Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 Oct 1906, p. 4

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will cure the worst case of Chronic Constipation and Biliousness arc the tonic they strengthen and invigorate the liter give up enough 11 ft to move the bowels regu larly The bile are the finest Kidney and Bladdery Remedy in the world that date that Sir ail if n J for his district and gradually Mr Foster did not dispose and doctors prescribed for but got J no diseased wasted began to use With two months treatment my health Today I am as surrendered- te held for Pope and when transferring to -the- Union West Land Co the fwtipirtbey had from the good land order to make up the in acreage they subsequently sola to Great West Land acres out a block of acres said to have are the ideal tonic Jcon previously rejected unsuitable completely cure Headaches and Rheumatism both meat Hither the skin kid neys or re not the sys tem of rixurate start up the system of end purify and enrich the Wood Thai a Tray with for everyone up strengthen They sharpen stctdy the nerves well and keep the whole system in perfect They are fruit juices combined with and antiaeptics a box or toxes tor Jisa Sent on receipt price it your docs not hra LIMITED FENCE L Wit- CO The Boom Is Now On AUCTION OF VALUABLE Town Lots Household Property In the Town of Newmarket The syndicate composed of Hoa Geo Foster a id Mr Matthew Wilson in idea of cents per on InU Mr Foster as VicePresident of the Eastern Western Land Co made an to Board the l Co was to so- ai per acre vis Managing Director of the Union Trust Co he pur- Chase as or Hie it was his duty to as and as Vend or it was his lo jrcc he could Mr see any conflict position The of hoi us sock Or Oronhyateiha for tie benefit of the Jnton Trust Co was in reality transferred to Mr could a bell and give all the credit to There isproof of what docs It not only kills the germs of Pneumonia and Consumption but It helps makes rich blood and spreads jjcneral health all over the body Ybu will never have Consump tion if you use lands on more favorable tenos Mian mortals And yet it now transpires according the leiore the Insurance Com on Oct 1st this route and Burn- at once to his who was then in the capi tal Wire me Immediately as and society preparing magnificent reception Minister of flno arts will be represented station Torch light massed bands exact hour arrival nils telegram was duly sent the Impresario It to the actress who forgot her homesickness view of the magnifi cent reception awaiting her When they arrived there Per and all T A Limited Toronto In view of revidaUons before the Insurance Commission MrRL and will pray to he from friends of the Bennett Foster Combination On the other hand savory flavor of the political atmosphere of London Ont is suggestive to the Dominion Premier that the taint attached to the Cabinet seat the Forest City the of strong o State of Ohio Toledo Lucas County were solemn was one of three men who con- gentlemen lo evening dross with many ceived and with one or two others on the platform thera in forin a an were guilty of doing the very thing triumphal procession started for he denounced in parliament Afraid with W said the impresario to his advance Of found out too soon Mr agent who showed signs of remaining Fowler wrote Pear station Instead of going to the a follows have succeeded fa j toe and leaders of our wildest hopes and after I am afraid they will bolt with telling what ted been done Mr F clothes nut the actress e story goes never guessed that concluded keep mum except to sixty great men the station were Bennett and yourself This hired by the advance agent at all that the persons composing sluggish Liver or clogged f m W medicine for these prevalent complaints Their cot is a rifle cr insist on They do more for body than any other remedy Known and used by hundreds of thousands all over the globe by ThB St Sold by l In Conidiflnd US In cent jf 36 cents a head Frank J Cheney makes oath that Wilson K in for him- senior partner of the firm of self Messrs Foster The 2J47 shares of whirl- the Union Trust Co claims were sur rendered in error arc tiso Mr Wilson intrust for the same lies EDITOHIJUtV J It is pretty well understood in poll- Assignee and Inspectors of circles that Hon Mr H Lloyd Estate have laid out will elect to sit the farms into town for so that the byeelection have instructed upon Ms will take for sale by public place in Liberal all the lots as shown by thy plan of Vie game- copies of which said plan this up public places nee will probably he Mr Tourigny K- of Throe Rivers Virougbout the town on Saturday the The Toronto News remarks as day of October at oclock lows The dragnet cast by the I J pm on the Market Square in par as a result of the resolution f town of Newmarket Avenues and Streets have boon laid out on which front tire choicest building lots In the town This will all in tie town an to purchase at reasonable prices choicest lots in the town to upon at their con These lots are all situated a distance from the centre of the town and every loyal citizen should a lot of his own at the close of this sale Plans of this property may be at the offices of field the Ontario Bank the Mayor United Factories Bra and arri In 11 public places In the town At the same place and time will be offered for sale ihose premises situate at Me northwest corner of Main and Queen Streets in the town of New market There are three good houses in this property fair condition and well rented Owing to their situa tion convenient to all factories in the town they are a valuable pro perty for investors For particulars and conditions of under which the property will be told apply to Ksq Vendors Solicitor Newmarket or to FRANK DUNCAN Auctioneer Newmarket Dated of St Catharines District Met has yielded startling results Six cases in Hah on seven in town an equal number in Wetland county and at Nia gara Falls are the results to date The special officers now report that extra precautions are being taken by other hotel men the district as a re sult of these convictions McClelland general merchant of while attending the Fall Fair was of Ho as representative East Elgin continues Tory At the week the Conservative candidate Mr David Marshall came out ahead at the heel of hunt The conditions under which the cam paign was conducted in consequence of the stare of the Lib erals fully accounts for Mr Marshalls success The retirement of Mr Hep burn during the closing days of the contest and the stories circulated in reference to personal character which led to that retirement all con spired to bring about the result above stated Yes the apparently M or North Toronto in the Com mons was one of the gentlemen be longing to Sir Mackenzie Ko wells nest of traitors days gone by and now the Insurance reveals him in another role It was disclosed last week Urn Mr Geo Fowler held secretly shares of in the NorthWest Land Com pany for Hon Foster Toronto and London appear to bp political Marathon races for mm The Augean J Cheney Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this th day of De cember A Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation A newly married Wilson decid ed she would cook some rice for din ner She remembered that her moth er uBd to serve a large potato dish full of the white and site accord ingly measured out this amount of rice and put it on the fire to boil Imagine her surprise when it began to swell throwing the lid off the pot She immediately took out part of the rice and put it in another pot This also began to swell and crowd off the fid Then she filled and the and while toe rice was still swelling sho ran out shut and locked tho kitchen door and telephon ed hubby to hurry home before the yeastrising rice burster the window lights out of the cottage She knows how to cook rice now and how much it takes to make a plentiful helping for two Star SICK HEADACHE CURED Sick is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indiges tion Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and effect a cure By taking the tab lets as soon as the first indication of the disease appears the attack may be warded of Got a free sample and try them For sale by J- rough ton and all druggists No man sowed wild oats and succeeded In keeping them confined In own field lHs syndicate secured material from a tip given them by the man at the of Canadian Northern and they by it whole thiofi was to be kept secret so as to enable the Railway Promoter to succeed in demands ft on Parliament Will the Mai and Empire tell its readers what it thinks secret grafters after railway hands in the West The time is opportune the country awaits the revelation as well ag party pendente true inwardness of the whole business will furnish chance for our to do up political grafters in its modern fashion eoa Session Sentences At close of the Sessions week Judge Winchester passed the following sentences on prisoners this term John guilty of setting fire to his Piano Factory on Queen St West was given one year in the Central Prison- who shot and wounded his father inlaw while in a fit was sent to the Central for two years less one day Robert Morrison indecently treat- a little was given two years less one day in tho Central Sam Smith who fought a Police man and received a broken leg in the melee was allowed out on suspended hcnteuce Joseph Wagner tho last of the handbook men charged with taking bets in his store on Queen Street was fined and costs Walter a waiter at St Charles who erased entries on a meal ticket and pocketed was sent to jail for thirty days cOOO is making tho Hell Telephone Co put their wires under ground in that town While picking apples in a boy named Edgar fell a limb and broke his arm stables want cleaning out and that badly hut it will take a Hercules to do it that the entered the back door which been left unlocked Mo MIL WOUNDS BRUISES AND BURNS By applying an antiseptic dressing to bruits like before Inflammation sets In may be healed matura tion and In the time by the old treatment Tbls in tie greatest and triumph jfor some time In almost every Chamberlains merit of trade and politics In tills lie- Pain Balm acts on same country The revelations pie It is at anthjptlc within the year or eighteen The picture drawn by Campbell- ford DepatcJi is a pretty dark one in deed but the revelations unearthed during the past two years seems to bear out conclusions drawn It Craft graft graft or in other words theft wholesale robbery and dishonesty exists now and has plied to sJh Injuaei them to heal very quickly It ato allays the and any danger of Wood Keep a bottle of Pain Balm In your home and it will save you time arid money not to Inconvenience Insurance com panies the trades combines rail ways the oil coal and meat trust and canning and the political rascalities perpetrated by both are truly appalling Nowhere On whole face of the earthy excepting such Injuries entail For sale In this Christian country by ard all tfrug- are fcue things tolerated or are they exists even AN AWFUL CURED Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia which left her with an awful cough She bad spells of coughing just like one with the whooping cough and thought she would not well at all We got a bottle of Chamberlains Remedy which acted like a She stopped coughing and got stout and fat writes Mrs Ora 111 remedy Is for tale by J and all drugfcfsts The great telescope stars so far distant that it would re quire 30000 of them placed together to be visible to toe naked eye A Cure tor Itching Blind Bleeding Protruding Piles Druggists authorized to money It OINTMENT falls to cure tn to days iV y- The Friend of Miner and Pioneer For thirty years miners and pioneers have known the merits of Hirsts Exterminator For Insect Bites Spralts Swelling or of any sort it is unexcelled Relieves pain instantly a bottle at all dealers Try Hirsts Little Urar PUIS They prevent con stipation and relieve all of Ask your dealer or send us direct 25c in stamps A souvenir water color sketch free THE CO i The Man Who Thinks He Pay Big Prices order to get satisfactory has never enjoyed in Underwear the and comfort of Unshrinkable Underwear is made by Canadians for Canadians in sizes lo fit all figures and weights to suit all Canadian climates And it does not cost much either your dealer to you STANFIELDSihe wont Evejy SatIdk If are In danger at a lire It Is a universal rule life saving takes precedence over fighting If Ore escapes are lacking or seriously ob structed all bands devote their entire energies the work of- rescuing by raising ladders by forcing a passage through smoke hallways or by other emergency means Life nets are spread and held ready for those who have not the nerve to wait for their rescuers Life saving consumes valu able time which could be applied to ad vantage In fighting the flames and the probable necessity for expending this time as It Is by many con siderations plays an Important part in studies of underwriters Occasionally pompier ladders or window scaling lad ders ore used In emergencies for mak ing rescues These furnish thrilling Incidents for the newspapers but are less efficient slower and a great deal more dangerous both to the and the rescued than the plain or ex tension iaddersnsurancc He Order Sir Henry tells this of the scientist Faraday and his assistant Sergeant Anderson was the sole assistant to Faraday and of course was utterly uneducated In scien tific matters but he could obey orders which Is not always a characteristic of an educated man One day Anderson was told by Faraday to keep stirring a pot containing some chemicals over a fire until he returned Faraday being In the habit of going upstairs to tea In A reliable resident agent for rooms and coming down directly market and vicinity for Fall and Win- afterward to work In the laboratory months to sell fruit trees small during the evening For some reason fruit bushes ornamental trees flower- he was prevented from coming roses etc All supplies again and forgot that he bad told An- furnished free Terms liberal to watch the pot On coming We conetder this agency one of down next morning he found An best on our list and good money still stirring the pot having DQ out of It Agsnts will have been at It the whole night and thus car- ACRES OF CHOICE out order which was given STOCK TO DRAW UPON thing we ship Is guaranteed Apply for full particulars in or person to PELHAM NURSERY CO Building Toronto Ontario Excursions Going October to To all points in on 0 Railway To points to Port Arthur To Marie Port Arthur via Northern Navigation Co To Georgian Bay and Lake Superior points via Co To points in Quebec Going Oct to Nov To Midland all points Severn to North Bay Argylo to Lindsay to HaHburton Alt points to Depot Har bor All points on Late Lake of Days River All Tickets Good Returning until Dec For tickets and full information call on J Town Agent J McDonald Passenger Agent WANTED Golf Hall A collector of evidence the subject maintains learnedly that the golf ball la the most perverse of human Insti tutions Hero Is a list of strange lies noted by a follower of the ancient game In another players pocket where It had dropped after traveling yards In a cows mouth on the roof of a clubhouse behind glass protecting a paint I banging on a cottage wall la a clump of daisies which It so resembled that It was not found for an hour When It fell in the cows mouth the frightened animal galloped yards nearer tho hole and then restored the ball to Its owner He promptly claimed to have driven it yards and right to play It from where It lay An Ancient In the records of St Thomas hos pital London on entry of the year to the effect that In consideration of the bote of the poor be allowed every one a day three of Hero for two months a quart at dinner and a pint at supper and at of two months return to there ordinary allowance Is one quarto food at this ancient workhouse was to be dealt with as liberally as drink The al moner and b toward were to byo no byffo but of the best without bones and In special without and none other to bo What wages do you expect asked Mrs Randolph of Aunt who bad corno to as cook Well waits on do week has family reach at do table an Ah cook den Ah charges dollar an bits A IPRflMOlXSEGUglD advice free Marion fie Martin Montreal K South End Bakery WHITCHURCH FARM FOR SALE Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going and and pm Going and am 306 and pm LEAVE TORONTO Going North and 1130 pm Going West and 830 am and pm loing East 745 and am pm There is some reason for the great ly increased attendance at IO ELLIOTT TORONTO Part of the of the late T Esquire Toronto LAND ACRES Situated miles from the Town of Newmarket and thteeouartcrs of a mile Orchard Railway Station County of York SoilClay loam well fenced with wire and cedar rail well tile drained Land level with sufficient roll to car ry off the water Splendid spring creek flows through the farm acres ol hardwood bush rock elm maple etc which is almost virgin forest Some fifteen acres of splendid cedar There can easily bo to timber sold on this property buildings consist of a brick and kitchen frame wood- Pair House con tains rooms Modern in oncon- foundation walls head of G single horses Complete automatic water bow before each animal Largo new steel windmill feet bl Root all used in construction Upper cost fcW students have taken positions of farm haTs i tell you cooks an at salaries from per month to and barn a table too a year Write for hand- foundation Ah lives of yo all catalogue Wo can place on with Different the world round world seems to round but love makes your head swim Thats explanation place you on floors the road to success Commence now Some worth of J ELLIOTT been A Alexwer is ELLIOTT Principal been fed and sold cattle have on farm Cider Chopping FOR SALE Mill Mow to lie What do you do to keep so beauti ful asked tho butterfly I I do he replied St between o a farmer L Aurora horned cultivate J A deep sincerity Is flrat of all men in any way Also Sawmill and Mill connection On Newmarket and easy terms Also Timber Lot part lot on 2nd Concession of Kin Apply to I J A PHILLIPS year durlne the a each year manure has over the land Apply to J A Wellington St Toronto J t I NEWSPAPERS j

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