Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , October 12, 1906, p. 3

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tew- WHAT OH IK TOOT Charity Concert The second annual a Concert on behalf of the at Graven- will take in the Town Hall during the week in Nov thus giving everybody an opportunity to contribute to this worthy object A good program by talent from Toronto Bradford and other places Cash Bonus Wo understand J who has been tho of the School Board on the Hoard of Examiner for in making his report to the Secretary of Board in July last promised to give a dollar to each successful candidate writing from the Separate School here at the next Entrance Examination and two liars to those from thai school granted by the Examining Board The intention was to stimulate the boys and girls to do the best The report from the Separate was encouraging both candidates passing with honors Brief lets Fair attracted A Wg crowd last Friday people- that were there ay tee Fair wan riot nearly so good On of rein last Tuesday only responded to the call and consequently visit of the T to the Industrial Home postponed New Dry Goods Store By reference to our advertising column Social Evening Ladies Aid ol the Christian Church will hold a Social at the resi dence of Mr Epworth this evening The invited- Junior Hockey All teams wishing to join the Jun ior Hockey League arc request ed t communicate with Frank of the Newmarket High School Hock ey October 20th Teams arc desired from the Office I every available receptacle e cay friend the other day- are an old band at It 1 only got married and dont uiider Stand much about the business but a married man any rights left when assumes the hymeneal Rights Yea Hes a right to pay a the bills- to Stop I mean this Let me yon an instance- Every box and drawer and portmanteau and in fact of every Specialty Mfg Co Factories it will be that Mr has and two team from the Town The A Jackson Quietly in the of only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties Maude Beatrice daughter of Mrs Jackson and niece of Mr E of Newmarket was mar ried at oclock Saturday afternoon to J Garnet Armstrong of Toronto The ceremony was performed at the new home of the happy couple by Rev Dr of St Pauls Pres byterian Church The wedding dress was of while ranlfe trimmed with Valenciennes lace and insertion and ahe carried bridal rose Her travelling suite was of green broadcloth with hat to match The residence tastefully decorated with crimson carnations Ameri can beauty roses and palms Mrs Arm strong will be at home to her friends on the second Tuesday in November and the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month after that added a stock of Staple Dry Goods to his Custom Tailoring which will in charge of Mr Lnndy popularity as a clerk in this town together with her ability is an assurance that everything will be kept on hand that fa op to- date Prolific Canada The warm which we just through had the effect of energizing nature to produce another crop which has to frequently been abserved at this time of year in this Canada of ours Friday morning Mr Richard us from his den a cluster of second crop raspberries the very pro lific with fruit in various stages average age to be years or under Metropolitan Extension Work was commenced on Thursday of last week on the cement foundations for the ateel bridge to cross the tracks An accident occurred in connection with a the treble work one day week While raising a tier it over and fell against the Hers already placed These not sufficiently braced and one after another were knocked over to the number of seven Several of the men had narrow escaped injury Jubilee On Saturday Sept 1908 the cosy home of Mr and Mrs Patrick Newmarket was the scene of a unique cel ebrationthe occasion being the an niversary of their wedding day On the of September Patrick and Bridget were married at vjhe Parish of Lei trim For a few years they lived in their happy little Irish cottage and then rumors reached of the independence freedom if faroff America and so with love for their capital ana hope their guiding star they started for Canada Here fortune smiled on them and in a very few years a farm on the 2nd Con of King was ther own Interesting and often times pathetic are the stories the old couple tell of the trials of Canadian pioneer life we blush a little of our own lukewarm ideas of religion when we hear tell of walking miles and carrying their children in their arm The faith of St Patrick glowed brightly in their warm Irish hearts sweetening their joys and healing their sorrows when death to their happy home and claimed a manly young and a winning little daughter One son and five daughters arc still living About yearn ago Mr and Mrs gave up their active life the farm and retired to comfortable home in Newmarket Here in the evening of their life they are tenderly care1 for by their daughter Mrs The members of the family at the Diamond Wed ding Mr Michael Hodgins and family of three sons and three daughters of Newmarket Mr of Toronto end daughter Mrs and Mrs Wallace of Toronto and family of three sons and one daughter Mr and Mrs Joseph Gould of Newmarket with their ion and daughter The only of the family absent on the occasion was Mrs Ellen of I There great grandchild re a were abso present the children of Mr end Mrs Cain Newmarket Other relatives present were Mrs Milne and son Mr and Mrs of New- market A brother of Mr Patrick imi was also present Mr Michael of Newmarket an old gentleman of ninety years He was a guest at the wedding in years ago The old couple looking bright and happy received the in parlor where following address was by Mr Wallace Dear Father and Mother We are g there3 you today with tender words an loving hearts to late you on this Wth of your wedding day As w look over the years fcioc first your loving care guided our childish footsteps we have the proud fcttisfaction of knowing that you have ways an example which we your children and your childrens as- fcernbled here today to honorcan never do Utter than imitate And now dear with all the love of hearts we ask yoo to accept this gift and we pray that you may be to brighten the dear old home on behalf of the relatives presented the couple with a puree of geld and a of bridal rosea and maiden hair too Tes was served on lawn where a four generations Com North York Is In It According to the Bulletin cent out by the Agricultural Department in Toronto Messrs of and of St Marys are the Com for this District to enquire into the Horse Industry and they will meet the North York Farmers at New- market on October four days in this vicinity They will also meet the North Ontario Institute at on November th and spend in that neighborhood A O W The resolt of the readjustment of rates by the AOUW over a year ago caused some to drop out and checked the growth of the Order for some months but it has survived the and now on a much its finances ere in better con dition than ever and new members are be ing added all over he jurisdiction Last Monday evening another application was accepted at Newmarket Lodge and the initiation v ill place next regular meet- This make four new members added recently On the some members of one of the City Lodge expect to pay New market Lodge a fraternal visit coming up by special Metropolitan car Get Your Prize Money The Directors of the North York Fair met last Saturday afternoon adjusted some matters and the Treasurer to pay the premiums awarded The largest prizewinners are as follows J Stephens Son J A Shropshire Stephen Sellers A W Workman John Boyes Jr Dennis ilOU J Proctor Thompson Millard 2225 Miss Fisher J V WIddifield Mies Johnson DIAMQN DIAMOND KINGS PEARL SCARF PINS Fine Watches and Jewelry at the Prices A CO end Brief lets r Correspondents and advertisers should remember that next Thursday is a pubic holiday oil the track between King and Aurora delayed the morning pas senger traits over two hours yester day The Corporation staff made a good job the culvert near the old cheese factory ground was covered with a white mantle morning first the season Hockey meeting on Thursday night at the Court Surrogate Court The late Charles Tench father of Mr Tench who died on September left an estate valued a of which SI was cash and a farm in King a house and lot in Bequests of each are made to deceaseds sona of Midland Waiter of Milton of Buf falo and his grandson Charles Tench of Newmarket His son William of Manitoba and daughters Alice of and Kate Smith of Nashville receive each The residue goes to a son-in- law and seven grandchildren Reception The postnuptial reception of Mrs Hatch took place at Newmarket and was large ly attended The drawingroom where Mrs Hatch and her mother received was prettily decora With ferns pink white carnations Mrs Hatch wore her wedding gown and was also assisted by Miss Toronto The learoom was very pretty In the centre of the table stood the wed ding cake decorated with smilax From each corner of the to the four corners the table were pink white ribbons finished with bows of ribbons Pink and white ferns and bonbon com pleted setting The lights were shade in pink Mrs presided assisted by Mrs J Wil son and Miss Elsie Penrose Little Miss answered and the bridesmaid Miss Penrose of Pino Orchard was ush er in the hall which was also decor ated with autumn leaves etc In the evening Mr Hatch and his fatherinlaw Mr J Partridge also assisted in the drawingroom Public School Board Regular meeting last Tuesday even ing- Present Messrs Burnt on Brim- son Manning and McKay The Principals report showed an average attendance during September of with 345 on the roll Non resident fees Following hills passed It freight It Son rep J Rose rep to Model do Work at Primary Douglas Bros rep at Model A hardware J A Allan Co do Pearson lumber A repairs It do Hewitt work at Model Insurance on The Secretary was instructed tohill It Hewitt with for brush and the Insurance Companies for the repairs amounting to In order to prevent confusion all children commencing school for first time must start only at thj be ginning of each term Friday of next week he as a school holiday The rcsigiatn of Mr as caretaker of the vas accept ed and Mrs Rogers appointed in his place at a salary of and Mr aUill was engaged as caretaker of the Model at a salary ol adjourned Labor Riot in Quebec The Strike in the McLaren r Mills a Buckingham which been for the month came b noon in a encounter liftiweeii strikers who wish ed othiM from to work Two were killed sixteen injured three of whom n not expected to live are to been lire of the Is Thomas of St the of IVoops were sent from Ottawa ami in under lav well of the Hotel at fell on a panning street car on live people badly injured Is stuffed full of my wifes property and when I want to put a J a few cuffs and collars Hold hard I I know what you mean Listen young man If your bedroom were 200 yards long and Hoed from the floor to the ceiling with drawers and yon wanted a place to stow away a couple of collars couldnt find a nook that wasnt full of hairpins tufts of frizzes pads boxes old gloves powder puffs ring and things So accept the Inevita ble Wrap your personal property In an old newspaper or some brown paper and hide the parcel under the bed The Inquirer smiled loudly and Ironi cally and passed on a wiser If not a better man flaaVa7VVV I Throning- Sticks A throwing stick throwing board or spear thrower as It la called Is a contrivance for casting a Javelin or harpoon which la employed by various savage races such as Australians some South American tribes and especially by Eskimos among whom its use Is al most universal Roughly speaking It Is a narrow grooved board a foot or long with one end cut into a handle and other provided with a stud or spur for the butt of spear to rest against It Is used thus Grasping the handle as he would a sword the man fits the shaft of the spear Into groove with the butt resting against the stud steadying the spear with the flDger Then extending his arm and back his baud till the spear lies horizontal be aims at the mark and propels the weapon by a quick forward jerk of the stick In this way I have seen Eskimo boys casting their forked javelins at wounded waterfowl When Dochnnan Warn George Buchanan was a scholar his torian Controversialist and the best Latin poet of his age Buchanan was tutor to Mary of Scots and to her son James afterward James I of England One day he caused himself to be made king of Scotland mid this was the way of It Having observed In James a tendency to too ready he drew up a- paper for the t royul pupil to sign James did so at once without having read It The doc ument happened to be a transfer of royal authority to Buchanan for fifteen days and no sooner the poet got It into his possession than be began to play the monarch even before tho king himself James thought the man lu- until tho Instrument was pro- by which he had signed away j Ills sovereignty Tula Incident was j used by the worthy preceptor to rate the days lesson on the responsi bilities of is Goods In this Department we are supremos The very newest and Uptpdate Materials with Trimmings and Silks to Match The leadinrr colors for this season are Garnet Wine Grey Navy Green of dark Green Black and Wavy are also worn- Wc stock them all in variety in all kinis of material Our bought for spot cash means that you save on an average for every Dress you buy from us MISS will our DressMaking Rooms Upstairs on Oct 1st Apprentices Wanted Apply to Miss Pairs Only Largest size flannelette Blankets White and Grey 8oc pr At 10c 15c yard At 12c yd Womens Ribbed Cashmere Extra Quality all sizes For cents and Shoes Buy your boots early this year as Leathers and Boots have advanced in price We are selling at same- old price while the stock lasts We are agents for the John Co and all other makes THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING Live Stock Market At the Toronto market this week t was about the top price obtain- lor exporters and this was paid The general run lor was about as Monkeys make poor said a zoo keeper When they live near a only lor a lew stream of water and one of the colony fairly good ones folia sick they Invariably toss him with mediums bringing about overboard They dont want him Export cows and bulls were S3 to round Ills sighs and groans annoy to I them so Past the dock A few picked butchers animals are Here In captivity I have to bringing- as high as hut ma- i At once a sick monkey from his com rules reach Otherwise hey would soon kill him When they con well monkeys take a Joy In tor- an Invalid Theyidtc the end of his tall they drag him about and they pinch him when he dies as many as can And room sit on his body close together very solemn though engaged In some religious rite It Is nald that during the of In the Boer tho column of British advancing in thick darkness climbed an almost pre cipitous wall or twice they faintly challenged At last a Boer rec- them and shouted to sentry to fire on As crest was gained broke out A few of the attackers to reply but they wero stopped and of commanding was beard to order Fix That were no bayonets did not matter men taking up cry on the Boer gunners who fled at thought of cold steel jcrity the best do not go beyond with to and dry cows to are at to lor the best and dairy stackers to Calves are lb Milkers arc still in good demand I Good export sheep arc bringing in the Toronto market to 9150 per and per head less The lainbo arc up to per Advance in hogs this week was paid Tuesday on cars in Toronto j and is offered on board care at country points Newmarket Markets October Whlt3 Wheat per Red Wheat per buoh Spring Wheat per Street of Peru The streets of Peru cHpcclally on gala cloys or when they wear dress of some celebration are Bald to bo among most picturesque In world la their narrow proportions they resemble somewhat the streets of China and contrast of colors used In decoration may be compared with Chinese There Is however a distinct Latin character to the decoration which lends them an entirely their own A sporting paper recommends cer tain way of avoiding tho bites of a dog however savage All ouo baa to do Is to stand perfectly still and hold hand out dog says writer will band In his mouth but will not But what we that dog knows thus London Globe He It best to bo courteous to all to man that you dlsllko You may want to borrow from him somo Boston Globe LU I A Full Line of New Dress Goods A Full Line of New Staples A Full Lino of New An Unrivalled Assortment of t Heavy Weight Fabrics best value in all grades Call and see us if you want a NOBBY Complete Stock of Woolen Trim mings W L N I 4 4 loose per Rye per bush Barley per per bush Oats per Shorts per ton- Hay per ton Butter roll per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag 28 20 00 9 0 0 It- It has been decided that the fust lacrosse mutch for the championship will take place Toronto on Hat next and second and final match at Ottawa on Saturday Oct Toronto Markets A Good Chance To education will fit you for or la by under new with Improved couriic and -juip- mo I Our la new and of heat Write for free of Writing British American Business College Toronto October 11 10G Wheat per bush Red Wheat per Wheat per bush 0 Barley per bush 0 per Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush Rye per bush Hay per ton Butter roll per lb Tub or Crock Butter Butter roll per lb 0 38- 0 00 69 0 0013 0 25 22 0 Dressed per 00 per lb 0 0 par lb 0 Potatoes per bag 0 1 16 14 A Chinaman at London and costs for girl ThoroBred Hogs for Sale Largo English all ages Special prices for quick sale as tho hailstorm has left mo short of feed J TELEGRAPHY in tho first towards posi tion paying from to per in railway You can become a good operator In months it you study Central St Toronto ftneat School in Canada J Johnston

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