House to Rent On the South aide of A Newmarket New House to Rent On Niagara next to Mr J to Rose Kewmarket to for Sale Parlor Cook Goal Stove pipe also Cosi Heat ST Both condition Mouse Building Lots Corner Queen and Niagara Sa property cat be bought and en Apply to John Hunter For Farmers A Good Grade Brood nine piss two weeks some Choice Grade Sown EDGAR DENNIS Newmarket For Sale Good But What could be Is tflllfnir to work Hut as I dont want to sell my Ice House and A For Sale A JJClrble at he corn er of Park and Avenues double lot small end stable Also a good general horse Apply to School Teacher Wanted For Section So Township of Knf for the Applicants to state expected PO Bees for Sale Swarms at 13 each chaff hives Also one extractor and two wax extractors HENRY Pine Orchard Farm For Sale North Half of con- acre all cleared EOllctey well fenced watered tank roughest orchard within one mile from where are churches echo market of this irrn may be had Immediately or In 1 years time Apply to LEWIS IK Box For Sale Finest Land fn Saskatchewan Will sell ball section Land within of Grand Trunk Track laid acd Iron bein laid TERMS an Acre Down paid until second year when Orel crop cornea In full particulars I- Court Brooklyn JW ILL Minister of Educa tion has been Premier tbUs the absence PremUr Whitney at Ottawa attending the Pro- vincial Premiers Subsidies Confer ence with the Government According to the revelations before toe Insurance Commission the same underlying principle has obtained uti lising trust funds for private purposes In Toronto as prevailed in Yorfe but tie law has taken quite toe same hold upon the operators as yet and landed them in the penitentiary The local option bylaw in toe town ship of was restored and put in force on Monday by a judgment of the Divisional Court setting aside the order of Chief Justice Meredith quash- fee bylaw on the ground of crib- February cry The Divisional Court holds that Edward Wilson Wallace son of treating was not general and not Prof F Wallace of Victoria Uni- City last for Alaini toat- tend convention of- the Municipal Improvement Society Making fiewaa hfltp to a large estate in England Freeman induced a young gin whom hi hod promised to marry to hand over money He also Mrs boardinghouse mistress out of and stole a gold chain is man lives by nerve said the Police Magistrate and sent him down for six months Last Friday Mr Justice handed out an award of damage in the case of Abbot against the of Vaughan It appears Abbot had his leg broken and knee cap injured by being thrown from a load of hay on a defective roadway sufficient to affect the result the hotelkeeper the costs to pay In the Supreme Court at Ottawa on Monday last the appeal proceedings in the petitioners in tbe Fielding election case were dismissed Wo was ordained at Trinity Meth odist church Sunday to mission work in He has been an active Sabbath school and church worker at Trinity was Dr hay the Court stated the question disallowed by the trial jud ges was properly so rejected and that the appeal should be dismissed with coste and the necessary certificates forwarded to the Speaker Commenting on political senti ment in London over recent revela tions the last byeelection the Toronto Put two hardened conscienceles transAtlantic steamer poker sharps opposite each other in a of freezeout and yew have the political situation in Lon don In one case marked cards extra aces stacking and crooked deals will be the result In the other the result for years has been bribery direct and indirect intimidation treating whiskey figs feet beer sandwiches roorbachs and entire moral sense If case begun in the Police Court can have the effect of making the politics of London fairly it will be a godsend to the public life of country If it can show that laugh ing at crime does not make the crim inal any more respectable it will not be in vain present Fully six hundred men representing many churches and also the class assembled at Slier- bourne street Methodist Church last I Sunday afternoon to hear the first of a series of monthly addresses to men by Rev Geo Jackson In Edinburgh from which ho has recently come Rev Mr Jackson made a great success of these meetings for Municipal honors next January are already being named The conspiracy charges growing out of the civic enquiry will resumed Tuesday next Eight persons will be A yard man of the named Albert Lamb was run over on Mon day night and killed This is a clear case of persistent thieving said Magistrate Monday to Alexander a real estate and insurance agent I when he sentenced him to the Central Prison for six months was convicted of passing worthless checks to the amount of on several people in the city At the show down in Renfrew In case of Mrs of King this year the directors placed or the Township against Walter Folliott walls of the building on the on cultural Grounds some baskets with a placard ask ing people to throw therein waste paper fruit peelings and all class of refuse which to making the look untidy The Mercury the request was reasonably hon ored so that at no time there much of a litter about This added to the general appearance of the grounds and was publicly commanded by Mr Coleman The latter re presented the Agricultural Depart ment of the Ontario Government We make note of this circumstance as a hint to the of the North York and other Fairs in this part of the province Oar Toronto better for the seduction of her daughter the jury gave her a verdict of Si damages At the close of the trial Thanksgiving Day phone Reformer Block NEWMARKET FOR SALE to the Town of It IwA well rental In now offered for tele public particulars end of pi to Of Sheriff The Rainy Season HAVE BC Red Cedar Shingles Brunswick and fto Our PEARSON Park Avenue NEWMARKET The big game reason will soon he here and the sporting toon arc getting their guns ready Included in the crowd is the fool mankiller who cant tell the difference between a human being and a loping wild animal The papers will report his name before the is over On Monday Police Magistrate sent Nicholas to a jury for trial on the charge of perjury arising out of the case in which bin brother was of running a handbook The of Mesr Adam and Alx Wilson of the House charged with Stealing from Toronto Light Co was ent up for a jury trial JsiutCol owing ill- health has resigned the Sec retaryship of the Mr It Mat- hewn of has been appointed as his On Saturday last Grand Jury on behalf of the public indicted the Toronto Railway Company for main a common nuisance by per- their tracks on of King and Queen Streets to remain in their present condition in the nature of the formal charge Frank last Friday night indulge in cornjuice until ho lost his manhood aid when passing a comely young maiden on the street took a violent for She scream ed and ran away This brought policemen on the who Frank morning the Cadi taxed Kennedy 000 and costs The way of the transgressor is hard The city legal department has at few times in its history busier than it is at present There are High and Count Court pond ing claim for damages have been entered against the city which have not yet been disposed of The visit to Rochester of Toronto schl teacher and extend ing from Oct 18th to tho end of the promise lo an in structive trip was at once arrested on a charge of procuring dangerous instru ments for on illegal purpose The evidence disclosed that he got them from an Aurora druggist Eddie the Toronto sculler was given a hearty sendoff at the Union Station when he left on his long trip to Australia where he will race next March with George Towns for the worlds sculling championship Jewels valued at have appeared from a trunk in the King Edward Hotel Lieut Gov Clark on Saturday last laid corner stone of Avenue Road Presbyterian Tho new church will cost about A favorite elocutionist in Toronto Miss Alexander will appear in Association Hall on Thanksgiving night A disgraceful scrap occurred on Monday among the University stu dents resulting in damage to private property and street cars and annoy ance to many citizens It iH said that about students engaged in the melee which started on the Uni versity grounds and gradually worked iU way south to College Tho cm- duct of students was exceedingly dis graceful The university authorities should make such an example of those actually engaged in the rowdyism as will a warning to future students Tho civil authorities ought to send some of tho participants to quod As a result of a letter written from the jail by Curry who was found in of stolen from Cooks ville and Jack Thompson was arrested Monday night on a charge of receiving stolon property Thompson Rays he got it from Arthur now in custody Geo and will have to stand trial for During the windstorm Monday night a brick on the corner of College and streets in course of construction collapsed A of bricks mortar boards and steel girders is all that is left It was a threo storey structure and brick work was almost finished Knocked down by a runaway horse at the corner of arid streets Monday evening Mrs Mar garet a widow was taken to the Western Hospital in a semi con scious condition suffering from con- of the brain Mrs Cook of Strathroy spent the weekend with friends in town Fletcher has returned outer spending a month in Toronto Mrs John Jackson Toronto is spending a fortnight at The Mr of Montreal spent over ay with his fatherinlaw Mr John Millard Mr and Mrs S Au were in Town on Wednesday on account of Mrs Mrs Sheppard of is spending a fortnight with her mother Mrs Stocking Mr and Mrs Fred Mr and Mrs Ross Evans Mr and Mrs Robert and Miss Lizzie Smith spent Sunday last at Mrs George Roses The Executive of the Lincoln County Association recom mended their teachers to vote for A A Jordan of J of Chatham and Win Linton of Gait for members the Advisory Council of Education Mr Jordan formerly taught in this vioinity Mr and Mrs Schmidt got from Rochester on Saturday night after spending a week in that fine American city While there they attended the of his Mr Frederick to Miss Graham daughter the postmaster There were guests present and every thing was conducted on an elaborate scale Q Sale Register SATURDAY Oct Tbeakston will have a cash sale of new furniture at his store in Sha ron commencing at one oclock H Auctioneer SATURDAY Oct Lots on- the Market SuuftW New market at 2 oclock See ad Duncan Auctioneer SATURDAY Oct will have an- unreserved sale of household furniture on premises Queer St Newmarket commencing at one oclock Terms cash Duncan Auctioneer TUESDAY Oct16Mr T lot 33 con East will hold an extensive unreserved auction sale of horses cattle implements etc at- oclock sharp on the usual terms Miss of is visiting her uncle Mr J A Phillips The cider mill reopened last week to the great delight of immediate neighborhood Mr Ask in of Toronto Junction Sunday at home of Mr Miller The School Board met on Monday afternoon and transacted some neces sary business The Literary society held its first meeting of the season last Friday eve- There was a goodly attendance of the young people of the neighbor hood all anxious for many pleasant and profitable evenings and desirous of making the society a continued success The following ollicers elected President A 1st Vice- Miss Addin Phillips Miss Ella Rut ton Trcasurer7Ccruld Cor Sec Miss A Huston Prog Com Misses Fry and Dora Business Com Phillips ami J Huston The next meeting will bo held on Friday evening 19th when a literary program will le given All are welcome TUB ALTAR MARTIN At tree8 on Oct Helen daughter the late Captain and Mrs Robert Camp bell to Rev A J Martin of formerly of Now market At the Rectory Bolton on Oct I by Rev Jos eph Fletcher Miss Fry ter of Mr John Fry King to Edward Turner of Tccum- BRYANWATSONOn Sept 20 by the Rev Langford the home of tho brides parents Miss daughter of Mr James Watson to Mr Robt William Bryan both of tho town ship of King S J Furniture Undertaking MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Attention me of Quality Suit and Overcoat Youre likely to be needing a New Suit or Overcoat about now sir If you do you have a choice of just two ways of getting it The one way is to patronize the tapeline sys tem while the other way is to try a suit thats all ready made put on If youve no care for money and dont mind pay ing double because of a small label in the coat collar youll probably take the first course If you do care for money you will come here and get very bit as Good Garment And Save The are made after our suggestions by the Leading Mens Clothing Makers of the country We can and do vouch for the Correctness of Style and Fit the Quality of Materials and Workmanship A try- on takes but a minute commits you to nothing r If Anything Goes Wrong Come in and Get Your Rfloney and Suits at 1500 and 1800 A boy seventeen years of age named Walsh was killed at by a fallen electric wire TUB Town on to Mr and Mrs John Walsh a son ROLLING In East on Oct to Mr and Mrs Rolling a daughter TATE At Holland Landing on Oct to Mr and Mrs Tate a daughter ALLISON At Perry on Oct to Mr ami Mrs Al lison nee Miss Cane of Newmarket a daughter TUB TOMB In Oct Mrs Mary aged years Tp on Oct Walter Flay aged- years In terred at Newmarket Cemetery on Tuesday SCOTT On Oct at Ids fath ers Walter only son of Mr Wilson Scott In his year Grace Hospital To ronto on Sept 20 Victor Infant son of Mr and Mrs Har old aged 11 days At the home of Mr Jab Stewart Oak Ridges Sept 26 by Rev J T Morris Herbert M of Toronto Famous Sausage Fresh Every Day two Pounds tor cents A Table Phone 35 THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to av John Millard Phono and A a 4 A FARMERS ATTENTION When you have Wheat and want Flour bring it to mo and I will It for either LUKES RELIANCE BALDWINS Aurora Belle ox- 4 v PURE MANITOBA Royal SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Try my Coal Best in the Market Special Rates to who draw it themselves North End Flour and Feed Store PHONE W Farm for Sale 100 acres being west of lot con 3 East miles North of clay loam In good state of cultivation and cleao well fenced Good Solid brick house barns oro Well For particu lars apply to Mrs P at Right LUKE GIBBONS Lot 3rd Con King 3w carEra till January for 20c House and Lot in Newmarket For ot To Rent West Apply on near Millards Factory