Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Oct 1906, p. 3

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fry -I- i l TUEJMRKERA FRIDAY- OCTOBER i- i i OS IK A SOOT York Regiment The annual rifle Regiment will by held at Long Branch cm Thanksgiving Day Oct commencing at one oclock Mountain Dew An Inland Revenue came up from Toronto on Monday morning and obtaining the assistance of Con stable drove to the sand Newmarket High School At a meeting of the Board Fri day evening it was decided to two entitling toe hold ers to tuition for two years to the writing or entrance to Newmarket High School obtaining the highest rashes one for pupils in end the other for pupils out side of town The Chairman and Principal were appointed to draft a circular setting forth the information N Ag Society All appeals against the awarded at the Newmarket- bo heard tomorrow afternoon If youhave a bill against the Society forget to send it in You can draw your Prize Money any day next week ZTTZTTTi More Houses Work was commenced on Tuesday at ube public schools in riding except of Ave Aurora An adjourned meeting of the JoSejh St Mr has Board takes place Organ Recital plains north of Landing where I- it was suspected that an illicit still Praise is due to Miss Coon for operation but the of was Was in the law failed to find itswbercaouts the splendid Organ Recital and Choir Concert in the Methodist Church last Monday evening There was a fair attendance and everybody was well pleased Miss Coon gave six the pipe organ introducing the lot and will erect the houses to meet the great demand of tenants League There was a lair attendance at meeting on Tuesday evening and the address by the pastor comprising personal obcrser rations in connection with the mission work in the large how Local Option Works On another page will be found anions Interesting letter concerning work- a very large range of combinations was Ber ing of Local Option in Owen Sound equalling anything that has ever We commend it to the people of North produced on the instrument Not York and especially in those in manipulating the pipe organ Accidents palities where petitions are in circula tion asking for the vote next Jan but also as accompanist on the piano On Wednesday morning two men t0 working on the farm of Mr George Industrial home The Commissioners met on Monday and passed accounts amounting to This sum includes the quarters that salaries of the officers and a grocery hill of over that should have been paid the month previous There are now inmates at the Home and comparatively no sickness Bad Fall assuming adept musician The choir formed a charming pic ture the ladies dressed in white and gentlemen in black and selections were fine especially one entitled His Night on Evans East met with similar accidents Mr Thomas was feeding a when the end of his finger was taken About an hour after Mr Sam who took his place at the same machine which introduced a lovely duett by the thumb taken his left hand Miss Edna and Miss Maud Richardson The solos The Prodigal Son and Th2 King is Coming Mr Geo Dickson of the Sherlock Male Quart ette Toronto were very choice and Both men were brought to Newmarket and the wounds properly dressed King Township A meeting of the King Township Lo is uotjdo ico Last Saturday little the The Pharisee The atold daughter of Mr H- Robert Page of on Saturday October yeat del climbed the baluster of the front porch and fell over headfirst to the Toronto at p A full attendance of all Taken all through it was the best interested in this movement is Co yet given The Petitions are now being all scratched with the shrubbery nearly mi and under the new Act if 25 per but ir to mention that the of the electors sign the Council hut per parents are thankful that no bones were broken A Slick Fellow The officers of the law were hunting around town on Saturday for a man who claimed to be an agent lor some Toronto Manufacturing Co lie was dealing with storekeepers getting orders and some cash extending op erations to the surrounding villages Two liverymen in Newmarket have un paid accounts amounting to some one of our boardinghouses has also been fleeced The stranger is wanted in Bradford and Richmond Hill where were left onsettied reading desk was removed and the to submit the bylaw at the platform was artiscailv January election Petitions will be with choice plants fiowrs presented to the Council at their Oct meeting Address and Presentation Rev V Thompson M A Executlve Meeting rector of St Pauls church The Executive Committee of the market on leaving Bay Sim- North York Sunday School Co last month was presented meets in Newmarket on I with the following address day to decide on the date for the next Reverend and Dear Sir The mem- annual convention and arrange tlie hers of your congregations at Shanty Buy Cast Provincial Convention A Curiosity Phillips has a nat ural curiosity in his garden An ordinary pumpkin vine has grown to be about feet in length About feet from the root is a ripe pump kin that measures about four feet in circumference Up to point the your regular duties or from respond- is round and about 2 in to the frequent calls made upon meter but the peculiar feature is that you for any of the occasions when from this on the vine gradually services were required They broadens out and at a distance of SO feet from the roots it measures a foot wide and in in depth There learned of your intended departure takes place at Kingston on the from ths Mission desire to express and of this All their warm Sense of the zeal and promised by school and votion you have always shown in the individuals should be paid at once to discharge of the various branches of Garrett so as to your ministerial duties especially in be included in this years report visiting the sick and for the spiritual needs of your people They have always in friend in need as well as a friend in deed and Presbyterian Church There was a splendid attendance of Sabbath School children and their pa rents and friends at the Childrens no difficulties- or care for personal com- you from the punctual discharge of have also observed that in the of the Church services gave to them such The work is encouraging and pleads for more teachers The offering was At a recent meeting of Session Mr was appointed rep resentative elder for the ensuing year you and the pastor attended in Toronto are two other good sized pumpkinras to impress upon your hearers not Tuesday near the end of the vine It is surOnly the beauty of the service them- j prising could nourish sche but also the spirt of piety and t morning devotion felt by yourself in a healthy production MoffatCorson charge of that most important duly Mrs Thompson they desire to ex- October press appreciation of her unfail- on Sabbath October on Friday News kindness to all her readiness to lowing account of marriage of Mr Insist in need fulness Andrew son of Mrs Alex Moll- under and her active co at of town I operation in all to titer the On Wednesday afternoon Sept work of the Church in the Mission In Metropolitan Extension Officials of construction gang on line between Newmarket and Jack sons Point report that the ballasting relatives w- Williams liarj church which took present Rev John of your family not attainable the Chris- iu the Mission of Shanty Kay They the ceremony oflrr for your acceptance the accom- JM la in the double par purse as token of arge floral wdding regard felt for you and Mrs room and in all parts of the mission lor beneath a la bell The dining room and parlors were tastefully decorated witli palms The address was accompanied by a and flowers and barkings of green and purse of about Previous was in a oiI white with wedding veil and on Thanksgiving Day If cannot be done why not allow an ex cursion on flat cars fitted up tempor arily thus affording Orchard Cottagers and others an opportunity to have ft holiday on the lake shore I purse of about WOO to w v this event the people of would it and the a ftddrers Company would gain thereb panic by a purse of iN blossoms aid carried a lKiuqut of bridal roses She was attended by Williams a little Miss who the wedding ring ring prl also dresied in white silk with Miss Kose Pat ton played Welding March giving a splen did interpretation to the famous mus ic And after the impressive cere mony the happy couple adjourtAd to the dicing room sat down a dainty and elaborate wedding feast which was with a few in which speakers took oc casion to express many felicitations The brides travelling dress was of navy blue broadcloth hat to match A gwl-hum- crowd of was in wting at railway station when party drove the train aid the hrid- couple were lowered rice and hearty wishes for their welfare The winding were quit numerous betokening ilh esteem in which the young pair are by a wide circle of friends The grooms pit his was a en received a of her kindly at1 capable serVlow a gold cross wit and little opal setting and WoBat The friends of and Mrs ThomjH wn will be pleased to learn that their efforts have been so greatly ap preciated DIAMONDS DIAMOND RINGS KINGS PKAHJ left for a PKAKIv PINS PIvAHI Fair Friday next wcok special vice on the Schomberg mid Aurora connecting with tlu Metropolitan oclock cara m Iron Toronto am Also late car ft to Toronto and at p at o On con cert The following rates apply to Good going on and and returidng up to ami on October Toronto SI Richmond Hill Aurora Other points on the iyi the a rate on same Newmarket y Aurora at portion Pine Jewelry at the Prices i CO find The high School The following firstclass artists will appear at the High School Concert on Oct Mr Geo Pax Mr soloist Miss Weaver reader Miss viol inist A splendid program Is Window hangers and will football club Is very active They have played two matches with A the Model Softool and not one goal coryi against thorn were against the other side either It is the other team will lose a few goals In match The team have received a challenge from Aurora High School for Oct the ot the annual sports In Aurora Another Billiard Parlor The of a license for pool in Newmarket lefftfie open to a good deal of ad verse criticism present billiard parlor together with the table in the is- qui to sufficient to meet too requirements of the town in this line and- from what we can learn no person will be found to conduct the business on principles than Mr Something Doing And much is looked for shortly in th matter college re building The location must be deli- made toward flic delivery of material at the siteto be chosen Active operations must commence this fall and it more of our progressive citizens will cheerfully lend their aid towards the completion of the subscription list gave the board their first incentive towards tfco consideration of the claims decided this month and a move market as a desirable point for the college C T Tho regular meeting of the held on Tuesday afternoon was well attended The work is being taken up With renewed interest and zeal Several items of business were discussed and settled one of which was the necessity sending a bale of clothing to be distributed anioig- the poor by the Missionary at the lumber camps A request is made to all those who contribute this cause leave all donations the home of Mrs Maw Park Ave at the earliest con venience The Union decided to visit as a tody the Industrial Home on Tuesday after noon of next week an invitation is extended to any who can join This an opportunity to those who have a desire to visit the llme A conveyance will be in readiness at Mr Hughes store at y30 oclock 3 J Dress Good In this Department we arc prac tically supreme The very newest and Uptodate Materials with and Silks to Match leading colors for this season are Garnet Wine Grey Navy Green Plaids of dark Green Black and Navy arc also worn We stock them all in great variety in all of material Our for spot cash that you save on an average SI DO for every Dress you buy from us MISS will DressMaking Rooms Oct 1st Apprentices Wanted Apply to Miss Pairs Only Largest size Flannelette Blankets White and Grey pr At Be yard At 12c Womens Hoes Extra Quality all sizes regular For cents and Shoes occupy our Upstairs on Buy your boots early this year as leathers and Boots have advanced in price We are selling at the sumo old price while the stock lasts We are agents for the John son Co and all other makes Err THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING Brlefets Mr got a finger cut at the Specialty one day last week The buyers are this section this week Dr fine bowling green is get ting lots of use these beautiful after noons An case lor last driine is to be ventilated at the Police Court on Fair closes today Fair next Tuesday A gang of Kids were having a chari vari in Park avenue Wednesday even ing They are paying for winter and for fall apples taking the whole orchard A lot young men enjoyed a chari vari oyster supper at Ewers restaur ant on Wednesday night Dont forget the Institute next Saturday Orchard Beach Ratepayers Associa tion meets tonight Several school reports received too late for this issue Curling Club will meet next Thursday night at the Court House o Town Council SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING The Council met Mayor i Mil 21 on Monday night n the present Smith Morgan and Keith The minuter of last meeting were read and approved The folio win accounts were or dered to be paid Can Co Wilson wages borne Hon United A coal If K Wick coal freight A Yule duty A drawing coal Pay Sheet No R and The applications of Prospect St Hill St and MM Queen St for water granted The Town Hall And Market presented a report on Mar ket and Hall and also a lender from It Osborne Bonn giv ing the price for which they will do the work The tender of P fionn referred to the Finance Committee to report on The- Clerk was instructed to write to Mm IS and aHk her to repair the drain from her building now used as a laundry Mr A Goring granted a re fund of on account of time of licence By Mr from Mr asking to have a granted for operating ft and pool room which application endorsed by a largely signed peti tion which was presented by Mr Moved by Mr Smith seconded by Mr petition of 1slio for a pool room bo granted and wro for with tho retmlt ttjoith Keith and Morgan Sale Register SATURDAY Oct 13Hr will have a cash sale new furniture at his store in Sha ron commencing at one oclock Kavanagh Auctioneer TUESDAY Oct T lot con East will hold an extensive unreserved auction of horses cattle implements etc at oclock sharp on the usual terms W Kavanagh SATURDAY OCT the Royal Hotel Newmarket at am there will be offered for sale the farm known as the es tate consisting ol west J lot and southwest lot 3rd con cession of con taining in all acres more or less Purchaser to take possession April with privilege of go ing on with fall plowing with stabling for team and bed room for 1 man Onehalf cash and bal ance in mortgage at per cent See bills or apply to Mrs Auctioneer o Live Stock Market At the Toronto markot this week was about the top price obtain for exporters and this was paid only or a few The general run for fairly good ones was about with mediums bringing about and bulls were to A A A FARMER When you have Wheat and change it for cither ATTENTION Flour bring it to me and I will ex- Try my LUKES RELIANCE BALDWINS Aurora Belle PURE MANITOBA Royal ION A A T E I Coal Best in the Market draw it themselves 22 North End Flour and Feed Store Special Rates to those Export cows to A few picked butchers animals are bringing as high as hut ma- doctor de- of best do nut go beyond The bylaw to guarantee a loan of to the Bedstead Co was carried at That high collars tend to produce nervous headaches among both men and women is the most recent discov ery of a well known physician Quite accidentally the doctors attention was directed to the very high afid very tight style of collar worn by a patient- who was always complaining of headache and giddiness col lar was laid aside thus removing the compression of the neck and pa tients headaches and giddiness dis appeared Struck by result the doctor paid particular attention to kind of collars worn by his head ache patients and in very many in stances the change to lower and eas ier fitting collars brought immediate relief In the case of women wearing high stiff neckbands it was found doing away with these had a medium 5375 to and dry cows to Light arc going at to for the best and dairy to Calves are and Milkers are In good demand Good export arc bringing in the Toronto market to per and per head less The lambs arc up to per Advance In hogs this week was paid Tuesday off cars in Toronto and Is offered on board cars at country points till January for 20c 1 that nobody with any tendency to fihould wear high collars TELEGRAPHY Is first Btp towards posi tions paying from 55000 to 000 per annum In railway service You can become a good operator In months If you study in tho Central Telegraphy School St Toronto Tho finest School In Canada Write for particulars H Shaw President T J Johnston Prln Toronto Markets White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush Oats new per bush Buckwheat per bush per bush Hay per ton Butter roll per Tub or Crock Butter Dressed Hogs per Chickens per lb Potatoes per bag er 4 0 72 0 0 m 0 0 00 5 0013 23 0 28 0 0 22 00 Newmarket Markets October Whits Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat per bush 0 0 Rye per bush 0 0 Barley per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush 0 Shorts per ton Hay per ton per lb per per bog So- 00 a An engine and four wrecked in a rearend collision at an -ivy- m i To Cur m nt Quinine Seven la months w

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