alice raising her head look up at Ally- They both laughed On the rest of that northbound trip all that saw was a little coun try railway station with Its usual ABk yourself if you arc one of tho from his heart to maintain for- motley set tin Standing forth from faultfinding type and If so reform faultfinding type women who arc making life a misery for which there was a woman whose lifes one aim was to keep the tired lines but more particularly for themselves her husbands face the worrying Sleep Like Top Dont He awake with the remedy at your elbow To banish wakeful ness nervous starts bad dreams to sleep soundly and waken re freshedtake Pills ever the smiles on those little upturn- It all- were the same two figures the faces at knee Hut the Madonna and the child one in a must be with a heart warm enough and profit by the sym pathy she held out to him in such gown of softlyclinging blue the other Jn white apron The two weeks visit to her A f Sold Everywhere I ft boxes cents abundance a man who could under to an end and the train was stand hearts of the little children Alice Ellison away from In Wie arms of that woman sweet peace of country into So thinking much hut understand- the rush and whirl of that old life In little of other they went the city Leaning back in chair their sinaratc until one morn- dreamily looking out of the window when train drew out site came to the conclusion that of the station Alloc was seated In the was tired herself chair car and was swinging on and rose wearily Sway- to the step of the last lire wth the motion the car she He was off on his vacation and in made Way to the Pullman It the curling of the smoke be saw not was October perhaps she might find the face of Alice Ellison but cool some of her friends returning to the green nooks by running streams Ho Pausing a moment on tho end I Thankful Mother thank you with all my heart for what Own Tablets have done for my little girl says Airs Charette Jr of St Boniface Que Wheti I giving her seemed to bo piping away but after using less than a box was rapidly gaining and she is now a fine fat healthy little and I write you this a an acknowledgement of a mother who will forgot what Own tablets have done for her child like this must bring hop and comfort to all moth ore who have feeble or sickly children Babys Own Tablets will euro all tho minor ailments and can bo given just as to a now bom as to a well grown child If you cannot get these from your dealer write Dr Williams Medicine- Co and cot them at fe